
Trump versus Fauci


Jan 26, 2003
Trump mused about why Dr. Fauci was more popular than he was on television a few days ago. After Dr. Birx said that the pandemic had entered a new phase, Trump, today, called her "pathetic". I am wondering if there might be a correlation between how Trump handles important situations and how popular he is compared with Dr. Fauci.

"Coronavirus Live Updates: Fauci Supports Birx’s Assessment After Trump Criticizes Her
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci agreed with Dr. Deborah Birx’s statement that the United States has entered a “new phase” of the pandemic.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci agreed with Dr. Deborah Birx’s statement that the United States has entered a “new phase” of the pandemic.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times

Birx, criticized by Trump, is defended by Fauci on the pandemic’s spread.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, agreed on Monday with his colleague Dr. Deborah Birx that the United States has entered a “new phase” of the coronavirus pandemic, in which the virus is now spreading uncontrolled in some states by asymptomatic people — comments that drew fire from President Trump.

Dr. Fauci said Dr. Birx had been referring to the “inherent community spread” that is occurring in some states, adding: 'When you have community spread, it’s much more difficult to get your arms around that and contain it.'

Speaking during a news conference with Gov. Ned Lamont of Connecticut, Dr. Fauci called the community spread 'insidious' and noted that it was happening outside of confined spaces like nursing homes and prisons.

In backing up Dr. Birx, the Trump administration’s coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Fauci indirectly put himself at odds with the president. Earlier on Monday, Mr. Trump had called Dr. Birx 'pathetic' on Twitter and suggested that her comments about a 'new phase' were an effort to curry favor with Speaker Nancy Pelosi."
Trump doesn’t want to believe let alone accept that the Covid 19 virus is extremely serious and is killing thousands. He only cares about himself and his ratings. He loves being President because he thinks that makes him the most powerful and important person in the world. He doesn’t give a sh** about the responsibilities or obligations of Office it’s just ME ME ME ME all the way.
Tens of thousands of Americans will unnecessarily die because of his attitude and lack of appropriate directives and actions.
No one likes wearing a mask, no one likes being told to stay home, no one likes being restricted in their activities but if the alternative is unnecessary deaths, JUST DO IT.
There is no comparison or correlation between Fauci and Trump. One is educated, experienced, scientific and fact based. The other is - well, he is Trump.
Well Trump spent the first months of the pandemic in denial that the virus existed. He spent the months after that insisting that the USA would be in better shape than ever and that the virus would just....go away. Now he's trying to fool himself into thinking that his message in 2016 is at all relevant in 2020.

Fauci is a well respected scientist and doctor. One deals in fantasy, the other in reality.