


Jun 8, 2008
I know some of us have sleep issues.

I personally have tried many things. To varying degrees of success. But my latest experiment has by far made a huge difference.

I share with caution because I’ve read different things about issues with this. But for me, it’s worth the risk. For once I feel like I am sleeping decently and so wanted to share. Do your due diligence of course and what works for one might not for another. And there may be downsides. I feel it has given me so much I just wanted to share in case it could be helpful to others.

About four months ago I started delta 9 gummies. Please google for a complete explanation of what that is.

Before that I had tried many different sleep gummies containing CBD etc. but only delta 9 works for me.

I waited this long to see if anything would change and of course 4 months is still a short duration of time so time will tell.

But in the meantime sharing my experience.

I fall asleep within 30 minutes (usually not my issue however as I tend to fall asleep easily)
I stay askeep for a few (3-4 ) hours. Huge for me because I was waking every hour all night and having trouble falling back to sleep.
I can fall back to sleep within 10 minutes now and then stay asleep for another 4 hours.
I wake feeling good. Refreshed. Well rested.

Hope this can help someone else


Jan 3, 2013
Thank you for sharing @missy I may have to try this in lieu of my normal Benadryl! :roll2: I am so happy you are sleeping better. It’s so very important! ❤️


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you for sharing @missy I may have to try this in lieu of my normal Benadryl! :roll2: I am so happy you are sleeping better. It’s so very important! ❤️

I break a gummy in half because a whole gummy is too much for me. Made me feel very nauseous and disoriented but a half works great. I was a little too enthusiastic when I first started haha.

This is what I take..the 15mg delta 9 per gummy (450mg bottle)

Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 11.10.07 AM.png

Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 11.07.55 AM.png


Feb 16, 2009
Ironically, Delta 9 is illegal here in CO. My daughter uses regular THC gummies when she has trouble falling asleep. I just use my vaporizer.


Jun 8, 2008
Ironically, Delta 9 is illegal here in CO. My daughter uses regular THC gummies when she has trouble falling asleep. I just use my vaporizer.

That is surprising to me actually. Colorado seems like such a non nanny state.
We live in two nanny states (NY, NJ) and I am surprised it is legal here. For now.
I was reading things could change at any time.


Dec 12, 2006
hmmm may have to check this out...I struggle with slee, perfect example is between this last wednesday night and thursday night I think I slept a total of 5-6 broken hours of sleep...I average about 4 hours of broken sleep a night during the week and probably 6 on the weekends...


Mar 31, 2018
I know I can’t take it but wish I could! Sleep deprivation is awful!


Jun 8, 2008


Feb 16, 2009
That is surprising to me actually. Colorado seems like such a non nanny state.
We live in two nanny states (NY, NJ) and I am surprised it is legal here. For now.
I was reading things could change at any time.

I can't figure it out. You can even use and give mushrooms to someone else legally, now (though they can't be sold legally) but not Delta 0. It may be that the weed stores didn't want it as competition? I ordered some a while back and got a notice 'we can't ship to your state'.


Jul 7, 2013
I don't have issues sleeping apart from the odd flushes due to (a) menopause and (b) the cat and and dog decide to wedge me between them, and fingers firmly crossed it will stay that way.

However, I know of people who do, and when the subject is brought up again, I shall suggest Delta-9 THC to them, thanks.

DK :))


Mar 31, 2018
Why can't you?

I have Bracycardia..My doctor and I are in the process of trying to regulate my blood pressure because it goes super low with my meds..but if I go off the blood pressure medicine it goes too high. She knows I take certain supplements which she’s okay with..but told me don’t take anything new until we get my pulse and blood pressure under control.


Feb 23, 2014
Thank you for sharing @missy I may have to try this in lieu of my normal Benadryl! :roll2: I am so happy you are sleeping better. It’s so very important! ❤️

I've read that long term use of benadryl is associated with higher risk of dementia, I might make a switch to another sleep aid.

I've been using magnesium glycinate and gaba supplements to help with sleep, they don't seem to help me in falling asleep but the sleep quality and staying asleep has improved.

I love my gummies for pain relief during the day, but I've also read that THC reduces the amount of REM sleep you get.

I've been hunting for safe sleep aids a lot recently and this is just what I've come up with.


Jun 8, 2008
I've read that long term use of benadryl is associated with higher risk of dementia, I might make a switch to another sleep aid.

I've been using magnesium glycinate and gaba supplements to help with sleep, they don't seem to help me in falling asleep but the sleep quality and staying asleep has improved.

I love my gummies for pain relief during the day, but I've also read that THC reduces the amount of REM sleep you get.

I've been hunting for safe sleep aids a lot recently and this is just what I've come up with.

I read that study as well. But it seems inconclusive and at lower doses the opposite can happen

“ THC acts on the CB1 receptors in the central nervous system and can yield a biphasic effect on sleep 14 such that THC, at lower doses, can reduce sleep onset latency and has been associated with greater ease of falling asleep, increased slow-wave sleep and increased total sleep time.Apr 15, 2022”

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I've read that long term use of benadryl is associated with higher risk of dementia, I might make a switch to another sleep aid.

I've been using magnesium glycinate and gaba supplements to help with sleep, they don't seem to help me in falling asleep but the sleep quality and staying asleep has improved.

I love my gummies for pain relief during the day, but I've also read that THC reduces the amount of REM sleep you get.

I've been hunting for safe sleep aids a lot recently and this is just what I've come up with.

i wrk next door to a chemist shop
they have been advertising magnesium something or other lately out front on their blackboard
maybe i should go in and ask
i just ache all over and cant sleep more than a couple of hours
i put it down to the change must be on the way

gummies and everything else is illegal here im pretty sure


Dec 12, 2018
I suffer from anxiety and depression. My work schedule is also all over the place. I use delta 9 chocolates. I only need a very small piece and I get the best sleep ever. In the beginning I was taking too much and it would sent me down a dark rabbit hole but once I figured out the right dose for me it’s great.


Feb 23, 2014
I read that study as well. But it seems inconclusive and at lower doses the opposite can happen

“ THC acts on the CB1 receptors in the central nervous system and can yield a biphasic effect on sleep 14 such that THC, at lower doses, can reduce sleep onset latency and has been associated with greater ease of falling asleep, increased slow-wave sleep and increased total sleep time.Apr 15, 2022”

The study you mentioned is entirely patient reported findings. It was also conducted by the pharmacy that sells this product.
Link -

The quote you mentioned from that study, if you click the links to the supporting articles, link 15 mentions that CBD may hold promise for REM but nothing about THC (except that THC could impair sleep quality long-term), link 17 only mentions reduced REM for marijuana. Slow-wave sleep is not the same as REM.

I think what is important is that people do their own research, read multiple actual studies on their own and not just quoted excerpts, and talk to their doctor before deciding on something to get personalized advice from a medical professional.

I bring this up because I have used gummies for sleep, as well as cbd-only oil and did notice these same effects (easier to fall asleep, didn't feel like I slept as deeply, was tired through the day the next day, and efficacy wore off the longer I used them). Just as I'm sure you're wanting to help people with your findings, I'm also wanting to help people with my findings.

Here is a much more comprehensive article that links to many individual studies, and if you scroll to the bottom and read the conclusion you get the footnote findings.
Link -

A great way to research online I've found is to google your query with NIH at the end. It will link you multiple studies with all the complete findings. More often than not, you'll read conflicting studies each with supporting evidence. It's very interesting this. Also interesting to see the quality of the studies, if the evidence is scientifically found or patient reported, and also who conducted the study.


Jun 8, 2008
The study you mentioned is entirely patient reported findings. It was also conducted by the pharmacy that sells this product.
Link -

The quote you mentioned from that study, if you click the links to the supporting articles, link 15 mentions that CBD may hold promise for REM but nothing about THC (except that THC could impair sleep quality long-term), link 17 only mentions reduced REM for marijuana. Slow-wave sleep is not the same as REM.

I think what is important is that people do their own research, read multiple actual studies on their own and not just quoted excerpts, and talk to their doctor before deciding on something to get personalized advice from a medical professional.

I bring this up because I have used gummies for sleep, as well as cbd-only oil and did notice these same effects (easier to fall asleep, didn't feel like I slept as deeply, was tired through the day the next day, and efficacy wore off the longer I used them). Just as I'm sure you're wanting to help people with your findings, I'm also wanting to help people with my findings.

Here is a much more comprehensive article that links to many individual studies, and if you scroll to the bottom and read the conclusion you get the footnote findings.
Link -

A great way to research online I've found is to google your query with NIH at the end. It will link you multiple studies with all the complete findings. More often than not, you'll read conflicting studies each with supporting evidence. It's very interesting this. Also interesting to see the quality of the studies, if the evidence is scientifically found or patient reported, and also who conducted the study.

Thanks, I will check out your links. I do feel I am sleeping more deeply but of course as with most things it depends on the individual.

I am more worried about long term effects (memory and possible addiction) but not worried enough to stop taking it because right now it is working well. But as with all things time will tell.

It's funny because I did all the right things to try improving my sleep quality and quantity. I replaced my hormones, I take all the necessary supplements (where I am lacking), I did the 24 hour adrenal cortisol test (and treated the highs/lows) etc and nothing made a difference. Til Delta 9.

Delta 9 has been around since 1964 so not new to the scene. It's actually been around longer than delta 8. If one is to believe the literature it seems Delta 9 is more highly regulated than Delta 8. It's also been shown that CBD can attenuate the effects of Delta 9. But I am continuing to take it and will continue to monitor any changes. And happy to share any insights with anyone who is interested after I have been taking it for a longer period of time.


Aug 14, 2018
@missy is this still working well for you? I wanted to try but my local store didn't have the kind you suggested so I got something called urb delta 8/9 - it was the closest thing to what you suggested. But OMG it kicked my a$$. I only took half, but in two hours I felt like I was on another planet. I didn't think gummies could get that strong since weed itself is not legal in my state. Anyway it didn't exactly help sleep since I felt like I was floating above my body :lol::lol::lol: so I was a bit disoriented and in fact panicky. I wish I had just ordered the one you recommended (I was impatient to try and didn't want to wait for shipping).


Jun 8, 2008
@missy is this still working well for you? I wanted to try but my local store didn't have the kind you suggested so I got something called urb delta 8/9 - it was the closest thing to what you suggested. But OMG it kicked my a$$. I only took half, but in two hours I felt like I was on another planet. I didn't think gummies could get that strong since weed itself is not legal in my state. Anyway it didn't exactly help sleep since I felt like I was floating above my body :lol::lol::lol: so I was a bit disoriented and in fact panicky. I wish I had just ordered the one you recommended (I was impatient to try and didn't want to wait for shipping).

Yes! At first it kicked my butt too lol but that’s when I went to half a chew and 90% of the time I sleep much better. I still have occasional bad nights like last night because we had to get up at 4am for a Dr appointment in the city at 7am. Long drive. So when I have something on my mind like needing to get up early I sleep pretty lightly. But the majority of the time delta 9 helps me sleep. And before delta 9 I had two plus decades of poor sleep. So for me it’s nothing short of a miracle imo.

I hope it really helps you too @Mreader!


Nov 4, 2018
@missy, how long before you go to sleep do you take the gummy? Melatonin doesn't work for me, but I need something. My sleep quality has been absolute garbage for a while, and it's really starting to impact my cognitive functioning.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy, how long before you go to sleep do you take the gummy? Melatonin doesn't work for me, but I need something. My sleep quality has been absolute garbage for a while, and it's really starting to impact my cognitive functioning.

I take it right before I go to bed. Within 30 minutes I’m usually asleep


Aug 14, 2018
Yes! At first it kicked my butt too lol but that’s when I went to half a chew and 90% of the time I sleep much better. I still have occasional bad nights like last night because we had to get up at 4am for a Dr appointment in the city at 7am. Long drive. So when I have something on my mind like needing to get up early I sleep pretty lightly. But the majority of the time delta 9 helps me sleep. And before delta 9 I had two plus decades of poor sleep. So for me it’s nothing short of a miracle imo.

I hope it really helps you too @Mreader!

Welp I see the problem. My fault for not reading the label!



Jun 8, 2008
Welp I see the problem. My fault for not reading the label!


LOL I am a lightweight and think most can handle more than I can...but yes go slow and see how it goes. For me half a gummy goes a looooong way. Hope it helps you as much as it does me...sweet dreams :)


Aug 14, 2018
LOL I am a lightweight and think most can handle more than I can...but yes go slow and see how it goes. For me half a gummy goes a looooong way. Hope it helps you as much as it does me...sweet dreams :)

One of my friends who consumes quite a bit, told me that this is ridiculously high and milligram – my 90 of 8 and 10 of nine and that one eighth would be sufficient lol!!!


Jun 8, 2008
One of my friends who consumes quite a bit, told me that this is ridiculously high and milligram – my 90 of 8 and 10 of nine and that one eighth would be sufficient lol!!!

I tried different percentages of the gummy and for me a half of the gummy is necessary. I get the highest dose gummy available too so I am taking a hefty dose for my size I think. But I am a tough case lol. I mean sleep has always been challenging for me. Even when I was younger though I used to be a night owl and literally sleep til 3PM. I remember one occasion vividly. I was visiting my friend Dan in Boston (we were at college together and we were sophomores at the time) and he called my mom up at 3PM in a panic. Melissa is still sleeping what should I do? She told Dan to wake me LOLOL. Unfortunately once I did my residency and had to be at work at 7AM my whole circadian rhythm was thrown off and I was no longer able to sleep all day. I miss the days of sleeping as long as I wanted to. Now no matter what I am generally awake before 5AM. But the gummies allow me to go back to sleep when I wake in the middle of the night whereas before I could not


Aug 14, 2018
I tried different percentages of the gummy and for me a half of the gummy is necessary. I get the highest dose gummy available too so I am taking a hefty dose for my size I think. But I am a tough case lol. I mean sleep has always been challenging for me. Even when I was younger though I used to be a night owl and literally sleep til 3PM. I remember one occasion vividly. I was visiting my friend Dan in Boston (we were at college together and we were sophomores at the time) and he called my mom up at 3PM in a panic. Melissa is still sleeping what should I do? She told Dan to wake me LOLOL. Unfortunately once I did my residency and had to be at work at 7AM my whole circadian rhythm was thrown off and I was no longer able to sleep all day. I miss the days of sleeping as long as I wanted to. Now no matter what I am generally awake before 5AM. But the gummies allow me to go back to sleep when I wake in the middle of the night whereas before I could not

Right but half of 15mg is 7.5 which sounds like a decent amount- I would probably try for 5mg for myself. I inadvertently took 45 mg of delta 8 and 5mg of delta 9 since it’s a mix; and after doing some research it seems 8 is just slightly less potent than 9. So no wonder I was on planet Zork.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
That is surprising to me actually. Colorado seems like such a non nanny state.
We live in two nanny states (NY, NJ) and I am surprised it is legal here. For now.
I was reading things could change at any time.

i dont thnk they are legal here,
i sleep very baddly
very happy for you that they are working


Aug 14, 2018
And forgot to add @missy that I’m so glad this method is working for you because I have read about your sleep problems. And I have had plenty myself and it is so hard! So very glad that the gummies are helpful.


Apr 30, 2005
Can these product make you test positive for employer drug tests?

... not "asking for a friend". :lol-2:
Just curious.


Jun 8, 2008
Can these product make you test positive for employer drug tests?

... not "asking for a friend". :lol-2:
Just curious.

Unfortunately yes
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