
The popularity of Halo Rings.. a ??

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Jun 5, 2004

I’m not in the jewelry industry by any means. I lived in NY and just moved to CT – and I have only seen 3 halo rings in person, on someone’s hand.

I have seen them in stores, but I rarely see people wearing them..

There are many MANY halo’s on this website, but sometimes I wonder – are they really that popular “out there” in the real world?

Do you see them ob the street a lot?? I''m talking ,on someone''s hand, not in a window..
I know 2 people who have them. One is a co-worker''s wife, another is a friend''s mom. Friend''s mom is a re-set upgrade. They halo''d her original e-ring stone and it looks fantastic!
I''ve wondered this, too. I almost never see them IRL. Most girls seem to have a round or princess solitaire, or a three-stone.
IRL I''ve never seen one other than my own.
I''ve never seen one in person either - except on gemstones.
I''ve only seen one halo in real life on someone I knew through work. Most people I have seen have a plain solitaire, or a 3 stone with baguettes on the site, or a 3 stone with rounds on the site. Those are the most common settings I have seen locally.
my best friend has a halo ring. my 38 year old aunt just recieved an upgrade to a EC halo from her hubby, another friend of mine has a halo and one of the nursury workers at our church had a halo ring on. That''s it for me, 4 total. I see mostly solitaires and e-stones, and only a handful of pave rings even though that''s what''s in all the stores in my area. I do see a lot more solitaire with eternity band combo''s though.
I should mention I have seen them on colored stones in the Macy''s jewelry department...but not on a diamond, or on someone''s hand.
I haven''t noticed any IRL. Maybe that''s because brides want to stay with a more traditional style, rather then something that is considered a trend.
I have seen a few IRL and LOTS in B&Ms.
Well this is most exciting to hear! I have loved the halo style for the past 2 years (before I found PS) and partly because it was unique and different. However, now that I am addicted to PS I feel like my attraction to halo''s isnt infact unique after all (although I am still in LOVE and will be recieving one shortly!!!

So........ I am GLAD to hear that they are still uncommon in the real world... at least for now!! Yippeee!
Other than my own halo, I haven''t really seen any IRL. I have seen some halos with gemstones - actually I should say I''ve seen one halo with a garnet. Square cut.

And for what it is worth, one of the comments I get on my ring is that is it is very unique and unusual.

MMM - I think you''ll find that what you see on PS definitely isn''t the norm!
It's funny because I have been thinking about this for a while. I live in New York City and I have not seen a single halo ring besides my own. I would think that there would be tons of them, judging from the vast amounts we see on this site, but I've never seen another one in person. And when people see mine, they always think it's so unusual. Very interesting...
I know someone who has the Tiffany Legacy, and another one of my friends has a round in a square halo. Another has the ritani 3 stone halo, so from where I am sitting, it doesn''t seem too uncommon.
I have never seen anyone wearing a halo as an e-ring. My mom bought one at Macy''s for just like a "cheaper" cocktail ring. It makes a smaller center look a lot bigger, so I guess that''s cool. I like it but I wouldn''t want it for my e-ring, I guess because it does seems more trendy rather than something I would want to wear the rest of my life.
Other than my own, I have never seen anyone wearing a halo e-ring. And people all seem to think my ring is so unusual.
I''ve never seen a halo ring except for mine. I see a lot of bezel set though, and 3 stone rings are MASSIVELY popular here (I think it''s on eqaul footing with the solitaire).
I have seen one other on someones hand.
I see them once or twice a week on someone! I work in an upscale hotel on the beach in santa monica, and here in LA they seem to be more popular. We arent terribly afraid of trends out here, i guess!
I don''t know ANYONE who has a halo e-ring, nor have I noticed one on strangers in my area (San Francisco)....and believe me, I look!
OK, well, I have seen Luckyhonu''s halo beauty in person, but she''s from PS so that doesn''t count. It''s odd considering how many of them we see here on PS, though we are definitely not representative of the broader population.
Besides mine, I have only seen one!!! It was a radiant, and the setting was very much like my asscher. The woman complimented me on my ring and I of course complimented her on her''s. We chatted for a while in J Crew while our daughter''s were trying on clothes. Of course Ash was like mom, do you always have to talk about jewelry??
I've never seen one on anyone's hand, but they sure are popular in the jewelry stores!

And you moved to CT?! What county? I'm in Fairfield county
Date: 12/18/2006 3:48:38 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I know someone who has the Tiffany Legacy, and another one of my friends has a round in a square halo. Another has the ritani 3 stone halo, so from where I am sitting, it doesn''t seem too uncommon.
oooh I did see the ritani 3 stone halo - on the hand of the woman working at tiffany''s!! lol!
Yeah, I guess I''ve seen them on colored stone rings, too. Just not for e-rings.
I love my lil halo!

I happen to see them somewhat often.

My mom has one, and I know quite a few other gals who have halos.

One of my dearest friends has her 2.5ct+ Old Miner Cut surrounded by pinks (like mine!) I need to get some pictures of that one :)

In Los Angeles, it's pretty common
I''ve actually never seen one in person! They are very very beautiful though. I wouldn''t wear one(I think they take away from what should be center of attention-the center stone), but they are very pretty.
I have never seen one on a person IRL. Lots in stores. However, I'm moving to a nicer part of town in a few months, ooh can't wait for all the jewelry scoping I can do over there! :) Most people I know have white gold or plat solitaires, or rings with small diamond sidestones. I'd really like to have a haloed gemstone ring like a sapphire or light blue stone. I don't think I'd do a haloed diamond for myself, but never say never!
I have two friends with halos-- one with a round center and one with a cushion center. Other than that I actually rarely see halos randomly.
I have seen two others besides my own halo! I absolutely LOVE halos!! I get the same comments of "how unique" or "looks like an heirloom." I LOVE that me ering is "unique." I heart my halo, it''s my dream sweetie did good!
I can only quickly think of two. One is not an e-ring, but a haloed pink sapph.

The other is an ering and it is a haloed BLUE diamond to die for!!

These are both colored stones so it must mean something. I really have not seen any white on white halos around my environment.
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