
Thank you note stationary

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Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
Does it have to have my name printed on it to be correct?

I''d like to make flat cards that have my wedding invitation design and "Thank You" printed at the top so that I can use them before and after the wedding and not have to estimate the correct amount of "Michelle Maiden" vs. "Michelle Married" cards to print.

I read on Crane that I shouldn''t have "Michelle and Kyle" cards printed for thank you notes since a thank you note is written by one person, not the couple. Stationary with both our names printed on it (no last name) would be inappropriate for thank you notes.

What does everyone think? Just curious.
I think TECHNICALLY, your thank yous should have your full name on them. Mine right now say: LeeNYfirstname LeeNYmiddleinitial LeeNYlastname (with no title). I will be taking FI''s name, so was going to have cards printed up for my wedding thank yous only that say Mrs. FIfirstname FImiddlename FIlastname, just because that''s super traditional, and a piece of me loves it. The other piece says "where did my name go?" so that''s why they will be wedding thank yous only, I won''t use them after that.

FI is getting some printed as well with his name, for the thank-yous he writes.

Now, with that all said, I think that very few people care about such things, and having your wedding invite designs on them with your names or initials would be great! My cousin did their initials, with his last name initial in the center, her first initial to the left of it, and his first initial to the right. I thought it looked cool.
If you want to get technical, I don''t think thank you notes are supposed to have "thank you" written on the front of them. I don''t really see a problem with having just your wedding design and no name printed on them, though. You''re right that your thank you notes shouldn''t have both your and your FI/DH''s names on them.

Maybe Haven will chime in with some more advice. She''s the expert on these issues!
Thanks for your replies, ladies! I decided to just have two sets of cards printed since I didn''t really like having Thank You on there either. If I have lots of leftover maiden name cards, I''ll just write a lot of letters to friends right before my wedding!

I was just curious about the "proper" form of a thank you note and how many people actually follow that form. I think it''s technically supposed to be a foldover note with black ink on white or ecru paper with your full name on the front. Since I''m not doing a foldover, and I''m including a design, I guess it doesn''t really matter what other rules I break!

I do like the super easy idea of just a design on my flat card with no names. I also considered doing a first initial.
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