
THE dress search

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Sep 21, 2006
I'm just beginning the search (9 mo's ahead) and will be checking out some designer trunk shows this weekend. I might bring a girlfriend, but otherwise, not sure what to expect.
I'm a pretty low key person, but do no want to go halfway with my dress. I want something stunning, traditional, and classy. I'm being married in a, gulp, cathedral with just famiy and friends, but the dress has to suit the surroundings without me looking ridiculous (no Mariah Carey dress!).
I have no idea what that means my budget should be but I've decided I'm going to splurge on this for myself. That way I won't feel guilty and it's not like I can get the bf's opinion, so this'll be all me: for me, bought by me, and about me (and I'm not a "me" person). It's the only aspect of the wedding that I see being full a decision by me with no outside pressure. Having said that, I don't want to put myself in a financial hole, so I'm going to try to do this for $1K-2K (hopefully 1K!). It's a lot, but I can spend that and still live with myself. Am I being unrealistic?


Nov 30, 2005
That''s not at all unrealistic! If you''re not one of the few sizes commonly carried by bridal dress shops may I suggest going to David''s just to see what styles look good on you? David''s is evil personified, but after a lot of dress shopping it was a relief to try on things that actually fit!

I think starting 9 months out is a great idea and not at all too soon! I''ve had trouble since it''s just taken me soooo long to find something and then I''d basically run out of time for the standard wait time on dresses. Even rush jobs would arrive after my date! And normal times from the standard designers are many months! (I''m getting something made by a local dressmaker/designer that''s based on one of her standard patterns).

Do you have an idea of what you''re looking for? What was your very first style wish for a dress?



Sep 21, 2006
Hi! I actually booked an appt at a designer trunk show this wkend, and now thinking i should back out--I don''t think I''m ready to buy on the spot yet. I''m hoping these trunk shows are pretty frequent?
I am a little turned off by Davids or anything that feels like a factory, but good point on going to try things on and get a feel. You never know...
I''m a size 4 (I think, not sure how bridal dress sizes run), very petite, so probably will need some custom fitting (and would like it).
Hmm, my fuzzy dress vision right now is strapless with some detailed beading on top (subtle, but when you look at it can see the detail), with more of an Aline bottom but I love the look of high fashion attention to detail and fabric that have the train falling in a romantic but unobtrusive way. I''m not one for poofiness. I''d like something that is flattering but sort of takes your breath away in a subtle way. Yup, I got a long way to go in making my description more specific!


Aug 24, 2006
janine: I am much like you. I had definite ideas of what I did not want in a dress. AND did not want the David''s Bridal experience. I was scared I''d have to go to David''s because I am doing all my planning in a short time frame. I just called a few shops in my area and made appointments. You are a size four and you have time to shop, so that should work in your favor. The biggest thing is to just try on dresses. It helps you weed out what you want and don''t want. I have been told that bridal gowns run two sizes smaller than regular clothing. And most samples are 10s or 12s, so all the dresses will be big on you. Then you just order the correct size and make the necessary alterations after.

You might want search the net a bit just to get an idea of what you want and bring a picture with you to show to the person helping you.

Hopefully some of the places allow you to take pictures, which helps also! Just in case you want to shop around you can compare at home.

Good luck...keep us posted!


Aug 31, 2005

There are certain designers that are more on the simple side, so be sure to check out some websites and see if there are any styles you like from designers you like (so you can narrow down stores that carry these styles/designers). One within the $1-2k budget range is Watters:

Watters Brides

Another within that range is Marisa:

Marisa Bridal

Before I went shopping, I looked at different styles online and got a feel for what I *thought* I wanted looks-wise. What fit looked best on me (a-line, strapless) was a different story, but like you, I've always been in love with the more simple styles and that's what I ultimately chose!


Jun 28, 2006
I agree with Ebree- I adore Watters gowns,

Not sure if it''s in your taste, but I bought a Maggie Sottero gown for under $1K and within that price range I found her fabrics to be just beautiful, so check out her website to see if anything there strikes your fancy.


Jun 26, 2006
I second those suggestions...Marisa, Watters, and Maggie Sottero. Henry Roth might fall in that budget, and I like a lot of his dresses. May I ask where you're located?

ETA, love this Jim Hjelm:


Aug 8, 2005
Okay I didn''t like Waters up close. The fabrics and trims were very disappointing. Paloma Blanca had the nicest gowns I saw in those price ranges (at least through Pearls its affordable) with silks and her Mikeala line for synthetics was more affordable but MUCh nicer than the competition.

I bought a Rivini Sample. Love it. Budget friendly with great construction and fabric. Store sample , or its never been married and professionally cleaned so it looks brand new.


Aug 12, 2005
Good luck in your dress search, Janinegirly! I went in with a $1k budget (my parents'' budget actually, as they paid for my dress). My best advice is not to rule out any particular style unless you absolutely are against it, and DO NOT look at anything over and above your budget, or try it on. Easiest way to avoid temptation is to not even entertain the thought, lol! It certainly worked for me...although my mother later told me she asked one of the consultants at a small boutique where we found my dress if the very expensive ones were really that spectacular, and the consultant was like, "oh yes!" Thank god she didn''t show me any or we would''ve been in deep doody, lol!

Don''t forget to include alterations costs in your budget (I''m sure you''ve already covered that, but just wanted to say it). I am fortunate enough to be tall (5''10") and a size 8-10, so most samples fit me almost perfectly and needed no hemming...I had my dress ( a Mon Cherie) fitted twice, once 6 months before the big day, and once one week before due to a 7 lb. weight loss that was unintentional caused by stress and a very bad cold.

Have FUN! Can''t wait to see your progress or what you choose!
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