
Shoes or no shoes?

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Jan 28, 2005
I''ve always wondered do you wear your shoes inside the house?
Nope. I prefer my feet to be free of the tyranny of women''s shoes. (Actually, my feet just get hot easily.) And I''m a big fan of the cleaning approach that floors are for walking, not storing stuff, and that ''vacuum'' is not a four-letter-word.
Neither is ''Swifter'' or ''Mop''.

This allows me to pad around my apartment in bare feet, safe in the knowledge that I won''t be stepping on anything I''d rather not.

Besides, there is nothing like coming home after a long day at work, and peeling socks and shoes off your swollen abused footsies, and plopping them in your hubby''s lap as a ''hint'' that a foot rub would be welcome.
don''t care if shoes are worn in the house.

seems to be a north south thang.... i am acquainted with several canadians who are big on taking shoes off in the house.
I don''t wear shoes in the house, but I always have to have my slippers on. With laminate wood floors, I don''t like feeling any dirt dragged in by the dogs on my feet.
No. We were raised not wearing shoes in the house. Our shoes are all over some pretty awful places--the street, public bathrooms, the store, etc.--why drag that dirt and disgusting mess into the house? No. Shoes off. Now, if we''re entertaining, I do not ask my guests to remove their shoes--it''s optional. Then, I''ll just wash the floors after such an event. Even though I have hardwood floors, why drag all that dirt into the house? It''s unsanitary IMO. And if you have carpet--ewww.... Again, just my opinion but carpet is VERY hard to get truly clean. Not wearing shoes in the house keeps it like new. When my mom sold her house, the realtor said, "Oh, I see you have new carpet." The carpet was 10 years old!

My mom is pretty crazy with the cleanliness stuff but I have to give her this one--no shoes in the house really is a good thing (oh, and not sitting on those hotel was really ahead of her time...
Bare feet in the house.....not a fan of slippers, cos they get cheezy
No shoes but I do run around in little white sockies. (Which don''t stay *white* very long in this house with The Demon Dog and the happy hubby tracking stuff in all the time!
Shoes no. Slippers or socks... yes. Animals and hardwood floors.
no shoes in house. i totally agree w/ apsara--- it is very unhygenic and with pesticides on lawns etc, potentially hazardous. our shoes stay by the door!
No shoes! =) I even take them off when going to other people''s houses. They''re like, "Why are you taking off your shoes?" And I go, "Because I don''t want to track outside dirt around in your house!"

The next time I''m over, they''ve all stopped wearing shoes in the house, too!
So funny. I think it just doesn''t occur to most people but when they think about it, it makes sense.
No shoes. Asians traditionally don''t wear shoes in the house. Not sure why. I keep the tradition cuz I don''t wanna track outside dirt in the house. Cleaning inside dirt is hard enough. There''s all sorts of nasty crap outside. Why would I want it in my house? I wouldn''t be able to sit on the floor (something I like to do) if I did wear shoes in the house.
no shoes. others also take their shoes off when they come into our house.

the funny thing is that people typically take shoes off, because of keeping the carpets clean and all that but i read an article recently that said if you go barefoot on carpet, you actually are leaving your foot oils all over the place which can contribute to your carpet getting dirtier faster because your feet oils attract dirt, dust, etc.

they said that the best thing to do is wear no shoes but wear socks in the house at all times beccause your socks then act as carpet cleaners...picking up things. i thought that was hilarious, but unfortunately for me i HATE both socks and real shoes and only wear them when i have i won''t be wearing socks in the house anytime soon!!!
And in addition to my question above. Do you wipe your dog''s feet when he/she comes back from a walk?
I prefer that no one wear shoes in my home, especially those of us who live here, but my DH is a diehard, got to wear my shoes type of guy. He has weak ankles and just is not comfortable barefooted for long or his legs hurt. I run around barefooted until I have to leave somewhere. I encourage others to take off their shoes as well.

I have porcelain ceramic tile mostly, but have carpet in the family room and bedrooms. I sanitize the carpets with an excellent but expensive carpet cleaning company about every 3 months throughout the house because they deep clean the crevices of the grout, the tile and even do hardwood floors.
shoes off at the door,
when at other peoples house visiting and they arent wearing any ill take em off otherwise leave them on.
When im at someones house working on a computer they stay on.
Growing up we never took our shoes off unless they where wet or muddy my Dad didnt like it.
Date: 7/5/2006 2:40:37 AM
Author: CareBear
And in addition to my question above. Do you wipe your dog''s feet when he/she comes back from a walk?
Yes. They are trained to have their feet wiped each time they come in, even though they only run around in our own backyard.
I wear sandals in the house all the time. My floors are either ceramic tile or hardwood (I don''t have carpets), and they can feel a bit chilly on bare feet.
I was raised in a household where we didn''t care whether shoes were on or not. DH was raised the opposite, shoes left at the door. So now there are no shoes on at our house, they are left at the door. Guests too. Most of our friends are this way as well. Good thing I keep my feet pedicured all year.
My dogs take their shoes off at the door, too.

I''ll echo what others have said. I never wear shoes in my house. (I was raised in a take your shoes off at the door home) Why track all that nasty crud onto your floors? I have a difficult time asking others to take their shoes off though. Some of them just do because they know me. I live in the midwest and most of the people I know leave their shoes on in their homes. Some people do seem to get offended when asked to take their shoes off. I do laugh inwardly because it''s not as though they were asked to get naked.
We only allow shoes in the house if we''re having a really big, dressy just seems like bad form to ask 40 people to take off their dress shoes and heels at the door.

At all other times, though, it''s a strict shoes-off policy. We even ask contractors to take off their shoes while working in the house. (some refuse) It just seems gross to think about all the yuckies that shoes can track in being all over my floor. My kids play on it, roll around on it, etc!
No shoes.

For one, it makes your house dirtier faster...tracking whatever is on your shoes into your home.

Second....Asian culture. You just don''t wear shoes in the home. It''s very impolite. Leave them at the front door or put them on a rack or in a closet- don''t just leave them in everyone''s way.

What a random question this week!
Date: 7/5/2006 2:44:54 PM
Author: KristyDarling
We only allow shoes in the house if we''re having a really big, dressy just seems like bad form to ask 40 people to take off their dress shoes and heels at the door.
Where''s Ebree, my SATC girl?! KD you remind me of the SATC episode where Carrie goes to a baby shower, has to take off her shoes, and someone steals her Manolos by the door. The host won''t pay her for them and she has to register at the MB store to get them as a gift for marrying ''herself.'' LOL.
Date: 7/6/2006 7:49:20 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 7/5/2006 2:44:54 PM
Author: KristyDarling
We only allow shoes in the house if we''re having a really big, dressy just seems like bad form to ask 40 people to take off their dress shoes and heels at the door.
Where''s Ebree, my SATC girl?! KD you remind me of the SATC episode where Carrie goes to a baby shower, has to take off her shoes, and someone steals her Manolos by the door. The host won''t pay her for them and she has to register at the MB store to get them as a gift for marrying ''herself.'' LOL.
Hee! That''s the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread!
It''s interesting to read everyone''s viewpoints on this topic... We never had any rules about shoes on or off growing up... I LOVE my high heels and all that, but once I''m inside I''m barefoot all the way. Solely a comfort thing... no cleanliness concerns here.
The dogs used to get their paws cleaned each and every time they came in the house. That was when we had carpet and white grout. Now we just have wood laminate, so we don''t wipe them off very much. Except when it''s raining, like today. In fact, we changed the flooring in our whole house because of the dogs. We wanted a low-maintenance floor to clean.
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