
The GOP''s next big thing...

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Apr 18, 2008
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Thrust into the spotlight as a Republican rising star, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has been depicted as an up-and-comer capable of helping reshape the party and jockeying for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination. Being tapped to give the GOP response to President Obama''s address elevates Gov. Bobby Jindal''s standing in the party.

Being tapped to give the GOP response to President Obama''s address elevates Gov. Bobby Jindal''s standing in the party.

And now, Jindal''s party is putting him on a national platform, awarding the once little-known congressman the political plum of delivering the Republican''s televised response to President Barack Obama''s address to Congress on February 24.

"The speech is very important. This is his coming-out party," said G. Pearson Cross, head of the University of Louisiana''s political science department, who has observed Jindal''s political rise. "His speech will put a face on the name."

And put a fresh face on the Republican Party.

The GOP, still reeling from election beatings in 2006 and 2008, is looking to revamp itself by rebuilding from the states up and reaching out to young voters. At 37, the popular Louisiana governor embodies that mission, experts say.

"The job is very important in framing the Republican message really for the rest of the year," said Nick Ayers, executive director of the Republican Governors Association, referring to the response speech Tuesday. "Gov. Jindal provides the outside-the-beltway, not D.C., perspective. And he''s one of the smartest policy minds in the country. He''s not perceived as a overtly political person."

Being tapped for this prime-time speech, a job normally for congressional leaders, has helped to elevate Jindal''s standing in the party dominated by old pros, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader John Boehner, as well as personalities, such as Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"It''s time for another generation to come into play," said GOP strategist Ed Rollins, a CNN contributor. "A lot of Republicans came of age under Reagan, which was 25 years ago ... and we just haven''t built on that with young people."

Rollins, a veteran of the Reagan White House, called Jindal, a first-generation American born to Punjabi parents, a "young dynamic governor" with "appeal to younger voters."

The governor is a "textbook Republican" who is "scary smart," Cross added.

And, having an accomplished minority figure represent your party''s message doesn''t hurt, he said.

"The Republican Party very strongly wants to have a new look," he said. "They''re saying, ''We''re not just a party of old white guys'' and he''s part of that appeal."

Born Piyush Jindal in Louisiana''s capital, Baton Rouge, he called winning his first election in 2004 to the U.S. House of Representatives "the ultimate embodiment of the American dream." He was only 33.

By age 28, the former Rhodes Scholar had already served in three high-profile jobs, including head of Louisiana''s Department of Health and Hospitals and president of the University of Louisiana system.
It is nice to see a fellow Indian-American being involved in U.S. politics - even though we don''t share the same political views. I really enjoy seeing the emergence of more minorities in high-profile positions in the last several years!

(Totally weird tangent but Bobby Jindal''s mother gave driving lessons to my dad (and other Indian grad students) when he went to LSU in the 70''s for grad school!)
what do you all think of his response to Obama?

Date: 2/24/2009 10:32:17 PM
Author: trillionaire
what do you all think of his response to Obama?


Terrible. Sounded like he was speaking to a 2nd grade class with that Sheriff story. If this is the best the Republican party has right now - they are in trouble. I think I may need to start getting involved as I could do a better job than that. Jindal is a very smart guy - Rhodes scholar, etc. but he didnt sound like it.
Date: 2/24/2009 10:41:27 PM
Author: stone_seeker
Date: 2/24/2009 10:32:17 PM

Author: trillionaire

what do you all think of his response to Obama?


Terrible. Sounded like he was speaking to a 2nd grade class with that Sheriff story. If this is the best the Republican party has right now - they are in trouble. I think I may need to start getting involved as I could do a better job than that. Jindal is a very smart guy - Rhodes scholar, etc. but he didnt sound like it.

Agreed. I was expecting more. And that story was really weird. My take away was that if bureaucracy is in your way, you can break the law, and blame Bobby Jindal. I plan to use this excuse when I go to the bank tomorrow, and ask them for money. Screw the rules, mama''s gotta pay her rent! Banks aren''t the only ones that need to be rescued!
I wanted to listen to his commentary... I''m intrigued by Bobby Jindal and it seem obvious he''s moving onto the national scene. However, I had trouble listening to him read carefully scripted comments complete with carefully scripted inflections... not promising, and not what I needed at the end of a long day so I turned it off pretty quickly.

I read somewhere that he delivered one of his children at home, when his wife went into labor more quickly than expected... a little icing on the CV!
His speech was embarrassing. I had to get my fiance to change the channel because I felt like I do when I watch horrible reality TV shows. Too uncomfortable and too much feeling embarrassed for him! YIKES.

Also, there was the content. Should he really be talking about Hurricane Katrina? Did he forget that Bush, a Republican just like him, was running the show when that was horribly mishandled?

And don't let me forget that his inflection/speaking style was EXACTLY like Kenneth from 30 Rock! HILARIOUS!
Bobby was a representative for the State of LA at the time of Katrina and his work and efforts proved more effective than anything Washington had to offer LA. If not for people like Gov. Jindal, Katrina and the efforts to restore New Orleans would be miles behind what it currently is today. The entire State of LA credits Bobby Jindal for New Orleans getting back on her feet and getting people back into their homes.

His speaking is quite amusing, but this is the way he speaks all the time - he''s super intelligent, but a little awkward IMO....but I really like him and I think he has great potential - I liked the story about Katrina. No, he''s not saying to break laws, would you rather have people die? My father and his friends went for the efforts to save people from the flooding in New Orleans - the spirit and moral fiber of those men and women were not going to allow anyone to stop them from rescuing a drowning person - come on people...what would you have done - watch someone die because of "red tape" ?
Date: 2/25/2009 10:41:39 AM
Author: Cleopatra
Bobby was a representative for the State of LA at the time of Katrina and his work and efforts proved more effective than anything Washington had to offer LA. If not for people like Gov. Jindal, Katrina and the efforts to restore New Orleans would be miles behind what it currently is today. The entire State of LA credits Bobby Jindal for New Orleans getting back on her feet and getting people back into their homes.

His speaking is quite amusing, but this is the way he speaks all the time - he''s super intelligent, but a little awkward IMO....but I really like him and I think he has great potential - I liked the story about Katrina. No, he''s not saying to break laws, would you rather have people die? My father and his friends went for the efforts to save people from the flooding in New Orleans - the spirit and moral fiber of those men and women were not going to allow anyone to stop them from rescuing a drowning person - come on people...what would you have done - watch someone die because of ''red tape'' ?

Of course I don''t think red tape should stop someone from saving a life, and I certainly don''t think I advocated that in my response. I just questioned the choice to bring up Hurricane Katrina in the context of a Republican rebuttal. It just brings to mind Bush''s incompetence, and that brings to mind incompetent Republicans.

Really, there was almost no way for Jindal to score points from doing the rebuttal, in my opinion. I''m well aware Jindal is intelligent and I''ve seen him speak before once or twice and he didn''t seem nearly as awkward, but if he was really smart he wouldn''t have done the speech at all.

Obama is still in the honeymoon phase, he''s an amazing orator, he has extremely high approval ratings, the country is in a panic about the recession, and most people approve of the stimulus bill. So where''s the win, strategically, in rebutting Obama''s speech? I don''t see one!
Apparently Jindal "misrepresented" himself in that rescue boat story. Its all over the web now, so waiting for a good source to quote, but google and you will find it. He also brags about firing all of NO''s teachers and rehiring them. Neither statements are really true as he didn''t have the power to do the first and probably drove away more good young teachers than he got rid of entrenched burnouts. It is hysterical how Rush and co were defending him yesterday. You know you blew when Pat Buchanan says, "it wasn''t his best moment" of his speech.
Date: 2/25/2009 10:41:39 AM
Author: Cleopatra
Bobby was a representative for the State of LA at the time of Katrina and his work and efforts proved more effective than anything Washington had to offer LA. If not for people like Gov. Jindal, Katrina and the efforts to restore New Orleans would be miles behind what it currently is today. The entire State of LA credits Bobby Jindal for New Orleans getting back on her feet and getting people back into their homes.

His speaking is quite amusing, but this is the way he speaks all the time - he''s super intelligent, but a little awkward IMO....but I really like him and I think he has great potential - I liked the story about Katrina. No, he''s not saying to break laws, would you rather have people die? My father and his friends went for the efforts to save people from the flooding in New Orleans - the spirit and moral fiber of those men and women were not going to allow anyone to stop them from rescuing a drowning person - come on people...what would you have done - watch someone die because of ''red tape'' ?
He speach was awkward to say the least... he reminded me of Kenneth from 30 rock.
I do have to say I think he did a great job for the state of LA after Katrina... and I think the entire Katrina incident does put a spot light on how you cannot always count on the government to bail you out. It was a good choice for the rebuddle speach, but that said, it was awkward.

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