
Special K Diet

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Nov 9, 2006
Ladies I have the Key to losing 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Special K

I know most of us have to lose that much to fit perfectly in our dream dresses. Just thought Id share my secret with all of you. I wont be getting marry soon, but my fiance and I are going on a Happy Engagement Vacation and I want to look my best so I will be start this diet the first of march. You eat SK for breakfast and Lunch then a senseable dinner

Any one else know of any quick fixes ?


Apr 12, 2006
There are diet tips, etc, under the other forums.... you might want to check that out.

As for your question, the only thing I have found to work is eating lean protein at every meal, every 3 hours, whichs keeps me satisfied. 2 boiled egg whites & oatmeal (Quaker Oats, not the packaged sugar stuff), salad w/chicken breast, turkey breast sandwich w/whole wheat bread , lean protein (I like round steak) & vegetable for dinner. The key is to stay away from packaged, refined, snacks (potato chips, crackers, cheetos, etc) & white bread.

I tried the Special K a long time ago and I was still hungry. Keep in mind the 110 calories (or whatever it is) is for a 1/2 cup or so...... not a big bowl! You can easily double or triple the calories if you don''t measure the cereal.


Feb 27, 2006
You need to eat at least 1500 calories a day to loose weight. Otherwise your body goes into starvation mode.
I lost 50 pounds in 6-8 months on weight watchers.

I liked making no point soup and portabella mushrooms sandwichs because most vegetables are 0 points


Nov 30, 2005
yogurt. lots of lowfat yogurt!
I'm just awful about sticking with diets. But I've been losing weight just by reaching for a yogurt or a yogurt drink when I need a snack, and having one or two yogurts for breakfast. If I start getting hungry before lunch I'll eat an apple I stuck in my purse.

My favorites are youplait whips in key lime, and trader joe's greek style honey yogurt.

Oh, also if I'm in a hurry for lunch, instead of stopping at mcdonalds I stop at the local market and pick up one of those South Beach Diet lunch kits. Very filling and very fast.

ETA: I have a dreadful sweet tooth so yogurts satisfy that.


Sep 30, 2006
My favorite diet is my japanese-heavy diet (ever notice that Japanese women are hardly ever fat? ETA: I'm pretty sure there's a book about that). Not American Japanese, old-school Japanese.

Breakfast is just an egg white omelet (not J-diet but have you SEEN what they eat for breakfast? google "natto")

Lunch is a large serving of miso soup: high in protein, low in calories... very filling, but you have to watch out for the tryptophan (the same chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner!)

Dinner is thinly-sliced boiled meats (think shabu-shabu style) and vegetables with either soy or ginger/vinegar sauce for dipping (not drizzling--you'll use a lot more that way!). Usually a small serving of brown rice too, and maybe a small bowl of miso soup.

A sugar-free fudgesicle on most days, too
(only 40 calories!!)

It's all VERY low fat, which is ideal for me (my body tends to pack on pounds more from fatty foods than from carby foods--everyone's different) but can get a little high in sodium (depending on how much sauce you use, so if your body responds negatively to salty foods you have to back off on the salty soy sauce). High in protein (filling), vitamin K (great for bone health) and fiber (how we alllll love fiber!) AND it tastes soooo good!

ETA: Remember that a healthy body depends on VARIETY (we pull different nutrients from different foods) so while eating the same thing (Special K) at every meal may sound good calorie-wise, you're most likely depriving your body of essential nutrients!


Dec 29, 2004
If I had to eat cereal for brekky and lunch for three weeks, I''d definitely lose weight. From throwing up.

Guess I am not a quick fix kinda gal...I like to EAT.


Mar 20, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 2:44:00 PM
Author: TravelingGal
If I had to eat cereal for brekky and lunch for three weeks, I'd definitely lose weight. From throwing up.

Guess I am not a quick fix kinda gal...I like to EAT.
Hehe... or maybe from the cafeteria food in the mental hospital after I slowly went insane.

Unfortunately my body doesn't function so well on quick fixes... I think I'm at the point where overall health has become more important than losing fast water weight. I've tried different diets over the years but the only strategy that has consistently worked for me has been to focus on making good choices when I can (celery and peanut butter instead of a PB&J, a small hot chocolate instead of a large)... and not deprive myself.

So I don't count calories anymore, I don't dwell or obsess about every molecule that passes my lips, I don't spend hours dreaming of that one meal a week when I'm allowed to break my diet. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied. And as far as food goes, I think I may have reached that elusive state called PEACE.


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 5:41:21 PM
Author: ephemery1
So I don't count calories anymore, I don't dwell or obsess about every molecule that passes my lips, I don't spend hours dreaming of that one meal a week when I'm allowed to break my diet. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied. And as far as food goes, I think I may have reached that elusive state called PEACE.
You go, girl
I wish I could be that way. My agency has me on a modified version of the zone right now, apparently I need to lose 15 lbs
I hate the small portions, and no snacks!! I LIVE for snacks. Hopefully I'll get past the adjustment period soon and it will just feel natural!


May 14, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 2:44:00 PM
Author: TravelingGal
If I had to eat cereal for brekky and lunch for three weeks, I''d definitely lose weight. From throwing up.

Guess I am not a quick fix kinda gal...I like to EAT.

Im the exact same. After plenty of quick fix diets, which have landed me actually heavier than I was when I started eating normally after coming off them, Ive eventually learnt that exercise and eating healthily will make me lose weight and keep it off!


Oct 18, 2005
Hm, not a fan of quick fixes. The key to being healthy is eating right, drinking plenty of water and exercizing, and being stick thin doesn''t necessarily mean you''re healthy. Your body needs energy and nutrients, carbs, fats (yup, fats), proteins, vitamins and minerals... Not sure you''re getting everything you need in a couple of Special K bowls a day. Plus you''ll probably get sick of them... And then when you''ve lost the weight, you''ll stop starving yourself, and you''ll get it all back.


Mar 20, 2006
Date: 2/27/2007 6:02:30 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/27/2007 5:41:21 PM
Author: ephemery1
So I don''t count calories anymore, I don''t dwell or obsess about every molecule that passes my lips, I don''t spend hours dreaming of that one meal a week when I''m allowed to break my diet. I eat when I''m hungry and stop when I''m satisfied. And as far as food goes, I think I may have reached that elusive state called PEACE.
You go, girl
I wish I could be that way. My agency has me on a modified version of the zone right now, apparently I need to lose 15 lbs
I hate the small portions, and no snacks!! I LIVE for snacks. Hopefully I''ll get past the adjustment period soon and it will just feel natural!
Well I haven''t always been that easygoing about it.... this is a fairly recent (last year or so?) development! But like *bee, I always ended up going overboard after a diet until eventually I was heavier than when I started... so when it came to numbers on the scale, the math REALLY wasn''t working out for me. I''d still love to lose 5-10 pounds... I just know by now it''s not going to happen permanently unless I get there slooooowly as part of my overall lifestyle. And I really am at a healthy weight for my body, so if I want to look better in a swimsuit, I think it''s going to have to come from the gym!

But even tonight, I had a basket of ribs and definitely felt a twinge of guilt about it... then reminded myself that I chose a salad instead of fries to go with it.... and felt instantly redeemed. And, well... peaceful.


Aug 12, 2005
I am SO not an advocate of quick fix diets. I will recommend one book "The 7 Day Detox Miracle" (google it to find the author''s name, it''s available at most book stores), that is sort of a quick fix if you choose to look at it that way. Or look up "detox diet" here on PS, there are a couple of threads it will pop up in.

As others have stated, if you really want to lose a few pounds (probably not 10 in 3 weeks unless you want to feel and look like crap), you need to be eating at least 1200 calories a day and focus on eating foods that are not pre-packaged (I''ll make an exception and say that power bars, maybe Luna bars for a 200 calorie "snack" are ok--lots of fiber, protein, etc.)

To me, looking your best doesn''t happen when you are not providing your system with the right nutrition. I would seriously research this "Special K" diet before doing it (I know nothing about it so I can''t say yay or nay, but in my experience those diets are not the most health-conscious and are marketing tools used by the company to sell more of their product.) You can''t look your best if you''re dehydrated, feeling weak, or passing out because your blood sugar is screwed up, you know?

Please do not forget to add exercise into the mix, and learn how to balance your caloric expenditures from exercise with your caloric intake from food. I could go on and on, but ladies please be safe and don''t shock your system into losing too much, too fast, and not the right way. It makes it that much harder to do it in a healthy manner the next time you try to do it the right way.


Apr 10, 2006
I googled natto...yikes

I am on the Japanese diet, I eat sushi everyday, unfortunately that includes deep fried sushi, and sushi with cream cheese, and obscene amounts of sushi, I wouldn''t recommend it for weight loss...
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