
The Love Dare

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Nov 13, 2007
Has anyone watched this or read the book? Ever heard of it?
Isn''t this the book that challanges you to have sex for like 100 breaks?

If that is what it is, IMO, that''s impossible. Both Mark and I travel for work, we''re tired many nights...we have lives beyond the bedroom. Of course intimacy is important, and highly valued within our marriage, but I think that sometimes trying to hard can turn sex into work--which is, lets be honest, no fun.

For me, I''d rather have quality over quanity. We''re lovely everyday regardless.
I have never heard of it but here is the link
Thanks for the link cbs.

Italia: I just found some legitimate info on it, thanks to the link, and a USA Today article, and it sounds like it''s actually a 40-day devotional.

A friend told me about it, but didn''t give specifics. Didn''t realize it was religious in nature.
Date: 2/11/2009 10:40:26 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Isn''t this the book that challanges you to have sex for like 100 breaks?

If that is what it is, IMO, that''s impossible. Both Mark and I travel for work, we''re tired many nights...we have lives beyond the bedroom. Of course intimacy is important, and highly valued within our marriage, but I think that sometimes trying to hard can turn sex into work--which is, lets be honest, no fun.

For me, I''d rather have quality over quanity. We''re lovely everyday regardless.
For the record, I have to agree with you. I think it could actually put a rift between FI and I if we tried, but then again, we don''t have those kind of problems. Drastic circumstances, call for drastic measures?
The book was featured in the movie Fireproof. It''s adding a little something everyday (for 40 days) to the way you treat your SO to make the relationship better. I haven''t tried it myself, but I have heard great things about it.
Date: 2/11/2009 11:13:44 AM
Author: blackpolkadot
The book was featured in the movie Fireproof. It''s adding a little something everyday (for 40 days) to the way you treat your SO to make the relationship better. I haven''t tried it myself, but I have heard great things about it.

That actually sounds much more realistic than the other. I think that anything that makes you more conscious of your spouse or partner and more appreciative of them is probably a good thing and will help your relationship, most likely, though I don''t think it has to be religious (or sexual) in nature.
Date: 2/11/2009 11:32:30 AM
Author: AmberGretchen
Date: 2/11/2009 11:13:44 AM

Author: blackpolkadot

The book was featured in the movie Fireproof. It''s adding a little something everyday (for 40 days) to the way you treat your SO to make the relationship better. I haven''t tried it myself, but I have heard great things about it.

That actually sounds much more realistic than the other. I think that anything that makes you more conscious of your spouse or partner and more appreciative of them is probably a good thing and will help your relationship, most likely, though I don''t think it has to be religious (or sexual) in nature.

I saw the movie ''Fireproof'' this weekend with my roomie. I think that the movie was good overall, and the idea of the ''Love Dare'' can be a very good one. It has great reviews on The movie is very heavily Christian, and the Love Dare is based in biblical verses, so if that is not your bag, then you might not be into it. I am not religious, but I still thought the take-away from the movie was positive about how you have to participate in daily devotion to your spouse in order to make a marriage work. I think that the "Love Dare'' would be good for ANY couple. It is all about putting someone else before yourself without asking for anything in return. If both people can embrace that, you can create a really strong relationship.

Anyway, that''s just my .02. I don''t know if Sex is included, but based on the movie, I would assume that it is not. I rented it for $1 at redbox, and it is in video store now. (the movie, that is) "Fireproof"
I'm really surprised that such a book exists.

ireproof Your Marriage Couple's Study plus 2 Love Dare Bundle
sample picture of FIREPROOF couples kit plus 2 love dare bundle

Combine the power of The Love Dare with a Fireproof study on the Biblical concepts of unconditional love, freedom from temptation and the differences between men and women.

I'm a cultural Catholic, and I'm 23. And I understand and support the Biblical concepts of unconditional love. I'm surprised that this book exists for supposedly devout people, who have probably had the Biblical concepts of unconditional love drilled into them since they were 3 years old, or, at least, they converted, so they should be pretty into this stuff. I'm surprised that the people in the intended audience of the book are ... getting married(?) without knowing or understanding unconditional love, or that they can get so caught up in life or whatever that they forget, or get caught up in "temptations," yet can still go to church once a week. When I was with my my ex (you know, the dood I used to love a lot,) my first thought EVERY day when I woke up was of him, and every night, my last thought was of him. Replace those lower case h in him to the big H Him, and that would be comparable to some people's religious devotion. That might not be for everyone, but that did teach me the merits of a major world religion that has existed for 2000 years.

Haven't read the book... I mean, if you're familiar with the concepts of love that are advertised in the book, I don't think you would need it, other than as an exercise/practice/workbook. As with religion, one just has to believe. Faith, devotion, adoration, worship, and unconditional love... these are concepts of other major religions, not just Christianity. I'm not religious at all, but I believe in love. And at the bottom of both is some kind of basic faith or trust, the kernel from which all the other things will flow.
Date: 3/30/2009 5:03:54 PM
Author: JulieN
I''m really surprised that such a book exists.

ireproof Your Marriage Couple''s Study plus 2 Love Dare Bundle

sample picture of FIREPROOF couples kit plus 2 love dare bundle

Combine the power of The Love Dare with a Fireproof study on the Biblical concepts of unconditional love, freedom from temptation and the differences between men and women.

I''m a cultural Catholic, and I''m 23. And I understand and support the Biblical concepts of unconditional love. I''m surprised that this book exists for supposedly devout people, who have probably had the Biblical concepts of unconditional love drilled into them since they were 3 years old, or, at least, they converted, so they should be pretty into this stuff. I''m surprised that the people in the intended audience of the book are ... getting married(?) without knowing or understanding unconditional love, or that they can get so caught up in life or whatever that they forget, or get caught up in ''temptations,'' yet can still go to church once a week. When I was with my my ex (you know, the dood I used to love a lot,) my first thought EVERY day when I woke up was of him, and every night, my last thought was of him. Replace those lower case h in him to the big H Him, and that would be comparable to some people''s religious devotion. That might not be for everyone, but that did teach me the merits of a major world religion that has existed for 2000 years.

Haven''t read the book... I mean, if you''re familiar with the concepts of love that are advertised in the book, I don''t think you would need it, other than as an exercise/practice/workbook. As with religion, one just has to believe. Faith, devotion, adoration, worship, and unconditional love... these are concepts of other major religions, not just Christianity. I''m not religious at all, but I believe in love. And at the bottom of both is some kind of basic faith or trust, the kernel from which all the other things will flow.

I am also culturally Christian, and I do think that these ideas are pretty fundemental and easy, but we all know that common sense is not all that common. With the divorce rate so high in a country that claims to be so religious, obviously there is a need for books like these. Seriously, so many churches offer marriage and divorce counseling, you would think that somewhere along that line, people would learn this. There are also plenty of secular books that will put you on the same path, like 7 principles for making marriage work/last by Goffman, I think. These are more psychological concepts than religious ones, though I would argue as a non-religious person that the bible and other great books are just massive tomes of pyschology from early cultural historians. But that''s just my take.

Anyway, I think that the love dare offers very practical and easy to do tasks and devotions, and any couple, secular or religious, could benefit. I think the most benefit, however, would come from the least giving partner doing the love dare, or each partner doing 40 days for each other (not necessarily at the same time).
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