
Summer plans?


Dec 29, 2006
What are your plans for this summer? Now that school's FINALLY out, I'm really looking forward to hanging out by the pool, catching up on books, and spending time with friends. We also have a trip planned to go to CO to visit family and see a show at Red Rocks.

What about you?
I start my final year rotations in mid-july so I don't have much of a summer this year unfortunately. I do have a week in Kerry (Dingle) with DH and Amber in August though so I can't wait for that. Other than that, just going to the gym and hanging out with friends.

Hope you enjoy your summer!!
At the moment, my plans involve wedding planning and job hunting. I don't find either enticing right now.
That's exciting, Bee! What rotations do they have for veterinarian medicine? I'm picturing it the same as the ones for med school for the human variety :cheeky: but I'm not sure that's quite right.

Mayerling -- good luck on both fronts!

I forgot that I'll also be helping my mom out. She's having knee surgery and my dad will be working.
Zoe|1309388669|2958419 said:
That's exciting, Bee! What rotations do they have for veterinarian medicine? I'm picturing it the same as the ones for med school for the human variety :cheeky: but I'm not sure that's quite right.

Mayerling -- good luck on both fronts!

I forgot that I'll also be helping my mom out. She's having knee surgery and my dad will be working.

Hope your mum has a speedy recovery.
Zoe|1309388669|2958419 said:
That's exciting, Bee! What rotations do they have for veterinarian medicine? I'm picturing it the same as the ones for med school for the human variety :cheeky: but I'm not sure that's quite right.

Yeah quite a few of them are the same I'd imagine-Diagnostic imaging, anaesthesia. We also do equine medicine, small animals clinical studies, large animal clinicals, surgery etc. It should be fun but a busy year.
Hope your mom recovers from her knee surgery.
As DH is still job-hunting, although doing a lot of contract work, we don't feel that we want to spend much money on holidays this year.

My family have a house down in a very beautiful part of Cornwall so we are going there for 2 weeks. My parents will be in residence which isn't ideal but the place is big enough to not be on top of each other, there's lots of countryside to explore and things to do so we will be out a lot and there's is the bonus of free baby-sitting!

Best of all, Cornwall is famous for its minerals so some mine-dump scavenging is definitely on the menu! My 2 year-old daughter has already started her own mineral collection (her choice - although after oggling mine) so I will get her rock-hounding early! I first took her down a mine when she was 11 weeks old!

Whenever we go to places like the Natural History Museum I always let her pick something small from the gift-shop and she makes a bee-line for the crystals and tumbled stones - so far she has a very nice piece of pyrites, a rock-crystal cabochon and a tigers-eye. She takes a very long time choosing the right piece!
Do we need a Juniors Section on PS? :))
My summer plans are a lot like my Spring, winter and autumn plans.Work and stuff. I don't like using annual leave when everyone else is off, because everywhere is too busy for my liking, so if we do go away, it will be just out of season. We live near some great beaches though, so on the odd warm day, we might go there.

In Scotland, you can tell it's summer because the rain is warmer...
Jennifer W|1309433970|2958907 said:
Do we need a Juniors Section on PS? :))
My summer plans are a lot like my Spring, winter and autumn plans. I don't like using annual leave when everyone else is, because everywhere is too busy for my liking, so if we do go away, it will be just out of season. We live near some great beaches though, so on the odd warm day, we might go there.

In Scotland, you can tell it's summer because the rain is warmer...

Lol - bit like Cornwall then... if you can vaguely see the sun through the fog then it must be August!

Packing for UK holidays is a bit of a nightmare: Fishermen's jumpers, wetsuits (only way to go in the water without hypothermia), full rain-gear, sunscreen and bikinis, wellies and flip-flops. Ugghh..
That's one of the main reasons I like to stay in the UK for a holiday - I'll have my car with me. I could survive for weeks on what I can cram into that car. It's like a great big shiny red comfort blanket, travel trunk, fully stocked larder, all rolled into one. :bigsmile:
I just finished summer school :appl: but my 2 month break is hardly a break b/c I have so many trips planned. We are headed to Ohio, CA, and WI. I am only home for 2 weeks. :snore:
I will be taking classes, and job hunting. I need to pick up a part time job, before my unemplyment runs out.
I am starting a new gig, and my husband is due a sabbatical. So we're both taking a month off and spending it in Italy. It's a relatively last minute trip - we only booked our flights yesterday!
I took short trips to NYC and New Orleans. Both were for work, but I managed to add some fun in there too. And, we're rebuilding our deck this summer.
I just started a new job at the beginning of the month so sadly I won't be going anywhere this summer, aside from a weekend or two back home.

My husband and I will probably take a shorter trip in the fall. I'm not sure where, though...I'm thinking somewhere beachy for a week!
bee*! I'm so jealous of your week in Dingle!

I'm studying in North Carolina for a month, and then I'm going to Belgium and Switzerland with DH. And I'm reading, writing, and bicycling as much as I can!
Haven|1309466593|2959372 said:
bee*! I'm so jealous of your week in Dingle!

I'm counting down the days!! Cannot wait to get back there!
Ha, I do have plans for this summer, next week I am on vacation and we are going camping, in a air conditioned cabin, but still camping, lol, I am really looking forward to relaxing, the also have Wi-fi in the cabin so I shouldnt miss anything on here or facebook :wink2:
Thanks Bee! I forgot to mention that a dream of mine is to get back to Ireland someday. We'd LOVE to see Dingle and the area around Kinsale as well. And northern Ireland, and well, every place we didn't get to see the first time around. :bigsmile: When we went a number of years ago, we focused our trip on Dublin and then headed west to Galway. Each place we visited was more beautiful than the last.

Pandora -- I hope your husband finds something soon. I've never been to Cornwall but I've heard it's beautiful.

Tacori -- congratulations on finishing summer school! You must be pretty close to finishing altogether, huh? I'm really proud of you! Hey, I haven't checked FB in a long time but I just saw newer pics of T. She's so grown up!

Manderz -- good luck job hunting!

Thing2 -- how's the new job going so far?

Haven -- I read that you're in NC this summer. I miss it there. I'm sure you must be having a great time, and I'm really jealous of all the traveling you're going to do. I hope the conference goes well! I'd love to hear all about it when you get back.
Zoe|1309478915|2959501 said:
Thanks Bee! I forgot to mention that a dream of mine is to get back to Ireland someday. We'd LOVE to see Dingle and the area around Kinsale as well. And northern Ireland, and well, every place we didn't get to see the first time around. :bigsmile: When we went a number of years ago, we focused our trip on Dublin and then headed west to Galway. Each place we visited was more beautiful than the last.

You should definitely come back and go to Dingle and travel around Kerry. The views are to die for! Dublin is home and I love visiting Galway as well but there's nothing like Kerry. Let me know if you're ever coming back!
I'm really liking it, Zoe-thanks for asking! It's more challenging than my last job and the work is really interesting. I like everyone there, too. I'm thinking I'll stay there for a while!

Hope you enjoy your summer vacation!
thing2of2|1309480392|2959517 said:
I'm really liking it, Zoe-thanks for asking! It's more challenging than my last job and the work is really interesting. I like everyone there, too. I'm thinking I'll stay there for a while!

Hope you enjoy your summer vacation!

Thanks! We're looking forward to going to Denver to see family and get away on our own for a few days too.

I know you were a buyer and then you worked as a researcher at a university before you moved, right? Is this new job similar to the university position (if you don't mind me asking)?
I'm taking summer classes, and I've been doing a lot of yoga and pilates. I am also running a farmers market stand on Sundays. DH and I both have the month of August off so we are going to Jamiaca for his bar trip, and possibly a weekend in Long Island wine country. We're also planning a ton of day trips!