
Theft from Luggage?


Jun 23, 2011

First I know, I KNOW. Don't put anything valuable in your checked luggage. I knew better, but made a very unwise decision that I'm kicking myself for now. :( On our flight home from our wedding, we packed our Nikon D3100 + lenses in one of our checked bags. When we got home, we pulled the camera bag out and it was empty! :angryfire: ;( :angryfire: ;(

The clothes, etc. were all disheveled and there was a TSA NOI (Notice of Inspection) in the bag. The other two bags were completely untouched, and had no notice. We've started the process of filing a claim with TSA since it seems like it's extremely likely that the theft occurred either as a result of, or during their "random" inspection.

So my question is this...has anyone been as foolish as I was and had to file a claim? If so, how did it work out? I know it's not a high end camera, but we paid almost 1K for it less than 6 months ago AND it had really important pictures on it. I'm just sick. :(sad

Also let this be a PSA...Don't trust checked bags! I knew better, sigh...

Uggh, so sorry about the apparent theft of your camera. No, I've never had this happen, but I don't think I would have thought twice about putting a camera in checked luggage. Is there ANY chance you might have accidentally left the camera in your hotel and just packed the bag, thinking it was in there? I know it's an off chance, but it might be worth a call to the hotel?

It is truly a shame if the TSA person took the camera from your bag!!! I hope you are able to find some resolution.
I actually put pretty much everything valuable in my checked luggage - laptop, jewellery, etc. - and so far nothing has happened to it. But you're making me rethink my behaviour now.
We stayed with my MIL and are 100% sure it was in there. They took both lenses (we'd never have them both out) but left the little camera and flip video (thank goodness!) in the little mesh pouch. My guess is that they just took what looked most valuable and the quickest to nab.

We've always checked valuables, etc. w/o giving it a second thought but will never be that naive again!
A few friends of mine travel with camera equiment (tripods, multiple lenses, flash etc) and they usually have to check it in as it is simply too large a bag to take on board flight.

I'll have to ask if they have any special arrangements, but so far everything turns out fine. They do declare their items to insurance beforehand though, so if anything is lost, they just get free equipment upgrades or new kit.

Do you have insurance that can cover the value? It is terrible when these things happen.
That is terrible! Sorry for your loss. Can't trust people now days.

Don't know the process but you have to report it. It's just disgusting that someone now has your private photos.
Cameras you can replace but not photos. :(
mayerling|1310196754|2965338 said:
I actually put pretty much everything valuable in my checked luggage - laptop, jewellery, etc. - and so far nothing has happened to it. But you're making me rethink my behaviour now.

Please always carry your jewelry in your purse or carry-on bag. We don't ever put anything of value in the checked bags. I think you've just been lucky so far, but eventually the wrong person will inspect your bags!

I'm very sorry this happened, Tammy, and will be interested to see if they honor the claim.
Tammy, Ugh! I feel TERRIBLE for you!!! I have had that happen to me in my checked luggage. We were going on our honeymoon, and my bag was missed the flight. By the time I got it, I didn't have my hair dryer, contact lenses and prescription pills. But the kicker: they put someone ELSE'S pants in my luggage! :eek: I didn't notice it until I told my DH "Here's your pants." "Those aren't my pants." "Well they aren't mine." <upon further inspection> "I don't think this is either of ours. It's from Cabelas. All our safari clothes are from REI." :nono:

Hoping the TSA honors your claim, but terrible you lost the pics. :(sad

So sorry this happened to you! That stinks. I've had little things gone before with the "random" TSA checks. I lost a little snakeskin change purse about a year ago. It was empty (thankfully) when i packed it in my bag. I KNOW I put it in, yet it was gone when I got home. Let us know what happens when you file the claim.
I've heard a lot of stories of things getting taken from bags. Mostly in Europe. Friends had their GPS stolen and I had another friend's mother have chocolate taken!! The box was still in her luggage but when she opened it half of them were eaten!!
It's horrible to think these people abuse their positions like that.

I would recommend not putting anything valuable in your luggage. I just returned from a trip this past weekend and had my large DSLR camera with me and really didn't want to have to lug it on the plane with me (I was traveling alone with my infant and had so much crap for her that it was really tempting to not have another few lbs. in my backpack). In the end I sucked it up and carried it on because I know I'd be so upset had it been taken!!
In another country my family and I had our bags opened (cut the locks) and all of my dad's and brother's good clothes were stolen. There was nothing we could do. The plastic wrap machine made sense after that incident. I NEVER check anything important. I am sorry to hear about your camera. I hope they can recover it. Would your homeowner's insurance cover it?
So sorry to hear your camera was stolen. I never check anything of value. Let's face it. The people hired to do the checking are low paid. When my daughter worked at Best Buy they had more theft problems with managers than with sales associates or customers.

I hope you can get it back or at least compensated for the loss.
Hi Tammy - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your camera! When my step sister went on her honeymoon she took both their laptops, a camera, and a camcorder with her. When she got home only the camcorder was left in the bag, she filed a claim with TSA but never heard anything back from them. They just kept giving her excuses that they weren't responsible, that TSA agents know better, etc....I do hope this doesn't end up being your case and that you can retrieve your camera!
diamondseeker2006|1310216086|2965419 said:
mayerling|1310196754|2965338 said:
I actually put pretty much everything valuable in my checked luggage - laptop, jewellery, etc. - and so far nothing has happened to it. But you're making me rethink my behaviour now.

Please always carry your jewelry in your purse or carry-on bag. We don't ever put anything of value in the checked bags. I think you've just been lucky so far, but eventually the wrong person will inspect your bags!

I wonder if this is because I usually travel within the EU and there are no checks for people or bags traveling within the EU. I'll keep it in mind for future travel to the US though.
So do the baggage handlers have TSA keys to locked luggage or just the inspectors? I haven't checked any luggage in a long time,
but when we have we always have locks on our bags. Does this make a difference or not?

I wouldn't ever put anything I really valued in there but I still wouldn't want anything stolen. Sometimes we have put souvenirs
in there, but this last trip we mailed them home before us.
We have renter's insurance because we aren't home owners yet. I'll ask them, but I don't think it will be covered. I too am worried that TSA will just blow off our claim. I wish there was something we could do. :blackeye: I wonder if I should contact the Buffalo, NY police dept to file a report since it had to have happened there. Hrmm...
I'm very sorry for the loss of your camera. I would most definitely contact your renter's insurance. I had my purse stolen at work (long story) and was able to file a claim with my homeowner's insurance. After paying the deductible, they sent me a check to replace what was taken. I filed a police report, found as much proof of purchase as I could and provided the agent with an itemized list of items and cost to replace. It took a bit of time but was well-worth it. I would assume that you can do something similar. Good luck!