
So... does this ever happen to you?

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Aug 8, 2005
So when you are at work all day and the only interaction you get is on PS or through email (because you avoid most of your co-workers), where you can censor and edit-- do you find yourself muttering your 'true' thoughts under your breath?

Let's just say my cube-farm area is full of mutterers. You hear things like: Yes, I'd love to take on the work of three more people-- all of it not in my job description, because you are such a terrible project manager that everyone who reports to you has quit. YAY me!

If you really listen. Cause most of the time you don't, cause you, yourself are muttering.

SO anyway... every once in a while, right afterwork I kinda forget to stop muttering, and to turn my filter back on.

Example: Went to a pasta stand place for a quick bite to eat and this 14 year old cashier with entirely too much eye makeup on asks us what we want to order. There is a HUGE order board menu behind her that lists what the items are, and what's in them. So I pick some dish and she says, "would you like me to tell you what's in that."

And, remember no filter, I look at her and it just pops out, "No, thank you. I've mastered reading."

Embarrased the crap outa my husband. So badly he ordered something he hates, and didn't realize it until he went to pick up our orders (not a service restuarant, more like pasta fast food).

So... I gotta remember to turn that filter back ON.

Is it just me???
Hehe! That made me chuckle.

I don''t see many people as I am at home with James and home schooling one of my daughters. I think I talk a little too loudly when I disapprove of something when we are out.. like if I see a girl with a really short skirt on I will say ''Hey look - she is almost wearing a skirt'' or ''What has she come as?''

My husband is way worse than me. He has no filter at all. He is always embarrassing me.
My filter is basically on OFF right now. I embarrass my DH all of the time in public....I think it may have something to do with the steroids I''m on for my Lupus. Whatever!

OMG Gypsy!! I just spit my food out. I have the worst story!!!

I have horrible days at work, and I "mutter" ALOT to myself about my old boss.

FI and I went to the theatre, then met up with some friends at a local joint for a few drinks. Well by the time we got there, we said all of our "Hi, Great to see you!'s" and I had to go to the restroom. Mind you it was almost midnight when we arrived so everyone else in the bar was quite "happy" at this point.

Well, my friend and I are standing in line to use the restroom... and this drunk girl comes and stands behind us with her obnoxiously drunk friend and says,
"Are you all waiting for the restroom?" I was texting another friend at the time, and my reply without missing a beat, "Well, we're not standing here for our health."

Gypsy, I didn't even look up from my phone. I saw a stall door open out of the corner of my eye, and walked right over. When I came out, this other random girl commented on how cute my skirt was, and as we were leaving I told my friend how odd it was for her to compliment me in a bathroom. She looked at me and said, "I think she was probably scared of you." After the blank look I gave her, she almost feel to the floor in hysterics. I had no idea people heard me!! Not to mention I barely remembered saying it... no filter at all!!
We''re supposed to have filters?

I think mine needs changed.
What filter?

I live by the Fried Green Tomatoes philosophy.
HAHAHA! I''m so glad I''m not alone.

Merasal, that''s totally something I''d do.

John is terrified of me as an 80 year old lady. And he should be!
OMG yes. I do this. All the time. Most of my friends understand my mutter and are okay with it. Random folks.... sometimes I get into trouble!!!
Yep, I''m a mutterer.
Ha, I try to maintain my filter in *public* (this is LA and you never know who''s carrying a gun, after all
), but my husband and friends know the real me all too well. And I''m finding it harder and harder as I get older to keep the snark and muttering to myself.
Too funny!!!! I bet that girl felt pretty dumb. And probably called you a couple of choice words after you''d left.

I don''t usually have need for a filter, my snark usually doesn''t come to me until I''m out of the situation.
Funny stories! I have one from last weekend ... we were at one of those warehouse super stores w/ all the sample stations & people crowded everywhere & ten year olds grabbing handfuls of cheese etc. Well my DH & I were going down an aisle and this couple was blocking the entire way squeezing eggplants or something -- we waited for a few seconds because it looked like they were about to move on, but nope! So instead of "excuse me" ...or "can we pass through" or anything reasonable like that




Like a car horn.

I honked at a woman. With my voice.

My husband whirls around at me with fire in his eyes! And the couple is AGOG ... jaws slack ... bovine.

And I''m all "I''m so sorry ... sometimes I can''t find the right words ..." kind of chuckling at my own idiocy ... and she says, mercifully, "Yeah, that happens to me too ..."

END SCENE ... Deep Bow.
Hmmm...I''m usually pretty good at remembering my filter, but my major exception would be when I''m in pain or just completely fed up (or both). It doesn''t happen often, but my husband says I can just wither people when I get like that, so I try to keep a lid on it. But once I get going...
Date: 4/9/2009 3:59:29 PM
Author: decodelighted
Funny stories! I have one from last weekend ... we were at one of those warehouse super stores w/ all the sample stations & people crowded everywhere & ten year olds grabbing handfuls of cheese etc. Well my DH & I were going down an aisle and this couple was blocking the entire way squeezing eggplants or something -- we waited for a few seconds because it looked like they were about to move on, but nope! So instead of ''excuse me'' ...or ''can we pass through'' or anything reasonable like that




Like a car horn.

I honked at a woman. With my voice.

My husband whirls around at me with fire in his eyes! And the couple is AGOG ... jaws slack ... bovine.

And I''m all ''I''m so sorry ... sometimes I can''t find the right words ...'' kind of chuckling at my own idiocy ... and she says, mercifully, ''Yeah, that happens to me too ...''

END SCENE ... Deep Bow.
I''ve done this, Deco!!!!!
Just a little "Beep, beep" with a smile. But... the reaction to it is funny. Only with teenie boopers in like Old Navy though.

Anyone else get the (HORRIBLE TERRIBLE) urge to make the ''large truck backing up sound" everyonce it a while. I''ve done it. But um, only as a joke.
Date: 4/9/2009 3:59:29 PM
Author: decodelighted
Funny stories! I have one from last weekend ... we were at one of those warehouse super stores w/ all the sample stations & people crowded everywhere & ten year olds grabbing handfuls of cheese etc. Well my DH & I were going down an aisle and this couple was blocking the entire way squeezing eggplants or something -- we waited for a few seconds because it looked like they were about to move on, but nope! So instead of ''excuse me'' ...or ''can we pass through'' or anything reasonable like that




Like a car horn.

I honked at a woman. With my voice.

My husband whirls around at me with fire in his eyes! And the couple is AGOG ... jaws slack ... bovine.

And I''m all ''I''m so sorry ... sometimes I can''t find the right words ...'' kind of chuckling at my own idiocy ... and she says, mercifully, ''Yeah, that happens to me too ...''

END SCENE ... Deep Bow.
I have no filter... I forget to mutter.
I am so bad with this. It's not even funny. In FLA I was behind someone in the supermarket, the aisle was very narrow. The person was moving very slowly. I was muttering like could you go ANY slower. She turned around and glared at me. OMG, I died.
I have absolutely NO filter! Those of you who have met me in person or via virtual means can attest to this fact.

Gypsy-I would totally do that, you're not alone!
Date: 4/9/2009 4:17:49 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I am so bad with this. It''s not even funny. In FLA I was behind soemone in the supermarket, the aisle was very narrow. The person was moving very slowly. I was muttering like could you go ANY slower. She turned around and glared at me. OMG, I died.
Kaleigh, that''s hilarious.
Deco... resorting to the sounds of inanimate objets, that wins the prize in my book!!

Kaleigh- That is hilarious!
OMG this thread is hilarious - but I''m like musey, I always think of what I SHOULD have said hours later. Darn it.
Um, suffice to say that filterness less has gotten me threatened with gun violence and beat downs in LA, lol, so yeah, I sometimes struggle to filter. SO does not approve and gives me horrible looks, but I will not be surpressed! I love talking trash, been doing it since I was like 11!

I try to keep my filter in place, because it generally isn''t worth making trouble.

And, I am very good at being trouble, if I want to be, and if it is worth it.

In the end, I have to say, I really like you, Gypsy!!!
I am so guilty of this. My husband usually will gently remind me that I am using my "inside" voice. The poor man, I embarrass him.
Date: 4/9/2009 5:50:28 PM
Author: BizouMom
I am so guilty of this. My husband usually will gently remind me that I am using my ''inside'' voice. The poor man, I embarrass him.
That is too funny!

Deco- Luckily I had nothing in my mouth at that moment when I was reading yours. It would have been all over my computer screen.

I don''t really know if my filter is on or off. I am kind of oblivious to things I say. I know I talk a lot of trash in my head, so often times I''m not sure when it stays in or slips out. Oops, I guess I should work on that.
Date: 4/9/2009 5:50:28 PM
Author: BizouMom
I am so guilty of this. My husband usually will gently remind me that I am using my ''inside'' voice. The poor man, I embarrass him.

ROFLMAO. I embarrass mine too. My thoughts can be very catty, or snarky and man... when they leak it is not a good thing.

I''ve still got images of Deco Honking. I call using the horn ''beeping" so the word ''honking" gives me visions of ticked off geese...

I love these stories. I don''t think I have a "no filter" problem. I''m just b*tchy
Lol, I do this all the time. Luckily, DH finds it hilarious.

We have this awful client who stares at women so insolently that we find it extremely insulting. Anyways, I was crossing the room and I noticed him turning around so rapidly to leer in my direction that his chair squeaked. The next thing I know, I hear myself telling him "I keep expecting you to fall out of your chair and break your neck each time you do that". lol The ladies in the room thought it was hysterical. He didn''t though.
I''ve been dealing with people that don''t have any filters at all for years. The number one most talked about thing with these people is my weight. I call it diarrhea mouth. I''m always so amazed at how they don''t take a minute to just think before they say something.

So I''m very aware of what I say before I say it.
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