
The best and worst countries to be gay


Apr 30, 2005
Iceland is one of my favorite places! I love the feeling that nobody cares about your business.
Very interesting info. :wavey:
chemgirl|1451588985|3968982 said:
Iceland is one of my favorite places! I love the feeling that nobody cares about your business.

I was a little surprised that Norway was a better place than Sweden (by a tiny margin). I think of Norway as being more conservative, generally. But I have to admit to not having kept up with modern life in either country. I do, however, highly recommend the book Norwegian By Night!!! It has nothing at all to do with being gay, but is utterly charming. (It features an old man and a boy, who have to flee together.) One gets a fairly decent sense of life in Norway.

If dark green is the best, and dark red is the worst, then what of the places devoid of color, like Outer Mongolia? Perhaps those places are just bad to be in regardless of sexuality.?
A new meaning for "going green"..... nice to hear from you VL, hope all is good.
VapidLapid|1451625545|3969192 said:
If dark green is the best, and dark red is the worst, then what of the places devoid of color, like Outer Mongolia? Perhaps those places are just bad to be in regardless of sexuality.?

Greenland is devoid of color. I wouldn't think it would be so terrible a place to be in, VL. At least compared to other places on the map. Cold, yes, but probably not run by an oppressive régime. In fact I had a psychotherapy client who said he spent much of his time in the army there. I do believe he attempted suicide in Greenland, but not because of the the people or the government. Perhaps the weather played a part, though. Maine causes suicide and alcoholism, too. Too much cold. I bet Siberia is worse.

I confess the empty space in the shape of Mongolia was the only one I really looked at other than Somalia which I noticed only because a friend recently returned from an 18 month job developing/implementing the curriculum for a school there. I did not even notice the white-out condition of Greenland, but since it is Greenland, I would figure it to be, well, green! Regardless, it might be difficult to find a date in much of Greenland.
VapidLapid|1451779862|3969812 said:
I confess the empty space in the shape of Mongolia was the only one I really looked at other than Somalia which I noticed only because a friend recently returned from an 18 month job developing/implementing the curriculum for a school there. I did not even notice the white-out condition of Greenland, but since it is Greenland, I would figure it to be, well, green! Regardless, it might be difficult to find a date in much of Greenland.
I lived in Iceland for over a year.
FWIW the names of Iceland and Greenland are backwards.

The reason is hilarious.
IIRC the original explorers (Danish?) swapped the names so all the suckers would flock to Greenland.
Then they could keep the more beautiful place for themselves.


Iceland is beautiful. It looks like Switzerland in the Spring. But there's the rub. The picture of Iceland is clearly a spring (or even a summer?) shot. The snows are melting. Is the photo of Greenland taken at the same time of year?

(I don't think I ever saw a photo of Iceland. If I were a Danish explorer, I would have grabbed it, too.)