
Tall Girls' Club


Jun 19, 2010
I was just watching The Descendents today and saw Judy Greer on camera with Clooney and she was taller than him by a tad. Turns out she's 5'10". I feel such a kinship to gals that are tall because I'm 5'11" and I like wearing 3-4" heels. Other tall gals - do you feel the same way when you meet another girl in the club?


Jul 13, 2008
I'm only 5'7"-5'8" but 5'10" would be my ideal height! I wear 4" heels when I go out which puts me at about 6', so I tend to stand out in the room, but my husband is 6'5" so it doesn't matter how tall my shoes are!


Jun 19, 2010
My hubby is 5'9". He had to get used to me liking the extra height. I think sometimes I don't realize how tall I am until I catch a reflection of myself in a group of people and think, "Jesus, I literally am a head above everyone else." Ah well.


Feb 12, 2011
I'm 5'11" and I keep my heels to around 3". My husband is 6'2".

I find my biggest challenge is not heels but pants that are long enough.. I'm forever shopping for "long" lengths and then wondering if they will be long enough that I can wear a heel.


Aug 12, 2005
I am also 5'10"! There are several more talls on PS, I'm sure they'll chime in.

Most of my best friends in life have been talls. I don't know if I feel a kinship exactly when I meet other tall women, but it's always nice to know you have something in common with someone upon first glance without even having to start a conversation.

I regularly wear 3-4" heels as well. I really love being tall, and all its advantages. I think it's become much easier to find RTW clothing since the advent of online shopping, so that's not really a disadvantage anymore.


Aug 25, 2009
I"m just a little over 5'9" and I LOVE wearing heels. Though I don't do platform heels. I don't mind being aroudn 6feet but 6'4+ in just a little too much for me!

I have always been the tallest out of my group of friends but at least 4+ inches. It was hard in middle and high school but I got over it. My brothers and male cousins are all over 6ft easily so at 5'9" i'm the shortest in my family. DH is 5"11" and he says he feels really small compared to my brothers! :bigsmile:


Nov 20, 2000
I'm 6'. I love being tall! I think I have pretty much always been the tallest woman in my group of friends. My husband is the same height. He always points it out to me when we are in public and he spots another woman who is my height or taller. He's funny, but I know he thinks that tall women are cool :bigsmile:

I don't usually wear heels as I have a very casual style. When I do I keep them to around 2" - 2.5" I think tall women should wear high heels if they want to, but I'm kind of clumsy so that's the most I can pull off without getting too wobbly!


Jul 13, 2008
Sarahbear621|1367187087|3436271 said:
I have always been the tallest out of my group of friends but at least 4+ inches. It was hard in middle and high school but I got over it. My brothers and male cousins are all over 6ft easily so at 5'9" i'm the shortest in my family. DH is 5"11" and he says he feels really small compared to my brothers! :bigsmile:

At 6'5" my husband is the SHORTEST of the four brothers. His dad is 6'0" but his mom is 5'10" and I remember hearing that it's the mom's genes that can really affect height so since she was tall, they are GIANT!


Feb 12, 2011
monarch64|1367182006|3436230 said:
I am also 5'10"! There are several more talls on PS, I'm sure they'll chime in.

Most of my best friends in life have been talls. I don't know if I feel a kinship exactly when I meet other tall women, but it's always nice to know you have something in common with someone upon first glance without even having to start a conversation.

I regularly wear 3-4" heels as well. I really love being tall, and all its advantages. I think it's become much easier to find RTW clothing since the advent of online shopping, so that's not really a disadvantage anymore.

Finding clothes.. I think my challenge is the length of my legs.. I have a short body and a 36" inseam... most long pants come in 36" inseams which is great if I'm in flats.. at least they are long enough.


Apr 28, 2008
I'm 'only' about 5'8", but I always hated it. For some reason, I kept finding only short guys to date. Then I finally found DH, who is 6'2".

All my height is in my legs, so it's always hard finding pants that are long enough.


Jul 17, 2008
I'm 5'9 and feel like an amazon around my friends. Many times I wish I was 5'6. My son is 6'6- he makes me feel tiny :)

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Decidedly NOT tall (5'3") but I have a question about you tall ladies' kids or about yourself- did you or your kids always stay on a higher height growth curve? Was it obvious you or your kids would be tall? I ask because my son is consistently in the 90th to 95th percentile for height, though he's still quite young at 3. That's not overly tall, but is slated to be about 6'1" or 6'2". My husband is 6'1", but his mom is 4'11". I figured my height would bring my son down, so am wondering if he'll shoot up fast, but then remain at average as an adult.


Feb 12, 2011
Logan Sapphire|1367196621|3436356 said:
Decidedly NOT tall (5'3") but I have a question about you tall ladies' kids or about yourself- did you or your kids always stay on a higher height growth curve? Was it obvious you or your kids would be tall? I ask because my son is consistently in the 90th to 95th percentile for height, though he's still quite young at 3. That's not overly tall, but is slated to be about 6'1" or 6'2". My husband is 6'1", but his mom is 4'11". I figured my height would bring my son down, so am wondering if he'll shoot up fast, but then remain at average as an adult.

My only caught has scoliosis so she has been robbed of several inches from the curve. Oddly enough even though I'm tall and my mother (5'11") and grandfather(6'2") were tall she takes after my ex's side of the family... His mother is 5'0" and DD was always below the 5th percentile on the charts and we think she has stopped at 4' 11.5". So nothing from my side of the family. My brother is also tall at 6'3".


May 7, 2012
I'm 6 foot and prefer not to wear heels over 2" (shoes atm seem to have 6" heels :o ). My friends are alot shorter then I am and if i see a girl that is taller then me I tend to feel a bit sorry for them. Where are they going to get shoes and clothes to fit!!. Finding shoes that fit is much a drama. I want a pair of Jimmy Choo's and I just can't fit into them ;(


Mar 18, 2007
I'm 5'10" - I've actually always wished I was shorter, but I'm sure that growing up in Asia had something to do with that. I was pale as anything and head and shoulders (and sometimes elbows) above everybody else.

I'm actually the shortest of my siblings - my brother is 6'2" and my sister is about 6'1".


Jan 24, 2013
I'm just over 5'9" and was encouraged to love it by my 5'3" mother.
I wear heels of all heights, but it never feels like a requirement. my mother admired height and was an elegant dresser who had strict rules for her petite size. She always encouraged me to appreciate the proportions of a tall frame. I've had challenges with pant length & short dresses, but nothing compared to my mother's endless hemming. I don't think about it a lot, but it does seem most of my friends are tall.
I do have to say I admired gymnasts when I was in elementary school, but it was very obvious that would not be my sport. I'm sort of thrilled my daughter is so good at gymnastics. My daughter is Chinese and has the compact, even proportions of a gymnast. She will likely not be in the tall girls' club.


Jul 17, 2008
My son was in the 95th percentile since birth and topped out at 6'6. Like I said, I am 5'9 and hubby is 5'11.


Jan 1, 2007
I'm 5'8" but 5'10" is my goal height. I don't think I'm going to make it though. :(sad I don't wear heels too often but I'm still usually taller than a lot of people. My husband is 5'7" and has always dated women taller than him. One of his girlfriends in high school was 6'-their prom pics are adorable.

I'm not into tall guys at all-they just look too gangly to me. (I feel like a tall person traitor for that, but it is what it is! :cheeky: ) I've dated a few taller guys in the past but my faves were 5'10" and under. I would make a one time exception for Alexander Skarsgard, though. :naughty:


Mar 18, 2007
thing2of2|1367246015|3436608 said:
I'm 5'8" but 5'10" is my goal height. I don't think I'm going to make it though. :(sad I don't wear heels too often but I'm still usually taller than a lot of people. My husband is 5'7" and has always dated women taller than him. One of his girlfriends in high school was 6'-their prom pics are adorable.

I'm not into tall guys at all-they just look too gangly to me. (I feel like a tall person traitor for that, but it is what it is! :cheeky: ) I've dated a few taller guys in the past but my faves were 5'10" and under. I would make a one time exception for Alexander Skarsgard, though. :naughty:

Mmmmm...gangly. BF is my first time dating a guy noticably taller than I am and I loooooooooooove it. My sister's always dated shorter guys, though.


Aug 25, 2009
Logan Sapphire|1367196621|3436356 said:
Decidedly NOT tall (5'3") but I have a question about you tall ladies' kids or about yourself- did you or your kids always stay on a higher height growth curve? Was it obvious you or your kids would be tall? I ask because my son is consistently in the 90th to 95th percentile for height, though he's still quite young at 3. That's not overly tall, but is slated to be about 6'1" or 6'2". My husband is 6'1", but his mom is 4'11". I figured my height would bring my son down, so am wondering if he'll shoot up fast, but then remain at average as an adult.

Growing up my brothers and I were consistently over 90% on the growth chart. Though both my parents are average height. My 2 kids (18m and 3y) are also both off the charts in height so I'm pretty sure they will both be tall.

Just a note but my younger brother was always at 90% but he had a huge growth spurt in HS. He went from 5'10 at 15y to being over 6'2". He had terrible leg and joint pain for several months.


May 27, 2008
I'm 5'9," LOVE my height, and routinely wear up to 5" wedges or heels. Breaks my heart to see girls slouching because they're self conscious. My husband and I were talking to 6'+ girl in a bar one night that was complaining she was too tall, and my husband's response to her was that the only way a girl could be TOO tall was to be SELF-CONSCIOUSLY tall. I tend to agree.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Sarahbear621|1367251749|3436669 said:
Logan Sapphire|1367196621|3436356 said:
Decidedly NOT tall (5'3") but I have a question about you tall ladies' kids or about yourself- did you or your kids always stay on a higher height growth curve? Was it obvious you or your kids would be tall? I ask because my son is consistently in the 90th to 95th percentile for height, though he's still quite young at 3. That's not overly tall, but is slated to be about 6'1" or 6'2". My husband is 6'1", but his mom is 4'11". I figured my height would bring my son down, so am wondering if he'll shoot up fast, but then remain at average as an adult.

Growing up my brothers and I were consistently over 90% on the growth chart. Though both my parents are average height. My 2 kids (18m and 3y) are also both off the charts in height so I'm pretty sure they will both be tall.

Just a note but my younger brother was always at 90% but he had a huge growth spurt in HS. He went from 5'10 at 15y to being over 6'2". He had terrible leg and joint pain for several months.

My cousin (not genetically related to me) was like this. He's 6'5" and was 6'2" by the time he was a freshman in high school. He grew 7 inches in a couple of months and apparently like your brother, had terrible pains b/c he was growing so much and so fast. He said he would trip over air because he couldn't adjust to being so much taller.


Jan 9, 2013
Wow there are some really tall ladies on this site! I'm considered tall by my country's standards and I really enjoy being 5'8". My husband is 6'0" but I can wear all kinds of heels very easily. Even with the highest heels I own he's still 1 or 2 cms taller than me. The funny thing is that he's the only tall person in his family. His brothers are as tall as me and I am nearly a head taller than each of his 4 sisters. I guess God wanted us to look good together, we're literally made for each other! :lol: I hope our kids won't take after his side of the family in the height department. :roll:


Jan 1, 2007
princesss|1367251239|3436663 said:
thing2of2|1367246015|3436608 said:
I'm 5'8" but 5'10" is my goal height. I don't think I'm going to make it though. :(sad I don't wear heels too often but I'm still usually taller than a lot of people. My husband is 5'7" and has always dated women taller than him. One of his girlfriends in high school was 6'-their prom pics are adorable.

I'm not into tall guys at all-they just look too gangly to me. (I feel like a tall person traitor for that, but it is what it is! :cheeky: ) I've dated a few taller guys in the past but my faves were 5'10" and under. I would make a one time exception for Alexander Skarsgard, though. :naughty:

Mmmmm...gangly. BF is my first time dating a guy noticably taller than I am and I loooooooooooove it. My sister's always dated shorter guys, though.

Well it's like my sister tells my nieces-everybody's different! :cheeky: Gangly just doesn't do it for me, but it clearly does it for plenty of other people. My least favorite dude was probably one of the tallest ones I dated...he was around 6'2". We had really good chemistry but I never would have guessed that before we kissed. I was like "Hmm, strange, I didn't think that would happen!" :cheeky:


Mar 13, 2004
I'm only 5'7", but compared to the majority of my friends and family (mostly Asian) and hubby who is 5'8", I'm considered very tall, and I do not wear heels around them. Howevever, I do love to wear very high 4" heels at work, I love being almost 6' tall in heels. I feel that it gives a very commanding presence. I feel blessed that I have extremely long limbs, so I look taller than I actually am.


Mar 18, 2007
thing2of2|1367260379|3436791 said:
princesss|1367251239|3436663 said:
thing2of2|1367246015|3436608 said:
I'm 5'8" but 5'10" is my goal height. I don't think I'm going to make it though. :(sad I don't wear heels too often but I'm still usually taller than a lot of people. My husband is 5'7" and has always dated women taller than him. One of his girlfriends in high school was 6'-their prom pics are adorable.

I'm not into tall guys at all-they just look too gangly to me. (I feel like a tall person traitor for that, but it is what it is! :cheeky: ) I've dated a few taller guys in the past but my faves were 5'10" and under. I would make a one time exception for Alexander Skarsgard, though. :naughty:

Mmmmm...gangly. BF is my first time dating a guy noticably taller than I am and I loooooooooooove it. My sister's always dated shorter guys, though.

Well it's like my sister tells my nieces-everybody's different! :cheeky: Gangly just doesn't do it for me, but it clearly does it for plenty of other people. My least favorite dude was probably one of the tallest ones I dated...he was around 6'2". We had really good chemistry but I never would have guessed that before we kissed. I was like "Hmm, strange, I didn't think that would happen!" :cheeky:

Haha, I think you and I and Claritek have had a few conversations about this - I was bemoaning the fact that all the short girls took the tall guys and if I remember right, your reaction was, "Good! More shorties for meeeeeeee"


Jun 19, 2010
I've only dated a few guys who were taller than me (and only by an inch or two). I think it would feel odd to date someone who was significantly taller than me. I never really cared one way or the other when I was in the dating world, but I do think it takes a certain degree of confidence for a shorter guy to date (or marry) someone who is taller. Maybe that's the real attraction for me. I love me some confidence.


Aug 15, 2011
Tall girl here.. 5'9 and something.. I always wished to be petite, but its great to be able to get stuff on high shelves. My lifestyle doesn't allow heels often, but I rock them when I do wear them.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
:-o ..I better not mess with you ladies.I might get my butt kick.. :bigsmile:


Aug 12, 2005
Dancing Fire|1367287578|3437066 said:
:-o ..I better not mess with you ladies.I might get my butt kick.. :bigsmile:

Ha! I think this is the reason I've never been involved in a physical fight! People are kind of scared of you if you sort of tower over them.

I grew up in a town that loved the sport of basketball. If you didn't play, what the heck did you do with your life? Being tall was an asset. Not utilizing your height for basketball was a terrible mistake. If I had a dollar for every time I was asked "do you play basketball?" I'd have $500. I think that's part of the reason why I wasn't one of those "self conscious" girls who slouched. That, and I played piano (quite well) and was involved in other activities (dance, flag corps/rifles) in which excellent posture was important.
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