
Summer Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Since today is June 1st I feel like summer might finally be here. Yippee. Hopefully I’ll have warmer weather here soon and can start my afternoon walks at work again. That will be nice for a change and good for me too.

What are your plans for the summer? How will you try to be healthier?

I don’t know about you but I certainly am more active in the summer and seem to be more motivated to get out and do things. I am generally cold and am terrified of walking on ice so that tends to keep me sedentary in the winter. Those problems aren’t prevalent in the summer here so I am inspired to go for walks and of course just becoming more active makes me eat less and eat better.

I didn’t get in many walks this winter and I can sure tell it wasn’t good for me. When I used to teach I would go to campus early and go for a walk up and down the halls. Since I wasn’t teaching this winter I didn’t replace that extra activity with anything else. We have a treadmill here at home but I found it was hard on my knees so I had to quit using it for exercise.

My walking buddy at work was talking today about we should get started going for our 3 pm walk again. We didn’t today because it was horribly windy but the forecast is for temps in the 70’s this week so tomorrow hopefully we’ll get out there.

I really look forward to the farmer’s market this summer and having better produce in the stores. I absolutely love a bowl of mixed fresh fruit so I am looking forward to enjoying more great produce this summer.

We can do it!

Have a great day.

Hi everyone. We got near 70 today but it was still windy. Boo. Marty did go out to play golf after work though. I went to his office and found it locked and the light off. Good thing he left me the car. LOL.

I made some rice and cut up my leftover steak from the dinners out this weekend for supper. I had some raw veggies and left the rest of the rice and steak in the frig for Marty when he gets home.

Stupid miller moths are out in full force now. I hate those things. They really startle me. They make me scream like a little girl.

I decided to do a batch of laundry tonight since Marty is gone. The new doors on our laundry room help muffle the sound of the washer and dryer. Nice.

I can’t believe the week is 1/2 over already. Sweet.

marcy - great idea for a summer thread! Unfortunately it has been in the mid to high 90's all week, and that has pretty much zapped my energy. To get back in the swing of being healthier, I plan to start snacking on raw fruits & veggies and occasionally popcorn again even if it bugs my jaw. I can always stick my mouth splint in. I have found that, even though I'm staying within my points, I'm snacking on things that aren't necessarily healthy or filling. They're empty calories and I don't feel satisfied. I can't wait to hit up the farmers market again. They have the best stuff, and I still need a few flowers for a couple of planters outside. That really stinks about the cost for your car and RV. Yikes! A coworker had a fender bender yesterday at lunch (his fault), and he doesn't have insurance. I can't imagine going without insurance. I got lots of compliments on my hair today, but by next week it will have grown out so much that it looks nothing like it does now. And my haircut lady experiments with my hair, so she never remembers exactly what she did when she does something I really like. It feels so good now with the extra length off and lots of layers. I feel like I lost weight!

We just got back from walking, but were only able to walk 2 miles due to the heat and my foot. I probably shouldn't have gone that many. I threw a turkey breast in the crock pot before we left this morning, so we had turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy and green beans for dinner. For dessert we had fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries over sugar free angel food cake. I thought it was rather tasty, but Matt picked out the blackberries and raspberries. Then he asked if he could have some melted chocolate to pour over what was left. He's hopeless. Our director asked if I could organize another weight watchers at work group, so I'm working on that. I don't really want to lose any more weight, but I think I will join to help my buddies who are needing motivation. If you do things together and encourage each other, I think it really helps. I need 10 people to sign up, so keep your fingers crossed. Have a great day tomorrow!!!
Deegee, good idea to avoid empty calories. I like popcorn for an afternoon snack at work; those 100 calorie bags are great. Just enough; of course I always prefer butter on it but it’s safe at work since I don’t have butter at work. The stuff from the farmer’s market is so much better, isn’t it? Your hair does sound very cute. I have an appointment soon but she never gets “lots of layers” so I might cancel and find someone new. Sorry to hear the walk hurt your foot. Your turkey dinner sounds delicious and something like that is so healthy too. Too funny about Matt wanting to put chocolate on his dessert. Good luck with a WW group at work. It really does help having someone to commiserate with and to help encourage each other.

Have a great day.
Hi everyone! This week went by fast with a 4 day week. Yippee.

I am testing Marty's iPad. We will probably get him an iPad2 and I will inherit his. Decisions, decisions.

We had sandwiches for lunch and burgers for supper. We had some veggies and low fat cottage cheese with them.

Have a great weekend.

We had a super busy weekend. Yesterday we worked outside all day painting trim. We were so tired by the time we went to eat, neither of us felt like eating much. I had a bowl of tomato bisque soup and a Dead Guy Ale at a restaurant that has become one of our favorite places to eat. Today we headed to KY for my dad's birthday party. It was our usual Sunday dinner / wiffleball game / pool outing. Matt and Lily played so hard that they both slept on the way home tonight. We had sandwiches, macaroni salad, and fruit for dinner. Dad's birthday cake is always a strawberry cake - layer of cake, layer of strawberries, layer of pudding, repeat the first 3 layers, top with whipped topping. Very tasty. I brought my work computer home and have been playing around with Acrobat Pro. I've got lots to get done before this project starts on the 22nd. My new employee started last week, which means that my group is fully staffed for the first time since I've been manager...going on 4 years. Woo-hoo!!!! I don't think I'm going to get enough people for a new WW group. I'm going to send one more office wide email, but so far I only have 7 people. There are 85 people in our office, and I can't get 10 people to sign up for WW. I tried! Have a great day tomorrow!!!!!
Deegee, it sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Your father's favorite cake sounds divine. What kind of pudding is in it? I might have to try that some time. Congratulations for being fully staffed! How nice. Good luck getting 3 more to sign up for WW at work. I need to get the company team set up for Komen Race for the Cure but I just didn't get to it this weekend.

The kitchen is done enough to put back together. I scrubbed the counter tops down; another tip they don't show you on DIY - you need to cover your counter tops. We had grout, caulking and sticky stuff everywhere. Ugh. It's hard to figure out where everything went too. Marty had an overflow of spices on the counter top and our corner lazy susan was full but I was able to find enough room by combing multiple jars of the same spice and throw out a few things left over from cake decorating classes to get everything in the cupboard. Yay. Of course the tools and stuff to finish the painting are still on the floor but I'll "pack" that up a bit tomorrow night.

We did go back to Target and get Marty the 64 g iPad2. He is still working on getting his iPad copied over and set up. I don't know if I'll get his old one yet or not. He is flying to California tomorrow night for a one day trip.

Today I made BBQ ribs in the crock pot out of petit sirloins and homemade mac and cheese for lunch. The ribs came out great - nice and tender. Woo hoo for leftover lunches.

Take care.
marcy - a coworker just finished installing a tile backsplash in her kitchen. Between her tips and yours, we should be able to pull it off without a hitch, right? Yeah, that's going to happen... We went to order our counter tops on Friday, but ended up getting hung up on the counter top backsplash. I had assumed we'd get the same as we have - 4 inches, which would give us 14 inches between the cabinet and the top of the counter top backsplash to install the tiles. Matt, on the other hand, started wondering if we should customize the counter top backsplash and have more room to work with the tiles. We spent 2 hours in Lowes looking at tiles and made no decision. I think he over-thinks things, and he thinks I don't think enough. We're both right on that one! How exciting that Marty got the iPad 2. I hope you get his other one...if you want it, that is. When I flew to Seattle, the guy on the plane beside me had the first version. I kept trying to read, but my attention kept wandering to whatever he was doing on the iPad.
Back splash Pictures



Hi Everyone!

Deegee, glad to see you are getting some tips on back splash installation. Marty sure wishes he'd had more tips. :bigsmile: He really did a good job though. He has to scrap off some caulking and fix that spot. It was right above the back splash, below the cupboard and in the corner so it got a little blobby. Rats. He was quite disgusted with that little spot. He has to paint the door to the garage again with roller; he tried it with brushes and you can see brush marks. It's almost there though.

I inherited Marty's iPad and have been having fun with it so far. His stuff (Itunes, facebook, programs, documents, etc.) is sitll on it so it's not really mine yet. I thought I'd leave it with his stuff for about a week in case he is missing something. Then I'll sync it with my Mac and my iTunes and it will be ALL mine. Rats that I'll have to buy some of my programs again. I can get Pages and Numbers for $9.99 each and that will work with my club stuff. Sweet. I can take the iPad to our meetings and meeting minutes right in the next newsletter and update my member list right there, etc. That will be great! As long as I remember to sync it all up when I get home. I've been playing games on it and reading on it. I might think about selling my Kindle but don't know yet.

Marty flew out to California tonight and will be back tomorrow night.

I had leftovers for lunch and a kids meal for supper. Easy cooking today.

Well, take care! :wavey:
marcy - thank you so much for posting those pictures. That's pretty much what I have in mind too. I plan to do the 12 x 12 mesh sheets of 2 inch tiles, and I plan to pull random tiles out to add 4 inch decorative tiles. Seeing yours made me get excited about our project again. We're going to get the counter tops ordered this weekend so we can get motivated to finish the kitchen. Yippee!! So Marty hadn't done this before? He did a good job! And yay for inheriting the iPad! With as little as I use my computer at home, I'm thinking one of those is what I need instead of my MacBook. I was trying to convince Matt to take my MacBook and let me get an iPad, but he wasn't buying into my strategy. Bummer.

I'm 1 person short of having enough people for a weight watchers at work group. I sent an email before I left at the end of the day that I hope will "guilt" at least one person into joining! I basically said that losing weight has changed my life - We used to eat out every single meal, every single day. Now we eat in most nights. We save money and have plenty of time to take walks and have a nice evening at home. For our insurance, we have to participate in an "improve your score" program to receive a discount. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose numbers all fell from over the acceptable numbers to well under. They also measure your waist (they come to the office and actually measure your waist), and mine was in the healthy range. Those things really mean a lot to me after years of being overweight. I'm hoping any of that will spark interest in at least one other person. Sadly, some of my coworkers who were in our group last time have decided to go the medical route of prescribed diet pills instead. One lady is preparing for bariatric surgery. I'm pretty disappointed in that. Matt and I drove separately to work today because I woke up with a migraine. He knew I felt lousy today so he had dinner ready when I got home - spaghetti and salad. It's always nice when someone else makes dinner! I had lots of points left over, so we went to DQ for a tasty ice cream treat. It poured rain today and cooled it off outside, so it's a very nice 70 degrees for our walk. Have a great day tomorrow!!!
Hi everyone. I had 2 crispy tacos for lunch and a lean cuisine pizza for supper. Marty will be home late tonight. :appl:

I dropped the iPad on the floor at work today. It was on the counter and the handle of my purse was just slightly under it; I picked up my purse and down went the iPad. I was really freaking out but it was fine. Marty emailed me back saying “You’re killing me here. If you wanted a new iPad just buy it don’t destroy this one.” I spent some time tonight reading the manual online; I learned a few tips and tricks for it.

Deegee, thank you. I think Marty did do a great job on the tiles. It really changed the appearance of our kitchen too. I’ll be excited to see your remodeled kitchen too. I am liking the iPad more and more. If you don’t use a computer much at home you would probably love it. Your email at work to encourage people to join in on the WW team is wonderful, very inspirational and motivational. I hope it encourages many people to join the team. I hate to hear people going the pills or surgery route because it doesn’t help correct the eating behaviors that led to problems. How nice that Matt made dinner for you today. Spaghetti sounds great. DQ is always a wonderful treat.

Back to play with my iPad. :wavey:
Hi everyone. I reset the iPad tonight and synced it with my iTunes account. It's mine, it's mine! I only had to ask Marty one question. It's all set up except for those apps I hope we can share. Sweet.

Work was okay today. I had a long meeting this afternoon. I had lean cuisine for lunch with a cutie and supper was 2 tacos. Marty wasn't hungry so I picked up two tacos on my way home.

Of to play more with my iPad.

Take care.
marcy - I'm jealous of you with your iPad! You get the best toys. Matt played around on my MacBook last night, and decided that he hated it. He's firmly a Windows man. I don't think I could use the iPad as a reader because backlit screens bug my eyes. The brightness on my iPhone and both my work laptop and my MacBook is turned down so low that everyone asks how I can see what I'm doing. I agree about the diet pills and surgery. One reason I have kept my weight off is that I completely changed habits. Pills and surgery, and even strict diets don't help with changing habits. My email got 2 more people, but that only brought me up to 9. I'm going to ask if we can pay for a 10th member that doesn't really exist just so we can get a group going. A few of us are willing to split the cost. An office of 85, and I can't even get 10. Grrr.

Today was really busy again. My headache was mostly gone this morning, but came back strong at the end of the day. Plus I got really sick at my stomach. I really hope I'm not coming down with something. I have too much to do before June 22! We stopped to eat on the way home. I had chicken & dumplings, carrots and green beans. It didn't sit well with my upset stomach. We took our walk, but it is still so hot out that we only got 2 miles in. It is so muggy that it felt like we were pushing our way through a barrier. I'm going to iron something to wear tomorrow and head to bed. Hopefully a good night's sleep will take care of me. Have a great day tomorrow!!!!
Howdy! I'm on here early tonight because I'm going to bed early, I swear!! My normal 25 minute commute took almost 2.5 hours this evening due to wrecks everywhere. All westbound lanes of the interstate were closed for over 2 hours, so all traffic was diverted to the back road which isn't capable of handling so much traffic - especially the semi's. I sat for so long that I figured out all of my steering wheel and console controls, organized my bluetooth phone book, and pulled out my iPhone and read the 2 local newspapers, MSNBC, and USA Today. Marcy - while I was reading all of that on my phone, I was thinking that an iPad would really be nice. Matt was out of town so I was on my own. I made pizza and salad for dinner, and Matt got home just as I took the pizza out of the oven. I'm really excited to report that we will be having a Weight Watchers at Work group after all. A few more people committed to joining today, so I have everything set up with WW to start on the 23rd. Yay! I don't know about a walk tonight because I do believe a storm is brewing nearby. Lots of flashes in the sky and thunder. Have a great day tomorrow!!!
Deegee, sorry you had to set in traffic so long. I've been reading a book on my Kindle app on my phone. It's not bad. On the Kindle app for the iPad you can turn down the back light a lot. It's not bothering me at all. Yes, having an iPad would have been nice while setting on the road. Sounds like you were very productive setting there though. That is great you have a WW group at work. I hope your headache and stomach ache are better today. Yes, we do have many toys here - we tell our friends with kids we can afford them because we don't have little ones running around our house.

I left a roast in the crock pot. I fixed steam and mash potatoes when I got home and some veggies. Marty was out playing golf so I put his supper in a tupperware dish and heated it up for him when he got home. We will have leftovers for lunch tomorrow too. Sweet.

I goofed off a lot tonight so I will check back in and write more tomorrow.

Have a great Friday. The weekend is almost here. :appl:

Hi everyone. :wavey:

I hope you are having a great weekend. Last night Marty played 9 holes of golf with some people from work. I rode along in a cart. My friend and I from work talked a little too much cuz we kept getting "ssh". Ha ha. Afterward we went to a Mexican restaurant with everyone. I was starving so ate far too many chips and salsa. My feet and knees are mad today, the golf carts really needed a lot of presure to apply on the break and pedal. I might take some Advil if it doesn't get better.

I got my hair cut this morning. Just cut off about 1.5 inches and had it layered. Then I got gas, picked up dry cleaning, bought groceries, cleaned up my produce and worked on laundry. Marty is playing golf so we will meet for lunch when he is done. Maybe we can rent True Grit on PPV tonight.

I finishe the third Vince Flynn book last night. I am enjoying them. The new Stepanie Plum book comes out in a few weeks.

Enjoy your weekend.

Marcy - Yay for the new Stephanie Plum book. I need a fun read! Do you like your hair? I'm still liking mine much better with the tons of layers. It feels so much lighter, especially in this heat. I'm sorry to hear your feet and knees are bothering you from the golf cart. Matt and I used to go golfing - he'd golf and I'd drive, but we haven't done that in a while. Usually he goes with his buddies and the ladies go out for drinks somewhere else. If I know I'm going to a Mexican restaurant, I try to take a serving of baked Tostito's so that I won't feel guilty... I LOVE chips & salsa. If a Mexican restaurant trip is spur of the moment and unplanned, I have to completely resist the chips because I absolutely cannot control myself if I eat one! Now I want chips and salsa...and beer.

Matt and I went to order our countertops today and completely changed our minds on what to get. I mentioned to the salesguy that I was a little concerned about how Consumer Reports rated solid surface lower than laminate because it was easy to scratch. He pulled out a sample and showed us how easy it did scratch. Then Matt scratched it. Then we walked around the showroom and saw that all of the countertops with solid surface on display were scratched. It can be repaired, but that would drive me nuts! We're hard on things, plus we have Lily who props her front paws on the countertop to see what's going on. So we have decided on quartz, and we're going with Silestone. The nice man at Home Depot told us that they were having a big promotion beginning June 23 - color upgrade, free edge option, plus 10% off the total purchase. On June 23, we're going to be right there...ordering countertops. This kitchen thing has really thrown Matt for a loop, which is funny because he is an engineer and he designs production units costing millions of dollars for chemical plants. One would think our little kitchen countertop project would be a walk in the park for him! We went to a local restaurant for spaghetti for dinner, and stopped at a local ice cream stand for dessert. I had a peanut butter sundae. It was good, but a little too rich. It's storming outside, so Matt has already turned in for the night. I think I'll read a little and then go to bed. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. The weekend sure flew by. I hope you had a great weekend.

I stayed home all day today. I made pancakes for breakfast - I made my usual “one” in to 2 smaller ones and had canadian bacon and cooked Marty some hot sausage links and some scrambled eggs. He had a tee time about 11:30 so I made us a grilled cheese sandwich so we’d have something to last till supper. For supper I made enchiladas from leftover crock pot roast beef. They turned out pretty good and we’ll have 2 lunches each out of the leftovers.

I washed sheets, blankets and towels today. I watched True Grit and Just Go With It on PPV this afternoon while Marty was out playing golf.

Deegee, great idea to take baked Tostitos with you when you go to a Mexican restaurant. I used to be good at limiting myself to 6 - I haven’t been that diligent lately. There is one Mexican restaurant here that makes their own flour chips; I seriously could make a meal of them. They are so good. My knees and feet are better today but I only did things around the house so I didn’t really walk a lot. That is great you found out now the countertop you were looking at would scratch easy. That was very nice of the guy to tell you to come back on the 23rd to get a deal on the quartz countertop. Too funny about Matt finding designing the kitchen such a challenge. Marty is like that too; maybe it’s too easy for them.

Last night while I was playing around on my iPad I decided to go make a PDF to email Marty. I made it in Pages, put some pictures of it and wrote a little story of “us”. I am still chuckling over a few of the sections. I said something like even before Marty met Marcy he was wondering “Who will do my laundry? Who will have steam rising from my plate when I get off work? Who will nag at me? Who will talk to me so much all I’ll hear is blah, blah, blah.” Then a few paragraphs later I have something about “then Marty asked Marcy to marry him and she said: What’s in it for me? He said Audis, sapphires and diamonds so she agreed”. I sent it to his home email so if he’s found it yet he hasn’t said anything but I am dying for him to read it. I do so easily amuse myself.

Well, I am off to check out the other posts on PS then play on my iPad some more.

Take care.
marcy - your story sounds cute! I like the Audis, sapphires and diamonds part. For me it's been nice cars & purses. I've always said that Matt got the bad end of that deal... I bet Marty gets a kick out of it when he reads it! I hope a day at home gives your knees a much needed rest. I'm excited about the quartz. I have 2 samples that I'll have to carry around with me. I have to look at them a bunch in different lights to decide which one I like. One is a lighter color called bamboo, and one is darker, called Sienna Ridge. I'll have to try to take a picture and you can help me decide!

I did bad, bad, bad today, but it was my last day for points and I still had almost all of my weekly points left. We went to Chili's and had the skillet queso...and I did not take my own chips. It was soooo good, but way too salty. I had half of the the margarita grilled chicken and a beer for dinner. I had planned to have fruit when I got home, but I think the salt has filled me up and all I want now is water! We're headed out of town in the morning to deep in the mountains in KY. My wonderful, awesome, amazing (there just aren't enough words) grandmother passed away Thursday night - one month shy of her 99th birthday. She told mom last month that she didn't want to have another birthday, and then she just decided she was done. Until a month ago, she was spunky and healthy, getting around on her own with just a cane. This past month she took to her bed and stopped eating and drinking. The dr said there wasn't anything physically wrong, she was just tired and decided it was time to go. She was one amazing woman, and my every memory of her brings a huge grin to my face...and then a bunch of tears. We go to the family homestead in the mountains say goodbye tomorrow. We were blessed to have her, our lives are so rich because of her. Please send good thoughts to my family, especially my mom and her sisters.
Deegee, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hugs to you and your family. May your many good and happy memories help you through the tough and emotional days ahead. You are all in my thoughts.

Deegee, you and your family were in my thoughts today. I hope your family shared some smiles and laughs with good memories of your grandma.

The weather was gorgeous here today. We started our afternoon walk. It was nice. Food today was good. Yogurt, strawberries and cereal for breakfast. Lunch was part of a leftover enchilada. Supper was raw veggies hamburger patty and a few baked fries. Marty took my car to a concert at red rocks in Denver so I got to drive the giant truck home. It is even parked straight in the driveway. Sweet.

I got my pink cases for my iPad. It's nice and padded which is good for a klutz like me.

Have great evening.

Marcy. :wavey:
marcy - thanks for thinking about my family. It was a very sad day, and it's really sad how funerals are family reunions. My grandmother had 6 daughters and she treated all 6 sons in law as her own. All of my aunts and uncles were there, as were all of my cousins and their spouses - her grandchildren. Almost all of the great grandchildren were there too. The great grandchildren and great great grandchildren who weren't there went to the service they had for her in St. Louis on Saturday. The service on Monday was for bringing her home to KY. She was dearly loved. My eyes are so swollen that I still can't get my contacts in! My friends at work bought me a beautiful hydrangea to plant in her memory. And I have the sweetest memories...

Oh, now I'm boo-hooing again. I'm off to bed. Glad you got your pink iPad case marcy and you got the giant truck parked straight in the driveway. We've been driving my SUV a lot lately so we decided to give it a break and take Matt's today. I had to drive it from his work to mine, and our parking lot is a little tight and I'm always nervous pulling in with the ginormobile. I did good in my parking space, though. I was proud. See you tomorrow!
Oh, and marcy - Matt has been offered a position that is a change in career path (but with the same company) and it got me thinking about Marty. Did he end up deciding calling off the job search?
Deegee, it sounds like your grandma was well loved and will be missed by many. She must have been a very special lady. Hugs to you. How nice of work to bring you a plant, that was very thoughtful of them. I like ginormobile - that is exactly how I feel about the truck. Marty was teasing me since I was about 6 feet from the garage door in the driveway but it was straight. LOL. Congratulations to Matt! Is he excited? Marty actually had a phone interview tonight and it went well.

I've stayed up late the last two nights reading. I have to go in early to work tomorrow so I hope to actually make it to bed early tonight. I know, "Good one!" I can at least have good intentions on that.

I bought Subway sandwiches for lunch today and tonight we had some pasta, bread stick(s) and veggies.

Well, I will give my mom and call then get ready for bed. That is 90 minutes ahead of my usual schedule. :appl:

Hi. I was in bed before 11 pm last night. That's early for me. I woke up about 5 but went back to sleep for awhile but was up by 6 and at work by 7. Our big project today had some bumps in the road but we got everything done by 2 pm. I left work at 4 today and stopped by to see my parents. I was going to cook steak and rice for supper but Marty called and wanted to know what was for supper. He was going to bring home one of his employees that is in town from Arizona. I only had 2 steaks so they went to supper and I cooked my steak and fixed the rice. I cut my steak in 1/2 and will have leftover steak and rice for lunch tomorrow. I had a WW chocolate fudge bar for dessert.

I hope everyone had a great and healthy day.

Hello! I thought I'd join the summer thread!

I've been doing a good job of working out this week - I started the 30 day shred on Monday and it's definitely getting easier each day. But I have been doing terribly with eating out! I can't seem to get the healthy eating and the working out to click at the same time. I'm trying to get back to eating healthy though, and I've done an okay job today.

Marcy, I always end up staying up too late reading. I like to read before bed, and I always get sucked in and read for too long.

Hope everyone is having a good month!
Hello! Today was a super long day at work. The power went off at 7:30 this morning and they wouldn't let us go home. It came back on at 11:30, and the whole day seemed to drag on and on. I found a window and tried to read some of the information for the big project that starts next week, but it was so boring that I ended up singing in my head. Blah, blah, blah. I didn't get breakfast because the power came on so close to lunch, and for lunch I had a bowl of soup. I was starving when I picked Matt up after work, so we stopped at a pizza place for spaghetti for me and a big sandwich for Matt. They made my spaghetti baked instead of just plain so I had to peel a thick layer of cheese off. Cheese gives me headaches. It's storming outside so no walk again tonight. I threw a load of laundry in the washing machine, and I think I'll go to bed after I put it in the dryer. It has been an exceptionally long week, and there's one more day to go. Ugh! My parents are coming tomorrow to stay the weekend, and mom is going to help me find a good spot and plant the beautiful hydrangea that my wonderful friends gave me.

marcy - you did really well getting to bed early last night. I have been to bed before midnight every night this week. I need to bump that to 11 for next week because I sure don't get enough sleep. Your dinner sounds tasty. We always end up eating out on Fridays for lunch, so I don't even bother to take leftovers. When our WW group starts up again next week, I'm going to have to make my friends tow the line! I'm glad to hear Marty's phone interview went well. The position Matt has been approached about is a new position for his office. He really loves engineering and he also enjoys his department manager duties (except for personnel issues), but he is really at the highest level he can go in his current job. He says that he hadn't accomplished all he wanted to with his current department and that he has more ideas and procedures to get going, but this new position is totally up his's almost like they had him in mind when they created the position. He is really nervous about the change and hasn't given an answer yet. We shall see.

Have a great Friday!
Merilenda, it’s good to see you post here again. That is great you’ve been working out this week. I haven’t made it out for another walk since Monday. Either I’m busy or my walking buddy is busy. We keep trying though. It is very rough eating out and trying to eat healthy. I always try to order reasonable foods and cut things in 1/2 when I get them; that really helps me not overeat. That is exactly what I do when I read; just one more chapter. The books I am reading now really keep you going so before I know it it’s an hour later than I should be up. At least I enjoy reading them anyway.

Deegee, LOL at “blah, blah, blah”. Rats they wouldn’t let you go home when the power was out. We have generators that can keep us running for about 2 weeks so we don’t have a chance of getting to go home because the power is off. It’s rough reading through papers for 4 hours though. I hope your spaghetti was good once you pulled the extra cheese off of it. That is nice your parents are coming to town this weekend. I know I need to get to bed at an earlier time but I always find one more thing to do - nothing necessary just something to do. That is wonderful Matt’s new position is right up his alley. That always makes you feel good when they offer you a new job that is something you enjoy doing.

Take care.
Deegee, the spaghetti sounds really good! I really need to start going to bed earlier too, because I'm wiped out. We have dinner plans with friends tonight, and I'm trying to decide if I want to try to get in a nap first.

Marcy, I've done a little better with the diet yesterday and today. And I feel like I'm getting stronger, because the workout gets easier every day. What are you reading right now? I'm reading a book about Arthur (it's the 1st part of a trilogy, so I'll decide if I want to read the rest of them when I finish). It's called The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell. I read a variety of genres - also just finished a FANTASTIC book called A Short History of Nearly Everything. I was listening to it on audiobook, and FI and I drove somewhere one day, and he got hooked on it, too! He went out and got it out of the library so he could read the whole thing.

Hope everyone has fun weekend plans! TGIF!