
The funniest vanity license plates you have seen?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Do you own a personalized license plate?
Yes, very boring one, with all my initials and my favourite two-digit number.

DK :))
I saw ...

No personalized plates for me - I'm not a fan of them
momhappy|1446942929|3946837 said:
No personalized plates for me - I'm not a fan of them

NOTAFAN would be 7 letters.

That's perfect.
Seven is the max allowed. :appl:

Probably NOTAFAN is already taken in all 50 states by Air Conditioner contractor trucks. :bigsmile:

I think some personalized plates can be lots of fun.
^ :lol:
I just don't care for them. I don't like bumper stickers either or those "family" stick figure stickers.
Guess I'm just a Debbie Downer ;) I prefer my vehicles plain & clean :D
I love seeing funny ones. Gives me a chuckle. :))

Some I've seen:

HE PAID On a convertible BMW driven by a woman. Hmmmm, possibly a divorced woman. :think:

HI HO Used to see this one on my way to work in the morning, so quite appropriate. Hi ho, Hi ho, its off to work I go!

BLKWDOW I might have the last bit wrong, but it was for Black Widow

I have seen...
9INCHES...yes, a guy was driving the car. :bigsmile:
momhappy|1446947071|3946858 said:
^ :lol:
I just don't care for them. I don't like bumper stickers either or those "family" stick figure stickers.
Guess I'm just a Debbie Downer ;) I prefer my vehicles plain & clean :D

DEBDWNR is probably available. ;)
Dancing Fire|1446950270|3946870 said:
9INCHES...yes, a guy was driving the car. :bigsmile:

Some guys can handle our big ones. :Up_to_something:




I love trying to figure them out, but wouldn't want one for myself. Someone who lives down the street has a Chevy Impala with the plate "STLPRVN" and I don't know if it's "still proving" or "still perving". [emoji13]
GODIGER = Gold digger

I seen this one in the LA area "OCTAVIA".. :bigsmile:
dk168|1446939568|3946816 said:
Yes, very boring one, with all my initials and my favourite two-digit number.

DK :))
I love funny and clever license plates and enjoy seeing them. ATM of course I cannot remember any of them. But here are some very funny ones that I have heard about though never seen.




And if I were to buy a classic MG here is the license plate I would want if it were not already taken in my state. I LOVE these cars aesthetically speaking but my dh expressly forbids me to buy a classic MG convertible (my dream car sigh) because they would be maintenance nightmares so it will never be for me. Since there is NO chance in heck that I will be buying a classic MG I will share it here for anyone who might be interested in using this. Happy to share.



and finally in honor of PS...

to rule them all

I have never had a vanity plate but have seen a few funny ones while driving.

THX DAD. A young girl driving a very nice car I assumed daddy paid for.

A friend at work knew a husband and wife who had funny plates. Hers said CHARGIT. His was: PAY4IT

My husband wanted to get a plate that said 2CARATS many years ago when I wanted a larger diamond. We had just bought a sports car that I drove. He wanted the plate so he could tell me my 2 carats was sitting in the garage.
Dancing Fire|1446968535|3946936 said:
I seen this one in the LA area "OCTAVIA".. :bigsmile:

I told my staff to put that on my Bugatti Veyron, but they put it on my Maserati.
Her Christmas bonus has been reduced by one million dollars this year.

Good help's so hard to find these days. ;(
I saw:

I saw a funny one that said DIVORCED but the "O" was the circle shape state seal on the plate.
I don't see them much anymore. My brother had his nickname on his for years and I was going to add "sis" to mine b/c that's what people called me, "X's sister" and he threw a fit about how dumb that would be. I thought it would be funny/cute. Never did it. If I were to do it now, I'd do TTHLESS or some such, b/c I call my vehicle Toothless. 2THLESS? haha. ETA People would think I was some sorta one toothed hillbilly probably.
Only funny to me - I saw a "MARIA D" parked in the town I live in once.

I hope that poor woman never meets someone in Maine from Pricescope that thinks she is me!
A friend of mine has a V8 that has been worked on ridiculously, putting out over 600hp. His plates?


Probably because it has too much power and can't keep traction on the tyres :lol:
A friend has one of my favorite plate for her compact car - "RDKRILL" - with the classic California whale tail as a background.

BTW one of our mutual co-workers almost became "road krill." She was driving her compact car on the interstate when a semi driver - apparently high at the time - rammed her car with the front of the semi and continued to push it down the road for several miles, not even aware that the car was stuck to the front of his truck. This was several years ago and I don't recall the details of how the truck driver was finally made to get off the road safely, but I think the highway patrol was involved. Anyhow, the co-worker was shaken but not injured. Her car, however, was toast.




:lol: :lol: :lol:
kenny|1446943586|3946844 said:
momhappy|1446942929|3946837 said:
No personalized plates for me - I'm not a fan of them

NOTAFAN would be 7 letters.

That's perfect.
Seven is the max allowed. :appl:

Probably NOTAFAN is already taken in all 50 states by Air Conditioner contractor trucks. :bigsmile:

I think some personalized plates can be lots of fun.
Yesterday I tried to get better photos of the license plates in The Wilson House in East Dorset, Vermont. This was the best I could find-at least yesterday-however. When I visited it this past year I was awed by the great license plates from all over the country that were on display that were in one of the rooms used for AA meetings. AA has great slogans. I was happy to see that members had come up up with great license plates!


I have one. And no, I'm not going to tell you what it is. Not because I'm embarrassed about it. I love it, actually. But, I don't want to give out any personal info on the interwebs. :wink2:
I don't have one but I have seen a lot of them that I thought were pretty dumb. I always think " and they paid extra money for that". My friend had one I thought was cute when her kids were small-it said CR4BOYS. She is the mom of 4 boys. Many years ago when I worked downtown LA-someone came into our office and said they saw a license plate that said 10SNE1 (tennis anyone?) and I thought that was pretty clever.
Okay, I'll play.

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