
Shootout at Planned Parenthood


Jan 26, 2003
I thought that all the Black Friday violence was going to be in Walmarts, but there has been a shootout between a gunman and police at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood today, too, showing the diversity that exists in America. Please feel free to post links from either the Planned Parenthood shootout (in which no one has yet died, thank goodness) or a Black Friday fistfight between consumers here.

Article from, "The New York Times"...

A suspect in the shootings, as yet unidentified, has been taken into custody. He looks pretty big to me. Someone who would be identified by others if his identity wasn't on file. I am sure we learn his identity soon, not that that will prove his guilt.


AGBF|1448668203|3954791 said:
I thought that all the Black Friday violence was going to be in Walmarts, but there has been a shootout between a gunman and police at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood today, too, showing the diversity that exists in America. Please feel free to post links from either the Planned Parenthood shootout (in which no one has yet died, thank goodness) or a Black Friday fistfight between consumers here.

Article from, "The New York Times"...


Unfortunately looks like 11 in the hospital and two dead, including one police officer.
Just saw a report that two civilians and a police officer have died.

My thoughts are with the loved ones of these individuals. :(sad
Isn't this the second incident in a month or so in Colorado Springs? Not to mention of course the theater shooting a few years ago... ?
Very sad. :((
So sad and scary.
it's terrible
VRBeauty|1448681322|3954839 said:
Isn't this the second incident in a month or so in Colorado Springs? Not to mention of course the theater shooting a few years ago... ?

Yep! I live in Colorado and it's heart wrenching watching everything happen. :((
Ugh what a tragedy. So terrible. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Disgusting. People are worried about providing refugees asylum here because of potential terrorists? Whatever, the terrorists are already among us.
monarch64|1448734225|3954991 said:
Disgusting. People are worried about providing refugees asylum here because of potential terrorists? Whatever, the terrorists are already among us.

I couldn't agree with you more Monnie!
I'm in Colorado too, we had a friend in the grocery store attached but she got out fine thank goodness. I feel like Colorado is just starting to go nuts but I hate to move because we love it so much!
Another disgusting assault on the right of women to control their bodies. :nono:

Too bad that sh!thead wasn't aborted.
Hope Colorado isn't going too crazy. My daughter is at CU Boulder. Hopefully more crazies don't appear. :shock:
kenny|1448780001|3955189 said:
Another disgusting assault on the right of women to control their bodies. :nono:

Too bad that sh!thead wasn't aborted.

+1 to infinity. And a non religious amen to that Kenny. Exactly how I feel.
I also wonder how much of this happens due to politicians spouting off stories that are false regarding Planned Parenthood. During the first GOP debate Carly Forina went on a tirade regarding Planned Parenthood. The very next day Fact Checkers came out stating her statements were false. Of course Faux News never clarified that the statements were false.
Seeing this and the comments that are coming from the pro-life mob makes me very glad the state premier where I live in Australia has just passed legislation that makes it illegal to protest outside women's health clinics.
Jordy, I wish Illinois had such a law. I worked next to a clinic that proformed abortions a few years ago. Everyday they were at least 10 people who sat outside the clinic saying horrible things to the women who entered the clinic. They would run up to them and get in their face yelling at them. Quite of few of them were men. These people had no idea what these women's circumstances were. I saw many of these woman in tears as the flock of jerks would coming running up to tell them they were going to hell. I was shocked the first time I witnessed this and called the police. There was nothing they could do to stop the harassment.
Hi Calliecake,

I think it's a law that's needed on a federal level here to be honest, it's not just the women who are attending the clinic who are the target of their abuse; doctors, nurses, employees and even women who happen to be walking past the clinics will have abuse and hatred hurled at them. This needs to stop for varying reasons but the best reason I can give to anyone who is pro-life is that the clinics are not places that legislate law, so they cannot and will not do anything about it. There's something called the government that is responsible for that, consider taking your protests there.

Pro-life mobs need to leave the clinics alone as they're just wasting their own time and upsetting people to the point where they would never consider joining pro-life movements (or even dissent against them and join the fight for gender equality).
Jordy, the problem is America has very strong freedom of speech laws, which I support ... even hate speech like KKK's message about the supremacy of the white race, the hatred & superiority disguised as morality that the Catholic church spreads about gays and the God Hates Fags signs from the Westboro Baptist Church. :nono:

I abhor what such creepy orgs say :knockout: , but I'll fight to defend the KKK, RCC, the WBC's, and militant pro-lifers (to name only a few) right to spread their filth.
Not to kill people, but to say whatever they want.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
The nastier they get the more they actually help the righteous side.
Congress enacted the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in 1994,
and it does seem to have had the salutary effect of reducing acts of violence:

But a "buffer zone" law akin to the ones enacted by several Australian states-- which, as I understand it, prohibit abortion protesters from assembling on public property within 150 meters (about 500 feet) of an abortion clinic -- would not pass constructional muster here because of our First Amendment jurisprudence ( don't think your constitution includes a provision like the US's First Amendment?). Last year, our Supreme Court Justices, in McCullen v. Coakley, struck down a Massachusetts law that made it a crime, with some exceptions, to knowingly stand in public spaces within 35 feet of such facilities:
kenny|1448847018|3955451 said:
Jordy, the problem is America has very strong freedom of speech laws, which I support ... even hate speech like KKK's message about the supremacy of the white race, the hatred & superiority disguised as morality that the Catholic church spreads about gays and the God Hates Fags signs from the Westboro Baptist Church. :nono:

I abhor what such creepy orgs say :knockout: , but I'll fight to defend the KKK, RCC, the WBC's, and militant pro-lifers (to name only a few) right to spread their filth.
Not to kill people, but to say whatever they want.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
The nastier they get the more they actually help the righteous side.

I agree with you Kenny on supporting free speech, however someone's right to swing their fist ends at another's nose (a metaphorical nose, of course).

What many of the pro-life mob are doing is borderline assault and harrassment - something that is illegal by law of many western cultures. I am not taking away their right to swing their fists, rather change the place where they are swinging their fists to somewhere that doesn't cause physical or emotional bullying. And the plus side for them in doing so is they may begin to be slightly effective in their protests by protesting somewhere that people may actually listen (despite me not wishing to see this).