
The healthy cooking/keto thread


Jan 13, 2006
I thought it would be best to start a new thread for all the great recipes and cook book recommendations being posted in the intermittent fasting thread. I don't want anyone to have to wade through posts to get to the fasting info, and I'd rather have all the deliciousness in one place. :lickout: I had been thinking about starting such a thread to begin with, so this is a perfect opportunity. I will ask the admin if they can transfer the recipe related posts over to here.

This will not just be related to keto. Any and all health recipes, tips, tricks, and what have you are welcome!

I will start things off with a pizza crust recipe video. It's made with grated cauliflower and parmesan cheese. I am so psyched to make this as it seriously looks and sounds good. Plus the guy's a hoot. :bigsmile:

The Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe That Won't Fall Apart
Great idea for a thread, Ellen! I'll go ahead and copy my post over here.

I actually ordered two good keto cookbooks by Carolyn Ketchum. But so far, I have actually used printed recipes that I saw online. Some are from this site:

I believe they tell you whether the recipe is low carb or keto, too.

Just saw this one...YUM!!!

This is similar and I did make it a couple of weeks ago...good!
Thanks ds! Have you tried making a pizza crust like this?
Thanks ds! Have you tried making a pizza crust like this?

I have seen recipes like that, but I haven't tried it yet. So I watched that whole video! Wrote down the recipe. I like his method better than others, except I may try it with frozen riced cauliflower to make it even easier! It really made me crave pizza watching that! I wish one of the pizza chains would get smart and sell pizzas with this crust!
I have seen recipes like that, but I haven't tried it yet. So I watched that whole video! Wrote down the recipe. I like his method better than others, except I may try it with frozen riced cauliflower to make it even easier! It really made me crave pizza watching that! I wish one of the pizza chains would get smart and sell pizzas with this crust!
Me too! And it will be SO nice to eat one guilt free! :appl:
Transferring a few posts from the Intermittent Fasting thread.

Junebug posted:


Slight threadjack! I made bread from eggs and almond flour, it was actually pretty easy, didn't take too long...looks better than it tastes though LOL Kind of dry. I read after I made it that a few drops of Stevia improve the taste. It wasn't bad toasted with pimento cheese (recipe from Atkins). There are lots of recipes online, probably give it another try at some point.
luv2sparkle posted:

Junebug, your bread looks great! The dietdoctor site is great. Kristie Sullivan is a contributor oftenon it. If anyone is looking for low carb keto recipes, her new book is pretty great, and she will have another one coming out in December that is holiday type recipes called Keto Gatherings. The one out now is called Keto living day to day. I have pretty much switched out all my cookbooks. I have kept my favorites for making dishes for friends and family on occasion. DH and I are really enjoying trying out new recipes together. Even brought some in our 5th wheel to cook at the beach.
junebug replied:

Thanks @luv2sparkle! I will check out that site and I am definitely going to get Kristie Sullivan's book, I try to stick to a keto diet as much as my willpower will allow, I feel better and it helps keep my weight in check. Excited to have a few more resources!
luv2sparkle replied:

I have three of Carolyn Ketchum’s books and I like them very much. Her recipes always come out well for me. I am anxious to try her cracker recipes. I do miss crackers and cheese. I haven got around to making these but I have made keto bagels. I do like Kristie’s fathead dough for them because she adds at fiber which lowers the total carbs. They are a treat for me though and not an everyday thing. I also love Maria Emmerich’s books and own every one, along with a couple other authors. I have found that for me, this is the key to making keto a lifestyle. I can’t think of a single thing that I could not make a keto version of. I also follow many of these ladies on Facebook so when they post a new recipe I see it. Probably the only reason I am on FB anymore. Kristie’s, Keto living book has recipes that have super easy to find ingredients and my boys still at home, who do not eat anywhere close to keto, enjoy these recipes. I also pin quite a few recipes to Pinterest.
I wish I could share that with you DS, so you could find a wealth of recipes, but I am sure you can just search keto and probably find my board or and even better one.
Going to post a couple recipes. I eat this first one for breakfast (whatever time that is) on a regular basis (like once a week).

Overnight Oatmeal

1/2 c. rolled oats (I use quick cooking organic from Bob's Red Mill, it won't work as well if you use long cooking OR thick cut oats)

1 tsp. chia seeds

2/3 c. milk (I use raw)

1-2 tsp. cacao powder (I use 2)

1-2 tsp. real maple syrup (I use 2)

1 Tbsp. chopped cashews (I use walnuts instead)

1 Tbsp. dried cherries or cranberries (I usually omit, but will use cranberry)

I put in a small mason jar. Add all and shake really well. Put in frig overnight.

For those not familiar with cacao powder, not to be confused with cocoa powder, here is a description of both.(cocoa is right under the video)
Homemade Chocolate Candy
(I just made this, and I halved the recipe to start, it makes a good bit. I cut it in small pieces and it totally filled a 2 lb. coffee container)

3 c. coconut oil, melted (I use organic, extra virgin from Vitacost, their brand)

1 16 oz jar almond butter

1 c. raw honey

1 c. cacao powder

3/4 of a 12 oz package coconut

2 c. pecan pieces, toasted

1/2 raisons (optional, I use)

coarse salt

In good size pot, melt oil gently. When melted, add almond butter and honey. Mix as much as you can over very low heat. Turn heat off and add the rest. Stir well. Put parchment paper in a small (13x11 1/2 in) jelly roll pan for half recipe, or large for whole. Pour in and smooth out. Put in frig for several hours to harden, then cut up. Store in frig or it will get too soft at room temp.

Next time I am going to try 1 c. coconut oil and 1/2 c. butter and see how that is.

I used regular fine ground sea salt and it was fine.

After seeing that regular coconut has propylene glycol, which gets mixed reviews on how healthy or unhealthy it is, I decided to just try dried coconut from Bob's Red Mill. Having had this candy before made with regular coconut, I can say yes, there is a difference. It is sweeter and texturally a bit different, because regular coconut is sweeter and softer. However, it is not to the degree that it ruins the candy, at all. And for someone who had never had it before, I doubt they would find it lacking. I will certainly keep eating it this way.
Ellen, I have made that pizza crust. I found the recipe by googling looking for a cauliflower crust. It is pretty good! My favorite by far however is a fathead dough. Carolyn Ketchum has a good one,as does Maria Emmerich. I also like for a different texture, the Kedough recipe in Kristie Sullivan’s new book. That one is a little drier, and she has addressed that in a Facebook post, (how to modify it), but I can’t offhand say how it was modified. The kedough pizza is one that can be easily hand held.
While we were at the beach, hubby wanted to get a ‘real’ pizza, and so we did. I was surprised to find that I didn’t love it or even miss it. I had some, but kept thinking that is wasn’t that great. Tastes really do change and I actually prefer the fathead pizza.
Ellen, I have made that pizza crust. I found the recipe by googling looking for a cauliflower crust. It is pretty good! My favorite by far however is a fathead dough. Carolyn Ketchum has a good one,as does Maria Emmerich. I also like for a different texture, the Kedough recipe in Kristie Sullivan’s new book. That one is a little drier, and she has addressed that in a Facebook post, (how to modify it), but I can’t offhand say how it was modified. The kedough pizza is one that can be easily hand held.
While we were at the beach, hubby wanted to get a ‘real’ pizza, and so we did. I was surprised to find that I didn’t love it or even miss it. I had some, but kept thinking that is wasn’t that great. Tastes really do change and I actually prefer the fathead pizza.
I'm so sorry you went searching, it was at the very beginning of the video! Take a look and see if they are alike.

Are all the ones you are mentioning like this (with cauliflower)? Or are they using like almond flour?

What you experienced is like what I did after I started staying away from fast food. Every blue moon now I'll think it sounds good and get it, and immediately I regret doing it, plus wasting money on something that tastes horrible. :eek2:

How was your vacation?
This thread is coming at a perfect time for me. After trying being on medication, I have gained 20 pounds in 6 months.:(2 I am not happy especially when I realized the last time and only time I weighed this much I was 6 months pregnant. It seems like lowering carbs is the easiest way to lose weight but I do love my carbs. Keep it up ladies. I'm taking notes.
This thread is coming at a perfect time for me. After trying being on medication, I have gained 20 pounds in 6 months.:(2 I am not happy especially when I realized the last time and only time I weighed this much I was 6 months pregnant. It seems like lowering carbs is the easiest way to lose weight but I do love my carbs. Keep it up ladies. I'm taking notes.

Good to see you, S! Go to the site. It has so much helpful info!

Confession, I ate some fries tonight with my grilled chicken salad. That's what happens when you have a 100 pound daughter at home! Too much temptation! :lol:
Good to see you, S! Go to the site. It has so much helpful info!

Confession, I ate some fries tonight with my grilled chicken salad. That's what happens when you have a 100 pound daughter at home! Too much temptation! :lol:

Thanks J! I still plan on eating things I enjoy (like fries) but less often. I know I could not do elimination diet. My goal is to lose it by NYE so it is more of a life style change. Also joined a gym. I HATE exercise. Off to check out that site.
Thanks J! I still plan on eating things I enjoy (like fries) but less often. I know I could not do elimination diet. My goal is to lose it by NYE so it is more of a life style change. Also joined a gym. I HATE exercise. Off to check out that site.
Hi T! :wavey:

I would highly recommend reading my intermittent fasting thread if you haven't. And getting the book I link in there by Dr. Fung. Learning how we actually gain weight (and all that that truly involves on a cellular level) is how you will truly learn to take it off. ;)) I am finally taking it off after carrying 20 extra pounds for far too many years.
Thanks! I'll check out that thread Ellen. Might be hard to do intermittent fasting with my schedule but I will look through the thread. :wavey:
@Tacori E-ring, I would like to add (in addition to what Ellen said), to not get discouraged as you try out different ways to eat. Not everything works for every body, and there is a great deal of trial and error involved. You have to find out what works for your body. For instance, weight doesn't come off of me super easy and I have learned what triggers my inflammation. I can feel it in my fingers the next day. Most natural sweetness don't bother me or kick me out of ketosis or trigger cravings but for some people that is not true. When you find the way that works for you, it makes it so much easier to stick with because you feel the difference it makes in your energy level and how you feel. I wish someone would have told me that years ago. It would have made such a difference to me.

Ellen, I actually found that cauliflower recipe you talked about a couple years ago. It was one of my first forays into trying to make an alternative pizza crust. I started making pizza on friday nights when my kids were little and I pretty much had it down to an art form. My kids want to eat pizza I make rather than going out for it. I have taught classes on making pizza even! So I was kind of interested in finding one that I at least could like. I somehow read over it at the beginning of the thread for some reason. You asked if anyone had tried it so I wanted to :wavey:. The fat head crust is made with mozzarella cheese melted with 2 oz cream cheese and adding some almond flour in. It makes a surprisingly good crust. You can also make so many other things with it depending if you want sweet or savory. The cinnamon kringle I posted a photo of is made with a variation of it as well. The Kedough crust is a little bit different, it is almost a batter. It depends on your preference for the type of finished product.

It feels great to say that fast food has zero appeal to me anymore. We have a couple chains out here in California that I will eat in a pinch-El Pollo Loco for a marinated chicken, and The Habit for a salad or a bunless burger, but mostly I would rather eat at home. Truly, it feels like freedom to me and a big woohoo, because that is not how I felt in the past.
Tacori, actually I have found IF much more accommodating as far as schedules go. But even if you don't do it (or just sorta do it), just reading the book and learning all the real ins and outs as to how we gain weight and lose it, I think would be helpful/inspirational.

Luv, sorry, I misunderstood you! That fathead dough sounds good. Need to look into these cook books. And yes, it does feel good not to be chained (ha!) to these fast food places anymore. So unhealthy.
I had a birthday dinner for my youngest last week and brought out the home made candy. It was a hit. So my small variation with the coconut didn't seem to matter. I will say though, overall I think the raisons can easily be doubled. I get many pieces with none in them.
Thanks ds! Have you tried making a pizza crust like this?
I've done a "chicken" crust and I've done the various cheese ones ("fathead"), and I've had the best luck with the fathead ones. They have all looked, tasted and "performed" like normal thincrust (similar to Imos or Cecils vs like...fortels or even Deweys). I've made some mini ones and frozen them as well with the intention of making individual ones and that worked really well. The flipping is the hard part.
I have been eating Atkins food for years, but don't like to bother cooking or baking with recipes that mean exertion. When my brother used the Atkins diet (he still appears to be following it more or less; he is still slim) he did a lot of creative cooking with it. My husband makes all kinds of recipes. I am happy with "just" the foods available by themselves. There are so many combinations! And if I want something prepared, I simply use Atkins frozen meals. I don't know why, but I can't bear the idea of having to create a pizza crust out of something. Maybe because I wouldn't eat a pizza crust anyway!

Today I took my daughter and a male friend to a restaurant that had steaks and a salad bar. What I got at that salad bar-all Atkins compliant-was positively decadent! My plate seemed heaping with deliciousness. I created what looked like a fattening Cobb salad with greens; hard boiled eggs; tiny cubes of ham; thin strips of cheddar cheese; grated parmesan cheese; a few bacon bits; and some blue cheese dressing. I probably forgot some things I threw in there, too. The only reason I didn't put in broccoli is that I have been eating it every day as my main food! And I ate tomatoes last night; they are relatively high in carbs. I eat them, but why eat them all the time? I have home grown cucumbers at home, so I didn't need to eat those at the salad bar, either. My point is that all this bounty, I don't have to cook!
ame, never heard of a chicken crust, I will have to look that up. Thanks!

So Deb, do you not eat any bread, pasta, etc? Your salad sounds yummy, I wouldn't have put broccoli in it anyway. Sometimes it just doesn't belong, though I like it.

For all you eating low carb /Keto, do you think buying cookbooks are worth it, or just copy recipes on line?

Also, does anyone have any good vinegar and oil, or blue cheese salad dressing recipes?
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So Deb, do you not eat any bread, pasta, etc?

I do not. Except when I "go off" my program. I used to cheat very rarely and on programmed occasions only. I did not even cheat for family holiday meals, but enjoyed the things I could eat on Atkins that were being served at the holiday meal. The programmed occasions when I "cheated" were when I travelled to Virginia to see the two medical specialists I still see there and I went out to eat with my husband. We always had Thai food together and I ate Thai noodles in abundance.

I do not "need" bread, but I have always really loved pasta, and having noodles for a couple of days was heaven.

While I stayed with this routine, I maintained a weight of about 111 pounds, but lately I have taken to cheating in a bad way: "randomly" deciding to eat ice cream and cake at night for example. Today I weigh 117 pounds. That is a reflection of my going back and forth between bad periods and periods of self-control. I hope that I can get to the place that I was in for so long, where I just enjoyed the healthy Atkins food and didn't get weird cravings for sweet junk!

Deb :wavey:
I can’t imagine anyone doing Keto correctly is eating bread. One slice would wipe out the day’s carbs. A person would be left eating nothing but meat for the rest of the day.
I can’t imagine anyone doing Keto correctly is eating bread. One slice would wipe out the day’s carbs. A person would be left eating nothing but meat for the rest of the day.

I had thought that "keto" was very close to Atkins, so I would not have thought that people doing a keto diet ate bread. But what do I know? I never saw a "keto" diet written out. I have only heard people (including a "real life" friend) discuss what they eat. :))
DH and I started on Monday.

I have the keto flu :(sad:knockout:
I'm back on the keto train lol. Also gained weight from some recent medication. I prefer not to try and sub non-keto things (bread, etc) because I find the results are always disappointing and never taste as good as the real thing lol. I also do "lazy" keto, so not a strict carb counting, just avoiding the main triggers. I will still eat small bits of fruit, but no pasta, potato, bread, rice or corn. Other veggies are pretty fair game. Sample meals:
-Seared flank steak w/ roasted broccoli & parm
-Lettuce wrap chicken tacos (or burgers)
-No bean chili
-Stirfry (usually just a ton of a cabbage, a meat and some frozen veg with sauce/spices/peppers)
-Fritata (my favourite!) you can put ANYTHING in it. I make it in a cast iron skillet, slice it into pie pieces and thats my lunch for the next few days. I like to sautee up a meat (bacon, sausage, leftovers), add some onion, garlic, spices, any leftover veg from the fridge, then add the eggs. Top with cheese and oven for a few mins.

I also like the dietdoctor website. I will also make a lot of casseroles which are easy to divvy up and keep portions on track.
DH and I started on Monday.

I have the keto flu :(sad:knockout:
Try upping your salt for the next day. If you are peeing a lot (normal keto side effect), your salt will be quite depleted and give you the headache and fog. I will just microwave some chicken broth and drink that lol.