
To Look, Or Not To Look, That Is The Question


Aug 27, 2014
Hello again PSers! Hope you're all doing well.

After a much shorter wait than expected GOG contacted me this past Saturday saying that they had received my ring from Mark Morrell. I patiently waited for Tuesday to get here as I received the email after 6pm on Saturday and GOG was closed by then. Tuesday came and after a few quick emails with Darren the package was picked up by FedEx and on it's way - Woohoo!! Fast forward to today and the ring is now in my possession :dance:

Now here's the question, do I look at it? It's currently sitting in a FedEx box beside me on the couch. I keep looking at it and want to rip it open but have refrained from doing so for the past hour that it has been here. My boyfriend has offered to hide it but I told him not to just yet. He said that if I really want to then go ahead and take a peek at it but part of me thinks it would make the proposal even more special if I didn't see it until then. The only problem with that is that I have no idea how long I'll be waiting. I could see my boyfriend torturing me and making me wait months just to mess with me and keep me on edge. Although, he's the type of person who lets gifts burn a hole in his pocket. If he has it, he wants to give it to me. He always tries to give me my birthday or Christmas presents early because he gets too excited. It's really quite cute.

So what would you do? Take a peek or wait it out? :confused:
I vote to wait. It'll be a special moment regardless, but the suspense makes it that much better on proposal day :dance: . And if he knows you haven't seen it, it may make him hurry up and propose!
peek, try it on (to make sure it fits) and then hide it away. In case it takes him a while to propose, you don't want to go past the return window.
I say wait.

I helped picked out my ring so I knew what I was getting but didn't really know because I didn't see the finished product until he proposed. It's very exciting and super hard to wait but waiting is worth it. If I recall correctly, in a moment of weakness, I may have searched our house once for it before he proposed. I'm glad I didn't find it.
let me think - wait.

seriously, the surprise of the ring and the proposal is worth the wait. And personally I couldn't look at it and then put it away. If you haven't seen it then i think you might get it sooner too! :pray:
I vote to wait.
lol, I'm the odd one out ;)
Thanks for all of your opinions =)
The box is still sitting there unopened.
I should of mentioned that I kind of know what the ring looks like since picked the diamond and the setting, and Darren at GOG sent me 4 pictures of the completed ring before sending it to me here in Canada. So like maccers I do know what it looks like but don't want to spoil the WOW factor of it when I see it at the proposal. At the same time, I do want to be sure it fits. That also might be an excuse I'm giving myself to look though haha .. I do want to wait but I'm so impatient. :wall:
I also vote wait. Delayed gratification is soooo hard, but so much more fulfilling. :)
HappyNewLife|1412869883|3764849 said:
peek, try it on (to make sure it fits) and then hide it away. In case it takes him a while to propose, you don't want to go past the return window.

The practical and logical side of me (remember I had 32 years of software engineering and project management experience before I retired) says inspect it carefully, try it on, then put it away. The romantics say don't peek so it will be a surprise. Even though MM has a great reputation, I would still want to inspect it and to make sure the sizing is correct.

My dear hubby proposed without an e-ring because he knows me pretty well. I was still extremely excited, on cloud nine, told everyone in the restaurant that he had just proposed, etc., and then we went two weeks later to buy the pear. In the meantime, I just switched my 2.05 D-VS2 oval from my right hand to my left :dance:
I agree with those who recommend: open it, inspect it carefully, try it on, make sure everything is to your satisfaction; and, if so, then have BF hide it away. But, as even the best vendors have occasional quality-control slips, I'd really want to make sure everything is as it should be, now, before it is put away.
I vote to wait!

If you have participated in the shopping experience then part of the "surprise" is already revealed. Let yourself become a little unfamiliar with it until he proposes, it will be even more amazing then.

Our ER stone is currently off to be set and I have already told my bf to keep it to himself when it comes back to us. I want the first time I see the real thing to be when he presents it to me.
I am also going to be the big bad voice of reason, either you or he needs to open it so if there is a bad prong, if the stone is chipped or if there is anything at all possibly wrong with it and it needs to go back then it can be done asap. Sorry to be a buzz kill but the first thing I do is check anything I get to make sure it is what I ordered.
If there is anything seriously wrong with the ring, surely GOG will be happy to fix it after the proposal.
I say don't look! You can fiddle about with it all you like afterwards.
Alternatively if it were my ring and i really wanted to 'inspect' I would do it with my intended so he could know what the problem was and organise the return.
General ad hoc pre-Christmas santa snooping? Not cool!
Open it, look at it, try it on, make sure it's perfect- then put it away.

That's exactly what I did when I got my ring, I had to wait just over a week, until I could officially wear it, but I felt so much better knowing that it was perfect and that it fit. It actually made that week really exciting rather than scary.
If you want to check for size he could blind fold you and give it a quick try on your finger. Then he can inspect it when you are not around.
DL|1412946705|3765355 said:
If you want to check for size he could blind fold you and give it a quick try on your finger. Then he can inspect it when you are not around.

Ooh that's a good idea!
Since, technically, it's his ring (until the marriage in most states, lol) and you have already seen photos, I say just wait until he proposes. Let him do his proposal his way. If the ring is wrong or not satisfactory or whatever and it's past the return period, it's his problem if he elected to wait past the return period and he will just have to pay extra to make it right (if there is a problem.) He should open it up, inspect it, insure it, and lock it and the paperwork in a safe deposit box if he's going to wait a while, though.
DL|1412946705|3765355 said:
If you want to check for size he could blind fold you and give it a quick try on your finger. Then he can inspect it when you are not around.
First thing I thought of. Great minds!