
should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depression?


Oct 28, 2012
Thanks for everyone's caring words. I have been trying to 'manage' my depression these past several weeks....I mostly just sleep and then try to run the required errands like groceries, picking up kids from daycare and school and making them supper. I NEVER want to go out though which is really not like me. I don't cry unless talking about myself to doctors or friends.

I have been taking Cipralex since the beginning (last November) and I am up to 20mg. Not feeling any real changes nor positive effects. My employer sent me to their chosen psychiatrist for recommendations and he suggests Effexor. My family doctor agrees.

I looked up the side effects of this medication and ALL DAY I have been frozen in panic and tears because I have hear mostly bad things about this medication an two friends I have do not recommend it: one said it was hell getting off of it and it did not even have effect on her...the other was on it for 2 years, had a hard time getting off it and gained 35 lbs.

I measure 5' and if I gain 35lbs, I am going to go into a. even deeper depression!!

I really do not know what to do....if I do not follow my employer's psychiatrist recommendations, I might not be paid my sick leave salary insurance anymore.... I know my recovery may take loner without the meds....I would rather a more conservative approach to my treatment like meditation or yoga but since I need to go out to do those things, I am having a hard time getting started (i tried guided meditation at home and every single clip
i found on youtube drove me nuts!)

i have started yoga once per week at a gym and after a third session realised
i enjoyed it.

Has anyone tried effexor with their depression? Did it work?
what is everyone's experience with it? I am so pamicky right now I am even nauseous!
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I can't comment on the meds, but do wish you the best in your treatment and finding what works for you.

What I can share is that I have "yoga studio" on my iPad, and I like it. It was great as a beginner but also has advanced levels, and did not cost but a couple bucks. It may be worth checking out as an at-home yoga option. :wavey:
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

According to this Consumer Reports article, Effexor is the drug doctors tend to rely on when other anti-depressants don't work. I know from personal experience that the effectiveness of a specific anti-depressant can vary widely from one person to the next, and that doctors tend to prescribe what they're familiar with. So it's possible that the company-approved doctor was simply reaching for this medication because one other medication had not done the job, or because he's familiar with it? I'd suggest that you share your concerns with the doctor and tell him that you'd prefer to try another medication with less side effects if possible.

ETA - I've been in your shoes. I know how easily depression can spin out of control and into dangerous territory. But in my experience, the right medication - meaning one that works for you - can make a difference and give you the breathing room you need so that other changes, such as a better diet, yoga and exercise, etc. can help. But personally, I wouldn't try to rely on just lifestyle changes to get me out of a deep depression. This is not something to fool around with - if you are so concerned about the prescribed medication that you won't take it, you need to get a prescription for something that you would feel comfortable taking.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Ok this is going to seem a bit blunt and harsh but it is needed.

Your rationalizing your medication, it is very common with depression.
Meditation or yoga is not going to cure your depression.

When it comes to meds you hear all the bad stories but not of the good ones.
Talk to your doctor. If you don't trust your doctor then that is a problem and you need to see about getting a different doctor. Often there are more than one approved doctor.
The right meds, the right doctor, and the right attitude are key parts to successful management.
Talk to your doctor.
I wish you the best and prayers are outgoing.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Its not uncommon for depression and anxiety to go hand-in-hand. So your concerns about medication should not be ignored, but its possible that your anxiety levels may be heightened.

Everyone is different and some people have to go on medication for depression; yoga, exercise, diet, etc., doesn't work in all cases. The medication that works for one person, doesn't work for everyone. Side effects experienced by one person, are not experienced by everyone.

You need to find the right medication(s) in the right doses for you. This must be done with your doctor. It can take time to find what will work for you. Other people's experiences are not indicators of how your body will respond to the medication.

Like any medication, do not stop taking it without talking to your doctor. With some medications, the dosage must be reduced over time, rather than stop the medication all at once.

Don't panic. Talk to your doctor(s) about any concerns, side effects, etc. Remember it takes time for these types of medications to start to work.

Try to take a step back, relax, and book an appointment with your doctor(s) to discuss options and your concerns.

I'm sorry you're going through this. Things will get better. Do the things you enjoy, and try to be around positive, supportive people.

Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

If the meds you are currently taking are not doing the trick, it does make sense to try something else. Please trust in the experience of the doctors looking after you and give it a go. I am sure they will be able to answer all of your questions and give you lots of positive stories about the new drug! Wishing you good health, please let us know how you get on.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Hi - I've suffered from depression for years. I think I've tried so many antidepressants that I can't even remember them all. I've used Effexor when I lived in the states, but since coming to Australia I was put on a drug called Pristiq. Apparently it's made by the same company and is usually considered to be the same. But I've found this article that has a few interesting things to say.

I CAN say that with Pristiq, I haven't had any side effects or weight gain. In the last year, my doctors have upped my dosage from 25 to 200 mgs...still no side effects. I had a really bad year last year with the depression getting progressively worse. But with the dosage change and sessions with my psychologist, I feel better than I've felt in years. It's been really nice to actually be able to get out of bed and do things and talk to people and live again.

I don't know what is available in the US anymore, as I've been here is Australia for 6 years now. But it could be worth speaking to your doctor about this. That article says that it's made with less compounds, so that may be a chance for fewer side effects. I know how hard is finding something, or even a combination that REALLY works for you. Don't give up and just take whatever they some research and if something isn't working for you, don't be afraid to ask for different opinion.

Good luck and I hope you find what you need. Depression is's real...and it's so misunderstood by so many. Take care of yourself.

Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

This is really something that only you and your doctor can decide.

I will say that anyone can have different experiences with different medications, so just because you've been told stories of how one particular person might respond to a particular medication, that doesn't mean that others might experience the same reactions.
Please talk to your doctor. Finding the right meds can be tricky, but I wish you the best in finding what helps you to move forward in your life.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

momhappy|1455282745|3990112 said:
This is really something that only you and your doctor can decide.

I will say that anyone can have different experiences with different medications, so just because you've been told stories of how one particular person might respond to a particular medication, that doesn't mean that others might experience the same reactions.
Please talk to your doctor. Finding the right meds can be tricky, but I wish you the best in finding what helps you to move forward in your life.


I'm pretty sure effexor is something that is also prescribed to give a bit of a uplifting effect, to counteract the want to lie in bed all day.

Unfortunately anti-depressants are more of an art than a science, what happens to one likely wont happen to another. Trial and error is the way this will play out.
But if you have fears, talk them over with the doctor. He has the answers to why he suggested it, and what alternatives there are as well.

Good luck!
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

All I can say after many years of one of my kids being on antidepressants, including Effexor, I don't have a lot of faith in them. Some things I have read suggests the placebo effect with placebos works about as well. Last winter he was majorly depressed while on Effexor, went off for a few months and is now back on it, feeling a little better. But I know from experience that it's only a matter of time before it doesn't work again.

I disagree that pills are the only answer. I think diet, exercise, sunlight, vitamin D, etc. are all very positive things that can HELP. I would go see a naturopathic/holistic doctor, personally, before taking antidepressants.

I am so sorry that you are dealing with it. From our experience, it is a very difficult road.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

It's a very effective med! I know a lot of people that have used it with great success. Have you tried any other antidepressants? Did your doctor say why he wanted to try this particular medication?

The withdrawal is bad (at higher doses.) I am sure you have read that already. When I went off of it, it took a slow and gentle wean that took three months. It was fine. If you do it slowly, you will be fine. It is the people who do it too quickly or who don't follow doctor's orders who have a hard time. Some doctors will try to wean you too quickly.... listen to your body on this one. Also, some people will never wean off of it. Some people will need to take medication for their whole lives. this isn't a weakness. This just IS.

It is all good and well to ask us for our experiences here, but really, your experience is the only one that matters. You were in a very severe depression. The medication that you are currently taking is one of the faster acting meds. It actually only takes a few weeks, even though the literature will say six to eight weeks. The depth of your depression definitely points to the idea that you probably need some kind of medication. The fact that you started going to yoga is a HUGE improvement over where you were a little while ago!!

If you aren't feeling great about the effexor yet, have a conversation with your doctor and give all of your reasons why you feel reservations about the medication. Then discuss other medication options. There are so many other antidepressants out there.

Just... don't compromise your health over this. Sometimes, the round and round with the doctor only prolongs the inevitable. If you really are still deeply depressed or feeling bone shaking anxiety, maybe the effexor is a good idea. You will know what is best for you in the end. Good luck!
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Do you also engaged in talk therapy?
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

diamondseeker2006|1455319547|3990331 said:
All I can say after many years of one of my kids being on antidepressants, including Effexor, I don't have a lot of faith in them. Some things I have read suggests the placebo effect with placebos works about as well. Last winter he was majorly depressed while on Effexor, went off for a few months and is now back on it, feeling a little better. But I know from experience that it's only a matter of time before it doesn't work again.

I disagree that pills are the only answer. I think diet, exercise, sunlight, vitamin D, etc. are all very positive things that can HELP. I would go see a naturopathic/holistic doctor, personally, before taking antidepressants.

I am so sorry that you are dealing with it. From our experience, it is a very difficult road.

I can say with absolutely no doubt that anti-depressants helped me, and that it was not a placebo effect. That was inadvertently tested when I was (without my knowledge) switched to a generic formulation of an AD that was working well for me. Apparently the generic formulation works for most people, but for some reason it didn't work for me. I found myself spiraling down very fast and very deep in a very short window of time - and felt even more desperate because I thought I was on the medicine that had worked for me in the past, and now though I must be running out of effective control options. Exercise etc. are all good and well, but mustering up any sort or interest of self-discipline when you're in a deep depression is nigh unto impossible.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Cipralex is one of the many SSRI antidepressants which are the safest and almost always the first prescribed. ( SSRI = selective serotonin uptake inhibitor. It increase the amount of serotonin in your brain by slowing its breakdown.

If an SSRI is not working for you the normal next step would be to increase the dose or try a different SSRI. They are all very similar but sometimes one works better for someone than another and no one is sure why.

The next step depends on a lot of things, and is kind of hit or miss. However doctors may base the next choice on how your mood seems.

Common things to do at this point would be to switch to a different class, like the ones that work on serotonin and norepineprhine (Pristiq, Effexor), or dopamine and norepineprhine (Wellbutrin), or to add an augmenting drug to the Cipralex, like lithium. These drugs are safe, but tend to have serious side effects. Note that BOTH weight gain and weight loss are associated with pretty much every antidepressant treatment, but some swing much more one way or the other. Contrary to your friends experience, weight LOSS is more common with Effexor than weight gain.

There are lots of horror stories about antidepressant withdrawal, but the majority of people have zero problems and very few of the minority have serious problems.

If you are worried about weight gain I would suggest consulting an expert and/or reviewing your diet to see if you can improve you diet. If you eat as well as you can stand and exercise as much as you can stand and still gain weight, you can drop the Effexor.

A third step would be to look at more effective but more dangerous classes of drugs, and the next step is to look at interventions like shock therapy or transcranial magnetic stimulation.

There are lots of other options, but I suspect your doctor picked this one because of anxiety. After this "level" you start looking at more and more dangerous choices.

Meditation and exercise are widely hyped, but far less useful than people think they are. Most of the exercise studies were done on people who weren't even depressed and all they really showed was that people who aren't depressed feel better after going for a walk and that people who are in good health feel better than people who aren't. Also, the lower the quality of the study, the higher the effect, which suggest that people are only publishing studies that show a positive effect, or that the researchers made errors that gave a positive result. There was no measurable effect when only the high quality studies were included, and there's no reason to believe that you can cure depression by exercise.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Your doctor is the best source for info regarding prescriptions.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I didn't say that they were never effective, but they aren't always effective for many people. The article has some good info on different types of depression, too.

"So if antidepressants aren’t effective, a lot of people are going to be asking for their money back. The problem is that they may not be very effective. An important recent article in Psychiatric Times, by Steve Balt, a psychiatrist at John Muir Behavioral Health in Concord, California and editor of the Carlat Psychiatry Report, says just that. Based on a comprehensive review (“meta-analysis”) of the literature, Balt says, “Data appear to confirm 2 stark truths about antidepressants. First, there seem to be no significant differences among them . . . Second, and somewhat surprisingly, antidepressant effectiveness is quite low.”2"

"Exercise therapy is just as effective as Prozac in community depression. Psychotherapy can work wonders."
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Fi Z - How have you been feeling? I was just wondering about you and hope you are feeling better and that the fog has lifted.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I am a pharmacist, and I can tell you one thing is certain... every patient is different regarding how they react to medication. I have many patients on Effexor who swear it's been a miracle to them. I have heard a few say they didn't care for it or it "didn't work" for them as well as another drug. You cannot go by what others have experienced... good or bad. Your body is unique.

Unless you experience adverse effects (which you would notice almost immediately), you need to give any antidepressant 4-6 weeks minimum to reach peak concentration in your bloodstream. This is because it has reached the correct concentration in your body for efficacy. Almost no one feels 100% better within a couple of weeks. Give it time to work. ::)

Regarding Effexor... I have heard that it can be more difficult to come off of, HOWEVER, most people are able to transition to a different medication quite easily. It's when they try to come off of antidepressants entirely from Effexor that they typically have a difficult time. You're not doing yourself any favors by reading or listening to horror stories about any medication. This is only adding to your stress and anxiety. Don't do that to yourself. :blackeye:

Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. No amount of exercise, special foods, or anything else will correct that imbalance except medication. You need to talk with your psychiatrist/physician about which antidepressant is the best fit for you and give it a real chance -- not just a couple of weeks. Also, a chemical imbalance isn't the type thing that corrects itself. If you are feeling better while taking antidepressants, DON'T STOP TAKING THEM BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'RE "CURED". You are feeling better BECAUSE OF the medication. If you come off the meds, you will go right back to the same depressive state as soon as you reach an imbalance again. Clinical depression must be managed for a lifetime.

You will find the proper medication -- find a psych/doc you trust and let them treat you. I wish you the best of luck. 8)
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Jim Phelps, MD. His book, available on Amazon as well as B&Ms. Don't concern yourself with its title too much. Pure gold between the covers particularly for your predicament. Keep going!
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I was on Effexor about 12 years ago. While it helped with what I thought was depression (turns out it was actually anxiety), I DID gain weight, and weaning off of it was horrific. I had what they call "brain zaps". I had a much easier time with Lexapro and have had friends who have had the same experience as I did with Lexapro. I'm not currently on an SSRI (haven't been for years), but I am on a anti-anxiety medication now that has been a lifesaver for me.

But, like many others have said, every body is different, so I can't tell you how you will react to the med, should you decide to use it. I just wish you good luck and hope that you feel better soon.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I wouldn't recommend Effexor. Prestiq is a refined version of it. It's got MUCH fewer side effects.

But you shouldn't take ANY advice on which of these types of meds are right for you from ANYWHERE on the net. You need a VERY good medication management specialist.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

msop04|1459794541|4015318 said:
I am a pharmacist, and I can tell you one thing is certain... every patient is different regarding how they react to medication. I have many patients on Effexor who swear it's been a miracle to them. I have heard a few say they didn't care for it or it "didn't work" for them as well as another drug. You cannot go by what others have experienced... good or bad. Your body is unique.

Unless you experience adverse effects (which you would notice almost immediately), you need to give any antidepressant 4-6 weeks minimum to reach peak concentration in your bloodstream. This is because it has reached the correct concentration in your body for efficacy. Almost no one feels 100% better within a couple of weeks. Give it time to work. ::)

You will find the proper medication -- find a psych/doc you trust and let them treat you. I wish you the best of luck. 8)

Msop, I have had mild depression my whole life and have tried everything. Five years ago my doctor started me on low dose Ritalin and it changed my life. It's not perfect, but it does take away the dreadful lows. I know it can be a problematic drug for people, but it seems in some cases it would give immediate relief while other therapies are kicking in. What do you think?
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Jimmianne|1459853685|4015603 said:
Msop, I have had mild depression my whole life and have tried everything. Five years ago my doctor started me on low dose Ritalin and it changed my life. It's not perfect, but it does take away the dreadful lows. I know it can be a problematic drug for people, but it seems in some cases it would give immediate relief while other therapies are kicking in. What do you think?

Hey Jimmianne. :wavey:

I think that if this is helping you, then that's all that matters. It's not uncommon for low-dose amphetamines (Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, etc.) to be given in conjunction with antidepressants. Let's be honest, amphetamines make us feel good! :bigsmile: As far as being "problematic"... amphetamines are very addictive drugs, as you know. They can become habit forming after taking them for a while and/or at very high doses. HOWEVER, I think it's a benefit vs. risk scenario in which we have to be honest with ourselves about what is most important. To me (and probably to you as well), it is our mental well-being. And who the heck cares if it becomes habit forming for you -- you're most likely gonna take it as a maintenance drug forever anyway. When monitored, these drugs are perfectly fine. It sounds like it's helping you, and that is the name of the game! ;))

I have mild depression and anxiety. I currently take a low dose of Zoloft. It really helps me. I'm the most non-compliant person EVER (and I know better, I just don't do better -- HA!)... but I manage to take my Zoloft *almost* every day because I feel so much better. I have also been on Vyvanse (like a long-acting Ritalin, if you will), and of course it helped me as well. Did I "need" it? Nah... but damn, could I ever stay on task and get stuff done! :lol: ;))

So glad you've found something that take the edge off and is helping you feel better! :wavey:


And for the OP... I wouldn't put much stock in lay people advising for or against any particular drug because it did or didn't work for them or their mother's-first-cousin's-daughter-in-law's best friend from college... Talk with your psych/physician. They understand and will base your therapy on YOU. :))
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

msop04|1459864517|4015646 said:
Jimmianne|1459853685|4015603 said:
And for the OP... I wouldn't put much stock in lay people advising for or against any particular drug because it did or didn't work for them or their mother's-first-cousin's-daughter-in-law's best friend from college... Talk with your psych/physician. They understand and will base your therapy on YOU. :))


I think that most people just want to hear that they didn't grow two heads while taking the med.

Not a terribly common side effect....
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I have been on Effexor for 7 years and it's a life saver. I did go off for a short time and it took about a week of feeling crummy. Yes I have gained weight. I know you are younger, but it's fabulous for menopausal hot flashes!
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

msop04|1459864517|4015646 said:
Hey Jimmianne. :wavey:

I think that if this is helping you, then that's all that matters. It's not uncommon for low-dose amphetamines (Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, etc.) to be given in conjunction with antidepressants. Let's be honest, amphetamines make us feel good! :bigsmile: As far as being "problematic"... amphetamines are very addictive drugs, as you know. They can become habit forming after taking them for a while and/or at very high doses. HOWEVER, I think it's a benefit vs. risk scenario in which we have to be honest with ourselves about what is most important. To me (and probably to you as well), it is our mental well-being. And who the heck cares if it becomes habit forming for you -- you're most likely gonna take it as a maintenance drug forever anyway. When monitored, these drugs are perfectly fine. It sounds like it's helping you, and that is the name of the game! ;))

So glad you've found something that take the edge off and is helping you feel better! :wavey:

msop, thanks for this. Very supportive comment.
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

Jimmianne said:
msop04|1459864517|4015646 said:
msop, thanks for this. Very supportive comment.

You're so welcome! I'm really glad you're feeling better. [emoji4]
Re: should i switch from Cipralex to effexor for my depressi

I used Effexor XR and loved it. My sister used it and had bad side effects. It did absolutely nothing for my son who went through many drugs and ended up going back to prozac. We have a 3 generation family history of depression and GAD.

The drugs are very dependant on your own chemistry and make-up. At one point I tried one drug and I cried non-stop. Not from sadness bu some sort of body reactions. The doctor changed me to it's mirror opposite and I did great.

My point is this: you won't know what works until you find the thing that does. Ultimately, I went through a bout of therapy at the right time with the right person and it seemed to help me find my balance. I do not currently need drugs, but someday I may again.