
Too Many Passwords! GRRR!


Apr 30, 2005
Today we're expected to remember zillons of user names and passwords.
It wouldn't be that hard if everyone let you use the same ones, and keep them forever, but they don't. :angryfire:

Some require more or fewer digits than others.
Some require some numbers.
Some don't allow numbers.
Some allow upper and lower case, some don't.
Some require a change every X days so just when you think you have it nailed, you have to remember some thing new.

I give up.
I want to write them all down on my arm.

My insurance password drives me batty. It requires *at least* two uppercase letters, two lowercase letters, two special punctuation marks, and two numbers. (Example: PAssword12!#) Also, you must change your password every 90 days, and the new password cannot be a repeat of a password that you have EVER used! I can't keep it straight, so honestly I just don't even bother committing it to memory and just choose the "Forgot Password" option. Then all I have to remember is my high school mascot or my childhood pet's name, etc. and it lets me in lol.
I know what you mean, kenny! I have a number of passwords & usernames that I use for different requirements, and I always have a moment of panic when I haven't logged into a particular account of a while and can't remember what I used. A lot of the time, I have to just have a password reset through email, etc. And then I forget what I reset it to the next time I try to log in, and I have to reset it again...
Ha, I keep a book with all my passwords, there is no way I can remember them all!
I think it's the Container Store that sells a password folio...probably not the safest idea, but keeps them straight and organized
AMEN, Kenny!!!! Then sites get hacked anyhow!
I never can remember which password I use for what!!!
One of the passwords I have to use at work is a minimum of 16 characters with upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters. It must be changed every 90 days and cannot be a repeat or just a digit off. Drives me freakin' batty!
I use songs as a password cue, it makes it easy to remember multiple passwords which are complete gobbledegook and don't make sense to anyone else - and it amuses me.

A simple example is

Baa baa black sheep have you any wool, yes sir yes sir three bags full

So using the first letter of each word, the password is bbbshyawysystbf
You can add easily remembered numbers or anything else you need to in the pause, or at the beginning or the end.

I so agree with you, Kenny! Some of our logons at work won't let you use the same password for 40 times. How annoying is that? I finally got a password keeper for my phone. Now I just have to remember to update it when I change a password.
I work out of 5 different hospitals, then there's the office.
All have passwords, locker combinations, the Doctor's sign-ons, etc etc etc.
I have DEA numbers, my license numbers, dictation numbers ~ ditto for all the Doctors
And "Yes" to frequent "Password changes"....
I keep all that info on my iphone.. but I have to have a little book
with it all written in, too, because I "have" ruined my iphone and had
to re-enter everything.

Then there are badges that let you in the doors..... better remember to wear them
or you are locked out.

In my personal life, I have THREE PAGES of password reminders on my computer....
Then there are the answers to the security questions, geez....
There is NO WAY IN HELL anyone can remember the sheer volume of passwords,
numbers, addresses..... it's terrible.

Our lives are totally run by computers ~ Who is the mastermind here ???????
This is one of my pet peeves also.

I wish that instead of having to reset my password, they could first tell you the format of the password (e.g. 6-8 characters with at least one number and one letter). Then I would have a shot at figuring it out on my own. I use the same passwords depending on the format required, so if I know the format, chances are I can figure out the password.
There are programs you can purchase that keeps your passwords secure. They are supposedly incredibly safe!
There are also free programs like KeePass ( that will store and encrypt all of your passwords on your computer (so that, if someone was to encounter the file, they wouldn't just be in instant possession of all of your passwords). It also will generate you passwords automatically when you create a new entry.
Unfortunately it is very bad practice to re-use passwords. Let's just say someone with bad intentions sets up a site where you have to sign up... (or they get hacked) then they instantly have your email password, your bank password, etc.