
Single best thing that has ever happened

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Dec 29, 2004
Not sure if this has been asked here before (did a search and came up empty) so I thought I''d ask...

What is the SINGLE (so only pick one) best thing that has ever happened to you. Let''s leave out meeting/marrying your partner and having kids out of it, as those usually top the list.
Making the decision to study abroad in South India when I was in college. It changed the way I viewed myself, my culture....everything. It led to many trips back, a job in India, and travel all over asia. I even brought my babies there.

Great topic!
I''m a little torn, but probably I''d earning a full tuition scholarship to law school - it saved me over 100k for 3 years.
I think mine would be deciding that I was going to get my education be it Hell or high water. I think that moment was the one that made me realize that I could make it as a single mom, I quit my good paying job, canceled my cable and cell phone, applied for student loans, went on food stamps and taught my children that my education was going to get me further than working a taxing job and feeling sorry for myself. It was wonderful. I decided I was a fighter, not a victim.
I would have to say the worst experience I''ve ever had was also my best. I''m not comfortable sharing details, but this event put my life on hold in many ways for a year (I was 26). It made me back up and rethink who I was, why I had become that person, what was working for me and what needed to change. I also learned that my family would always be my soft spot to fall, and how lucky I am to be able to call my parents my best friends as well. It took a while for me to muddle my way through what had happened and how I had contributed to it. It was the first time in my life that my mom ever saw me fall apart before pulling myself back together (I am and have always been fighter, I always come out swinging and ready to win/succeed) and it changed the way she saw me. It also changed who I was, fundamentally. I feel a lot more empathy towards people now; but I have also grown to hate complaining (about big things and small) and have a much more positive outlook on life in general then I did before this event occured. It taught me one of the most important lessons I beleive anyone can learn, that regrets are a waste of time and energy. People should learn from their mistakes and move forward wiser and more prepared for life as opposed to wallowing in sadness and resentment.
Wow, these are already so inspiring to read. Thanks for sharing.

This probably comes as no surprise as I have mentioned it before, but the single best thing that ever happened in my life was my decision to quit my job at 30 and be a backpacking bum. I experienced a total freedom that life normally doesn''t allow, as we all have responsibilities. It opened my eyes to other cultures, become more resourceful and more outgoing. I have invested in memories and have them when I am old and gray. And or course I did meet my now husband during those months, but that was just icing.
Not sure if it''s the best, but certainly one of the most influential: I learned to ballroom dance.

I didn''t even want to do it, but a friend of mine wanted me to go with her and I did and got sucked into it. Result was I met my future husband, became a national level competitor, made a huge number of friends and contacts and participate very actively in an unusual world that I never even knew exisited.
I left Texas after college and moved to DC.

It let me broaden my horizons, learn to live on my own, establish my own sense of self unrelated to my family, and introduced me to some wonderful people, including my FI. I find it interesting that the majority of my close friends did the same thing... moved far away from home... but the majority of FIs friends still live within 30 miles of where they grew up. Eventually I want us to move again so that he can experience "the new world" too.
Deciding not to go to Law School and join the Peace Corps instead. I served in the Ivory Coast, but have since travelled and work in over 50 countries in a ten year period. The last being Afghanistan and Pakistan. My rewards: Priceless. Regrets: Zero. Great thread! Made me think about some things, and a lot of fun memories.
It''s funny, because while I was there I thought it was the worst thing that had ever happened... But leaving 500-ish miles away for college. I was very unhappy there and have since transferred, but it was a huge learning experience for me, for FI, and for us as a couple. A lot of people used to say the distance would break us up, but if I hadn''t gone, we wouldn''t be getting married.
I think mine was deciding to switch from the field of engineering to the social sciences. I left the comfort and security of engineering and something my parents wanted me to do, to something that I was incredibly passionate about. I make less money and work more hours, but I''m incredibly happy studying something I find so fascinating.

A close second was moving from the midwest to the LA area. I''m still not sure how much I actually like LA (I''m not trying to offend local LA folks), but the experience has been a good one for me overall, and it has bought fi and I closer. We left our families and had to start on our own together. We still plan on moving back when we have children, but for now it''s a great place to be as a younger person.
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