Hi ladies! I introduced myself officially a few weeks ago and wanted to update you a bit! This whole LIW business is hard! I felt so excited a few months ago about all of this when we started looking at rings but now I just feel like all the fun has been sucked out of it......my sister is sick as I shared and I am on vacation now for another week or so in Miami and I was hoping my boyfriend was going to propose on this trip since it makes sense regarding timing (I may not be able to leave town again for quite a while and he knows that) but apparently he is not, he told a friend he has this big plan set up next month for our anniversary but I may not be able to leave town and his plan involved leaving town. Also if you guys noticed a Leon Mege set that Jpeg had on consignment well I showed the picture to my boyfriend and he got really excited and even spoke with Grace several times and then didn't move forward because he didn't want to let down the jeweler he is working with and if you saw the Leon set it is soooooo beautiful! guess I just need to vent on how disappointed I am.......my BF moves slowly and sometimes makes no sense in his decisions and right now I just feel really deflated.......I am also aware that I am hyper- focusing on the ring and proposal because well, I have LIWitis and cuz it's one of the only thing that makes me happy right now when I think of it which is a bit unfair cuz it puts a lot of pressure on my boyfriend to "do it right". I am trying to stay excited and grateful for whatever I receive and however he proposes but right now knowing it is not happening when I thought it was and knowing I was this close to getting the Leon Mege set and am not I feel a bit down......childish I know but it's how I feel . Thanks for listening Ladies )