
today''s Q...are you good with directions?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
have you ever gotten lost in your own town/city while driving?
More times than I would ever like to admit!!!
Lost... me? Never.

Wait - where am I?

I get lost ALL THE TIME. This is why I now own a GPS.
I am pretty good with directions that I hear verbally and worse with directions that I are written. Weird.

Getting lost in own town? It''s possible.
umm yes.

Like geckodani said, that''s what GPS is for!!

Oh and I HATE when people try and give you directions and they say go N, S, E, or W.
You gotta tell me turn right or left!! How in the world does one instinctively know which way N, S, E, W is?!

I have lived in this area all my life (pretty much) and I still REALLY have to stop and think about which way is North...
haha is that bad?
I was once in Orlando with a group of friends. I grew up in Orlando (teenage years anyway). We needed to get from the house we rented to TGI Fridays. I had a GPS. Two hours later I still couldn''t find it.

Why? Because the GPS kept displaying "Make a legal u-turn" but I didn''t realize it meant U-turn in 5 miles so every time I read it, I would make a U-turn then it would say out loud "when possible, make a legal u-turn" so I would turn the screen and do it all over again.

So yes. I am very bad with directions.
I think I'm pretty good with directions, and good at giving them - though people I give directions to typically get lost (I think they don't believe me when I say "TURN RIGHT" or something - people will tell me that they found a better route online, and my reaction is WTH? That route got you lost!).

In terms of having a "sense" of direction - mine is pretty good - if I've been somewhere once I can typically find it again, but if I get turned around, I'm REALLY turned around. My DH is AWFUL with directions, but he won't admit it. Driving together in a major city is AWFUL - I'll say "Turn here" and he'll say "No, this doesn't seem right. Are you sure?" and I'll say "Yes!" and he'll say "Really? This doesn't look like it did last time. Are you sure this is the turn?" and then I start to doubt myself and I'll say "I don't know...if you don't think it's right..." and then he'll say "Well I don't know if I should turn!" -- you can imagine how this gets complicated really fast. Sometimes I'll choose to drive (even though I hate driving for trips) just to avoid the drama.
Nope, my gut always leads me in the wrong direction... so whenever I think, turn right, I now automatically turn left.
Answer to the title. No

I get lost very easily.
Date: 2/19/2009 12:55:38 PM
Author: Lorelei
Answer to the title. No

I get lost very easily.
Me too. I would really be lost without my GPS.
Date: 2/19/2009 12:40:37 PM
Author:Dancing Fire
are you good with directions?

have you ever gotten lost in your own town/city while driving?
Those are two very different questions!

I am not that great with directions. I can follow them if I try, but usually I take them as a suggestion.

When I first moved to LA, I spent a lot of time just driving around by myself. Purposefully getting lost and finding my way back while stopping to look at a map every now and then. I learned the city really well within a matter of weeks, and now I can get most anywhere without directions.

So, I''m good with directions if I choose to use them, I have a great sense of direction, and I''ve gotten lost in my city both on purpose and not. I''ve never gotten so lost that I couldn''t orient myself and get back on track without a map.
Heck yes I've gotten lost. I live in Atlanta. There is no grid system here. My sister calls it the ball of yarn system. There are about 47 variations of Peachtree streets. At one point downtown, Peachtree CROSSES Peachtree. I've been lost a lot. Just about everytime I leave the place where I have my hair done, I have to call my husband and have him remind me of the best way to get home! In my defense, I've only been here a couple years and I moved from a city with a really great grid system. Combine that with being able to see mountains and water in that city and I could actually give directions using N, S, E, W.

The other thing I'm bad about doing is getting my lefts/rights confused or my easts/wests (now that I can't see water or mountains). I told my Mom to take the freeway west to get to my house once when I really meant east..... Sad thing is, I was thinking that when she came down the freeway south, she'd need to go left on the next freeway. In my crazy brain, left meant west.....
I have a really good sense of direction, and I''m good at following directions and maps. I work with GPS (though I don''t want one for my car, takes all the fun out of it) and make maps for my job, so that probably helps too. I still get lost from time to time, but usually manage to find my way back pretty well. I actually love just going out and driving around, deliberately trying to find new places. I grew up outside Boston, and I get completely lost anytime I try to drive there (streets laid out by cows), but I don''t consider that MY fault!
Date: 2/19/2009 1:26:49 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/19/2009 12:40:37 PM
Author:Dancing Fire
are you good with directions?

have you ever gotten lost in your own town/city while driving?
Those are two very different questions!

I am not that great with directions. I can follow them if I try, but usually I take them as a suggestion.

When I first moved to LA, I spent a lot of time just driving around by myself. Purposefully getting lost and finding my way back while stopping to look at a map every now and then. I learned the city really well within a matter of weeks, and now I can get most anywhere without directions.

So, I''m good with directions if I choose to use them, I have a great sense of direction, and I''ve gotten lost in my city both on purpose and not. I''ve never gotten so lost that I couldn''t orient myself and get back on track without a map.
I do this every time I move - I spend a couple days driving around aimlessly until I''m pretty comfortable driving around wherever. I hate being lost or having to follow directions when I want to go somewhere. Granted, the area is typically much smaller than LA, but it just drives me crazy not knowing how to find places.

I know I already answered, but I didn''t realize that I guess I do sometimes get lost in "my own city" - I live in a bi-state area, so even though the "city" is considered the two states'' cities combined, most people - even people who have lived here their whole lives - ''know'' either one state or the other (it''s not like we don''t have bridges to cross the river - it''s a really weird phenomenon).
Put it this way, I have to hold my hands up and make and "L" shape with my thumb and index finger to figure out which direction is LEFT and which is RIGHT.
Oh DF my buddy it is nice to back on pricescope and be able to respond to one of your interesting surveys!!!

And while I am pretty good at reading maps and following directions, I am directionally challenged and get lost quite easily. I think I just don''t pay enough attention to my surroundings. I grew up in a small town and when I had my first real job in Denver I used to get turned around when I would come out of one of the high rise office buildings!!
It''s impossible to get lost in my city. The grid system is east-west and north-south and easy to navigate. No matter what you do, you''ll hit one of the major streets and be able to find your way. I don''t drive anywhere I don''t know though, I am freaky about that. I have to know exactly how to get somewhere (another city say), or I won''t even attempt it. And forget about bridges and major freeways. I''m a wimp.
HORRIBLE! I get lost all the time.
my wife is terrible with directions
one time she went to the bakery to pick up a cake.the bakery was only like 1/2 mile for home and somehow she ended up across town 10 miles away from home.
she then calls home on a pay phone (this was before celluar phone days) she said...i''m lost, i are what? where are you? she said...i don''t know
this bakery was like around the corner from home.
I''m pretty good at finding my way. Never get lost.
At most I am temporarily unsure of my present position, but I am never lost.
I, too, will just drive in the general direction of where I want to go, and usually come across a road that tells me where I am. Kind of works with flying, especially in clear weather. If you fly North in Minnesota and you come across a really, really big lake, you have reached Superior. You can find your way back home by following one of the rivers. Those big tall buildings are the Twin Cities. The smoke is from the power plant. Stuff like that. There are all kinds of clues around when you are driving, such as street signs. It kind of helps to have a map in a new city, of course.

What I think is interesting are all the people who get turned around in the few seconds they are taking an elevator, such as at work. Lots of times there are banks of elevators facing each other, say a North bank and a South bank. If I get on an elevator on the North side, when I get off I''m still on the North side. But I see lots of people who apparently can''t remember which direction to go when they exit.
I am usually ok if I have step by step directions. If I only have a map, forget it!
Date: 2/19/2009 1:55:22 PM
Author: Iowa Lizzy
Put it this way, I have to hold my hands up and make and ''L'' shape with my thumb and index finger to figure out which direction is LEFT and which is RIGHT.

HAHAHAHA me too, I have heard it is an affliction of very intelligent people we have so much going on up top we don''t have time to think about the mundane
- this is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

To answer your question DF I get lost in a car park so yeah I have no sense of direction whatsoever.
I used to be. Now with GPS, I know I will lose my god given talent for following maps and knowing where north and south is.

Just like I used to memorize phone numbers. Since cell phones all I know is TGuy''s phone number resides in spot 6.
Date: 2/19/2009 12:47:04 PM
Author: Namaste

Oh and I HATE when people try and give you directions and they say go N, S, E, or W.

You gotta tell me turn right or left!! How in the world does one instinctively know which way N, S, E, W is?!
Agreed! Cardinal directions are worthless to me.

Love my GPS.
Nope. And yes, I have:)
Date: 2/19/2009 1:22:04 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 2/19/2009 12:55:38 PM

Author: Lorelei

Answer to the title. No

I get lost very easily.
Me too. I would really be lost without my GPS.

Me too
Uh, no. Have you?

There used to be a lot of ''country'' where there is now suburb upon suburb in my city. I can get "lost" within the streets of these newer burbs, but not in the city overall.
Date: 2/20/2009 12:25:03 AM
Author: Linda W

Date: 2/19/2009 1:22:04 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 2/19/2009 12:55:38 PM

Author: Lorelei

Answer to the title. No

I get lost very easily.
Me too. I would really be lost without my GPS.

Me too
9.gif can you get lost in that little town ?
Date: 2/20/2009 1:25:59 AM
Author: Dancing Fire
Date: 2/20/2009 12:25:03 AM

Author: Linda W

Date: 2/19/2009 1:22:04 PM

Author: Kaleigh

Date: 2/19/2009 12:55:38 PM

Author: Lorelei

Answer to the title. No

I get lost very easily.
Me too. I would really be lost without my GPS.

Me too
9.gif can you get lost in that little town ?

ha ha ha ha ha. Would you believe I got lost going the back roads to Starbucks?????? My two grandboys told me the correct way to get there. How pathetic is that????
Date: 2/20/2009 12:33:50 AM
Author: HollyS
Uh, no. Have you?

There used to be a lot of ''country'' where there is now suburb upon suburb in my city. I can get ''lost'' within the streets of these newer burbs, but not in the city overall.
yeah,i been living here 43 yrs .when i drive outside the city limit there are so many new exit/streets that i don''t reconize.
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