
so bummed...and mad

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Nov 19, 2004
I''m so bummed and mad too. Went to my orthodontist yesterday. Good news braces can come off now. Bad news...their next available appointment isn''t until after Christmas. In October I was told they''d be off in time for Christmas and now they''re ready...but they can''t manage to fit me in to get them off. The ortho''s office only takes off braces on certain days between certain hours...and they won''t make an exception. I''m really pissed about that. It''s not like I''m some 13 year old kid. Having braces as adult is really challenging...and further more I have an in person interview for a company I''ve done 3 phone interviews with and I really wanted them off for that. The braces affect my confidence and my speech a great deal.

They put me on a cancellation list...but who on earth would cancel their appointment to get the braces off??? They said cancellations are not much hope there.
That''s ridiculous! Is there another office they can refer to you just to get them taken off? It seems that give the circumstances of your upcoming job interview they could make some sort of accommodation.
Ditto what DeeJay said. I''d ask them to recommend another ortho or call around and find one who could take them off.

I''m sorry you''re frustrated.
Well that sucks! I had braces when I was 14 and HATED it.... they make you really self conscious. I think you could probably get another orthodontist to take the braces off as long as your ortho approved. Also, if you call there everyday before closing you just might be able to take a cancellation. I would definitely tell them your circumstances, but kids want theirs off too before Christmas for sure! It really doesn''t take very long for them to be taken off, maybe 15 mintues, so they might be able to squeeze you in after their last client one day...

Date: 12/6/2006 2:21:57 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
That''s ridiculous! Is there another office they can refer to you just to get them taken off? It seems that give the circumstances of your upcoming job interview they could make some sort of accommodation.
That''s a great idea. Good luck!!!
Believe me I did tell them about the job interview. It didn''t make any difference. They told me the appointment is 2 hours to get them off and everything cleaned and retainers made. I''d be willing to spend all day there while they fit 2 brackets at a time if they must. I realize kids want them off too, but I had them as a kid and it is MUCH worse as an adult.

No other ortho in town is familiar with the brackets I have so I can''t go somewhere else.

My friend recommended I camp in their office and refuse to leave, but that doesn''t seem like a good plan as they are the ones who could aflict me with great pain.
That's rotten. My son gets his off next week and my daughter just had braces PUT ON AGAIN after 2 yrs out of them because wisdom teeth came in at an angle and pushed her lower teeth out of line. I give up. Wouldn't you think they could see that coming? It makes me believe that braces need to be put on after wisdom teeth, because I wonder if I am going down the same road with my son...

Can you call and talk directly to the orthodontist and tell him about the interviewing, etc? I would think that an adult, expecially one doing interviews, would get some preferential treatment!
Edited: I spent so long typing and pondering...when it posted I saw that others had said the same thing!
Well that''s just crazy talk! I was in and out of that office in no time flat and went back later that day to get my retainer. I wish I had some other ideas for you... but I guess you will just have to keep calling and hope for a cancellation. That''s not fun, I''m sorry.

Well, here''s the "bright side" if it helps at all...

when I got my braces off, my teeth REALLY HURT for a few days after... maybe that pain would be worse during your job interview than having braces that show that you care enough about yourself to get them as an adult?

And I totally sypathize. I think the dr. should seriously offer to stay late and take them off for you!
take them off yourself.
Date: 12/6/2006 2:54:57 PM
Author: IslandDreams

My friend recommended I camp in their office and refuse to leave, but that doesn''t seem like a good plan as they are the ones who could aflict me with great pain.
I wouldn''t recommend camping, but I''d politely bug them until hey got sick of me.
Like just call every day and politely ask if there''s a cancellation. The squeaky wheel and all that . . .
Aw...I''m sorry your can''t get them off. I wouldn''t eant to annoy or rush the staff th at is going to remove them. They have their schedule to keep and it is time consumiong to take them off carefully and then to retainers.

So many adults have braces nowadays it really is not an unusual thing to see and I don''t think people hardly notice. Only you know that it has affeced your speech. Someone you just met has nothing to compare it to. So if you can''t get them off in time, make the best of your interview by not even acknowledging them. The confidence you have will shine stronger than the metal!!

PS I have Invisalign. I had to have one tooth removed and have an open space on the front bottom! Initially I look like Annie of the Ozzarks! I sympathize with you 100%! But I never like to rush ANYONE orking on my teeth!
Date: 12/6/2006 8:32:27 PM
Author: nejarb
take them off yourself.
Hahahaha... that just struck me as so funny! That would be so extremely odd and uncomfortable.

At 29 I am facing oral surgery to expand an upper palate, and I''ve been just doing impressions an talking to people for over a year now! I hate to think what life in braces is going to be like. DH and I were just discussing tonight whether we should board the dogs/let my mom come up to take care of me, etc?

There is a fabulous website I will mention once again for adults with braces:

Best of luck, Island Dreams!
I have been calling every day to try to get in. I know there is a fine line between being persistant and being down right annoying. And believe me I thought of taking them off myself but then there is all the glue that I don''t know how to get off.

Monarch--I feel for you with the surgery then braces. The archwired website is good. I''m on there a lot.

I think the worst thing about braces as an adult is it makes me really self-concious which then affects other things like confidence....and that will show up in the interview. This is a working interview and they take you to lunch which will be an even bigger nightmare. I am hoping for a broth type soup on the menu because that''s about the only thing that won''t stick to all the elastics and braces.

They were calling for big snow in my area last night. I was really hoping we''d get it so someone would cancel today but no luck. I live within walking distance of the ortho so I''d get there no matter what.
I''m so excited. I got my braces off today. My husband talked to the ortho''s wife and she got me an appointment early :) My teeth feel huge right now but man, is it great to be out of time for the holidays and my job interviews. Yeah!
Oh that was so nice of him to talk to her, and sweet of her to get you in! Congrats on getting your teeth back.

Yay, that''s awesome!!! I bet you''re thrilled!!
Oh, that is so exciting, congrats!!!
Way to wheel and deal! That''s awesome!!! Talking to his wife was a brilliant move!!!

I''m so glad you are braces-free in time for everything you have coming up!!!! Let that self-confidence soar!
Island, that''s great!!! I''m so happy they were able to get them off for you!
Yay, that''s great! I remember that feeling! Isn''t it awesome running your tongue along your straight smooth teeth!?
I''ll bet you are smiling a lot! YAYY. Take a lot of motrin for the pain if need be...and know your mouth will start to feel normal in a few days...
I remember when I got mine off... You must be so excited!
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