


Mar 24, 2011
Hi ladies! I introduced myself officially a few weeks ago and wanted to update you a bit! This whole LIW business is hard! I felt so excited a few months ago about all of this when we started looking at rings but now I just feel like all the fun has been sucked out of sister is sick as I shared and I am on vacation now for another week or so in Miami and I was hoping my boyfriend was going to propose on this trip since it makes sense regarding timing (I may not be able to leave town again for quite a while and he knows that) but apparently he is not, he told a friend he has this big plan set up next month for our anniversary but I may not be able to leave town and his plan involved leaving town. Also if you guys noticed a Leon Mege set that Jpeg had on consignment well I showed the picture to my boyfriend and he got really excited and even spoke with Grace several times and then didn't move forward because he didn't want to let down the jeweler he is working with and if you saw the Leon set it is soooooo beautiful! guess I just need to vent on how disappointed I BF moves slowly and sometimes makes no sense in his decisions and right now I just feel really deflated.......I am also aware that I am hyper- focusing on the ring and proposal because well, I have LIWitis and cuz it's one of the only thing that makes me happy right now when I think of it which is a bit unfair cuz it puts a lot of pressure on my boyfriend to "do it right". I am trying to stay excited and grateful for whatever I receive and however he proposes but right now knowing it is not happening when I thought it was and knowing I was this close to getting the Leon Mege set and am not I feel a bit down......childish I know but it's how I feel :(. Thanks for listening Ladies :)))
Hi Ladybug1,

I'm sorry you are feeling so down and deflated. I think LIWitis has many ups and downs, many of which I've experienced. I've had weeks of lows where I just wanna mope on the couch, some days I have :p.

Do you know anything about the ring he's making? Does he have an idea of what you were looking for? Hopefully what he's getting made is just as nice as the Leon and hopefully you're wearing it soon.
I totally understand where you are coming from. My boyfriend is the biggest procrastinator and takes forever to do anything. For me just waiting and not having control over anything is the hardest part about being a LIW. I sometimes feel like nothing gets done if I don't do it, but I think that is just the controlling aspect in me. I guess this is a good lesson for me to learn... I can't have control over everything, and sometimes I just have to wait my turn, be patient, and trust that everything will work out. I know that it is easier said than done. I bet you will get your perfect ring and perfect proposal and will be on cloud 9 here soon.
Hi Ladybug, sorry to hear that you're down. We all understand how you feel because we've all been there. That's what's so great about PS LIW, it allows us to vent what we couldn't otherwise have said IRL. Hang in there hon because if he's already in discussion with a jeweller, that means it's definitely on the cards, maybe even sooner than you think. And you never know, the ring he got you might be even more perfect than you imagined.

Sending lots of dust your way xx
Thank you Ladies.....I have a week left in Miami and I am trying to get over my disappointment that my BF is not going to propose on this trip and just enjoy it for what it is. The ring he has being made is very pretty, it's not the Leon Mege one and he is sticking with the diamond he got from the family friend who is a jeweler....AFTER he made the deal with the jeweler over the stone and setting we got the GIA report and I freaked out cuz it its cut grade was only "very good" and after spending WAY too much time on Rockytalky that freaked me out big time but I have to remember that I did think it was a beautiful diamond when I saw it and try to enjoy my damn trip and stay grateful for all I do have. You ladies are so wonderful, thanks for the support.
I know that feeling all too well. The only difference is that I didn't get to see the stone in person so I'm still a little worried. After purchasing my stone I noticed it was an AGS 1 cut. The proportions, symmetry and light return were all 0 but the polish only got a grade of 1, which sent me into a panic. I've calmed down a bit now but I'm still anxious about seeing it. If you saw it in person and it was beautiful, it's going to stay beautiful despite the report.

I hope the ring, although not a Leon, turns out to be everything you wanted :).
I think that sucks. Seriously is he going to worry more about the "jeweler pal" or you?

Personally, I would make a stand. I would stand up for I wanted and I wouldn't worry about what HE or HIS JEWLER thought about the situation.

Let's think about this. Don't you want what you want? I mean after all, this is really just a piece of jewelry, albeit a special one.. but to that end.. if you are going to go through the hassle, the expense, the effort would it not be worth it to him to just go that small extra mile ... that one little tiny step to say "Hey I love you.... it's easy" ???

Now maybe he's bs'ing you and already has plans to get what you like, but personally, I would take no chances.

In every relationship, should there not be room to truly be able to voice your opinion and feelings, in a constructive manner? Not mean, not mad but I would think that he would have a desire to understand you at a level deeper than the surface.

You should honestly tell him that you are a little disappointed, in a loving and communicative way. He needs to know and you deserve to say your piece.

No "jeweler" would ever come between myself and my FI's feelings. She's the important part. I absolutely loved picking out her ring (which she had no idea I was doing) and I made absolutely sure that what I picked up she would love and adore. Every time she looks at her hand, or someone compliments this rock, I want her to remember how much I just simply love her and not think, "welll what i really wanted was.... but he... and it's ok..." ya know? I made so sure to select exactly what she had always dreamt of. And that was an awesome feeling!

You need to guide him, it sounds like he needs a little guidance and EVERY man, i don't care what they say in the locker room, needs some guidance from their girl. It's healthy, communicative and if not now... then when?
Plasma800, thanks for your post. I did speak to BF about changing the diamond and what he shared with me today was the reason he is sticking with the stone from the jewelers was strictly financial and this stone is more or less a placeholder and that he is planning on upgrading the stone to am Ideal stone that will be slightly bigger in less than a year when he is more comfortable financially to upgrade so to me that seemed reasonable and I am happy he heard my concern and acted on it with the jeweler without me.... Now if he could just get on with it :)))
Gummy-bear.......when do you think you will see your diamond? I bet it is going to be stunning!!!!!!
Lol, I wish I knew Ladybug. He got the shipping confirmation yesterday which estimated it could arrive today but we have customs and Fedex forms to deal with so probably not till early next week.

The funny thing is I'm more worried about the band than the diamond now because of earlier problems we had. He said he wouldn't mke me wait too long before letting me wer it but who knows, I'll let you guys know when I finally see it in person :p.
Ok, quick update!! I am still in Florida and my boyfriend is taking me away for a few nights before we head home on Wednesday.......he knows I really wanted to get engaged on this trip so maybe.......fingers crossed!!!!! :)
Ladybug1|1305735644|2924843 said:
Thank you Ladies.....I have a week left in Miami and I am trying to get over my disappointment that my BF is not going to propose on this trip and just enjoy it for what it is. The ring he has being made is very pretty, it's not the Leon Mege one and he is sticking with the diamond he got from the family friend who is a jeweler....AFTER he made the deal with the jeweler over the stone and setting we got the GIA report and I freaked out cuz it its cut grade was only "very good" and after spending WAY too much time on Rockytalky that freaked me out big time but I have to remember that I did think it was a beautiful diamond when I saw it and try to enjoy my damn trip and stay grateful for all I do have. You ladies are so wonderful, thanks for the support.

Listen, pretty much everyone on PS is obsessed with "excellent/ideal" cuts or "H&A" styones- but that doesnt mean that a "very good" cut stone isn't going to be shockingly beautiful! And remember- the best advice given on rocky-talky is to trust your eyes and what appeals to YOU!

There was a reason you though it was beautiful when you saw iT! Don't obsess over the stats, obsess over how beautiful it looks!
Ladybug1|1305646544|2923931 said:
Hi ladies! I introduced myself officially a few weeks ago and wanted to update you a bit! This whole LIW business is hard! I felt so excited a few months ago about all of this when we started looking at rings but now I just feel like all the fun has been sucked out of sister is sick as I shared and I am on vacation now for another week or so in Miami and I was hoping my boyfriend was going to propose on this trip since it makes sense regarding timing (I may not be able to leave town again for quite a while and he knows that) but apparently he is not, he told a friend he has this big plan set up next month for our anniversary but I may not be able to leave town and his plan involved leaving town. Also if you guys noticed a Leon Mege set that Jpeg had on consignment well I showed the picture to my boyfriend and he got really excited and even spoke with Grace several times and then didn't move forward because he didn't want to let down the jeweler he is working with and if you saw the Leon set it is soooooo beautiful! guess I just need to vent on how disappointed I BF moves slowly and sometimes makes no sense in his decisions and right now I just feel really deflated.......I am also aware that I am hyper- focusing on the ring and proposal because well, I have LIWitis and cuz it's one of the only thing that makes me happy right now when I think of it which is a bit unfair cuz it puts a lot of pressure on my boyfriend to "do it right". I am trying to stay excited and grateful for whatever I receive and however he proposes but right now knowing it is not happening when I thought it was and knowing I was this close to getting the Leon Mege set and am not I feel a bit down......childish I know but it's how I feel :(. Thanks for listening Ladies :)))

I think the hardest thing is waiting for something you want sooo bad! But remember all the best things are worth waiting for- and when it happens all these feeling regarding waiting and the JBEG ring will evaporate instantly and be replaced with such excitement and utter joy! enjoy this limbo time, once you get the ring you will be in a whirlwind of planning :tongue:
Ladybug1|1305993263|2927271 said:
Ok, quick update!! I am still in Florida and my boyfriend is taking me away for a few nights before we head home on Wednesday.......he knows I really wanted to get engaged on this trip so maybe.......fingers crossed!!!!! :)

i hope it happens for you!! :::::::::::::::DUST:::::::::::::::::::::::
Ladybug1|1305993263|2927271 said:
Ok, quick update!! I am still in Florida and my boyfriend is taking me away for a few nights before we head home on Wednesday.......he knows I really wanted to get engaged on this trip so maybe.......fingers crossed!!!!! :)

I hope this is it. Looking forward to seeing the pictures and hearing the proposal story.
Thanks ladies :))). Well, it happened!!!! Hr proposed in St.Petersburg, it was amazing and romantic and the truth is I didn't even care about the ring I was just so happy and grateful and madly in love!!!!! The way he did it was perfect for me. We have to take the setting to have the stone put in tomorrow now that we are back in LA since the jeweler still has the diamond, he couldn't get it sent to Florida in time, so boyfriend proposed with just the setting and again after how obsessed I wad with the damn stone I find it ironic and perfect that he proposed without it cuz it reinforced the fact (for me) that truly the diamond is the least important part, after all he truly is my rock and I am so lucky!!! Pictures will be posted tomorrow!!!! Thanks to all you sweet ladies!! Xx
Yay, congratulations Ladybug! I've been waiting for some good news. I am now anxiously waiting for pictures. All the best and have fun planning your big day :D.
Thanks gummy-bear :))). Pictures to follow soon!!!! Hopefully by tomorrow!
Congrats! I am excited for you. I can't wait to see pictures!
Congrats! Can't wait for pictures!! :appl:
Help!!!!! How do I post pictures??? :)
When you are on the page to reply, look below and to the left side of the text box that you type in. You will see the "back" option and below that you will see a box with an options tab and an "upload attachment" tab. Click the "upload attachment" tab and choose the file from your computer.

The picture has to be stored on your hard drive and not a link from a photo sharing website. It also has to have a unique name (just tack on a bunch of numbers at the end) and I believe it has to be less than 100KB. I'm not sure about that one since I haven't uploaded pics since before the PS switch to 2.0. Also the pictures will be shown in reverse order from how you attach them. So, if for example, you wanted to upload a progression of pictures of you opening a package, then a picture of the ring box, and then the picture of the open ring box, you would have to upload the last picture first.

That should be about all you need to know about uploading pictures! If you have any more questions, ask away because we all want to see your gorgeous ring!!!
Thanks ladies! Thank you Mayflower....I will do that most likely tomorrow!!! I have yet to get a good photo, I only have my iPhone with me and well, you get the idea od the ring but not the greatest photos!
Congratulations, ladybug!!!!
Yay! Congrats!

I use a different way to insert photos. Under the subject line you have "Font size" "Font style" "List" and "Insert". Under "Insert" there are four buttons. the first one looks like a diamond. A window pops up and you can upload your photo there. "Browse' and then "save".
then, click the photo you uploaded (it'll show up in the box under the save button) and it'll be inserted into the text.