
Studying for the bar...


Mar 8, 2009
Anyone else?? This is MISERY! Two weeks til this bonafide hell is O V E R, and hopefully I won't have to revisit it.

Any tips or advice from other bar-passers out there???

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
what is there to study?... :confused: i have a bar exam every friday night. i'll have 4 shots of cognac and pass the exam with flying color... :praise:

tips??..yes,be sure there are no police car behind ya when your driving home from the bar... ;))


Mar 8, 2009
Dancing Fire|1310753758|2969803 said:
what is there to study?... :confused: i have a bar exam every friday night. i'll have 4 shots of cognac and pass the exam with flying color... :praise:

Is that what your wife tells you? You pass with flying colors, huh...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
megumic|1310754081|2969810 said:
Dancing Fire|1310753758|2969803 said:
what is there to study?... :confused: i have a bar exam every friday night. i'll have 4 shots of cognac and pass the exam with flying color... :praise:

Is that what your wife tells you? You pass with flying colors, huh...
nahh,haven't done that stuff in last 24 yrs... :tongue:

what kind of mix drinks you have problem remembering ?? :read: maybe a PSer bartender can give some tips.


Sep 20, 2008
Good luck Megumic, you're almost there just try to hang in there a little longer!!! DH is studying for the bar too and we'll both be so relieved when it's all over! Did you do a review class or have you just been doing it on your own?


Aug 24, 2006
First of all good luck megumic!! Although it's been several years since I took the bar, that time is still fresh in my mind so I feel your pain right now. Two weeks out was about the worst time for me, but the good news is that you are almost there and this obstacle is almost behind you! I am sure you have studied furiously, so no need to give advice there. But here a few things that worked for me on the days of the exam and just prior: 1) Get ear plugs to wear in the testing room. This was key for me because I tend to get distracted easily. With the ear plugs I was oblivious to folks sneezing, coughing, flipping pages, etc. 2) During lunch breaks or other breaks I sat in my car, went to a secluded location, or only stayed around people who made solemn oaths NOT to talk about the exam. Doing so helped me to avoid the stress of comparing answers to questions and/or seeing people studying furiously during breaks. 3) Dress in layers to account for the unpredictability of the temperature in the testing room. 4) I quit studying a couple of days before the exam, again to avoid adding stress to an already stressful situation. 5) Plan something fun for the night after the last day of exams.

Again...Good luck!!!


Jul 28, 2009
My one piece of advice is to make your own flashcards.

I was never a flashcard maker in college or law school, but with the amount of sheer facts you need to remember, the flashcards were so important for me. I actually wish I had done them sooner, as opposed to two days before the Bar started, but better late than never.

Good luck!


Mar 8, 2009
Thanks for the advice! Fingers crossed all goes well. Good luck to your DH purselover.

I took Barbri, which I think was helpful generally speaking, but I had to supplement with my own study methods. I make big posters of all the information and put them up around the house. When I cannot remember which law I need to apply, I think of where it was in the house and what color the writing was and it helps me remember. Weird, I know!

Ugh back to it! :read:


Dec 16, 2007
Belck I have no experience personally, but took enough exams in my lifetime to feel a little of your pain. Dance with joy when it is done! Never having to write another exam in your life = BLISS


Mar 29, 2005
I second onedrop's advice, particularly the NOT talking about the exam with anyone, especially other people sitting for the exam. Very, very important. Stay away from them for the entire time if you can because the crazy can be contagious. And stop cramming a day or two before and relax. Let the knowledge sink in and percolate for awhile.

And remember that you only have to pass, not ace the exam. No one is going to know if you pass by one point or twenty. Relax, take a deep breath, be around normal people, and you'll be fine.


Jul 28, 2009
megumic|1310765810|2969949 said:
Thanks for the advice! Fingers crossed all goes well. Good luck to your DH purselover.

I took Barbri, which I think was helpful generally speaking, but I had to supplement with my own study methods. I make big posters of all the information and put them up around the house. When I cannot remember which law I need to apply, I think of where it was in the house and what color the writing was and it helps me remember. Weird, I know!

Ugh back to it! :read:
Posters? You're way ahead of me. You'll be fine. :))


Oct 28, 2007
Ahh, I was just giving bar advice (such as it was) last night. Fun times. Basically, at this point you should hopefully be feeling like you're not learning anything new, just reinforcing and refining what you know. Remember that you don't need every point of law to be perfect on the essays -- if you can spot the issue, make a good effort at stating the law, and then put the two together somewhat intelligently, that basically covers it. I remember that at this time last year, I was so over it, I just wanted to take the damn test already and be done. I definitely backed off from really aggressive studying and went into maintenance mode for the last week or so. Do just as much as you feel you need to do, but don't feel guilty if it's not as much as you think you "should" be doing. Of course, this will depend on how your practice tests have gone. NO STUDYING after noon the day before the exam starts. Your brain needs a few hours to decompress and regroup or you won't be able to focus. Otherwise, I totally agree with onedrop on the exam-day tips. Good luck!!

Oh, and there's a distinct possibility I'm going to have to take the exam again when we move to a new state later this year...woo-hoo for a third state and corresponding don't say "I'm never doing this again" because it might come back to bite you :loopy:


Apr 9, 2008
I am currently studying for the bar. I am pretty much over it. I am in Kaplan and we just took the final MBE practice test. Since then I feel lazy and have no motivation. It is strange because I always was very intense with studying for law school finals. I guess I have kind of peaked out. I think I am going to take Octavia's advice (and not try and learn anything new) and just do practice essays and questions and try and memorize what I do understand at this point and don't have memorized.

I am finding the whole essay writing thing to be very scary. MC the answer is there. Essays I actually have to pull a rule statement out of my brain . ahhh. Just writing this post is making me want to go back into full out study mode! :???:


Jul 28, 2009
Person24 said:
I am currently studying for the bar. I am pretty much over it. I am in Kaplan and we just took the final MBE practice test. Since then I feel lazy and have no motivation. It is strange because I always was very intense with studying for law school finals. I guess I have kind of peaked out. I think I am going to take Octavia's advice (and not try and learn anything new) and just do practice essays and questions and try and memorize what I do understand at this point and don't have memorized.

I am finding the whole essay writing thing to be very scary. MC the answer is there. Essays I actually have to pull a rule statement out of my brain . ahhh. Just writing this post is making me want to go back into full out study mode! :???:
One thing to remember for the essay portion is that if there is something you don't really know, as long as you apply SOME rule consistently, you're pretty much okay.

The IL Bar in February had an Admin question. I literally knew nothing about IL Administrative Law. I never took it in school and I never studied it for the Bar (BarBri said it was never tested, so they didn't have a lecture and I didn't bother to read the chapter on my own). So I MADE UP RULES entirely out of whole cloth and applied them. And I passed.

Also, it's amazing the stuff that you don't know you know that magically comes out of your brain when typing frantically.

You will all be fine. :))


Oct 28, 2007
Person24|1310780722|2970143 said:
I am currently studying for the bar. I am pretty much over it. I am in Kaplan and we just took the final MBE practice test. Since then I feel lazy and have no motivation. It is strange because I always was very intense with studying for law school finals. I guess I have kind of peaked out. I think I am going to take Octavia's advice (and not try and learn anything new) and just do practice essays and questions and try and memorize what I do understand at this point and don't have memorized.

I am finding the whole essay writing thing to be very scary. MC the answer is there. Essays I actually have to pull a rule statement out of my brain . ahhh. Just writing this post is making me want to go back into full out study mode! :???:

I don't know what the Kaplan materials are like, but I ended up doing at least 75-80% of the practice essays BarBri gave us, so probably close to 50 in total. I didn't write out every single one, but I did an expanded outline for each. I figured it was better review than the MBE questions because if I knew the law on the essays, I would also know it on the MBE (for the overlapping subjects, that is). I just did a handful of MBE practice questions each day to keep myself in shape. Essays were my weaker point so I think drilling myself on them was what I needed.

I'm sure you're all going to do just fine! The worrying is worse than the test itself, IMO.


Oct 28, 2007
Double post, sorry!


Jul 28, 2009
Octavia|1310793313|2970236 said:
I don't know what the Kaplan materials are like, but I ended up doing at least 75-80% of the practice essays BarBri gave us, so probably close to 50 in total. I didn't write out every single one, but I did an expanded outline for each. I figured it was better review than the MBE questions because if I knew the law on the essays, I would also know it on the MBE (for the overlapping subjects, that is). I just did a handful of MBE practice questions each day to keep myself in shape. Essays were my weaker point so I think drilling myself on them was what I needed.

I'm sure you're all going to do just fine! The worrying is worse than the test itself, IMO.
I was exactly the opposite - I went through tons of MBE practice questions, but I didn't actually do a single essay. I would just read the essay, think about it for a minute, get annoyed, and then read the answer.

Another piece of advice - do what works for you and not what any of your friends or classmates or strangers on the internet tell you to do. And don't compare yourself to anyone. People get off on comparing how much they're studying and how miserable they are. Don't do it. No one wins and everyone feels terrible at the end.


Jan 7, 2010
I'm gearing up for my last exam ever, hopefully.

It involves a 3 hour written paper, a practical exam and a viva. It's very very stressful and the pass rate is about 30% of applicants only.

I feel your pain! At least you have only 2 weeks left, I have 6 months and this is already considered late to start studying (I havent started yet :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: )

I'm going to have a really bad winter ;(

Best of luck megumic, it'll soon be over!!


Oct 28, 2007
sillyberry|1310797299|2970257 said:
Another piece of advice - do what works for you and not what any of your friends or classmates or strangers on the internet tell you to do. And don't compare yourself to anyone. People get off on comparing how much they're studying and how miserable they are. Don't do it. No one wins and everyone feels terrible at the end.

Good point. I didn't mean to come across as saying what I did is what everyone should do, just that I knew it was what I personally needed, so it was what I did regardless of BarBri's schedule or what my friends were doing. With the exception of not cramming on the day before the bar -- I think everyone should have a cut-off point and abide by it, because the people I know who didn't listen to that advice universally agreed afterward that it didn't help and just stressed them out more, and they ended up tired and overstimulated from the very beginning.


Apr 9, 2008
Yeah. I am just trying to retain my motivation. I don't want to get too comfortable! But I guess only doing practice problems and memorizing seems like a break compared to the crazy schedule I had before! :?:

I better pass this thing because doing it again would probably make me a crazy person! :D


Jul 28, 2009
Octavia|1310827258|2970345 said:
sillyberry|1310797299|2970257 said:
Another piece of advice - do what works for you and not what any of your friends or classmates or strangers on the internet tell you to do. And don't compare yourself to anyone. People get off on comparing how much they're studying and how miserable they are. Don't do it. No one wins and everyone feels terrible at the end.

Good point. I didn't mean to come across as saying what I did is what everyone should do, just that I knew it was what I personally needed, so it was what I did regardless of BarBri's schedule or what my friends were doing. With the exception of not cramming on the day before the bar -- I think everyone should have a cut-off point and abide by it, because the people I know who didn't listen to that advice universally agreed afterward that it didn't help and just stressed them out more, and they ended up tired and overstimulated from the very beginning.
Not to belabor a point, but I didn't think you were commanding at all. :))


Apr 30, 2005
I've never felt to need to study for the bar.
I just walk up and order a beer.


Mar 8, 2009
Ha, thanks all for the motivation and support! Yes, it feels like anything/everything I do is never enough and practicing problems and memorizing and practicing essays -- ugh. Is it ever enough???

Motivation is certainly key. I keep thinking, the only thing worse than studying for the bar, is having to study for the bar again!


Apr 9, 2008
Any tips on staying calm this close to the bar? I was fine for awhile but suddenly can't sleep and so worried! I am thinking I will never remember everything and things keep falling out of my brain!! ah.... :confused:


Mar 13, 2008
P24, take a 1 hour break and do something physical. Maybe a yoga class or something, just to give your mind some air and a much needed break. that way you'll come back all refreshed.

Good luck to all the PS bar takers!!!! I'm not a lawyer, but I have lawyer friends. Harrowing experience but you'll hopefully be done in a short while


kas baby

Jun 5, 2009
good luck on the bar!!! I have no advice, but I feel ya

I'm two weeks out from taking the MCAT for the 2nd time. (Last time I took it, my dad called me on my way to the test to say that my grandpa was in the hospital :(sad thanks dad)

hopefully we'll be on to better things soon


Mar 8, 2009
Person24|1311433058|2975194 said:
Any tips on staying calm this close to the bar? I was fine for awhile but suddenly can't sleep and so worried! I am thinking I will never remember everything and things keep falling out of my brain!! ah.... :confused:

haha, things keep escaping my brain too. like, to add detergent to a load of laundry and to put the car in park before i turn it off! lol.

i keep reminding myself that 1. i can take it again and 2. there are bigger things in life than failing an exam. being able to take the bar itself is an opportunity, so with that in mind, the world won't end if i fail!


Apr 9, 2008
megumic|1311447400|2975362 said:
Person24|1311433058|2975194 said:
Any tips on staying calm this close to the bar? I was fine for awhile but suddenly can't sleep and so worried! I am thinking I will never remember everything and things keep falling out of my brain!! ah.... :confused:

haha, things keep escaping my brain too. like, to add detergent to a load of laundry and to put the car in park before i turn it off! lol.

i keep reminding myself that 1. i can take it again and 2. there are bigger things in life than failing an exam. being able to take the bar itself is an opportunity, so with that in mind, the world won't end if i fail!

I wish the only things escaping my brain were detergent and putting my car in park! hehe. Although, the other day I was making a list and i numbered 1-7 and then started numbering at 6 again. I felt like I had official become a crazy person at that point.


Sep 20, 2008
Just wanted to wish everyone take the bar today lots and lot of luck!!!!


Just think you're almost done!


Jul 28, 2009
purselover|1311680091|2976975 said:
Just wanted to wish everyone take the bar today lots and lot of luck!!!!


Just think you're almost done!
Indeed! One or two more days and then there should be much carousing!
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