
The stomach virus.

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Mar 20, 2006
We were visiting FI's cousin's family over the weekend... and they mentioned that some of their friends had been sick recently with a stomach bug. Well Sunday morning, we woke up to find both our cousin and his wife running in and out of the bathroom in utter misery.
I felt awful for them (especially since they have two young daughters)... but couldn't help thinking of the spinach dip we'd all shared the night before......

Well sure enough... I went to bed last night with a sense of dread in the pit of my stomach, then tossed and turned all night with a headache that wouldn't leave me alone, and suddenly around 5am..... the virus officially hit.

Anyone else dealing with the stomach bug???

ETA -- Sorry if this TMI for anyone at 7:30 in the morning... I'm all wrapped up in my own misery, didn't mean to inflict it on anybody else!
ohhh Ephemery - so sorry to read this! I hope it''s a quick one and that you''re feeling better as the day proceeds. Virii (?) are nasty. Sip fluids as tolerated so you don''t dehydrate - Nurse Tulip
Oh I''m so sorry!! Stomach bugs are the absolute worst
Oh, so sorry! My boss had to accompany her infant grandson to the ER with it last week, and then SHE got it. I just saw her back in the office... she said she lost 9 pounds in 4 days! Not pleasant. So it''s definitely going around here too!
I spent last Sunday (not yesterday, but a week ago) with the bug. Fortunately (for me at least) it was only a 24 hour thing, but it is miserable while it''s lasts. Hope you feel better soon.
My MIL, who is 86 and has late stage Alzheimer''s among other health issues, had gastroenteritis/norovirus, which is what is going around. She wound up in the hospital on December 28. She woke up vomitting in the middle of the night and is unable to describe symptoms and explain pain so her caretaker called 911. She was patient #1 to bring it to the hospital and then caught it again about 5 days into her stay, was quarantined, and it prolonged her visit another 2 weeks. She is now in a skilled nursing facility recovering, and will eventually move back to the board and care she usually resides in. We''re in week 5 of her bout with this nastiness as she is struggling to recover and regain weight (she lost about 10 lbs off her already small frame in the past 5 weeks). It''s very sad to see the effect something like a short lived virus has on older people.

Anyways, I hope you get better soon, Eph!!
Oh boy ... we spent 6 hours in the ER just over a week ago with this dread bug! DH started feeling sick at work - hurled 5 times in under an hour - left to drive home (45 min) and called me on the WAY saying - it hurts so bad I''m going to the ER. YIKES! So I met him there, thinking it was his appendix or something but - turns out it''s just this crazy horrible stomach virus. He had to get an IV to rehydrate & MORPHINE! Poor baby - his lips were just shaking he was so cramped up! And it was kinda scary not knowing what the heck was going on for so long!

Hilariously though - just a few hours later I had to grab cookies out of his hand - as those were CLEARLY not on the prescribed 48 hour "Bland Diet". He wanted to heat up CHINESE FOOD too???!! HA! Not on my watch, sucka!

Somehow I never got it! Whew! But I did follow the "bland diet" for two days with him - for moral support aaaaannnnddddd - just in case
I work at the headquarters of a hotel company and this rodo virus has really caused people here to wrack their brains over how to best keep employees and guests healthy (it''s not easy with so many people in and out of the hotels, restaurants, etc.). The problem is that the virus is extremely easy to contract and spread.

Luckily the virus only lasts about a day (for relatively healthy people), but that day is supposed to be horrid. The main thing to watch out for is dehydration. If you get knocked down by this virus (which I hope none of you do), make sure to drink plenty of liquids. In the mean time, wash your hands often and take an immune system booster (i.e.: Airborne, Emergen-C, etc.)
Thanks for all your sympathy and commiseration! The last 8 hours haven''t been the most pleasant of my life, that''s for sure... but I''m glad to hear there''s an end in sight.
And fortunately I''ve been averaging closer to one "round" an hour... not 5 like Deco''s boy... UGH! I''d be driving myself to the hospital too!!
And sorry to hear about your MIL, Kimberly... that must be so discouraging.

But MAN this is getting old... I''ve consumed a whopping two ounces of gatorade since this morning, but I''m starving for something solid... just not ready to risk it quite yet.

Trying to decide whether I should arrange to take off work tomorrow (would entail rescheduling appts with clients, so ideally I''d do that today)....
I had a call from my brother last night. He lives in Seattle. He told me he has been down 2 days with nausea and runs. Poor guy, it must be this same thing. I had no idea how bad this is going around.

What are the ways to avoid getting it?
ephemery, I would definitely suggest taking off the day. You should let yourself rest. Plus, you are still contagious the day after. So, spare your co-workers and take the day to sleep your way back to your usual self.

I hope you feel better VERY soon!
my friend thought she got food poisoning over the wkd but maybe it was the flu! it lasted about 24 hours. she lost 2 lbs. she said the irony was that after all the misery, she was at her goal weight, lol.
hey ephem! I hope you feel better soon. I''m sick too, but with the flu. Funny right, we are sick but CANNOT stay away from PS.

So make sure you rest, even if you feel ok enough to walk around. Yesterday, everytime I had enough energy to get up, I would walk around and clean a bit...but each time my fever would go right back up. So just sit still and rest!!
Date: 1/29/2007 12:38:54 PM
Author: Beacon
I had a call from my brother last night. He lives in Seattle. He told me he has been down 2 days with nausea and runs. Poor guy, it must be this same thing. I had no idea how bad this is going around.

What are the ways to avoid getting it?
It''s a virus, so do what you would to avoid a cold (namely don''t touch your face/mouth unless you''ve washed your hands. Also, keep your distance from people, don''t use public phones, etc).

Eph, thanks for the kind words. She is recovering slowly, it''s amazing how something that can knock you or I out for a few days has such long lasting effects on people in already poor health. I feel more sorry for my husband as her mortality grows more and more apparent and she is his only living family member.

Now get some rest!
Date: 1/29/2007 3:53:58 PM
Author: CrownJewel
hey ephem! I hope you feel better soon. I''m sick too, but with the flu. Funny right, we are sick but CANNOT stay away from PS.
My fiance was laughing about that too... all day, every time I felt well enough to sit up, I made a beeline for the computer to email and PS! So sorry to hear you''re dealing with the flu... how miserable.
I hope the worst is over!

I am feeling much better (the nausea has worn off as long as I''m lying down, and I took my prescription headache med which is really helping with the muscle aches and fever)... but I did reschedule my appointments for tomorrow so I could take the day off. And as you guys said, an extra 24 hours of recovery time can''t hurt... plus I REALLY don''t want to be responsible for an outbreak at the college where I work!

There was a story on the news tonight about the stomach virus hitting the Philly area... apparently it is an "especially nasty strain" and the worst outbreak they''ve dealt with since they first started tracking them years ago! Just my luck...
but the good news is, FI is still healthy (fingers crossed)!!
I have been sick too! It started around 4:30 AM LAST Monday. I have only started feeling better over the last few days. My mom said the flu is bad where they live too. I guess it is just that time of year
Feel better everyone!!!
Date: 1/29/2007 9:42:45 PM
Author: ephemery1

Date: 1/29/2007 3:53:58 PM
Author: CrownJewel
hey ephem! I hope you feel better soon. I''m sick too, but with the flu. Funny right, we are sick but CANNOT stay away from PS.
My fiance was laughing about that too... all day, every time I felt well enough to sit up, I made a beeline for the computer to email and PS! So sorry to hear you''re dealing with the flu... how miserable.
I hope the worst is over!

I am feeling much better (the nausea has worn off as long as I''m lying down, and I took my prescription headache med which is really helping with the muscle aches and fever)... but I did reschedule my appointments for tomorrow so I could take the day off. And as you guys said, an extra 24 hours of recovery time can''t hurt... plus I REALLY don''t want to be responsible for an outbreak at the college where I work!

There was a story on the news tonight about the stomach virus hitting the Philly area... apparently it is an ''especially nasty strain'' and the worst outbreak they''ve dealt with since they first started tracking them years ago! Just my luck...
but the good news is, FI is still healthy (fingers crossed)!!
Glad you are on the mend, it is a nasty virus. It spread through Penn like crazy. Ash had it for 48 hours, and it wasn''t pretty. I just wanted to scoop her up and bring her home, but she said the car ride would have made it worse. Glad your FI didn''t catch it, fingers crossed!!!
I do hope you feel better soon.

It is really bad in California too.

I had it so bad that I stayed in the bathroom all night. Just brought my pillow and comforter and slept right on the floor. That way I was close to the toilet
I still felt crummy 3 weeks later. Then again, I am middle aged, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Takes longer to get better.

I had it Christmans night!!! I did the same think Linda W did!! I got so tired of going to the bathroom, I grabbed a quilt out of the closet and used a towel as a pillow and camped out in the bathroom all night. I figured at least it''s tile! My husband came in and checked on me now and then but I told him to leave me alone and let me be! The next day I told everyone to stay out of the bathroom (until I was well enough to sanitize it) and eat their meals someplace else. My kids did not get it but the husband did. (It is the same virus that is found in food poisoning)

ephemery1—so sorry you had to get it. It''s really something awful and took me about a week before I felt 100%. The good side is I lost a few lbs. and have kept them off after a month. I guess my stomach shrunk.
My husband got it bad! He was sick for 4 days and lost 7 lbs! In a household of four, he was the only one to get it.

I attribute this to:

1) From the time he first felt ill, he confined himself to our bedroom and bathroom only. The kids and I used our second bathroom and I slept in my daughters room until 24 hours after his symptoms were over.

2) He never went into the kitchen. I prepared all his beverages (tea, water, propel, gatorade) and food if you could call it that (jello, chicken broth, miso soup along with pretzels and saltine crackers.) He eventuallly graduated to scrambled eggs with toast.

3) He religiously washed his hands with antibacterial soap (extensively like for 1 minute or more before rinsing) every time he visited the bathroom. I and everyone in our house washed our hands before we touched any food and before we ate anything. I always thought I washed my hands often enough, but it wasn''t until I really had to focus on it as a preventitive measure that I realized that I really didn''t. I now have little bottles of hand sanitizer in my car and in my office drawer to help with times when I can''t wash.

4) I used clorox disinfectant spray (containes bleach) in the bathroom several times a day, everday and also in the kitchen (I used paper towels, so I could just toss them when I was done).

5) Before I joined my husband again in the bedroom we washed all the bedding and all his clothes and towels in the "sanitize" cycle of the washing machine. Down comforters that couldn''t be washed, I put in the dryer on high for 20 minutes.

End result, he was the only flu victim in our house. I hope my tips aren''t too much information for you all, but it really worked for us. And if these tips can help just one person from not getting this nasty flu, then it was worth it. I am thankful no one else in the household got it. My husband is a really strong man. I''ve only seen him sick maybe 2 or 3 times since I''ve known him. This bug, really got to him. He was literally on his back for 3 days before he was finally was able to sit up.

Stay healthy everyone and wash those hands!!!
awww my heart ached for those of you who had to camp out in the bathroom!!! My goodness. Hope you are all feeling better.
SuzyQZ--you did a wonderful job of keeping the bug contained! Your suggestions are very good and not overkill at all.

The real key is keeping everyone away from the infected person and everything they come in contact with. When you sanitize the bathroom everyone thinks of cleaning around the toilet but the door knobs, handles, towels, etc that may not even be close also need to get sanitized. I even changed the kleenex box and roll of TP just because I knew I had touched those when I was at my worst! I can''t imagine trying to control this on a cruise ship!
Yeah, we got this a couple of weeks ago. He spent the night in the bathroom and the next two days at home. I got it on his second day and recovered a bit faster.
My poor sister on the east coast came down with this earlier in the month and was sick for four days. It sounds like the more severe version really does feel like appendicitis. In fact a doctor friend of hers took his kid to the ER because he thought his kid had appendicitis but it was the stomach flu. A few days later his other kid had the same symptoms and they just treated him at home.... yep, you guessed it! The second one did have appendicitis! Guess even doctors make mistakes.

From hearing about it and from experiencing it, it sounds like that if you didn''t have severe and intense pain that made you think about an ER visit... then you should be fine in a day or two, otherwise its a 4 day weight loss program! Well, it is really only one day to get over the milder version but we both felt so tired and weak that we stayed in bed for another day.
Date: 1/30/2007 6:33:13 PM
Author: swingirl
SuzyQZ--you did a wonderful job of keeping the bug contained! Your suggestions are very good and not overkill at all.

The real key is keeping everyone away from the infected person and everything they come in contact with. When you sanitize the bathroom everyone thinks of cleaning around the toilet but the door knobs, handles, towels, etc that may not even be close also need to get sanitized. I even changed the kleenex box and roll of TP just because I knew I had touched those when I was at my worst! I can''t imagine trying to control this on a cruise ship!
Yes, yes!! I was cleaning everything he touched. It was the nastiest bug! I''ve never seen so much cramping and pain. I was really afraid of catching this flu. I was willing to do everything within my power to avoid it for myself and my kids. We were very lucky indeed.

My husband was in Boston for a meeting two days before his symptoms appeared. I think he either got it at the hotel or on the flight back. He must have gotten the really bad strain of this virus. I can''t even imagine being on a cruise, and having to give up 3 or 4 days of a 7 day cruise.

Even today, now that my husband has fully recovered, I know that virus is still out there and will be for several months. I am conscious of what I touch when I''m at the bank, post office or at the mall and wash and use my sanitizer religiously.
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