
Things you didn''t know before baby

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Apr 23, 2008
I just found out today that you shouldn''t use too much baby powder on your baby''s butt, because they can inhale it and over time it can cause asthma. This came from one of my friends who is a nurse in the NICU. I had no idea, and that kind of stuff freaks me out! What if there is something else I didn''t know, and I do it, and it causes my baby harm, you know? (I was the baby of the family, and it shows in my lack of knowledge.)

What was something you didn''t know before you had your baby that surprised you?


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/9/2009 5:15:03 PM
I just found out today that you shouldn't use too much baby powder on your baby's butt, because they can inhale it and over time it can cause asthma. This came from one of my friends who is a nurse in the NICU. I had no idea, and that kind of stuff freaks me out! What if there is something else I didn't know, and I do it, and it causes my baby harm, you know? (I was the baby of the family, and it shows in my lack of knowledge.)

What was something you didn't know before you had your baby that surprised you?
Aren't you suppose to use corn starch instead? I heard that too, not too long ago!

eta: here is the J&J corn starch

MP you will be a great mom; most moms probably learn as they go.


Apr 23, 2008
I hadn''t known about the corn starch, I hadn''t actually thought about what you would replace the powder with. I seriously know nothing - I''m always worried about possibly hurting the baby because I was just ignorant at the time.


Jun 18, 2004
You actually don''t need either. I bought baby powder simply because I thought it was one of those things you just had to have. The only thing we''ve used it on was the baby''s neck in the summer (he was cooking spit-up under his chin rolls!).

Don''t worry, you''ll be fine! I had no clue what I was doing either, and have managed to get through 9 months OK. I did get the "What to Expect - the 1st Year" book, that helped a lot (and all the other moms around here too are great


Dec 29, 2004
I never used cornstarch or baby powder. I was just quick on the change and let her air out whenever possible.

I read a lot before having the kid, so I knew a lot. But none of it prepared me for the REALITY of it. Mostly, that sleep deprivation was not just simply being tired, but could make you feel like you were in a deep, dark pit hoping (and losing more hope everyday) that someone was going to come by and pull you out. I didn''t know the warm rays of the sun could be that powerful at making me feel a little human again.

I didn''t know I had it in me to work as hard at it as I did. I''m inherently a laid back (read: lazy) person. With the sleep deprivation, most days I felt like I was clawing my way to getting things done, but somehow, they did.

I didn''t know what maternal love really felt like and that it could bring you to your knees in tears.

As for practical stuff: I didn''t know that babies could vomit THAT much all the time! I didn''t know that I would be so tired, I didn''t care if I smelled like vomit.

I didn''t know I could be that afraid of a burp...because it always seemed to bring on the vomit.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Weirdly, I didn''t know that I had the ability to exist on no more than 3 hours sleep at a stretch for months on end, get out of bed whenever necessary and still love the person responsible for it more than I ever believed it would be possible!


Feb 27, 2006
LOL, I just read the first couple of posts and thought to myself, "$%#@, I''m supposed to powder his bum?" So I clearly haven''t been doing that and he''s fine.

I''ve never been around babies and felt very intimidated by all of the little details when I was pregnant, but after you have them everything really does fall into place. You''ll do fine.


Mar 23, 2009
Ditto on reality check....we read, talk and talk but nothing prepared me for mile long barf LOL....REAL tears, yep.
I 'thought' we had the breastfeeding pronto style-- I came home, wthin a day or so, my uterus hurt like H*ll while baby sucked on me, there I was calling DH who calmly says: "Yeah, your uterus is shrinking, great"

Then colic started
at 6pm e-v-e-r-y single night for a full hour, TG one day she discover her finger
the rest is history


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 11/9/2009 7:01:26 PM
Author: Blenheim
LOL, I just read the first couple of posts and thought to myself, '$%#@, I'm supposed to powder his bum?' So I clearly haven't been doing that and he's fine.

Ha! I did too.

It's already been said, but it's so true: I never knew I could love anyone or anything as much as I love my child. I also never knew I could have as much patience as I do for him. Even when I'm exhausted and his teething has caused him to scream for an hour straight, I keep my cool, holding and kissing him, thinking, where is this patience coming from? It wasn't there before.

Not much else has caught me by surprise, really. We learn as we go. You will too, MP.


Apr 17, 2008
Maybe TMI, but I didn''t know that I was going to bleed for six weeks after birth.

I didn''t know that being peed on wouldn''t bother me (best one out of the three

I did not know my boobs could inflate like that
They were practically hydraulic.

I didn''t know I was capable of functioning on such little sleep.

I did not know I could love anyone so much.


May 18, 2008
I never realized how real and powerful baby blues really are or that it was even possible to not connect to the baby you had been longing to see for 36 weeks+. More importantly, I didn''t realize it is ok to feel this way, its normal, and the more you talk about it the better you feel.

I didn''t know that never being a mom before wouldn''t matter. One look at your baby''s face and you instantly know something is off.

I never thought that something as simple as Sophia going from her back to her side would make me so excited that I would sit by her crib for 20 minutes with the camera rolling just to get her to do it again. Or that a fart heard on the monitor at 4am would send us into gigglefits. Or that I would discover what makes her laugh and gladly do it over and over.

Also its good to do your own research. Its good to listen to other moms. But at the end of the day its your baby and you have to always believe that you know what''s best.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
I didn''t know that YoBaby yogurt with DHA has all sorts of fish products in it. I didn''t know that original Desitin also has cod liver oil in it. Not what you want when you''re raising a vegetarian baby.

I didn''t know that sleep regression could happen with any change in baby''s life- sickness, start of daycare, change of teacher at daycare, interruption of routine, etc.

I didn''t know strawberries are considered an allergen.


May 18, 2008
Also if you ever have to give medication to a baby, you blow on their face and thatll get them to swallow.

Never give disgusting meds after a meal unless you enjoy wearing it all over your shirt.

And it is possible to administer medicine while holding the bottle between your legs, a teaspoon full of the medicine in one hand, the dropper in the other, blowing in baby''s face, and getting kicked without ever dropping any of it. (Note: make sure you get a dropper with ml and also teaspoon units so that you don''t have to have to do what I just did lol)


Apr 23, 2008
This thread makes me feel a lot better lol. It''s amazing how many people talk about the sleep deprivation - you always think, "Oh, I can handle it, I''ll sleep when the baby sleeps!" But it never works out that way in the end!

Oh, and the vomit. I have a vomit phobia, which worries me, but I am pretty sure baby vomit is just not the same as adult vomit. Thankfully my DH says he can handle that as long as I handle the poop. Deal!


Jun 28, 2006
I didn''t know that with little boys you need to point the peeny down into the diaper. I couldn''t figure out why he kept peeing out the top. LOL.

Big ditto to what Tgal said about sleep deprivation. I really felt like I was losing my mind for a while there.

I didn''t know that everything I knew I wanted to do once the baby came would go out the window once the baby was actually here. I said I''d never cosleep and now DS is in our bed every night and we love cuddling with him.

I didn''t know that sex would still hurt at 4 months postpartum.

I didn''t know that I would actually be happy when my little guy wakes up at 4 am on a weekday because it means I have just a little extra time with his adorable smiling face before having to leave him with my mom or MIL so that I can go to work.


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 11/10/2009 9:03:59 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
This thread makes me feel a lot better lol. It''s amazing how many people talk about the sleep deprivation - you always think, ''Oh, I can handle it, I''ll sleep when the baby sleeps!'' But it never works out that way in the end!

Oh, and the vomit. I have a vomit phobia, which worries me, but I am pretty sure baby vomit is just not the same as adult vomit. Thankfully my DH says he can handle that as long as I handle the poop. Deal!

Baby vomit is really just milk or formula. It''s not all that gross. You just reminded me of another:

I had no idea that poop could actually not bother me. I used to gag and make faces thinking about changing dirty diapers when I was pregnant. Doesn''t bother me at all now.

As for sleeping when the baby sleeps, I had no idea that some babies wouldn''t sleep unless they were being held. Luckily, DS has grown out of this.


May 29, 2009
I don''t have a baby yet, but I''ve just recently realized that I actually do want a baby someday and it''s an awesome feeling.

TravelingGal-I didn''t know what maternal love really felt like and that it could bring you to your knees in tears.

This brought me to tears... I''m so excited to have that feeling someday.

I love this thread because I''m nervous for when I actually do become a Mommy but this thread made me see that you just learn as you go. It''s really amazing how total strangers can almost bring you to tears and make you realize truly important stuff. :)


Sep 21, 2006
Uh oh, I use corn starch to powder her bum all the time, hope that's not a no-no? Clearly I'm still learning..

I don't have any specifics that come to mind, but more like general realizations. Things like I also had no idea how much I would love a little being, it's almost paralyzing. I had no idea I would no longer care about I look, how much sleep I had, what vacations I missed, lack of new wardrobe, etc.--in fact I have to really force myself to keep myself maintained b/c every free moment/$ I have I'd rather pour onto my little girl!

I also didn't realize (despite everyone saying this) how difficult it would be. There really is no free time and I really did need help. And I only have one!


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 11/9/2009 5:37:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I never used cornstarch or baby powder. I was just quick on the change and let her air out whenever possible.

I read a lot before having the kid, so I knew a lot. But none of it prepared me for the REALITY of it. Mostly, that sleep deprivation was not just simply being tired, but could make you feel like you were in a deep, dark pit hoping (and losing more hope everyday) that someone was going to come by and pull you out. I didn''t know the warm rays of the sun could be that powerful at making me feel a little human again.

I didn''t know I had it in me to work as hard at it as I did. I''m inherently a laid back (read: lazy) person. With the sleep deprivation, most days I felt like I was clawing my way to getting things done, but somehow, they did.

I didn''t know what maternal love really felt like and that it could bring you to your knees in tears.

As for practical stuff: I didn''t know that babies could vomit THAT much all the time! I didn''t know that I would be so tired, I didn''t care if I smelled like vomit.

I didn''t know I could be that afraid of a burp...because it always seemed to bring on the vomit.
ha, I always love what Tgal writes! Although my little one never vomitted..seriously. Barely spat up even. I must have gotten lucky, or maybe I will pay later..


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 11/10/2009 9:03:59 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
This thread makes me feel a lot better lol. It''s amazing how many people talk about the sleep deprivation - you always think, ''Oh, I can handle it, I''ll sleep when the baby sleeps!'' But it never works out that way in the end!

Oh, and the vomit. I have a vomit phobia, which worries me, but I am pretty sure baby vomit is just not the same as adult vomit. Thankfully my DH says he can handle that as long as I handle the poop. Deal!
baby vomit is different but as soon as you introduce food it turns into toddler vomit which is shockingly similar to adult lol
ditto poop

One thing I didn''t know before baby is just how darn resilient they are. Things don''t have to be perfect, you don''t have to measure the baby cereal to liquid ratio, you don''t have to remember every toy, every contraption, you don''t have to do everything RIGHT THAT SECOND (and when you have a couple more you just won''t be able to sometimes) and the kids turn out fine! In fact in some ways I think my first suffers from mommy hovered syndrome that my #3 child (who I had to let cry in the bassinet while hungry because his 2 year old brother just smeared poop in his toy piano and on the wall) is in many ways far more balanced.

Oh, and you don''t know the disgusting things your crawler and toddler will do and eat and they survive and your house survives. My daughter ate dead flies, my 2nd was the poop smearer. Daily. I think he liked the texture. He''s 10 now so thank god that''s in the past!!!!


Jun 7, 2007
I didn''t know how much you could love somebody until I had my son. Even on the worst days when he would cry cry cry for no reason or spit up all over me or have a blowout as we were going out the door I''d look at those blue eyes and my heart would melt. How could you be angry at that angelic face?
Makes me wish my little guy was that little again.

It''s been said before but worth repeating - I didn''t know how hard it is to function on so little sleep. When you are so sleep deprived that you can''t see straight. My son had such a hard time learning to sleep - and often doesn''t STTN at 16 months so it''s been a battle for DH and me.

How depressed you may feel after giving birth. I had a touch of PPD and there were some days when I couldn''t even get out of bed without bursting into tears. Your hormones are plummeting and you have this creature taking over your entire life and sometimes you just don''t know what to do or how to feel.

That the littlest member of the house creates the most laundry.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/10/2009 9:52:43 AM
Author: janinegirly
ha, I always love what Tgal writes! Although my little one never vomitted..seriously. Barely spat up even. I must have gotten lucky, or maybe I will pay later..
I think you''re in the clear''s a first year thing. Once they can start sitting up well, the issue goes away, as it did with Amelia. One day, it just stopped. For some babies it does continue for a while longer, and of course reflux is another issue altogether.

Speaking of never done...I didn''t know that there are some babies who don''t drool! My mom said my brother and I did not, but I didn''t believe her. ALL babies drooled, or so I thought. Amelia never did, nor did she put things in her mouth. Very strange to me at the time.

And here''s another one...I didn''t know I would be SO happy to have ALL YOU LADIES ON PRICESCOPE to commiserate with! With your help, I was able to not be one of *those* kinds of moms who are always talking about their kids...I was able to do it here! Yay! My talking about Amelia in my day to day life is minimal, except with TGuy.


Feb 8, 2003
I never used powder. Talc is suppose to be the culprit in causing inhallation issues and corn starch just seemed pointless as long as you're good about changing diapers on time. My babies were not prone to rashes.

The sleep deprivation is terrible. If you're the type who turns grumpy without sleep, you're going to experience hell. I was a mess for a few months. The first month of my son's life, dh slept on the couch because he was finishing up his BS in physics and was desperate for sleep.


Aug 31, 2005
Oh man, the baby blues. Those were rough. I remember coming home from the hospital and sobbing for two days straight. I felt like I was at the bottom of a very deep hole. It went away pretty quickly because I had both my mom and MIL to distract me, but that had to have been one of the worst feelings I've ever felt.

Date: 11/10/2009 11:39:18 AM
Author: DivaDiamond007

That the littlest member of the house creates the most laundry.

Isn't this the truth?


Oct 30, 2002
lol TG, the only thing i remember from helping raise my sister when she was born when i was 15 was all the projectile vomit and how much she threw up. and yes burps often equalled puke. oh and she had a fun habit of poo squirting up her back under her clothes. ahhh memories.


Mar 18, 2007
Date: 11/10/2009 2:16:11 PM
Author: Mara
lol TG, the only thing i remember from helping raise my sister when she was born when i was 15 was all the projectile vomit and how much she threw up. and yes burps often equalled puke. oh and she had a fun habit of poo squirting up her back under her clothes. ahhh memories.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
That I could leave the house with the baby looking like an advert: face scrubbed, hair brushed, sweetly scented and dressed in carefully coordinated outfits according to outside temperature and weather conditions... shame the mother forgot to brush her hair, has spit-up down the back of her sweater that she doesn''t know is there and she can''t remember what lipstick is...

And oh geez, baby blues - they really, really suck. I cried for days on end - and that was with a whole team of people coming in to see me every day to make sure I didn''t get PPD. If I hadn''t had that and been on meds I dread to think what a mess I would have been in!


Dec 29, 2004

The baby blues...truly scary.

I have two friends right now who are preggers. One with triplets and her sister with twins. They are so uncomfortable being pregnant, they want it to be over. The one with twins did note that she heard from someone it''s easier with the babies inside than out. I nodded. She said, "Yeah, I know it will be hard."

I thought to, you don''t know. And there''s nothing I can do to make you understand how hard it''s going to be.




Nov 18, 2004
Date: 11/10/2009 5:47:55 PM
Author: TravelingGal

The baby blues...truly scary.

I have two friends right now who are preggers. One with triplets and her sister with twins. They are so uncomfortable being pregnant, they want it to be over. The one with twins did note that she heard from someone it''s easier with the babies inside than out. I nodded. She said, ''Yeah, I know it will be hard.''

I thought to, you don''t know. And there''s nothing I can do to make you understand how hard it''s going to be.


wow TGal, just realized that your friend''s mom will have 5 grandchildren w/in a year


May 18, 2008
On the note of baby blues and PS being so supportive, the thread I posted on here about what I was going through and all the answers I received was what really helped me out the most. I just kept reading it over and over and telling myself that the fog will lift.

But yes it is scary. I remember when DD was first placed on me right after she was born and that wave of sadness came over me. It was instant. I immediately felt panic because I didn''t know why I was feeling this. And even though I could see her, I couldn''t see her KWIM?

That''s why I wish I had told FI to snap a photo of her the instant she was born and placed on me. I couldn''t enjoy that little face the minute she came into the world because of all the hormones and once I did get past it I would close my eyes to picture her again. I really, really wish I had it captured on film (not video taped but a photo).
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