
Totally random acts of kindness.

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Jan 13, 2006
A bit of background. My hubby is a precinct committeeman, and each election I have made the polling judges a sour cream coffee cake for breakfast (it was hubby''s idea, he thought it would be nice to do, which it is, except I get to cook it
). This year we had another precinct combined with ours, so I made the CC and a Mexican breakfast casserole.

Today I got a Valentine card in the mail from one of the judges who lives at the end of our street, thanking me for taking such good care of them, and telling me how sweet I am to do this. I was totally caught off gaurd by this, but needless to say, very pleased!

Anyone else had a really random act of kindness?
I''m sorry ... I got stuck on "sour cream coffee cake" and haven''t been able to read further.

Will you be MY valentine?
Ellen, as I see it. Yours was the random act of kindness.

You softie, you!
Date: 2/10/2009 7:26:21 PM
Author: decodelighted
I''m sorry ... I got stuck on ''sour cream coffee cake'' and haven''t been able to read further.

Will you be MY valentine?

Deco, I sooooo second you

You had me at sour cream coffee cake, Ellen.
Date: 2/10/2009 7:26:21 PM
Author: decodelighted
I'm sorry ... I got stuck on 'sour cream coffee cake' and haven't been able to read further.

Will you be MY valentine?
I take it this translates to, you'd like the recipe? If so, just for you.
(and DD)

Sour cream Coffeee cake

2 c. sugar
1 c. butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sour cream
2 c. flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powdrer
1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 c. chopped pecans
6 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. cinnammon

Mix in small bowl.

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, van., and sour cream. Then add flour, baking powder and salt. (I do this all by hand, for some reason it turns out better than if I use a mixer) Sprinkle topping over all.

Put in 9x13 pan or 2- 8 in. pans, greased. Bake at 325 for 35-40 min.

Then try not to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

steel, thank you!

HD, lol!!
OMG that''s my family''s EXACT recipe. It''s a Christmas tradition in my house to serve it with coffee before presents are opened. I made one for my dad this past year and he ate the entire thing in under 24 hours!
Date: 2/10/2009 7:56:53 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
OMG that''s my family''s EXACT recipe. It''s a Christmas tradition in my house to serve it with coffee before presents are opened. I made one for my dad this past year and he ate the entire thing in under 24 hours!
I can believe that!

Wow, small world!
Ellen, that''s so nice of you to make a coffee cream cake.

I was leaving a reading convention in Milwaukee, WI on Thursday and I let a woman pull her car in front of mine in the exit line of the pay parking lot. As a thank you, she paid for my parking and asked the cashier to say "Thank you for letting me cut in" when I pulled up to pay. So nice!
DH and I were at Walmart one night in a self-checkout line and the guy ahead of us left his change. Not just pocket change... around $20 or so. We brought it to customer service and told them where we found it and gave them our contact info in case it wasn''t claimed. When we walked outside to the car we saw him getting into his so we let him know. Later, I got a voice mail from the guy saying he wanted my address. I emailed it to him and he ended up bringing by a T-shirt for a popular local restaurant and a giftcard for another resturant. I thought it was so sweet that he wanted to thank me!
I was buying a pair of speakers for a used merchandise place today. The pair of speakers should have been $5, but the gentleman charged me $3 and told me to come back soon.

Only $2, but meant a lot to me, since I am unemployed right now.
Mark and I were Halloween shopping and looking at pretty expensive candy bowls...we were really excited because at the time it was our first holiday older lady overheard us, and came up to us a few minutes later with a giftcard to cover the cost of the candy dish!!!

How sweet?

Every time I hand out candy I think of her...
I ended up stranded in LA a few years ago (looooong story) and took a shuttle to a hotel. I started chatting with a girl on the shuttle, and we hit it off pretty well.

When we got to the hotel, they only had one room left. Double, non-smoking. She asked me if I''d be willing to share the room with her since there was only one, which I thought was very kind. When I went to put my card down to pay my half, she wouldn''t let me. She said she would have had to pay for the room either way, so I should save my money.

I ended up asking for her business card later, so that I could send her a thank you and some flowers, and she didn''t have any on her (or wasn''t willing to give one). All I know is a woman named Katie from New York helped a terrible night from getting even worse, and I will try to do the same if I ever run across a stranded college student someday.
Date: 2/10/2009 7:51:15 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/10/2009 7:26:21 PM
Author: decodelighted
I'm sorry ... I got stuck on 'sour cream coffee cake' and haven't been able to read further.

Will you be MY valentine?
I take it this translates to, you'd like the recipe? If so, just for you.
(and DD)

Sour cream Coffeee cake

2 c. sugar
1 c. butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sour cream
2 c. flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powdrer
1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 c. chopped pecans
6 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. cinnammon

Mix in small bowl.

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, van., and sour cream. Then add flour, baking powder and salt. (I do this all by hand, for some reason it turns out better than if I use a mixer) Sprinkle topping over all.

Put in 9x13 pan or 2- 8 in. pans, greased. Bake at 325 for 35-40 min.

Then try not to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

steel, thank you!

HD, lol!!
Oh man I love coffee cake for the delicious cinnamon crumble top, yum yum

Ah Ellen you are a fabulous lady!! xoxoxo
Date: 2/10/2009 7:51:15 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/10/2009 7:26:21 PM
Author: decodelighted
I''m sorry ... I got stuck on ''sour cream coffee cake'' and haven''t been able to read further.

Will you be MY valentine?
I take it this translates to, you''d like the recipe? If so, just for you.
(and DD)

Sour cream Coffeee cake

2 c. sugar
1 c. butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sour cream
2 c. flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powdrer
1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 c. chopped pecans
6 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. cinnammon

Mix in small bowl.

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, van., and sour cream. Then add flour, baking powder and salt. (I do this all by hand, for some reason it turns out better than if I use a mixer) Sprinkle topping over all.

Put in 9x13 pan or 2- 8 in. pans, greased. Bake at 325 for 35-40 min.

Then try not to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

steel, thank you!

HD, lol!!
That was very sweet of him to send you a lovely card. That is also very sweet of you to make it for them every year. I am going to print out this recipe. I love coffee cake and this sounds delicious.
Well, its not completely random, but a cousin I''d never met before and didn''t know I had welcomed me, a colleague, and my college boyfriend (now DH) into her home on a night when I was in a horrible car accident coming back from a conference - she and her family fed us, let me use her phone endlessly to sort out details with insurance, and was generally a savior - I felt so incredibly lucky to have someone take care of us like that.
Yum!!! Sounds delicious!!
How sweet of you, Ellen. I can see how that would be very much appreciated. I''d want to be your Valentine, too! I''m glad that your neighbour was so considerate as to acknowledge!! Makes it all the more worth the effort. Random Acts of Kindness are the best!

During undergrad, I worked at a coffee shop and had a few regular customers. One of the regulars was an older gentleman who usually kept to himself, didn''t talk too much but made sure to say thanks before he left. He knew that my co-worker and I would be graduating ... just from hearing us chit chat .... and one day he came in with 2 x $1,000 cheques. One for each of us!

It was incredible and so, so unexpected and unnecessary. I wasn''t "allowed" to accept the gift, however, he wouldn''t have it any other way. No strings attached. I am still amazed, to this day, at his generosity. I hope someday to be able to do something similar or as impactful for somebody else ... pay it forward, so to speak.
Thank you all, I love hearing these stories. Seriously, it helps to restore my almost total lack of faith in mankind these days.

Italian, that was so sweet of that lady, and I''m sure you do think of her every time you use it!

Sparks, dang! Now THAT is not only random, but terribly generous too. What a guy! And yes, do pay it forward, you will be rewarded for that some day, no doubt.

marcy, funny, it was actually a lady. A very sweet lady at that.

I would love to hear more!
I have a story; it happened last week. I was in a super duper long line buying hubby See's candy for his birthday. Well there was only one cashier. While in line there was this older sweet lady in front of me. Well after the lady in front of me paid, she was putting her cc away and a little to the side of me. It was my turn to pay and this girl walked up to the counter and the cashier said to the girl who just walked up, "how can I help you?" I was running late to a doctors appt and I said well I am next and I have the exact cash for this and I am late for an appt. Then the older lady in front of me got mad and said she is next and yes we were waiting a long time. The See's cashier took my money and then helped other the girl. I just thought it was super sweet of the older lady in front of me!!! I made it to my appt just in time for before they stop taking patients.
I did pay mine forward...last time we were in Las Vegas, we were having dinner at pretty nice resturant and there was this family sitting near us. Now, I''m not sure why a full family was in Las Vegas, but hey...a vacations, a vacation right?

So anyway, there was probably 7 or 8 of them in the family...and have one pretty big money over the years in Vegas and often get invited to different tournaments where all of our expenses are paid (including food), so I paid for their dinner with some of my casino credits as we were settling our bill as well.
I love all of these stories!

I think it's so important to throw random acts of kindness out into the universe. Yesterday at the grocery store, I helped a little old lady look for fish sauce in the international foods aisle. Not that big a thing at all, but she was so incredibly surprised and grateful by that little thing... it just reminded me how infrequently people stop to help out a stranger. It's always so refreshing to see people doing good for those they don't even know!

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