
should i have my gf try on the ring before proposing?


Mar 2, 2016
I just got my ering with 30 day return policy and free resizing.

The thing is that I am going on a business trip for 2 weeks in about 2 weeks and I don't plan on proposing anytime soon. I want it to be a surprise to her. I know I picked the right setting but I have no idea whether the ring actually fits her. I did use the ring sizer to estimate it but I am not 100% sure.

I am thinking about just blind folding her and try the ring on to see how she feels in it and take it off? I know shes gonna be furious but what other choices do I have?

Any ideas?
How much does ring sizng cost in your area? You can either keep it a surprise and risk it not fitting and pay for the resizing later, or risk her getting mad but having a perfect fit. Tbh I don't know what is better! Have you gone to a jewellery store together and used their rings? I don't know what its called, but they have a whole whack of different sizes to find the perfect fit. That way you can make sure of her size, without her seeing the finished piece.
Can you trick a friend into taking her to the jewelry store. Maybe her mom of sister or something?

Or propose within 30 days?
Generally speaking, sizing a ring is neither time consuming, nor difficult- unless it is an eternity style shank or intricate micropave detailing. I would hold off on putting the ring on her finger, until you are ready for the proposal- especially if she has yet to see the completed ring!
Personally, I think trying on the ring kind of ruins the surprise and at least a traditional proposal - because she will know that you are going to propose if you try the ring on her - so the only thing really left then is for her to answer.. Perhaps you could borrow a ring of hers and take it to a local jeweler to check the size? Or measure her finger with a string of thread when she sleeps? Hope you find a solution that works for you! You know your girlfriend best and how she will react :-) Best of luck!
Nope! Don't do that. The ring doesn't have to be perfect. It just needs a good diamond on it, I'm sure she won't mind. Plus your relationship should be good enough for her to be like "Oh no worries hun we can change it later. Thx I love you - yada yada".
get her friend to go shopping with her, tell her friend to just find a ring and try one. Have her friend give you her size. ????? Profit
Im going through this same process myself right now. I have the ring and am waiting to propose. I wanted to have the ring size, so asked her relatively early in the relationship what her ring size was. We both liked the idea of a surprise, so we have never talked rings since. I ended up shopping for and buying the ring without her knowing and will be giving it to her in the next couple of weeks. You would be just as well getting a friend of family member to test her ring size, but realize some people will "spill the beans". The less people that know you are about the get engaged, the better. Especially if you are trying to surprise the person.

Now if only I could figure out how I am going to ask...
That's something I've given quite a lot of thought myself. I think your best bet (and mine too) is to get someone close to her to take her to a jewelry shop and get the size without giving the surprise away.
Does she have another ring you know fits that finger you could "borrow" without her knowledge to compare?
I think the blindfold idea is just mean especially if you don't plan on giving it to her anytime soon...
I know sizing is relatively inexpensive but I think with all the thought that does & is supposed to go
into an engagement ring, you should have it ready to wear & the right size when presented (or as close to the right size as
possible). Just my 2 cents.
nope.. not try to do that..