
Tamara and Simon (RHoOC) file for divorce!

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Dec 16, 2007
He claims infidelity...

You could see them, so far this season, coming undone...but last season they appeared happy...
Who? I''m so out of touch.
I saw an episode the other night where they were at dinner with another couple and it was soooo uncomfortable. They were extremely passive aggressive (and sometimes not so passive about it!) and it was awkward to watch.

From Tamra''s comments it seems like she thinks they had money issues. Apparently Simon quit his job selling cars and invested in tequila?? I don''t watch enough episodes to know what that was really about, but it seems like things started to fall apart when they couldn''t afford their lifestyle anymore. Sad.
They were having big money issues...

They were upside down on their house...she had to go back to work...he kept selling his tequila.

Let us not forget, he was very controlling. Very hard on her. About everything, really. From being a mom, to working, to her friends...he cast lots of stones. He hated her son, although I''d say he tried during last years season...this year it was very clear he''d washed his hands of him...and not without good reason, but still.

I think Simon is an interesting person. He makes valid points, and there is a lot of clarity in what he says in regards to Vicki, Gretchen and even Tamara herself...but on the flip side he''s also very set in his ways, controlling, he walks around with this attitude about the world. When they hooked up with the new couple on the show...I think his attitudes grew--he got more controlling (not letting Gretchen sleep away from home as she''d done in the past)...not letting her try on lingerie (although she has in past) was almost like he felt validated and think Tamara resented that.

As far as the infidelity claims...well it could be his way of shaming her.
Yes, last season, on the surface, they appeared happy. Except . . . it was a little too much "we''re so right for each other" stuff. If you have to keep saying it, are you trying to convince yourselves???

I haven''t seen much of this season of RHofOC. On the other hand, RHofNYC is so entertainingly train wreck-ish, I won''t miss an episode if I can help it!
what in the world does RHoOC stand for?
Real Housewives of Orange County
I am not surprised AT ALL. He says its because his priority is not a reality show. Really, well how convenient she was served the day after their "we're having trouble" episode aired! GMAB! I also saw the "Count and Countess" from the NY show also split.
I didn''t like him at all, I''m surprised she finally did it. Although I also think he made some very valid points, depsite his controlling nature. Frankly, her son is ridiculous - did you see the episode where they are doing beer shots or something in the pool of her friend''s house?? And he is going to jail? ugh. I like her but she seems like a weak and easily influenced person - that''s too bad. Then again I wonder how many marriages like that have money as the glue and then when problems hit the other person walks.
I''ve missed the last 2 episodes - keep forgetting it is on.

Off the topic - but I wish those "housewives" would put some clothes on !
They make me feel inferior as I''m not as well "endowed"
At least I''m all naturale!
I''ve only seen one episode this season (never seem to catch it!). The one I did see there was lots of tension between them but I thought it was all hyped up for the show. It''s going to be Real divorcees/widows of Orange County soon!
Date: 1/8/2010 2:02:09 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
what in the world does RHoOC stand for?
Glad I''m not the only one in the world who doesn''t know this. lol

(The only reality show I occasionally watch is Super Nanny and I have NO idea who any of the people in any of the other shows are. In fact, I don''t even recall Super Nanny''s name
Date: 1/8/2010 1:45:42 PM
Author: elrohwen
I saw an episode the other night where they were at dinner with another couple and it was soooo uncomfortable. They were extremely passive aggressive (and sometimes not so passive about it!) and it was awkward to watch.

From Tamra''s comments it seems like she thinks they had money issues. Apparently Simon quit his job selling cars and invested in tequila?? I don''t watch enough episodes to know what that was really about, but it seems like things started to fall apart when they couldn''t afford their lifestyle anymore. Sad.
I agree, (just about) any marriage failing is sad.

I don''t like the way Simon treats Tamra any more than the new housewife''s husband treats her (I think her name is Alex?)

I have to say, I am very impressed by the way Vicki and her husband have managed to pull through the tough times. They were definitely going down a slippery slope for a while. Everything may not be perfect, but they''re both really commited to staying together and making it work, which I really admire.
Date: 1/8/2010 3:38:23 PM
Author: lilyfoot
I agree, (just about) any marriage failing is sad.

I don''t like the way Simon treats Tamra any more than the new housewife''s husband treats her (I think her name is Alex?)

I have to say, I am very impressed by the way Vicki and her husband have managed to pull through the tough times. They were definitely going down a slippery slope for a while. Everything may not be perfect, but they''re both really commited to staying together and making it work, which I really admire.
What is it with the super controlling guys? It starts with the women saying "We never spend time apart because we''re soulmates!" To the husbands saying "I would never let you go anywhere by yourself." Uhh, controlling much? It''s sad that the women are duped (or dupe themselves) initially into thinking they''re never apart because they''re so much in love. By the time they figure out they''re being controlled, it''s a bit too late to put a foot down

Also, bravo for Vicki. She''s pretty annoying, but I give her credit for keeping her marriage in shape.

I also give Jeanna a lot of credit. Everyone seems to be bad mouthing her, but from what I see the worst thing she has done is occasionally share gossip (which is obviously the whole point of the show). She seems to have realized that the catty fighting isn''t healthy and is pulling back. Good for her. I wish the other women weren''t so catty about her decision. Now they''re suddenly acting like she''s two-faced and a horrible friend
Maybe I missed something there, but I don''t see how anything she''s done has been that bad.
I have to admit I was a little surprised about the divorce--I don't recall a time when they had a big argument. Last season there was quite a bit of tension around her son and I found myself agreeing with Simon and thinking Tamra was too soft with him. I know she feels guilty, but her son is such a royal pain in the butt. This season, however, I find myself very annoyed by Simon, you definitely get the feeling that he's one of those guys who thinks he can do no wrong. That will never bode well in a marriage.

I did feel bad for Tamra when she was talking to her Mom last night, especially when she said she didn't want to be a 42-year-old single mom of 3 who has to move into a condo...I know it sounds a little spoiled of her, but I think her point is that it makes her feel like a failure and I can understand that.
Date: 1/8/2010 4:08:34 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I did feel bad for Tamra when she was talking to her Mom last night, especially when she said she didn''t want to be a 42-year-old single mom of 3 who has to move into a condo...I know it sounds a little spoiled of her, but I think her point is that it makes her feel like a failure and I can understand that.
It seems like that''s what happened to Laurie (even down to the delinquent son) back in the first season. Maybe Tamra will get lucky and find herself a nice ridiculously rich guy to marry like Laurie did.
This is the best recap ever! Right here.


Tamra and Simon are having problems. See, Tamra''s started wearing trousers. She''s started wanting to learn how to drive, how to read, how to book plane tickets and walk around town unescorted by a male family member. Tamra is becoming independent, and Simon is going broke. This is not a good combination. The whole devil''s bargain of their relationship was that Simon is money, and Tamra wants money. And Tamra is woman, and Simon wants woman. But once the money goes away, and once Tamra starts to realize that she isn''t, in fact, Simon''s property... Well, then we have a problem.
Date: 1/8/2010 4:08:34 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
I have to admit I was a little surprised about the divorce--I don''t recall a time when they had a big argument. Last season there was quite a bit of tension around her son and I found myself agreeing with Simon and thinking Tamra was too soft with him. I know she feels guilty, but her son is such a royal pain in the butt. This season, however, I find myself very annoyed by Simon, you definitely get the feeling that he''s one of those guys who thinks he can do no wrong. That will never bode well in a marriage.

I did feel bad for Tamra when she was talking to her Mom last night, especially when she said she didn''t want to be a 42-year-old single mom of 3 who has to move into a condo...I know it sounds a little spoiled of her, but I think her point is that it makes her feel like a failure and I can understand that.

Yes, that part made me sad last night to. Its got to be a hard fall when you had it all, and then are reduced to the life you either left behind and vowed never to return to, or that you have never lived. Seems most of the housewives are having money issues. One of my GRIPES about the show is when the "housewife" isn''t a "wife" at all! WTF!
Date: 1/8/2010 4:14:08 PM
Author: decodelighted
This is the best recap ever! Right here.


Tamra and Simon are having problems. See, Tamra''s started wearing trousers. She''s started wanting to learn how to drive, how to read, how to book plane tickets and walk around town unescorted by a male family member. Tamra is becoming independent, and Simon is going broke. This is not a good combination. The whole devil''s bargain of their relationship was that Simon is money, and Tamra wants money. And Tamra is woman, and Simon wants woman. But once the money goes away, and once Tamra starts to realize that she isn''t, in fact, Simon''s property... Well, then we have a problem.

That blog is hysterical
There''s a horrific video of the two of them back in October just after the season finished filming ... Simon had strongarmed Tamara into having HIS NAME tattoo''d on her wedding finger ... even as divorce was an oncoming train wreck. IN THE VIDEO HE SAYS "Yeah, we thought it would look good in court" -- as in DIVORCE COURT. Branding her like property & then filing for divorce: Klassy!
Thanks for the update Italian Haircolor! I am so addicted to these shows. I wonder if there really was infidelity. He seemed so controlling and uninterested in Tamara''s sincere feelings in last night''s episode. And it seemed kind of bad that Tamara was bad mouthing him to the realtor and really to everyone by talking so much in front of the camera.

So sad. It makes me hope that any crisis pulls my husband and I closer rather than farther apart, as did their money problems.

I have to say that I was in tears when Vicki was saying all of the nice things to her husband. It''s about time. She was really working it. I wonder if seeing previous episodes of her mean behavior has made her change her ways. Bravo to her for focusing on her family!

Did anyone else gag with Alexa and her controlling husband. How ridiculous that he was telling his 18 month old to change her attitude. Seriously! That guy is so out-of-touch!
Date: 1/8/2010 4:20:36 PM
Author: decodelighted
There''s a horrific video of the two of them back in October just after the season finished filming ... Simon had strongarmed Tamara into having HIS NAME tattoo''d on her wedding finger ... even as divorce was an oncoming train wreck. IN THE VIDEO HE SAYS ''Yeah, we thought it would look good in court'' -- as in DIVORCE COURT. Branding her like property & then filing for divorce: Klassy!
O M G. No way! That''s one of the most horrible things I''ve ever heard. Poor Tamra

Simon''s a d-bag.
Date: 1/8/2010 4:14:08 PM
Author: decodelighted
This is the best recap ever! Right here.


Tamra and Simon are having problems. See, Tamra''s started wearing trousers. She''s started wanting to learn how to drive, how to read, how to book plane tickets and walk around town unescorted by a male family member. Tamra is becoming independent, and Simon is going broke. This is not a good combination. The whole devil''s bargain of their relationship was that Simon is money, and Tamra wants money. And Tamra is woman, and Simon wants woman. But once the money goes away, and once Tamra starts to realize that she isn''t, in fact, Simon''s property... Well, then we have a problem.
Oh, I laughed and laughed at the part about conch. I''ve eaten conch-c***. Gotta problem with that?

Now I have to try to find that episode and record it.
Jezebel has a great post about how Simon's behavior is typical of an emotional abuser. That episode really does illustrate the creepy manipulation of an abuser

"Kiss me ... c'mere ... just be better. Be different. Look at me. I love you. Be better, 'kay? LOOK AT ME!"

**vomit emoticon**

ETA: A commenter says that every teenage girl should be required to watch the 3rd clip ... so they know how to spot an abusive relationship EARLY! I kind of agree. Not that its always so easy to see these things coming when you're in the middle of it. At least they'd have *some* idea rather than thinking "abuse" is just getting hit in the face & anything short of that is "just jealousy which means HE MUST LOVE ME."
OMG, I thought this thread was about my friend Tamara and her husband Simon
Simon seemed to be attracted to Tamra in his younger days because she was a wild child who liked to party. Now that he''s older and got a taste of money, he expects Princess Grace of Monaco. Can''t have it both ways, buddy!
Date: 3/5/2010 1:50:46 PM
Author: hisdiamondgirl
OMG, I thought this thread was about my friend Tamara and her husband Simon

OMG I have friends named Tamara and Simon TOO!!!
There was a reunion show last night (don''t know if it was a re-run), man was it painful to watch those two. They were on some gondola ride having a good time and he just randomly blurts out, "All my friends said they would have left a long time ago." What an jerk. It reminds me of my ex - he was an abusive ass too.
Date: 3/5/2010 1:56:31 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 3/5/2010 1:50:46 PM
Author: hisdiamondgirl
OMG, I thought this thread was about my friend Tamara and her husband Simon

OMG I have friends named Tamara and Simon TOO!!!
Seriously? Wow, what a coincidence!
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