
Screaming baby with gas pains


Dec 16, 2007
Any solutions? He's 2.5 weeks old. Exclusively breastfed. Wants to nurse 24/7 and has gas pains that stop him from settling. Anything work for you?
Dreamer, I'm not a parent, but Hudson Hawk (who is) went through the same thing for a few very long months, and I think it turned out her son was intolerant to breast milk. Don't know if that helps or not, but I know she made plenty of posts about it in the newborn thread. Her son was born last September, so you'd probably find her posts in the late November-December-January time frame, I think?

I also recall a few of the newborn mamas suggesting gripe water.

Soooo sorry for the struggle - hope you can find a resolution soon, mama!
Dreamer, is he pooping pretty regularly after nursing so much? My DS would literally poop while he was nursing which I think probably helped out with gas issues.
lizzyann|1310403027|2966543 said:
Dreamer, is he pooping pretty regularly after nursing so much? My DS would literally poop while he was nursing which I think probably helped out with gas issues.

He is not pooping like I would want to see, which I think is the issue. I think I will talk to the public health nurse and see what she says.

Allison thanks for the tip!
What color is his poop?

I'm thinking either something you are eating (try cutting back on dairy just to see), reflux, or a hindmilk/foremilk issue.
Poor child. I was thinking it may not inherently be the breastmilk but something in your diet you are conveying to him through the breastmilk. My niece was constantly puking and my already vegetarian sister gave up dairy completely and while it's counter intuitive that a breastfed baby would have a milk allergy, that solved it. Also certain foods like broccoli were upsetting to her. I hope he feels better soon.
Congrats, Dreamer!!

It's extremely rare that a baby would be allergic or intolerant of his mother's breast milk. Breast milk is actually easiest on a baby's digestive system.

What it could be is that he may have a dairy sensitivity. Do you drink/eat a lot of milk and dairy? Unfortunately, you may have to cut it out. Also, try to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and certain veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. Poor little guy, good luck! I hope he gets better.
fiery|1310407201|2966598 said:
I'm thinking either something you are eating (try cutting back on dairy just to see), reflux, or a hindmilk/foremilk issue.

Yes, that's a good thought. Especially since he's not having as frequent BM as you'd like to see.
Besides possibly being something you're eating or an allergy, I have some instant help tips for you.

JT started getting colicky at that age and stayed there for 3 months! I know the torture it is.

If he likes baths, you can put him in a warm tub and bicycle his legs if he'll let you.
Swaddle him tightly and then loosely wrap a dryer-warm towel around that. The warmth seems to comfort and relieve the pain.
Flip him upside down across your lap and bounce the heck out of him. This was my biggest help. I could get the gas to relieve out both ends with that bouncing.
You can also lift the head of the crib/bassinet at night. Sometimes the pain is exacerbated by reflux.
Walk, bounce, walk, and bounce some more. Constant movement is soothing. I remember walking JT for hours every day up and down my hallway.
Simethicone drops. Use with every meal and every hour if need be. I've heard some people say that they won't use the drops because it increases the pressure in the lower intestine. My doc has always advised using them with both of my kids and has said that the simethicone works by making the little bubbles of air coagulate so they can pass more easily through either end.

Good luck and lots of hugs!
Awww poor little guy! I used gas drops on both my kids. Bounced/patted them laying tummy side down on the top of my legs. Nursing was always one of my go-to things when I thought they were gassy b/c they'd always shoot..I'm no help but I hope one of the other suggestions works for him/you!
I would try elminating dairy from your diet for 2 weeks and see if you notice some improvement. ALL dairy, this is not easy to do as dairy aka casein, whey is in everything (bread, cereal, etc.). But if you don't see improvement in 2 weeks it's not due to the dairy.

Do you have overactive let-down? Is he choking while eating at all and taking in too much air? Try nursing him in a more upright position or when the flow ramps up during let down, express onto a burpcloth a little bit so it doesn't overwhelm him.

Stop frequently for burps.

Is his poop yellow and mustardy? My DD who had the dairy issues had more green mucousy poop. That was one of her symptoms of dairy intolerance.

My DS had reflux and none of the above helped. But we turned to meds after a few weeks and eventually prevacid made a big difference for him. I used to have to sleep sitting up because he'd only sleep up on my shoulder. I was an exhausted zombie for the first few months!

Hope it gets better soon.
Thanks for all the tips!

I don't think he is intolerant of my milk for the reason that Laila mentions, and from what I have read there is actually little scientific evidence that a mother's diet means much at all, though of course there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of both. I'm not ready to change my diet yet, unless it seems to go on for a longer than developmentally normal range. He is soothable with BFing, I would just like some other means!

Hunter went through a similar phase at this age I recall at this same age and I think it lasted a couple of weeks. And he had more greenish poops at that time, and sometimes Ryder does too. He is happy as long as he is nursing, and I *can* sooth him to sleep on my chest using my finger as a pacifier... not the greatest for my own sleep. The issue is when I try to get him to go down to sleep in his cosleeper he rouses. And its too soon to try any of the methods I know for teaching him to sleep on his own. I prefer at this point to just BF him to sleep and transfer him. Usually it works, but not last night!

So his discomfort is not a constant thing. Friday afternoon and night he was screamy and uncomfortable. Then Saturday he was great and slept 3-4 hours stetches in his cot Saturday night! Then Sunday afternoon he was uncomfortable again and last night. Pooped 3x this morning :rolleyes: and now he is sleeping peacefully in his cot.

The hindmilk thing did cross my mind, but since I am nursing him basically constantly for hours it would be hard to increase the time on one side :cheeky: I do sometimes have a strong letdown, though, and I don't burp him as much as I should. I will try the suggestions for those things for sure. I'll also try the belly on knees & back rubs trick if he is fussy, and the baths and leg rotations too.
Like the others have said -- eliminate dairy. Pretty much ditto everything Laila said.
Definitely try burping him after every feed. I would even do it before switching him over to the other breast (if you are offering both). I think the burping after every session probably stops around 6 weeks or so IIRC. If he's having greenish poops every now and then, my guess would be in that particular feed there was more foremilk than usual.
fiery|1310417355|2966718 said:
Definitely try burping him after every feed. I would even do it before switching him over to the other breast (if you are offering both). I think the burping after every session probably stops around 6 weeks or so IIRC. If he's having greenish poops every now and then, my guess would be in that particular feed there was more foremilk than usual.

OK, totally lame question, but how long do you wait for a burp? :oops: I put him on my shoulder and keep him upright and pat pat pat his back for a good 5 minutes. Nothing! Then 10 minutes later he spits up a little or burps :rolleyes: Am I totally missing some secret method here??

Oh and happy to report lots of poops today and three good naps on his own! Bodes well for tonight! (knocks wood)
Lol not a lame question!

Mind you it's been a while :tongue: but I remember that with *Sophia, she wouldn't burp if I put her on my shoulder. I had to put her in a sitting position with her face in my hand (my hand would make a U shape around her face if that makes sense) and burp her that way. If not, I would hold her in a football position but with her back facing me and burp that way. At that age, I would keep trying till he does. That may be causing his gas pains.

And what makes me giggle about this conversation is that now at 2 Sophia burps in my face and says "scuse me mama". No pats needed :rolleyes: :lol:
fiery|1310437074|2966922 said:
Lol not a lame question!

Mind you it's been a while :tongue: but I remember that with *Sophia, she wouldn't burp if I put her on my shoulder. I had to put her in a sitting position with her face in my hand (my hand would make a U shape around her face if that makes sense) and burp her that way. If not, I would hold her in a football position but with her back facing me and burp that way. At that age, I would keep trying till he does. That may be causing his gas pains.

And what makes me giggle about this conversation is that now at 2 Sophia burps in my face and says "scuse me mama". No pats needed :rolleyes: :lol:

I have tried the sitting face cup and no go there too. I'll try the football hold.

At least Sophie says excuse me! :lol: Hunter burps and laughs. He also farts and proudly announces "I pooped!" :rolleyes: But he always says please and thank you :halo:
Dreamer~ The little boy I babysit (almost 4 months old) will only burp if I stand up with him and walk a bit. He just can't seem to get them out without a bit of bouncing. Yesterday, he wouldn't burp and about 10 minutes later a huge burp preceeded by several ounces of formula came out of him.
somethingshiny|1310495720|2967402 said:
Dreamer~ The little boy I babysit (almost 4 months old) will only burp if I stand up with him and walk a bit. He just can't seem to get them out without a bit of bouncing. Yesterday, he wouldn't burp and about 10 minutes later a huge burp preceeded by several ounces of formula came out of him.

I'll try that!
Dreamer, how did Ryder do last night?
Dreamer: I was that baby with the problems you're describing Ryder has. My mom actually said when she got me home from the hospital, she wanted to take me back and trade me in for a different model. :lol: she shudders to think of my screams.
She also EBF, and never changed her diet. She said she just constantly burped me, and did exactly what ss and packrat already suggested: bicycle legs, put my on her lap and bounced me, or put me on a couch cushion or mattress on my belly, and then pat my little diaper booty so I would bounce on the couch/bed. Eventually, she dod get relief but it wasn't instant and it did take awhile to get the right technique, but she would comiserate with you im sure.

As a sidenote, even in high school if my stomach hurt or I needed comfort, id lay on my belly and my mom would pat my tushy/bounce me. It became a bit of a soothing tool for life, I guess :)
lizzyann|1310501122|2967456 said:
Dreamer, how did Ryder do last night?

He did really well! Thanks for asking! Slept 2.5 hours, woke for 2.5 (gotta work on that, I keep falling asleep nursing him in my comfy chair and wake an hour later with him asleep in my lap :rolleyes: ), then slept for 4 hours! The last was (shhh don't tell) on my chest, but we are making progress. He had a great day today too and now BOTH kids are in bed! woo hoo!

Tonight I think we will move him to the walk in closet so I can't hear all his moans and grunts and basic noisiness in his sleep. Might help!

charbie well I hope my boys won't want to suck a boobie when they get tummy aches :cheeky:
Dreamer be gentle with yourself. He is a newborn after all!! It takes a few weeks (6-8) for babies to really get the night vs. day rhythm down. Are you swaddling? We love the miracle blanket in our family. How about the swing? Swaddled in the swing is how my newborns seem to sleep the best, in the very beginning at least.
I still fall asleep nursing my 7 month old!
We are swaddle enthusiasts for sure 8) I think Ryder is actually a very easy baby. I don't think Hunter slept this much as a newborn (2-4 hours stretches), but it is all a bit of a blur. Ryder settles and sleeps well in his own cot for all his naps and the first two sleep cycles of the night. But around 3-4am is when he seems to get gassy and uncomfortable, I think because he does not typically poop at that time in the night. But he settles and sleeps well on my chest. So at this moment that is the only thing I am thinking about solutions for! I think pick-up put-down would work, since he settles again as soon as I pick him up, but I really don't want to do that at 4am :rolleyes:

Today I moved his cot into our walk-in closet, just to put a little more space between me and the noisy baby at night.
nfowife|1310578401|2968161 said:
Dreamer be gentle with yourself. He is a newborn after all!! It takes a few weeks (6-8) for babies to really get the night vs. day rhythm down. Are you swaddling? We love the miracle blanket in our family. How about the swing? Swaddled in the swing is how my newborns seem to sleep the best, in the very beginning at least.
I still fall asleep nursing my 7 month old!

Here's a good one: last night I got up at 10:15 to nurse Ryder and got settled in my comfy nursing chair. Closed my eyes for a second and next thing I knew it was 12:15!
I think he's still too young for PU/PD or any sort of real sleep training. But he sounds like a good sleeper! Hope it continues!

My 7 month old is a great and easy baby. Rarely fusses, super smiley, just very happy. However, the first 3 months were still HARD. I think even a good newborn, is still a newborn, kwim? Just do what you have to do to get through this time. Newborns are hard, even easy ones :) . But since it's your second time, you know it won't last forever. I think it's only natural to be looking ahead to easier times, now that you know they are coming up :) . But try to enjoy this sweet helpless phase for what it is :) .