
Ten year high school reunion, did you go?

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Nov 8, 2005
What was it like? Was it worth going?


Feb 28, 2007
I did not go because I felt like I had not been out of HS long enough to justify going. Also, I really was not active in school clubs & activities, so I saw little point in wasting my time and money to go. A friend of mine from HS that I still keep in touch with went and she said that it was not worth it, as people still looked the same and behaved the same. I think the 20th reunion would be more interesting...


Nov 24, 2006
Nope, didn't go; it happened we had friends visiting and the planning for the reunion was all messed up and planned at the last minute. I asked if I could help w/the reunion since I am very good at organizing functions but she did not want help.

My friend who works as a fashion editor for a big magazine in NYC flew out and I caught up w/her but I did not go. I heard people didn't really change so I am really looking forward to the 20 year which I am sure will make a bigger difference.


Mar 6, 2006
Nope. This year is 20 years for me (class of ''87) and I am not going. I actually don''t think they are even having a reunion even though our class was over 600 people. I live over 1,000 miles away. If I lived local I might go. But again, I don''t think they are having one.

I went to a 5 year if you can believe it. It was beyond lame. The reunion consisted of meeting at a bar for happy hour. Nobody changed. Now that most of us are 38, I''m curious how people have changed. 18 years old to 38 is a huge change.


Nov 18, 2004
The 10th was fun, but my 20th was a blast. I had a party at my house, we had a great time and a great turn out. I was very active at the school since my daughter went there too. So I got tapped for the job of organizing everything. I think the nicest thing for me to witness was everyone was on the same page, no BS. It was all about having fun and reconnecting. We had a small class, 49 girls!!


Oct 19, 2005
I didn''t go (it was this June!) because the tickets were 300 per person!!! Are they insane? I can see all the same people if I just take a stroll down to the local bar! For that price, I couldn''t afford it (well, I could, but why???) with a wedding in the works.


Nov 1, 2003
skipped 5,10,15 might go too the 20th next year, might not.
Most of the people I hung out with were not in my class.
I was usually in classes with older students(took sophomore and junior classes my freshman year) and most of my friends were a year or 2 younger.
Other than my senior year English was the only class I had that was all in my graduating class all 4 years. (everyone had too take the same)


Aug 12, 2005
I went to mine! I actually really enjoyed myself. I saw a ton of people I had known since I was 5 or 6 years old and went all the way through school with, but had lost touch with since HS, so that was really cool. Some people hadn''t changed at all, some people looked entirely different...but everyone was the same personality wise, good or bad, LOL!


May 29, 2006
I have only been to two reunions, my 10th and my 25th (last year, class of ''81). The ten year reunion was awful...most people hadn''t changed all that much since highschool...the snotty girls were still snotty and the cocky guys were still cocky. Nobody had gone bald or grown too fat yet, either. Just slightly older versions of our highschool selves. As a result, I skipped the 15 and 20 year reunions. I was too busy living my life to go to those, anyway. Then last year my best friend from highschool, who I had only recently reconnected with after several years of losing touch, convinced me that we should go to the 25th. I didn''t move that far from my home town, so I had seen some of my former classmates from time to time, but not all. So I decided "what the heck" and I went. I actually had a blast! One of the first things I noticed were that most people had really mellowed out in the past 15 Most of the snotty girls were now pretty nice (one or two still held on to that highschool mentality, but oh well...) and most of the cocky guys were knocked down a peg or two by baldness and pot bellies! LOL! The other thing that EVERYONE noticed right away was that we all felt like we were looking around and seeing one another''s parents! It was kinda freaky! Many of us still had images of our classmates as looking like we did in highschool, or when we were in our 20''s, and here we were, middle aged people who looked the way we remembered each other''s parents looking. It was very sobering in some ways. And there were a few people from our class who''d gotten married right out of highschool who were passing around pictures of their GRANDCHILDREN!!!
That freaked me out even more, to realize that I was actually old enough to be a grandma if I had started having babies of my own sooner (my youngest is only 8 years

So...whether or not you go to your 10th, I''d highly reccomend that down the road you definetly go to your 20th and/or 25th. It will be a REAL eye opener, that I can guarantee!


Feb 21, 2006
My 10 year reunion was a flip cup tournament at a local bar, $10 for all you can drink Miller Lite. Yeah, I decided not to go.


Jun 30, 2007
Sadly, I am one of the only ones from my class who still lives in the area, so I was recruited to help with my 10th, but with the control freak socialite who was in charge, I really just felt like an extra limb. (I was one of the nerdy, brainy ones, so I wasn''t part of their little clique, if you know what I mean!)

It was outrageously priced, poorly planned, and really quite boring. Was it in poor taste of me to be excited to see that I had held up better than most, hadn''t been married and divorced a number of times or had several children from various different men, etc...
Ahhh, it was great to see all those great people again!

My 20th will be here in 3 years, and I just don''t know that I will go...unless it''s to flash my new honker on my hand around for everyone to see! Just kidding, but if I could just get it under the socialite''s nose, that would be just great!


Jun 16, 2006
We didn''t have a 5 yr reunion. I went to 10 yr, and people really hadn''t changed. We (class) decided to only have them every 10 yrs. I didn''t go to the 20 yr reunion, and my 30th (yikes!!!) is the end of August, but I won''t be going to it since I was just up in Ohio a few weeks ago. Maybe I''ll make it to the 40th.


May 29, 2006
Date: 7/19/2007 12:05:51 AM
Author: Harleigh
Sadly, I am one of the only ones from my class who still lives in the area, so I was recruited to help with my 10th, but with the control freak socialite who was in charge, I really just felt like an extra limb. (I was one of the nerdy, brainy ones, so I wasn''t part of their little clique, if you know what I mean!)

It was outrageously priced, poorly planned, and really quite boring. Was it in poor taste of me to be excited to see that I had held up better than most, hadn''t been married and divorced a number of times or had several children from various different men, etc...
Ahhh, it was great to see all those great people again!

My 20th will be here in 3 years, and I just don''t know that I will go...unless it''s to flash my new honker on my hand around for everyone to see! Just kidding, but if I could just get it under the socialite''s nose, that would be just great!

Hey, nothing wrong with showing off your honker! I could think of worse things...

I have to confess...I was happy to notice that I was one of the few who had any actual "bling" to speak of. I was also one of the few to show up with an honest to goodness huband as an escort! A lot of the women I''d gone to school with were now single (one actually had FIVE divorces under her belt) so I know where you were coming there! I actually felt like I''d held up better than most, as far as my looks, too. I guess living well has it''s own rewards, eh?


Apr 5, 2007
Did I go? Hell no. I didn''t like those people in high school and I didn''t have an option to not be around them. I sure wasn''t about to spend my hard earned money to get on a plane to see the same people. Naw. No interest at all.


Jun 30, 2007
Date: 7/19/2007 12:18:37 AM
Author: sipper

Date: 7/19/2007 12:05:51 AM
Author: Harleigh
Sadly, I am one of the only ones from my class who still lives in the area, so I was recruited to help with my 10th, but with the control freak socialite who was in charge, I really just felt like an extra limb. (I was one of the nerdy, brainy ones, so I wasn''t part of their little clique, if you know what I mean!)

It was outrageously priced, poorly planned, and really quite boring. Was it in poor taste of me to be excited to see that I had held up better than most, hadn''t been married and divorced a number of times or had several children from various different men, etc...
Ahhh, it was great to see all those great people again!

My 20th will be here in 3 years, and I just don''t know that I will go...unless it''s to flash my new honker on my hand around for everyone to see! Just kidding, but if I could just get it under the socialite''s nose, that would be just great!

Hey, nothing wrong with showing off your honker! I could think of worse things...

I have to confess...I was happy to notice that I was one of the few who had any actual ''bling'' to speak of. I was also one of the few to show up with an honest to goodness huband as an escort! A lot of the women I''d gone to school with were now single (one actually had FIVE divorces under her belt) so I know where you were coming there! I actually felt like I''d held up better than most, as far as my looks, too. I guess living well has it''s own rewards, eh?
Thanks, sipper...I sooo appreciate your understanding! I think our top one had been divorced only 4 times, so you beat me on that one, and one couple, who had actually gotten married out of HS and were still together, had 7 children...all their own, no adoptions! YIKES!!! How on earth these people managed all this in 10 years, I will never know!

Hooray for those of us who have taken care of ourselves, saved our pennies and now have so much more to show for it! (I didn''t have a husband as an escort, but I still don''t have any EX-husbands lingering around either! FF will be the one and only, and I will be his, as well, at ages 35 and 41...scary!)

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
I went to tenth. I had been away the entire time, so unlike others who had seen each other occasionally it was really REELLY weird for me. I saw major changes in appearances. The clicks were still in force. The bellies, the hair line disasters were in force...and the rivals all were at least 20lbs heavier! It was held in a rented room at a hotel. Tables in the corner. Music. Dance floor. Can''t tell you how it compared to others...but I can tell you they were keeping a tally on who was must successful. It was pathetic in that respect.

I was dissapointed that they played all country music. While in school if you listened to country you would have been flogged! Tarred and feathered! (Don''t mean to offend anyone-intentionally) A reunion should be reminiscent of sounds of that era. Instead of John Cougar Mellencamp or Journey or Styx or REO it was Garth Brooks and Shania Twain. The classmates all held hands in a big circle and swayed to some was soo juvenile and weird. And totally not correct as you wore a dress with your legs pulled apart as the circle was too large to hold on to.

The dedications were to husbands and wifes...and elongated like..."the love of my life, the breathe of my days, the gift in my heart my beloved wonderful handsome Freddie Mack" EEEEUUU! Who the heck is Freddie Mack? I don''t know...People, this is our class reuinon. Save your public expression of sap for some other time! Dedicate Eye of the Tiger to the football quarterback. Or Hot Child in the City to?? Or You''re so Vain to the HC Queen.
(Oh I was the HC queen...funny huh? Can''t live in the past can we? LOOK was given a crown for goodness sakes. It is a hard thing to get over.) I just found it a few weeks ago and wore it while housekeeping. Hubby just smirked.

Worse part: I had chosen a nice dress to wear...put it on hold went to shoe department to make sure there was an option when I returned someone exchanged my on hold for 3 days size 4 dress with a size 6. It was double lined and too expensive to alter. So there I went in a size 6 tent...with my hair that had poofed up 3 sizes larger due to humidity...this is not good. My just married old boyfriend thought I looked ok..I guess. He shoved his phone number in my closed palm as he was leaving. Whew. that was a close one. I could have married that one!

Have not been back...and you are going to learn how many others I have missed. I don''t regret going. As I say, I was dissapointed more in the planning than the reuinting of old friends.



Dec 9, 2002
I was out of town on business for my 10 year, so I missed it. (I was bummed, I got along with everyone & never got caught up in cliques, so it would have been fun).

I''m definitely going to my 20 next year, I still live in town, so its not a big deal.....I went to my dh''s 20 in 2003 and we had so much fun. He was a "got along with everyone" kind of guy too, & he went to grade school with all those folks, so all the girls from his grade school came over, grabbed me by the arm & chatted me up both nights. I couldn''t believe how sweet and successful all the women from his class were, and how bald, unhealthy, and bitter most of the guys were. (none of them left West Phoenix or went to college & were mad that they were digging ditches or working at Lowes). It was kind of weird. The few guys who got out & went to school were really nice, but it was the oddest thing.


Jan 8, 2007
Well, I only graduated high school in 2001, so if the next three years fly by as fast as the past seven have, then I doubt I''ll be going to my ten year reunion. Isn''t it funny how far away that seems when you''re in high school? Besides, in an era of myspace and facebook I know what all of my classmates are up to already anyways....and trust me, it''s not that impressive. lol. I was a total slacker in high school, and from what I can tell most of my old friends stilll are. Most of them still live with their parents, including my best friend. Kind of pathetic, really.


Jan 8, 2007
style="WIDTH: 97.3%; HEIGHT: 132px">Date: 7/19/2007 12:51:55 AM
Author: door knob solitaire

(Oh I was the HC queen...funny huh? Can''t live in the past can we? LOOK was given a crown for goodness sakes. It is a hard thing to get over.) I just found it a few weeks ago and wore it while housekeeping. Hubby just smirked. always make me laugh so hard!!!


Jun 30, 2007
Thanks for the chuckles DKS!! HC Queen, huh? I was just so uncool!

luckystar...I will never be able to look at your little kitten avatar and not think "SLACKER!!!" from now on...too stinkin'' cute!


Dec 29, 2006
I didn''t go to my ten year high school reunion. I think there was a five year one as well over Christmas vacation but I heard it was lame -- not many people went and not enough time had gone by since we had graduated. Now that I think of it, I graduated 15 years ago and I haven''t heard of a reunion yet (unless I''m missing something). My college has a weekend every spring for all graduates (amumni weekend), no matter what year they finished. I haven''t been yet and I probably won''t go.

I like the idea of catching up with people and seeing what people are up to, but some of it would feel forced I think. If I ran into people, I''d be more apt to spend time catching up than if I had to go spend an evening with those who I no longer keep in touch with. I do keep in touch with some high school and college friends on a very regular basis, and that''s good enough for me.


Dec 2, 2005
FI''s parents live there still so maybe we''ll go in 5 years...we''ll see. Honestly a lot of the folks who stayed in state for college, it is like they are still stuck in high school. Not something I want to revisit.


Aug 24, 2006
There were a total of 15 people in my HS graduating class so we don''t have class reunions. There are school reunions every year but I haven''t been to one in years. I went to one of these schools where if you were a *lifer* (meaning you attended starting in pre-K or nursery) then you were a more favored student. I came there in the 8th grade and was a bit of a rebel so I didn''t fit the mold.
At the last reunion I went to maybe 10 years ago, a lot of folks were surprised that I had actually graduated from college, secured a job and was planning to attend law school. Maybe they saw my outspoken manner as stupidity and made it less likely that I''d ever succeed in life, I dunno. This reaction was all surprising to me because although I wasn''t afraid to speak my mind, I always had good grades and got involved in school activities. So I was surprised to learn what a loser they thought I was. Needless to say the whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth which is why I haven''t been so eager to attend subsequent reunions. On the plus side, I made some really, really good and longlasting friendships in HS with women that I am still close with to this day. On the other hand, there are also people I never want to see again in life if you know what I mean.


Jan 13, 2006
I skipped my 5 year (pregnant), went to 10. I basically went to see a handful of girls I was good friends with that live away and I never see. So in that respect it was worth it.

Skipped 15, went to 20 and 25 for the same reason. Won't go to anymore because everyone drinks too much at the mixers they insist on having the night before, and then everyone's hungover at the reunuion.

I will go to the mixers from now on if they have them in the future, again, just to see my girls, but that's it.

And yes, 300 bucks is beyond insane.


Dec 8, 2005
I went to mine. It was at a bar with a nice outside area.

I will admit, I went because I was looking pretty good, had a hot BF (now FI), a good job and I felt a bit like showing off...

The reunion was alright. It was odd to see people that I hadn''t seen in 10 years. I''d kept in touch with my good friends, so there wasn''t a lot of catching up with them. The folks that I hadn''t kept in touch with but really wanted to see didn''t go.

I ended up spending the most time talking to two folks I wasn''t really friends with in HS. Both were living out of state (like me) and we discussed the fact that so many of our former classmates never left the state, let alone the city and married people from our highschool class.

I talked with other folks and made nice, but really I was perfectly happy to bail out early.

That having been said, I probably won''t go again until my 25th...


Feb 17, 2006
I skipped mine because I live about 1500 miles away and after I added up the cost, it just didn''t seem worth it. FI was really bummed because he wanted to go see the "losers" as he called them who never left town and have 3 divorces and 6 kids already. I told him we''d go to the 20 so they can double their numbers.

I did go to FI''s reunion and I had way more fun at that one than I would have at mine because at his I didn''t know anybody and didn''t have any preconceived notions, nor was I remotely nervous, so I just partied with what he later told me were the girls that wouldn''t speak to him back then. He liked it because they thought I was great and it was like "vengeance" for him or something. He informed that if there is a 15 year (next year) we have to go because he wants them to know he''s married. I just rolled my eyes.


Jun 15, 2006
Mine was three years ago and I skipped it, I doubt I''d go to a reunion in the future either.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I went to 2 - they''re not year groups in the UK, but a general mix.

I was at boarding school so didn''t see anyone in between times.

The first one I was 24 and it was awful - everyone talking about how many $$$ they were earning etc. The next one I was 31 and that was quite amusing in a cynical kind of way. The cool group were all fat, divorced and balding and the once unpopular geeks were all really interesting and had blossomed in the real world.

Not sure I''d go again - not really my kind of thing!


Jun 28, 2005
I did not go to my 10-year reunion. It was 9 months pregnant at the time and I did not feel like going. Plus, I''m still friends with all my gals from HS, so why bother?

I heard it was lame from a few friends who went.


Jul 27, 2005
I did not go to my 10 yr- I was living in another city at the time and they had it on a Friday night so I would have had to take the day off of work to make it. Not worth it to me.
Also at the time I was living in NYC, focused on my career and my life there and I knew that a lot of ppl who went to college and then came back to our area, married a guy they knew from high school, etc. wouldn''t get that.

Maybe I will go to the 15 or 20- maybe...
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