
Stigma attached to Vegas weddings

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Dec 14, 2007
Do you think there is any stigma attached to Vegas weddings/elopement anymore?

I can''t tell you how many times people have said to me, "Oh, gonna do the Elvis wedding huh?" or "Drive up wedding? Nice..." etc.

Now I''ve been there. I used to think people only went to Vegas to get married when it was...Oh I dunno...a shotgun wedding? Unplanned pregnancy? Running away at 18 to marry a person your parents can''t stand? Or if you''re Carmen Electra or Dennis Rodman? And Britney only made it worse.

And yet, here I am, with a wedding planned in Vegas!

So what do you guys think? Tacky? Is there a stigma? Or have people gotten over it? Is it actually a positive now?
I have to admit, I used to think there was something odd about wanting to get married in Vegas. My friend told me she was getting married at Treasure Island and I couldn''t get a fake pirate giving the ceremony out of my head. I had never been to Vegas before so it was an excuse to go. The wedding was really nice and everyone had a good time. We went smack in the middle of August so it was a little to hot for my taste but I can totally see now why people would want to get married in Vegas. I guess what I am trying to say in a long winded version is that I don''t see anything wrong with it at all.
I think that people who haven''t been to Vegas have a VERY different view than those who have been. If you''ve been, spent some time on the strip at the Bellagio, at the Mandalay Bay, etc they''d have a very different picture. "New" classy beautiful vegas is much different than "classic" gritty, slimy, downtown Vegas and some people just don''t realize.
But I have been to Vegas multiple times, and "gritty" Vegas is much more fun than sterilized Vegas (Hooker/Stripper cards being handed out in front of hotels anyone?).


I have been asked those exact questions!! "Soo Elvis wedding huh?" "Drive through wedding your style?"

I was actually really worried about what people would think about the wedding. Actually my friends/ family understand and see that it''s totally US. His side, not so much. Quite honestly? I''ll be SHOCKED if his dad attends our wedding. He''s already been b**ching about Vegas.. and it''s a year plus out! Everyone has their opinions on OUR wedding, and frankly I''m not giving a damn anymore. If they want to be nice and attend, PLEASE DO, if you are only going to complain and hate it... well.. that''s just one less meal we have to pay for

I think that because the celebs and how Vegas is seen in the movies, it gets a bad rap. It "looks" tacky and quirky and shot-gun. Whatever. Mine won''t be like that. A friend of ours got engaged a few months ago and is having her wedding in Vegas in March.. THAT looks shot-gun, but the fact is that it''s REALLY easy to plan a Vegas wedding. They have so many time slots and venues that you can almost get the time/ day you want no matter what.

I am rambling. Did that answer anything? Ha just know you''re not alone, I''m already getting that cr*p.
Date: 2/26/2009 2:35:23 AM
Author: FrekeChild
But I have been to Vegas multiple times, and ''gritty'' Vegas is much more fun than sterilized Vegas (Hooker/Stripper cards being handed out in front of hotels anyone?).

The first time I went to Vegas I was 20 (with my family) we were walking down the strip at night and these guys kept trying to hand things to my dad and brothers. I kept thinking, "I WANT ONE TOO WHATEVER IT IS." I finally grabbed one from a guy...
OOOOH that''s what those are....
I think it definitely gets a bad rap! And I probably thought so myself. Of course, since PS, I''ve seen quite a few women planning for Vegas weddings (including you Freke) and everything I see is classy, tasteful and just all around awesome. So I hope that as people get more exposed to nice Vegas weddings, and less exposed to tacky Britney-esque weddings (and we know that it''s just not Vegas - wherever she went, tackiness would follow) the stigma will decrease.
Oh and for context, the only time I''ve been to Vegas was when I was a kid, and while my parents and grandparents were gambling, they would take it in shifts to babysit me at the hotel
I think I got a hat out of it....
I see Vegas weddings as fun and memorable not tacky and cheap!

I''ve stayed in some of the most impressive hotels when I was in Vegas and the standard of service was outstanding so it certainly wasn''t tacky.

I see it as kitsch! But its a perception thing. DH and I want to renew our vows in Vegas, why, cos it floats our boat. Its not to everyones taste but then its not about them, their opinion doesn''t matter on this one. We live in Europe so we could quite easily do it in Paris or Rome or some other romantic city but that won''t be as exciting and memorable and fun as Vegas.
Honestly, the reason we decided against a Vegas wedding was because it felt like a wedding factory to us. 15 minutes to use the bridal room to get ready, 30 minutes for the ceremony, BAM! NEXT! Maybe it''s because we went to see the Bellagio during Memorial Day weekend, but there were many couples checking out the chapel while a bride was running in and out getting ready. Then later they were strolling down the hotel for the pictures among thousands of tourists. I want privacy during our wedding, and I felt like we weren''t going to get it there.

BUT, my friend got married at the Wynn and it was amazing! It was on a Monday so there were fewer tourists, and I loved the officiant. The chapel was very pretty and the ceremony was arranged traditionally. I think people who knows Vegas knows that it''s all about how you plan it. People who see Vegas only on TV would react like my mom did; "......okaaaaaaaayyyy...., if that''s what you really want.....".
I really wanted to get married at the Wynn, small, quick but classy. But at the same time the thought of a Vegas wedding is tainted for me because my father ran off with his home-wrecker, i mean er wife and got hitched there. They took her daughter with them and didn''t tell any of his children that he got married. I found his marriage certificate online a week later. Yeah...but normally I think people have a stigma, but it is dumb cause so many of the hotels are AMAZING and can be so classy.
I think it totally depends on whether you''ve been there before and how you feel about it. If you love the city, I don''t think you''ll see anything wrong with a wedding there. But if you''ve never been and think it''s tacky (or have been and still think it''s tacky) then you''ll probably think the same about a wedding.

From my personal perspective, I have never been to Vegas and really have no desire to go. However, I don''t think it''s at all tacky to get married there! I know tons of people who absolutely love it there and as a natural extension, if you love it there, you might love to get married there. Nothing wrong with that.
I totally agree with you Freke on the stigma thing and I can see how it would totally be annoying if you were planning a tasteful wedding ceremony with an elegant dinner reception afterwards. I used to think that people went to Vegas only really to elope but now I''ve realized it isn''t always the case!
Date: 2/26/2009 9:27:47 AM
Author: Clairitek
I totally agree with you Freke on the stigma thing and I can see how it would totally be annoying if you were planning a tasteful wedding ceremony with an elegant dinner reception afterwards. I used to think that people went to Vegas only really to elope but now I''ve realized it isn''t always the case!
ITA. And even now, when I hear Vegas wedding, my first thought is "elopement". However, I think it is one of those things that you start to realize once you have planned weddings and been around girls that have. I always thought that a DW was cheaper than a traditional one here in the area... NOT totally true either. Times are changing, people will catch on.
I think there is a stigma...but I think in parts of the country, there's stigmas about all types of weddings. People will always make stupid comments about what they don't understand or what they assume the event will be like. My parents were horrified that I wanted an outdoor wedding (because they consider that very tacky) but once they saw how we were doing things, they realized that we weren't being crazy/cheap/tacky/inappropriate/irreverent at all.

I will say though, had I said Vegas for wedding, my mom would have lost it. My cousin was married at the Little White Chapel (wearing a black sparkly dress) and I heard my parents say enough negative stuff about it that I knew very well that they would NOT approve if that's what I wanted.

ETA: Freke, I think the way you're planning your wedding is beautiful and elegant!! I think your guests (and you and your FI) will have an amazing time.
Before joining PS, I have to admit that I thought DW, including vegas were for people only wanting to elope. I guess that is due to not being around much wedding talk, etc and only hearing about celeb stories. Also, I have never been to Vegas so I can''t mentally picture it, but having seen PS pics I think they look great and it would be really beautiful and not tacky.
Well, I''ve never been to Vegas. All I''ve been exposed to are movies (and CSI!!), and pictures. So, when I used to think of Vegas weddings, the first thing that came to mind was Elvis. Being on PS and looking at the planning stages of several members having their wedding in Vegas has showed me there is more to Vegas than Elvis!

THAT SAID, if anyone I knew were to be having an Elvis wedding, I''d be jumping up and down and booking my ticket right away! I dont care how people decide to get married, I''m just happy to share in their day!
When I think Vegas wedding, I think "fun destination wedding". I think casinos and hotels and a big fun show. I''ve been to a Vegas wedding and it was just like a home wedding with a chapel and a reception at a hotel ballroom. It did feel a little bit like a wedding factory as someone else mentioned (I think all fake chapels are a wedding factory whether they are at a wedding place in Houston or a Vegas hotel) but that doesn''t make it tacky, and I had a ton of fun that weekend because it was one big party.

I don''t think of an elopement or a shotgun because quite frankly, it''s quicker and cheaper to get married at the JOP and calls less attention to yourself.
Overall I would say no, the stigma of the LV wedding with Elvis, driveups etc. isn''t there as much anymore, but it depends on the person''s experience with Vegas. Some people have no idea how impressive and classy the new hotels are, and how gourmet the dining experiences can be. If somone has never been to Vegas or has only been to Vegas a long time ago, they probably will have the impression of the "typical" Vegas wedding, of which those types of weddings are perpetuated in the media by Britney-type quick weddings.
However, that is not to say that those who chose to have a driveup wedding or Elvis wedding isn''t fun or just as special, it''s just a personal choice.
I think that overall Vegas weddings, as with any type of wedding, should be whatever you want it to be, large or intimate, formal or informal, Elvis or religious.
When I hear Vegas wedding, I must admit, I don''t have a immediate picture that pops in to my head, because the weddings there can be so varied and different, I usually ask a question like, "Are you going to have it in a hotel or a different setting?" just so I can get a feel about the type of wedding the person is talking about.
I couldn''t tell from your post if you were worried about someone thinking you were having the "Vegas" wedding, or just curious as to what people''s perceptions were about Vegas weddings. I think that once you describe the type of wedding that you are having, if anyone had a misconception about what a Vegas wedding is, would quickly understand that no wedding is typical or the same.
wellinsm-If there still is a stigma, only.

For people who have been around here and seen pictures of what I''m planning for our wedding (no ripped jeans and baseball cap here) then they know we''re not having the "Vegas" wedding. As I told my wedding planner, I want to have the attractions of Vegas around the day, but not have anything that feels like Vegas. My guests have gotten this vibe as well through my STDs.

Swedish bean, I''m glad I''m not the only one. With me (because I''m slightly crazy, but also traditional) it has been a tossup for my guests as to which type of wedding we''d have because of unpredictability. I agree with you for people who have seen it in the movies, it can be gaudy and tacky, and essentially like an "adult playground" with nothing else but smut, gambling and neon. But really, I think Vegas can be whatever you want it to be. For us, it''s somewhere we can go to relax when we want to, shop, eat amazing food, and go see attractions and shows that you don''t even get close to here in NM. And for us, because we live close, it''s pretty cheap.

The biggest factor for us, besides cutting down on amount of guests and therefore money, was that Vegas has serious sentimental meaning. It''s where our relationship became official, its where he proposed, its where we''ve gone on all of our vacations together. It seems only right that we get married there. And the fact that it''s super easy to plan--right up my alley.

And yes, it seems to me like there still are thoughts of weddings in Vegas being tacky/cheap/the easy way, etc, but is there still a stigma attached?

As for it being a wedding factory...I think because of when we''ll be tying the knot, I don''t think we''ll have that problem. Late afternoon in early January isn''t most people''s idea of "wedding-y", and from what I understand, December-Valentines Day is incredibly slow for the Vegas wedding business. I don''t really mind the wedding factory feel per se. But I can see how that would affect people''s judgment on the matter. For us, it won''t feel like that. For others, I can see how it would.

And perhaps thats one reason I chose to not wear a white dress. I don''t want to feel like "just another bride". There are how many chapels along the Strip? I''m sure I won''t be the only bride in Vegas that day...
I''ve never been to Vegas, and while my idea of a vegas style wedding is the Elvis/Quickie thing, a wedding in vegas is different. Something about how it is delivered,"we are having a Vegas wedding!" vs. "we are having our wedding in Vegas!", the first feels like Vegas is the theme and in the second it seems more like a location.

Since there are so many cheap flights to Vegas from almost every city in the US it seems like a remarkably well thought out destination choice actually.
Date: 2/26/2009 1:13:27 PM
Author: tropiqalkiwi
I''ve never been to Vegas, and while my idea of a vegas style wedding is the Elvis/Quickie thing, a wedding in vegas is different. Something about how it is delivered,''we are having a Vegas wedding!'' vs. ''we are having our wedding in Vegas!'', the first feels like Vegas is the theme and in the second it seems more like a location.

Since there are so many cheap flights to Vegas from almost every city in the US it seems like a remarkably well thought out destination choice actually.
The highlighted part strikes me as a very good point. There is a huge difference between a "Vegad wedding" and a "wedding in Vegas."

Maybe I am wrong but I feel what Freke is going for is the "wedding in Vegas" option.

The bold part is a very very good point. It does seem to be a relatively affordable place for people to visit and easily accessible. Definitely more so than the DW location of my dreams- Napa.
It''s funny you bring this up, Freke, because my DH was one of those people at the very beginning! We went to Vegas a few months after we got together and found our way to the MGM wedding chapel. I wanted to peak inside and he was dead set against it because he did NOT want to get married in Vegas. He didn''t like the appeal, thought everyone would think it was tacky, etc., and since we''d only started talking about getting married, I dropped it. Fast forward to us driving around the mountains of Scotland 2 hours after we got engaged talking about what we wanted our wedding to be (small, intimate, fun, not budget breaking) and I broached the topic once again. "Well, what about Vegas? It''d be less expensive..." Once we talked about the kind of Vegas wedding we wanted, he really came around (and actually was the biggest proponent of getting married in Vegas when some early planning looked to be derailing our Vegas dreams!).

We had a few people ask if I was pregnant. (Uhm, no.) We had a few people think our Star Trek reception was kind of campy. (Maybe, but also: food and drinks were fantastic.) And you know, that''s okay. Because in the end, almost every person told us how much fun they had at our wedding and it was one of the more original weddings they''d been, too. We had enough fun and glam and campy to portray the location.

However, getting to that point involves a lot of myth-busting. I agree with whoever said it mostly comes from people who haven''t been to Vegas very much, but it''ll work out. And actually, with the economy today, Vegas may be moving up on the list of affordability and nice weddings for people to have.
Ok, I think it''s story time.

When FI first took me to Vegas (first real date) and the day after we made our relationship official, we walked past THEwedding Chapel at Mandalay Bay. And I thought to myself..."Wow, I could actually marry this guy."

And now, 3 years and 8 months after thinking that, I will be.

For us, Vegas is magical, and I want to share THAT Vegas with my guests, and take them on a miniature journey of our relationship.

So I''ve been there, thought that Vegas was for shotgun/drunken weddings, but actually being there, showed me that it didn''t have to be.

I think that if any stigma still exists, it''s from people who haven''t been there, or people who have been there, and only seen raunchy Vegas. Which is definitely there, if you look for it.

Did I mention that my wedding will be taking place during the Adult Entertainment Expo?
Date: 2/26/2009 9:27:47 AM
Author: Clairitek
I totally agree with you Freke on the stigma thing and I can see how it would totally be annoying if you were planning a tasteful wedding ceremony with an elegant dinner reception afterwards. I used to think that people went to Vegas only really to elope but now I''ve realized it isn''t always the case!

I agree. Before I joined PS and from what I''ve heard in Ireland is that it always seems to be the Elvis weddings etc.
I think it all depends on who you''re talking to. If no one has ever seen or been to a "nice" Vegas wedding, then yes, they will naturally assume drive through and Elvis.

Although I have heard of and seen very fancy Vegas weddings on tv, but I still think of the little white chapel and Elvis. I think it''s just because that''s what i''ve seen more of, so it''s more easily recalled by my brain. I''m sorry Freke. I think your wedding will be stunning though. I mean how can it not be with that dress of yours.
I''ve definitely found that there is a stigma associated with getting married in Vegas. From my experience it''s mainly from people who''ve never been. Hopefully your guests will have an open mind and either join you or miss out. Just make sure you have plenty of nice pictures to show off to them, rub it in.

My mom is refusing to go to our wedding (she loves my FI, so that''s not it) and we''re not even getting married IN Vegas. She could stay elsewhere and never even have to enter the city limits!
Oh well, she''s going to miss out. I love Vegas. I love the lights at night (big fan of Christmas decorations- you should see my yard the day after Thanksgiving!
) and all of the excitement. That and I get to be selfish and not have to compromise what I want, FI is on board with it so that''s all that matters. And a huge plus is that it was a heck of a lot cheaper than anything I could have done here! Win-win if you ask me.
i had to explain exactly to my parents and show them pictures of what i was planning and once they saw they loved it and got exctied. cus my mom was like, oh so you dont want anyone to even be there??
the thing with me was that the only people invited were going to be family, and we have family get togethers alll the time. so why pay $1000 + for 4 hours of something we do all the time. or $10,000 or less for 4 days of fun!

as for the wedding factory, well im going to be getting ready in my room since im staying at the hotel, so i wont even really need that dressing room they have, and it wont feel so rushed. We''ll also have a private room for the dinner reception so as far as the ceremony and dinner it will all feel pretty private.
Freke are you having it in the chapel, or outside?
Date: 2/26/2009 2:20:18 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Ok, I think it''s story time.

When FI first took me to Vegas (first real date) and the day after we made our relationship official, we walked past THEwedding Chapel at Mandalay Bay. And I thought to myself...''Wow, I could actually marry this guy.''

And now, 3 years and 8 months after thinking that, I will be.

For us, Vegas is magical, and I want to share THAT Vegas with my guests, and take them on a miniature journey of our relationship.

So I''ve been there, thought that Vegas was for shotgun/drunken weddings, but actually being there, showed me that it didn''t have to be.

I think that if any stigma still exists, it''s from people who haven''t been there, or people who have been there, and only seen raunchy Vegas. Which is definitely there, if you look for it.

Did I mention that my wedding will be taking place during the Adult Entertainment Expo?
Freke: I think you are going to have a gorgeous wedding in Vegas!! I''ve never seen or heard of anything like it.

With that said, the stigma doesn''t only exist because of people that haven''t been there, and/or have only seen the raunchy sides... My sister lived there for 4 years, I''ve seen the home-y side of Vegas. I''ve stayed at the Palms and TI, and seen the party side of Vegas, I''ve stayed at Belaggio and Venetian, and seen the beuatiful side of Vegas, and I''ve spent a fare share of time around Freemont Street and seen the not as nice parts of Vegas. I still think "elopement/party" when I hear someone say Vegas Wedding . The only way I would think otherwise is if I said to someone, "Where is your wedding going to be?" and they replied "We are having it at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas." I think it has do to with how you have experienced Las Vegas. You went there on your first date, so it has a romatic feel... however, for most people, that probably isn''t the case (Yes, I''m assuming, please don''t hate me), so you''re not going to get an initial "Awwww, how sweet" reaction.
I believe that some people just see Vegas as a party town. I go there for vacations, just like I go to the beach as a vacation. If someone said they were having a wedding in Cancun, I would automitaccly assume it would be at a resort on a beach, unless they told me otherwise.

I just wanted to give another input. It''s not a bad stigma, it''s just a stigma
. Every town has one!!
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