
Scenes from GIA Symposium 2006

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Date: 9/9/2006 12:49:31 PM
Author: pr0pel

What a fantastic thread. Thank you all for sharing. It was great reading about the symposium!
Thanks for thanking. Appreciate the feedback from those of you reading about it.
Date: 9/10/2006 5:16:36 PM
Author: strmrdr

The best response is here is what we are doing about it today because we cant change yesterday.
But then the question becomes is enough being done today or is the industry still exploiting and just putting a fancy name on it?
Interesting times thats for sure.
This seems to be the prevailing idea; to be certain that as an industry we're each doing what we can in our own bailiwick to do no harm, and to empower help where possible. Many of us with an internet presence feel like the information age, coupled with the awareness this movie may generate, presents unprecedented opportunity.
Date: 9/9/2006 12:57:17 AM
Author: Rhino
Thanks man. I was hoping it would have been included on the DVD they were making but I contacted Patrick Ball and he told me it wasn't going to be.
It would have been nice to have for the archives. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the valuable contributions you, Dave Atlas and Garry made to the debate as well. The commentary offered by all was thought provoking and it was interesting hearing from lurkers in the audience too. That hour and a half seemed to fly by so fast. John, did you get a chance to visit any of the local beaches?

All the best,
Appreciate the mention. It was an informative session and frankly I was surprised more people were not there.

No beaches for me - the Symposium kept me running from dawn to dusk. I got to take a side-trip to LA, but it was in the 'line of duty' and not relevant here. surfin' photos, but I have a few more from the Symposium I can share.
Garry interviews Dave Atlas of Accredited Gem Appraisers in Philly, in the lounge area. This interview is currently featured in the Diamondscope video gallery on Pricescope.

Maarten de Witte of Hearts on Fire . Maarten has a great entrepreneurial mind and is a fan of cut like many of us here.

Dave Atlas and Martin Fuller of Martin Fuller & Associates in Virginia. Two very respected appraisers assessing the lighting conditions at the Monday night ‘Sunset Soiree.’

Models from the Tuesday night Italian evening’s fashion show. Titled “Moods, Sensations and Differentiations” it was packed with fabulous jewelry and great runway music and narration. The models were breathtaking.

More modeling: Jason Quick and Jim Caudill – geniuses from AGSL, and yours truly - trying to be cool by association.

(I know, I know... We should stick to ASET modeling)

...And finally, Garry and I toast his newest invention, the Holloway Hat Adviser. In the future I can use the HHA to reduce the glare from my crown.


Edited to add: GIA has dedicated the entire Fall 2006 issue of Gems & Gemology to this Symposium and Gemological Research Conference. Their coverage is complete and extremely well done. Details on the issue, which may be ordered individually, can be found at the link below:

Date: 9/11/2006 12:01:40 PM
Author: JohnQuixote

...And finally, Garry and I toast his newest invention, the Holloway Hat Adviser. In the future I can use the HHA to reduce the glare from my crown.

Thanks for the pictures John! The HHA is too too funny!!!
Date: 9/1/2006 9:29:44 PM
Author: JohnQuixote

Date: 9/1/2006 9:01:35 PM
Author: canuk-gal

OKOK; This was no dental convention: M. Albright, C. Issac, Fireworks/Hyatt, D. Chopra? What could be decided other than what (vintage) to drink?

In all seriousness, how was the poster presentation/research proposal received? Lots of interaction--positive traffic and comments? What did you 'sense' from the outcome?

Hi Sharon. I'm preparing a bit about the Poster Session right now and have a few other things I can share as well, time permitting. I'm dragging a bit this week. What I miss I hope my esteemed colleagues volunteer. I'll let Garry address the DGL Peer Review proposal, since he was manning the booth whilst others were being Chopra'd or listening to complaints about eBay. More to come.

What were your impressions about the observations made in the Mapping the Future and Changing Distribution Channels discussions? I think much of the content reflected subject matter discussed on PS - but some important peripheral discussion not touched on much here was introduced as well (China specifically). Interested in your thoughts - and those of others.

If you build it, will they come? Better question to ask might be, who can come.

For the last couple of years I have been volunteering with our city's board of education to help teach ESL to adult immigrants; the vast majority of whom are from China. Despite these learned folks' ability to read and write English "quite well"; they are at a great disadvantage when it comes to speaking. This is a skill that can take new and emergent speakers many months/years to master. This would corroborate what I am reading in the popular and scholarily press about "English" speaking companies doing business in China (or those who want/plan to); one of many current dilemmas is not being able to find enough experienced, professional staff, who are fluent in English.

Certainly I could write a thesis on this subject, but suffice it to say the "cost" of educating workers in this realm is staggering and would be of some duration. How, John, was this issue addressed at the conference; if at all?

ETA: I loved all the pictures--glad no one drinks around there
; and Rhino, I loved your pics of the air craft carrier---very cool!

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