
Tell me about teething!


Apr 28, 2008
Hi there

I am exhausted at the moment, as DD (7.5 months) has been teething for 7 weeks straight! She got her first tooth (bottom front) a few days before 6 months and then since then she has cut her other bottom front tooth, her top four teeth and I can see another tooth coming on the bottom too (central incisor I think). She has cut at least one tooth almost every week!

She hasn't been too upset or grizzly, but she has been waking up A LOT since her first tooth cut - she went from waking up once at 4am to waking every 2 hours overnight, and has stayed that way.

So, I was wondering if you could tell me when your LO cut their teeth, which order and how their sleep and behaviour etc was impacted.

(I am really hoping someone will tell me that their LO went back to sleeping normally after cutting the top and bottom four teeth!)

bobbin, no advice but hugs!! We're in the same place with Miles. He was up every 2.5 hours last night ;( He's getting one of his bottom teeth and he just got his six month shots. Then once M would go back to sleep E would be up!! It's been a nightmare of a week! This is all new to us because teething never bothered Oliver in the slightest and he didn't get his first tooth until after his first birthday.
Just wanted to give you hugs as well. K's teeth take FOREVER to come in. She just cut her two top teeth this weekend and the two next to them are right on the cusp of coming in. She's been cutting these 4 teeth for at least a month. She's 9.5 months and her two bottom teeth came in at 6 months. Again, both at once.

Sleep has been affected, but I think less so as time goes on. Just curious, does your DD get congested when teething? K had never really gotten congested prior to her bottom two teeth coming in. She's also been congested over the past few weeks as these teeth have come in. It could be coincidence, but I'm really hoping that after these next two come in, we get a break and maybe her sinuses will clear up.
Oh I am sorry! My sons would teeth forever, like 6 months and then bam they finally got teeth. Evan seems to suffer the most; I think each kid varies but what helped us were moist wash cloths put in the freezer so they can chew on. Also blocks are nice to chew on and we used Hylands teething tablets (some people don't recommend them, but do your own research if you are thinking of trying them).
Thanks for the replies ladies.

I guess it is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string, isn't it? Sigh.

She has slept a bit longer over the past few nights, but she has been sick, and DH has managed to make sure that even though C is sleeping longer, I am still waking up every 2 hours (taking the sheet off me at 2am, or going to the bathroom and leaving the light on shining into our room while he gets a glass of water). Grr.

NEL: I hadn't noticed C being congested due to teething. She has been congested the last few days but that is because she has a cold.
Hey bobbin, sorry to hear you're having a torrid time with sleep.

I have to say that I am not really a believer that teething causes "teething", and so far S has not changed my mind. I am more apt to put these disturbances down to temperament and developmental fussy periods.

Dot has two teeth (just the bottom middle two) and I didn't know she had the first one until she bit my finger. She didn't have any congestion, runny nose, red cheeks (she has them on and off but not when her teeth came through), nappy rash, funny poos, or any of that "teething" stuff. Her sleep didn't change and she was happy during the day around that time, although she went through a fussy week the week AFTER her teeth came through!

Her gums kind of look like a rock quarry waiting to happen now, but I have no idea which ones are coming next or how long they might take.
We are currently 6 teeth into our 3rd kid, and all of our teething experiences have been very similar. In general they have all been very happy during the day, but restless at night. A little diaper rash and a little runny nose too. I asked the doctor about Hylands teething tablets and he prefers Advil as directed for pain relief.
Oh, and sleep has returned with a little effort now at 10 months. We probably could have gotten there more quickly, but I have been to damn tired to work on it.