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Jun 29, 2006
what''s left on your holiday timeline??

I''m baking the rest of today and delivering some goodies to some friends this evening and tomorrow I''m planning on staying home though I''m going to have to send the dh out to get some bread for Cmas morning. I''ve wrapped NOTHING yet other than what we had to send off.

Sunday Breakfast is Swiss Breakfast (oats, fresh fruit, almonds, honey, and half & half)
Sunday Dinner is Prime Rib, Yorkshire Pudding, Creamy Potatoes, Green Beans (frenched with almonds and an amaretto sauce), Herbed Carrots... I think that''s it.
Monday Breakfast is a lump crab, havarti, and asparagus strata with hollandaise....
Monday Lunch/Dinner is French Dips yum yum!!

I don''t do any particular deserts.... I have nothing that screams tradition to me and we always end up with plenty of leftover stuff after the cookie trays....

Does anyone here have a particular desert that screams christmas?


Oct 18, 2004
I have to put ribbon on some packages, unwrap and unpackage all the Santa stuff for my daughters (with hubby''s help) and bake some Paula Dean gooey butter cakes and gingerbread cookies. Then tomorrow morning, we have to make pepper dip, scalloped potatoes and deviled eggs and pick up our standing rib roast. Then the extended family is coming for Christmas Eve but my MIL will be staying for three days (the longest she has ever come here). Should be interesting. We get along pretty well but she has this tendency to order people (including me) around.

I need to get started with all this fun but I figure while DH is going to pick up his mom and the babies are napping, it will be my last break until Tuesday. :)


Jan 13, 2006
I have many presents to wrap still. Had my family over last night. Ran out for a couple last minute things today. Could bake more but I''m getting burned out. Should be cleaning my bedroom and bath...However, I''m going out to have a few xmas drinks this evening. Work be damned.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I did all my baking last night; almond biscotti, savoiardi (lady fingers), chocolate chips and brownies.

Biggest thing on my list today was grocery shopping for all the seafood I''m going to make tomorrow.
Christmas eve dinner: lobster thermidor, baked flounder filet stuffed with crabmeat, shrimp mozambique, sauteed scallops, grilled salmon, linguini with clam sauce, salad, grilled zucchini. Christmas day dinner: prime rib, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole and rolls. My BIL provides dessert: cheesecake and a really rich coffee cake. Actually, most of this menu screams cardiac arrest!

All presents are bought, maybe half are wrapped, all cookies going out will be delivered to neighbors tonight and to friends tomorrow day.

The guest bedroom is all set, courtesy of my husband. The rest of the house is in its usual state of presentability that falls short of perfection but is good enough. I don''t care a whit about the state of the kitchen sink -- I''m actually feeling pretty relaxed.


Jul 27, 2005
I need to buy ingredients for the cheese and chocolate fondues I plan to make (separately, not as one fondue!) for my houseguests this week.

I still have yet to wrap a single present.

Need to stuff the stockings.

Clean house.

Finish decorating my staircase banister garland.

Make up the 100-photo albums for my mom and mom-in-law.

And entertain/cater to my houseguests for the next 10 days.

My guests have been here only 3 days and I'm already EXHAUSTED!!!! And it doesn't help that my poor sick daughter has a horrible chest cold and stomach virus and isn't sleeping at all.


Nov 18, 2004
I''m all done!!! Presents are wrapped, and the stockings are stuffed. We are spending Christmas Eve with our best friends, so no cooking for moi. And Christmas dinner is all taken care of. So now I can sit back and enjoy this holiday. Trust me I started it off being a little blah, cause the kids weren''t home. But once they came home I got psyched!!!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 5:47:51 PM
Author: KristyDarling
I need to buy ingredients for the cheese and chocolate fondues I plan to make (separately, not as one fondue!) for my houseguests this week.

I still have yet to wrap a single present.

Need to stuff the stockings.

Clean house.

Finish decorating my staircase banister garland.

Make up the 100-photo albums for my mom and mom-in-law.

And entertain/cater to my houseguests for the next 10 days.

My guests have been here only 3 days and I''m already EXHAUSTED!!!! And it doesn''t help that my poor sick daughter has a horrible chest cold and stomach virus and isn''t sleeping at all.
I''m sorry your dd is sick, KD! wow, your list is intimdating! Put those guests to work!! lol! I can''t tell you how glad I am you''re not making chocolate cheese fondue LOL!!! I''m planning to get a photo album together for my dad.... but it''s not going to be before the holiday - maybe before the new year lol


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 3:02:37 PM
Author: Allisonfaye
I have to put ribbon on some packages, unwrap and unpackage all the Santa stuff for my daughters (with hubby''s help) and bake some Paula Dean gooey butter cakes and gingerbread cookies. Then tomorrow morning, we have to make pepper dip, scalloped potatoes and deviled eggs and pick up our standing rib roast. Then the extended family is coming for Christmas Eve but my MIL will be staying for three days (the longest she has ever come here). Should be interesting. We get along pretty well but she has this tendency to order people (including me) around.

I need to get started with all this fun but I figure while DH is going to pick up his mom and the babies are napping, it will be my last break until Tuesday. :)
I''ve always wanted to try her gooey buttercakes - are they really that good??

what is pepper dip?

Enjoy the family! I hope it goes smoothly :) I know you likely won''t see this before tuesday but I''d love to see hat the pepper dip is!!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 5:26:41 PM
Author: Maria D
I did all my baking last night; almond biscotti, savoiardi (lady fingers), chocolate chips and brownies.

Biggest thing on my list today was grocery shopping for all the seafood I''m going to make tomorrow.
Christmas eve dinner: lobster thermidor, baked flounder filet stuffed with crabmeat, shrimp mozambique, sauteed scallops, grilled salmon, linguini with clam sauce, salad, grilled zucchini. Christmas day dinner: prime rib, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole and rolls. My BIL provides dessert: cheesecake and a really rich coffee cake. Actually, most of this menu screams cardiac arrest!

All presents are bought, maybe half are wrapped, all cookies going out will be delivered to neighbors tonight and to friends tomorrow day.

The guest bedroom is all set, courtesy of my husband. The rest of the house is in its usual state of presentability that falls short of perfection but is good enough. I don''t care a whit about the state of the kitchen sink -- I''m actually feeling pretty relaxed.
ahhh are you italian? they do an 8 fish dinner or something, right? I only coutned 7 so maybe that''s it lol I just saw something about this on food network like a week or two ago lol holiday food is so sinful... I try to eat nicely most of the month because it seems like there is at least one holiday a month worth salivating over lol If I was a really good girl though I''d only have ribs on the 4th (their designated holiday) hahaha!!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 5:57:13 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I''m all done!!! Presents are wrapped, and the stockings are stuffed. We are spending Christmas Eve with our best friends, so no cooking for moi. And Christmas dinner is all taken care of. So now I can sit back and enjoy this holiday. Trust me I started it off being a little blah, cause the kids weren''t home. But once they came home I got psyched!!!
wow! I almost felt relaxed there for a second reading your post ;-) hehe.... so what do you mean by "christmas dinner is taken care of"? I love to cook, I just hate to clean up after myself lol


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 12/23/2006 6:47:30 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 12/23/2006 5:47:51 PM

Author: KristyDarling
I''m sorry your dd is sick, KD! wow, your list is intimdating! Put those guests to work!! lol! I can''t tell you how glad I am you''re not making chocolate cheese fondue LOL!!! I''m planning to get a photo album together for my dad.... but it''s not going to be before the holiday - maybe before the new year lol
Thanks Cehra! I''m thinking I may have to let the albums slide and just deal with them after the holidays. Mom and Mom-in-law can wait! (I''ll still feel guilty though!)

By the way, your holiday meals sound DECADENT!!! Can I come over?


Mar 26, 2006
I''m totally done!!! All I have to do for the next two day is sit around and obsess over my new setting, LOL. We are going to dinner at our friends'' house tomorrow night, but all we have to bring is dessert, and since someone sent us a Neiman Marcus carmel cake that I don''t want in the house anyway (lest I eat it!) we''ve got it easy.


Oct 30, 2002
i finished my shopping up today with greg, and then went to my mom's for an all-girl tea which was pretty fun.

so all i have left to do is wrap presents and also make carrots and mashed potatoes for the extended family dinner tomorrow night. we're not hosting a thing this year thank i feel pretty relaxed. tonite we're doing some dinner and then this walk-thru holiday park thing with my sister.

hope everyone has a not-too-stressful next day and two and enjoys their holiday!!

oh and a dessert that screams christmas? for my family it's the yule log. my mom gets one every year and we have it on christmas morning. she LOVES them. it's like a cake mix with mocha and in the shape of a yule log with frosting on the outside and then 'log' details carved into it kinda thing. great with coffee!!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 7:04:51 PM
Author: KristyDarling

Date: 12/23/2006 6:47:30 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 12/23/2006 5:47:51 PM

Author: KristyDarling
I''m sorry your dd is sick, KD! wow, your list is intimdating! Put those guests to work!! lol! I can''t tell you how glad I am you''re not making chocolate cheese fondue LOL!!! I''m planning to get a photo album together for my dad.... but it''s not going to be before the holiday - maybe before the new year lol
Thanks Cehra! I''m thinking I may have to let the albums slide and just deal with them after the holidays. Mom and Mom-in-law can wait! (I''ll still feel guilty though!)

By the way, your holiday meals sound DECADENT!!! Can I come over?
Come on over! bring the chocolate fondue please!!! hehehe :D


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 8:26:19 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
I''m totally done!!! All I have to do for the next two day is sit around and obsess over my new setting, LOL. We are going to dinner at our friends'' house tomorrow night, but all we have to bring is dessert, and since someone sent us a Neiman Marcus carmel cake that I don''t want in the house anyway (lest I eat it!) we''ve got it easy.
okay what is a NM carmel cake? sounds *rich* lol!! I wish I could sit around and obsess over your new setting ;-) Heck, I wish I could sit and obsess about mine! haha can you tell I''ve lost my baking stamina? I guess I''m going to have to deliver stuff tomorrow lol


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 9:09:51 PM
Author: Mara
i finished my shopping up today with greg, and then went to my mom''s for an all-girl tea which was pretty fun.

so all i have left to do is wrap presents and also make carrots and mashed potatoes for the extended family dinner tomorrow night. we''re not hosting a thing this year thank i feel pretty relaxed. tonite we''re doing some dinner and then this walk-thru holiday park thing with my sister.

hope everyone has a not-too-stressful next day and two and enjoys their holiday!!

oh and a dessert that screams christmas? for my family it''s the yule log. my mom gets one every year and we have it on christmas morning. she LOVES them. it''s like a cake mix with mocha and in the shape of a yule log with frosting on the outside and then ''log'' details carved into it kinda thing. great with coffee!!
oooh yule log, that''s a great idea! I love mocha too.... we''re not hosting anyone here... my mom used to come every christmas but she''s been gone a long time now... the rest of our family is hours and hours away and all of our friends kinda do their own thing for the actual holiday. It''ll be nice when we move back home and can do things with family but after all these years of being on our own, so far from family - I kinda like it lol!


Jan 25, 2005
All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree.

Tomorrow (Christmas eve) we hare having dinner at my SIL's, and Monday everyone is coming to our place. I'm making a caponata appetizer, osso buco, risotto milanese, a green salad, and a white cake with lemon curd for dessert.


Jan 21, 2006
All done with shopping, all done with wrapping!!! YYYYEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! Time to relax and enjoy the season


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 12/23/2006 9:49:05 PM
Author: FireGoddess
All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree.

Tomorrow (Christmas eve) we hare having dinner at my SIL''s, and Monday everyone is coming to our place. I''m making a caponata appetizer, osso buco, risotto milanese, a green salad, and a white cake with lemon curd for dessert.
okay - what are these foods? are you italian? I''ve not heard of these as traditional christmas meal but they sound *awesome*!! I love risotto - what is the milanese type? and what is caponata?

I do turkey on thanksgving, prime rib on christmas, ham on new years... I did one year buy a Christmas Goose hoping I could replace my mom''s prime rib tradition, but we didn''t like the goose very much lol My inalws do turkey and ham for thanksgiving and turkey and ham for christmas. My family did the big dinner on christmas day and his on the eve.... I gave in to the big dinner on the eve in exchange for opening gifts in the am on christmas rather than the eve as well. His family did NOTHING on christmas day and mine did NOTHING on christmas eve lol
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