
Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor removal.


Jul 12, 2004
Just got home from five days in the hospital.

Didn't know if I was going to survive and was a little embarrassed to ask for "dust" earlier but was told by the neurosurgeon to expect a 1 - 2 month recovery. My Neurological function is intact but due to the location of the tumor, neurosurgeon had to cut and then reattach the temporalis muscle to my jaw, so yes it is sore when I chew or talk.

Also have a divot in my forehead from one of three pins where they attach the Mayfield Clamp (Google it) to your skull to hold it absolutely still during surgery to cut my scalp, drill the pilot holes in my skull, connect the dots to remove the bone flap to expose the brain and then remove the tumor.

I think that I should treat myself to the 6ct N CBI diamond for that divot.

Am more fortunate than ccuheartnurse because the first thing I did when I got home was to put my jewelry back on.
Am also fortunate that the Chief of Neurosurgery operated on me and that my neuroanesthesiologist had 20 years of experience.

Still quite weak from the operation, a simple task like eating a bowl of oatmeal took an hour yesterday. Will not be posting much on
PS until I get my strength back. Am doped up on Percocet for the pain presently.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

My mom had that clamp. The divots get better. Seriously. You can't even see hers anymore.

As for the rest. OMG!!! How terrifying that must have been. I'm so happy you are back with us and that it all went well.

MUCH DUST for health and recovery!!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Get well. You deserve jewelry!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova


Take care--healing vibes across the miles!

Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

DUST, prayers and well wishes. Bless your heart! So glad you are home recovering.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

You are a trooper. Lots of dust and best wishes !!!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

cflutist, I am sorry to hear all you've been through but thrilled to see you've pulled through and seem to be your usual marvelous self! All dust and hugs coming your way.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

yes, you deserve and should get that 6 carat diamond!
best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Holy crap! I hope you're feeling better soon. Six carats seems reasonable under the circumstances.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Wow, Cflutist, my best for the speediest of recoveries!
lulu said:
Holy crap! I hope you're feeling better soon. Six carats seems reasonable under the circumstances.
I agree with Lulu, very reasonable. Take care!!! :wavey:
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

I hope you have a speedy and full recovery!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Wow - what a brave person you are! I hope you feel better soon, and I'll be sending lots of "dust" your way!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

cflutist - I'm so glad your surgery went well. Lots of dust for a fast and thorough recovery!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Praying to God for you to have a peaceful, pain free and speedy recovery.

What a blessing to have the best of the best to perform the surgery on you and administer the anesthesia. I have, unfortunately, had experience with brain surgery (meningioma associated with subdural hematoma) in the past and can relate with what you are going through. Please rest the way that the doctor's recommend and take it easy.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Oh my goodness!!! I am so sorry but thankful you had good results from the surgery! I will pray for you to be well soon!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Soooo glad to hear that you are on the other side of the surgery and doing well...

As for the 6Ct- Why not!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

I am thankful to God for your successful surgery and am praying for a quick recovery! Please be a good patient and rest a lot so you get well real soon {{{hugs}}}.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Let's choose a diamond for that divot! Glad you made of through OK.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Hoping your recovery goes quickly. Take your time recovering with lots of rest and dreams about large sparkly diamonds. Glad the surgery went well.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Dust for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery. I am sorry you had to go through this.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

OMG, you poor thing - dust from the other side of the world and on mass from the whole P/S community. Many hugs and I hope you have a full and speedy recovery!!!!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Hoping for quick healing for you, please rest.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Sorry to hear you had to go through so much. Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Oh my goodness! Wishing you better.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

So glad you are home and finished with the surgery! How scary but you are on the other side of it now and everything from now on is healing, getting better and recovering fully.

Sending you good thoughts and healing vibes for a full and easy recovery. And yes, a 6 carat seems appropriate under the circumstances.

You made it through and you are here and OK. Nothing beats that. (((HUGS))).
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

I am glad it all went well and I have my fingers crossed for a smooth recovery. How very scary!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

So glad to hear you are home and doing ok cflutist; I hope your recovery goes quickly and smoothly!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

You deserve 6 carats and more!
Wishing you a quick recovery.
Please let us know how you are doing, we are all thinking of you!
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

Happy healing vibes to you. You've well earned that 6ct monster.

TAKE YOUR TIME and TAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF. Aim for two months, not one.
Re: Survived a Pterional Craniotomy and a Brain tumor remova

You are an inspiration! Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of bling :)