
Too Big For Stroller


Jan 1, 2007
I've come across before somehow, but I just read an article on Salon about it (and the ensuing comments) and thought it could make for an interesting thread. The title of the blog is self-explanatory, but the website is just a bunch of pictures of kids riding in strollers that are too big/old to be riding in a stroller.

How old do you think is too old for a kid to be in a stroller? And to be clear, I'm only talking healthy, able-bodied kids. (Obviously some children have developmental delays or disabilities that would necessitate the use of a stroller.)

I have no kids so I'm bad at judging ages, but I don't usually see kids older than probably 3ish in strollers, and that seems reasonable.

ETA here's the article on Salon:
Mar 23, 2008
Sadly, when I used to help at a homeless shelter there were a lot of moms with kids in strollers... like kids that should've been able to walk/ talk/ eat adult food were hanging out in a stroller with a bottle.

I think if the kid looks crunched into the stroller they are too old!


Dec 16, 2007
I think with a whole day at Disneyworld (like one of those photos) I can totally see a 5 year old needed a break from walking.

I am surprised some of those other kids are willing to go in the stroller. Hunter is 2 and has been in a stroller about twice in the last 4-5 months. He walks, get carried, or rides in a shopping cart generally. He just doesn't want to be in a stroller anymore. But if we went on a long walk, he would need it. He gets tired out. Little kids have a tonne of energy for bursts of play and running it almost seems boundless, but they don't have a huge amount of staying power for walking I have noticed. They get tuckered after 2-3 blocks. I suspect we will keep using a stroller periodically until he is over 3, maybe older if we go for long trips, and especially when we go running.


Nov 14, 2004
I don't know. I think it's odd to see a kid who no longer fits/sits properly in a stroller. My view is probably off because we went two weekends ago to San Diego Zoo Safari Park and my almost 3 years old walked the whole time from 12pm to 6pm. So I feel like kids over 3 can walk for quite a bit of time.


Dec 29, 2004
Amelia has not be in a stroller for "commuting" since she was 18 months old. The only time she rides in a stroller is when I want to go out running and I have to take her with me. She's nearly the size of a 4 year old (but just turned 3), so it looks lame, but she likes it when I take her out for a run.

We have walked everywhere since she was 18 months. Once she got mobile (she was late at nearly 16 months), neither of us had a desire to have her be in a stroller. As a result, she's really good at walking with me at malls, outdoors, etc.

Honestly, I can't imagine using a stroller for a 3 year old, but maybe because my kid has always been so big. But everyone I know pretty much cuts out the stroller in year 2.....


Dec 10, 2007
I don't have kids so, my opinion may be worthless but for daily use, I think up to 3 or 4 years of age is acceptable.

However, I have an insanely detailed long term memory. I vividly remember being 5 years old at Disney World, and my mom actually rented a stroller for me and my 7 year old brother at the park. Renting the stroller seemed to be the right decision because I also remember taking pretty good nap in the stroller that day. Not only had I not been in stroller for years, but I also no longer took naps. That day wiped me out!

So with that being said, I think there are exceptions to what age is acceptable. For a day at Disney World, I would consider strollers reasonable for a 6 or 7 year old.


Dec 29, 2004
OK, re: the Disneyland/world viewpoint...

As the only person I know who has not taken their child to Disney (since we are local), I may be eating my words on this, but the way I see it, I think

A) Disney should be a treat as it's pretty darn expensive and I'd like it to be special and remembered, so
B) I would wait until my kid is a little older to go for the first time, therefore
C) She'd be old enough to WALK...because
D) I do not believe it's a smart idea to take your younger kid to the park ALL DAY LONG

Whether Disney is a frequent thing for a kid, or a real big special occasion, both of these methods merit shorter days. For our first trip, we might stay at the park for a night or two, as the prices go down when you buy multiple days. In fact, may people plan Disney vacations over a number of days. So just make each day manageable and short! Why go at o'crack hundred and then have to piggy back an exhausted kid out of the park at midnight? I know some people want to maximize time and dollars, but dragging around a whiny, exhausted kid doesn't sound fun to me, even if that means a huge kid snoring away in a stroller.

ETA, I remember my first trip...I was a bit older, and I was exhausted too. My dad kept wanting to see this and that and take photos here and there, and while it was all cool, I remember just wanting to get out of the park and into the car and pass out!

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
I gave our stroller to a friend pretty much the day my kid learned to walk. I figured it was better for her physical health and development to walk, walk, walk whenever possible, without reverting to the stroller in tired or stroppy moments. That meant that it took forever to go anywhere for about a year and I carried her occasionally. My upper body strength is awesome now - better than any workout! :bigsmile:

Beyond that, I don't have any opinion on what other people do. I think we do what seems best for our kids given all the circumstances. If a kid is in a stroller later than observers would like, I'll go out on a limb and say there's a good reason for it,even just on that particular day, that the parent is taking into account when deciding to put the kid in the stroller. Or to put it another way, none of my business. ;))

ETA I just looked at the link to the photos of older children in strollers. It make me uncomfortable, based on past experience of working with children with learning disabilites . I don't know (and neither does the photographer / self righteous person whose judgement is superior to that of those kids' parents) but it is possible that some of them do have a developmental disability that makes a stroller highly desirable in some situations. You can't always tell from glancing at a child what their needs are and some disabilities are 'hidden' at first look. I know that the OP specifically excluded children with disabilities from the discussion, but my point is that you can't necessarily tell if that's who you're judging or not here.


Apr 14, 2008
I don't really have an opinion on strollers, but it does really grate on me when I see childless people criticizing parenting or predicting how they'd parent (according to the salon article, the blog author isn't a parent; a commenter said when they have kids, there will be no stroller stage). I hear this sort of thing all the time from my 20-something friends and it always makes me want to roll my eyes.


Jan 1, 2007
TGal and DD-I also thought it was weird that a kid that old would *want* to be in a stroller. And I remember going to Disneyworld when I was 4 and walking the entire time. My nieces and nephews just went and the 3 year old walked all day and didn't want anyone to carry him, even at the end of the day. I need to ask my mom but I don't think she used strollers at all once my twin sister and I started walking. She did have harnesses for us, though! And they were not the cute stuffed animal backpack kind, either...more like nylon dog harnesses. :cheeky:

Jennifer-if the kids in the strollers have developmental delays or disabilities, wouldn't the parent be likely to have a stroller big enough for a bigger kid who actually needs it? Most of these seem to be personally owned strollers (vs. the ones you rent) and the kid has just outgrown it. Obviously no one can know for sure, but I think it's pretty unlikely that those kids all have developmental delays.

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
It's not likely that they all have disabilities, either physical or learning, but not impossible that some do. That's why I don't like the idea of posting a photograph in public with "WALK" emblazoned over the face of a stranger's child. It's distasteful to me.

A lot of parents of children with special needs I know have clung to their too-small regular stroller for as long as possible. They're reluctant to move onto the wheelchair that would mark their child as having special needs from the first glance. Many parents purchase a stroller or child's wheelchair custom made for a their child, and some of them are eye wateringly expensive, so they hold off as long as possible. Also, some children don't have a physical disability that stops them walking per se, but a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder that makes the stroller a 'safe place' for them when they're out and about. I don't know for sure the health status of these children, and neither is it any of my business. I just think it's a bizarre and tasteless thing to post on the internet.

ETA I mentioned the disability issue because one of the children pictured has a posture that I would associate with the characteristics of a particular syndrome.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
My daughter is 3.5. I still take her stroller when we walk to the store (2 miles) because she gets tired. Her legs are little and I rather push her than carry her. She spends most of the walk, walking but will take a break. Short walks/errands, no stroller. Long walks/airport travel/zoo, I bring the stroller. She is a very active kid and gets plenty of exercise so I am not concerned.


Dec 16, 2007
The one in the grocery cart killed me. That is WAY to old to be carted around.


Apr 19, 2004

Part of the equation--especially in places like "Disney"--is to keep your kid close/safe (aka how many kids get lost/separated when in strollers??). Another part is to expedite travel--when time is of the essence--pushing can be a lot more efficient than the alternatives!



Feb 15, 2007
canuk-gal|1304952086|2916198 said:

Part of the equation--especially in places like "Disney"--is to keep your kid close/safe (aka how many kids get lost/separated when in strollers??). Another part is to expedite travel--when time is of the essence--pushing can be a lot more efficient than the alternatives!

This makes a lot of sense to me.

All I could think about while browsing through that blog was: Why on earth is this person so irritated by big kids in strollers? I got such a kick out of the blog's existence, that it really brightened my day.

As for your question, I have no opinion because I have no idea what it's like to try to get a child to keep up with me all day long. However, as someone with a small dog who sometimes decides he no longer wants to keep walking when we are over a mile from the house, I can understand the desire to plop an inappropriately large kid in stroller in a similar situation. Sometimes, you just want to keep moving!


Jul 22, 2007
JT could ride in a stroller until he was about 3 but only if it was a big place or a long day. He was allowed to ride in the cart until his feet started kicking me in the knees.

Seeing 5 yr olds in a stroller irritates me beyond belief.


Dec 29, 2004
canuk-gal|1304952086|2916198 said:

Part of the equation--especially in places like "Disney"--is to keep your kid close/safe (aka how many kids get lost/separated when in strollers??). Another part is to expedite travel--when time is of the essence--pushing can be a lot more efficient than the alternatives!


I get that for small kids...but for 5+ year olds? We took my niece and nephew when they were 5 and 8 and they both kept up and moved along fine.


Feb 15, 2007
TravelingGal|1304955530|2916246 said:
canuk-gal|1304952086|2916198 said:

Part of the equation--especially in places like "Disney"--is to keep your kid close/safe (aka how many kids get lost/separated when in strollers??). Another part is to expedite travel--when time is of the essence--pushing can be a lot more efficient than the alternatives!


I get that for small kids...but for 5+ year olds? We took my niece and nephew when they were 5 and 8 and they both kept up and moved along fine.


Mar 16, 2005
My 6 year old does just fine at Disney and other parks, but we generally plan well and get a hotel on the property so that we can go back during the hottest part of the day and take a break. He wouldn't be caught dead in a stroller at his age and hasn't really been in a stroller at all since he was 3 and I would walk in the neighborhood with him.


Apr 23, 2008
If your kid is so tall that they're biting their knees when in the stroller, then it might be time to start making them walk, lol.

I bought a stroller to use it, so Micah will be for awhile yet. He's only one, though. It likely won't be long - he's tall for his age. I'm thinking three is acceptable unless he is so embarrassed by the stroller that he refuses to get in it, lol. Right now he's too hard to corral!


Dec 10, 2007
Tgal~ I didn't know your lived in Florida! I'm local as well, I feel like I don't see many FL residents on PS

I was just thinking, next time I go to Disney, I may rent a stroller for myself and make my family push ME around :devil: Just thinking about Disney makes me tired.....


Dec 29, 2004
Izzy03|1304959177|2916334 said:
Tgal~ I didn't know your lived in Florida! I'm local as well, I feel like I don't see many FL residents on PS

I was just thinking, next time I go to Disney, I may rent a stroller for myself and make my family push ME around :devil: Just thinking about Disney makes me tired.....

There are a few, but I am not one of them. I'm local to the original Disneyland. ::)


Dec 10, 2007
TravelingGal|1304959615|2916346 said:
Izzy03|1304959177|2916334 said:
Tgal~ I didn't know your lived in Florida! I'm local as well, I feel like I don't see many FL residents on PS

I was just thinking, next time I go to Disney, I may rent a stroller for myself and make my family push ME around :devil: Just thinking about Disney makes me tired.....

There are a few, but I am not one of them. I'm local to the original Disneyland. ::)

Haha, whoops. It slipped my mind that there is a Disney out there. Brain fart.


Mar 15, 2009
Some of the strollers are huge in small stores and elevators and their drivers always expect the other party to yield the right of way in a narrow aisle. It is sort of like they are pushing a front end loader or something; I notice they don't make eye contact with me, I am just expected to move, and often in am knelt down looking at something on a lower shelf in the store.


Jan 18, 2005
I have kids and they were all out of a stroller by age 4, but I don't judge when I see a older child in a stroller. Not my kids, not my stroller, and it's not abusive. That being said, we have friends whose son is big. At 18 months he was the height and weight of a 3 year old. So while he LOOKED to be 3 and old enough to be walking, in reality he was just 18 months and not willing/capable of walking or behaving to not have a stroller when they ran errands or went to the mall. I know my friend got a lot of flack from strangers (particularly Starbucks for some reason) and it bothered her quite a bit.


Jan 1, 2007
Pink Tower|1304960455|2916364 said:
Some of the strollers are huge in small stores and elevators and their drivers always expect the other party to yield the right of way in a narrow aisle. It is sort of like they are pushing a front end loader or something; I notice they don't make eye contact with me, I am just expected to move, and often in am knelt down looking at something on a lower shelf in the store.

Ha yep-it's either move or get run over by a vicious mother or father wielding a giant stroller! :rolleyes:


Jan 1, 2007
Haven|1304955706|2916249 said:
TravelingGal|1304955530|2916246 said:
canuk-gal|1304952086|2916198 said:

Part of the equation--especially in places like "Disney"--is to keep your kid close/safe (aka how many kids get lost/separated when in strollers??). Another part is to expedite travel--when time is of the essence--pushing can be a lot more efficient than the alternatives!


I get that for small kids...but for 5+ year olds? We took my niece and nephew when they were 5 and 8 and they both kept up and moved along fine.

Ha! They must be super gifted for their ages! :cheeky: ETA Future professional athletes, perhaps?


Dec 29, 2004
Feb03Bride|1304961442|2916386 said:
I have kids and they were all out of a stroller by age 4, but I don't judge when I see a older child in a stroller. Not my kids, not my stroller, and it's not abusive. That being said, we have friends whose son is big. At 18 months he was the height and weight of a 3 year old. So while he LOOKED to be 3 and old enough to be walking, in reality he was just 18 months and not willing/capable of walking or behaving to not have a stroller when they ran errands or went to the mall. I know my friend got a lot of flack from strangers (particularly Starbucks for some reason) and it bothered her quite a bit.

I never really notice bigger kids in strollers (or maybe it just doesn't happen much around here). I do notice when I see a kid in a too small stroller though!

I really don't care if people use them when their kids are big. I just don't see HOW it happens if I'm using my own as an example because it seems to me, once kids are mobile, they seem to hate being in them!!


Jun 7, 2007
suchende|1304926042|2916041 said:
I don't really have an opinion on strollers, but it does really grate on me when I see childless people criticizing parenting or predicting how they'd parent (according to the salon article, the blog author isn't a parent; a commenter said when they have kids, there will be no stroller stage). I hear this sort of thing all the time from my 20-something friends and it always makes me want to roll my eyes.

This. Until you're a parent you do not understand what it's like to chase your kid around a store until you're ready to pass out :lol:

My son will be 3 in July and still rides in a stroller/shopping cart when we're out and about. He's big for his age, I'm small, he's too heavy for me to carry (about 40lbs) and I've got a gimpy leg so he could easily out run me. Luckily, he's a pretty good kid and isn't apt to run away from me, but that hasn't always been the case ;))


Nov 14, 2004
I don't think any of us think 3 is too old for a stroller. It doesn't bother me if an older kid is in a stroller. Like Tgal, I don't noticed it. I do think it looks odd when the stroller is too small for the kid, because it looks uncomfortable for the kid. Wouldn't it be hard to maneuver the stroller with a 65lbs kids??
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