
The FPO ring... (For Position Only)


Feb 18, 2016
Saw this a while back on Etsy, thought I'd share with the LIW...

For designers like me, when you are creating something but missing an element you just make a box and label it "FPO"... For Position Only. Basically it's a placeholder. Well, someone came up with an FPO ring. I guess so you can propose and finalize the ring later? Almost like a promise ring, I guess!


What do you think? Would you want your FF to propose with an FPO ring if it meant getting engaged earlier? Or would you rather they wait?
I am currently waiting for my boyfriend to finish saving for an engagement ring purchase. (He prefers to save for it all by himself. It one of the few things he's traditional about.) I prefer waiting for the actual er rather than using a placeholder, but I think that's a super cute ring. I think you would get a lot of questions if you wore that and would have to explain 'no, it's not his initials' a lot. :P
I'm in agreement with Ariadne... I think one would spend a lot of time explaining what it means which would personally make me more antsy for the actual engagement ring. Then, what do you do with it after you get THE ring? This falls sort of into the realm of promise rings and things of that nature. I mentioned this idea to my intended when we first got together, and I was considering leaving for the summer for a great seasonal job offer in Alaska. We knew we were going to be together from the beginning, but he wanted to actually BE together for a "reasonable" amount of time before discussing marriage just to make sure that it was real and we weren't just twitterpated :-P. I didn't take the job, but at least his idea of a placeholder ring was that if it wasn't THE ring, then what's the point? I think it might be a cool idea for some... but lets be real ladies... the waiting sweetens the pot a little doesn't it?
I think you both are probably right... this is more of a funny inside joke for designers than anything else! Although on the etsy page reviews I did find someone posted a link to a blog where they did use it! Link here:
Well I was going to ask what kind of design you do, but then I read the post on the website!!!! That was soooo cute and definitely made me tear up a little bit :-D What a beautiful proposal!!! I hope yours is just as beautiful and personal as the one this sweet man arranged for his lady ;-) :love:
I agree with Ariadne and Imcriss. I would rather wait for the real ring than have a placeholder. I don't quite understand the purpose or need of promise rings and would rather the money spent one one go towards the e-ring, instead. I think a promise ring would make me anxious for the real thing, anyway.

This topic makes me wonder what the conversion rate is for promise ring to e-ring to marriage. What percentage couples actually go from promise ring all the way to marriage?

The FPO ring is definitely cute for those who know the industry joke to instantly understand the situation.
I said I'd be happy with a placeholder - possibly a silver one with a synthetic stone.
But he wasn't having any of it, he wanted it to be right.
I'd LOVE a placeholder!

I think placeholder rings are probably NOT right for couples who are working with a limited budget. In that case, it makes more sense to put that money toward the actual ring. It's also not necessary for couples who feel VERY secure in their eventual engagement. If I felt incredibly secure already, and we had a timeline planned, I'd probably rather wait.

But I am stuck in this grey area of not being sure if that's where his mind is or not, and I'm absolutely fanatical about not broaching the subject because I wouldn't want to have to worry that I had pressured him in any way - since he is an eager-to-please kind of guy.

I'd rather be proposed to with an inexpensive placeholder ring (that I could wear on my right hand later) and get the waiting part over with than wait a potential 6+ months past the point of when he WANTS to propose so that he can save and plan. PLUS, I know exactly what sort of ring I want, and would rather be involved in the selection process if possible.

(I say this because I THINK I overheard him telling a friend on the phone that he just needs to "figure out HOW to do it," and he has seemed incredibly distracted lately. So I'm pretty sure he's going to, but may have misheard and just be reading into things, so I feel like I'm going to go crazy not knowing. Oh, and he put a password on his iPad, which was always unlocked before.... I mean, I would accept a TWIST TIE or RING POP at this point rather than wait and feel crazy one more day! :lol: )

Just for fun, here are a few I've pinned that I think would be lovely as promise rings you could repurpose to rhr.

$1,100: Rose Gold with Hidden Champagne Diamond:


$980: Watermelon Tourmaline Ring:


$66: Custom Message Plate:
