
Saying goodbye to a faithful friend :(

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Jul 21, 2006
We have been blessed to have our wonderful dog, Friday, since the month before DH and I got married. I had been searching the local (and not so local) kennels for a puppy that my sister (who lived in AZ at the time) had found. The puppy had been hit by a car, broken it''s leg, and was nursed back to health by my sister. Unable to keep the dog herself, she asked my DH (FI at the time) and I if we would like to give the dog a home since we had just purchased our house and were getting married the next month. We said that we would, she flew the dog from AZ to OH. Long story short, the dog was scared and got loose at the airport...ran away. We searched for this dog...went to the airport parking garages since there had been sightings, but never found her.

In looking for the lost pooch, my mom and I stumbled across Friday...the only dog in the kennel who was not barking, she looked so scared. She got up to walk over to her cage door and lost her balance. There was a man that was looking too and said "That poor dog, there is something wrong with her...she will never find a home, and you know what the means". Right at that moment, I knew that she had to come and live with us!

I did not have proof pf my new address, so I could not adopt her on my own. I had an hour...I rushed home, told FI "We have to go NOW! We have to save this dogs life"! Unable to say no to me, we headed back.

We adopted Friday without DH even seeing her...the last adoption of the day, they were closing. Friday had been there 7 days.

She has truly been the best dog you could ever imagine, but now she is 13 years old and the years are catching up with her. She has lost so much weight...she looks so sad
I have been crying for days. I want to do what is best for her, but I am just not ready to say goodbye. She has not been to the vet...I struggle with "should I get her a blood test to see for sure"? Should I just come to terms with this??? Money is tight, and I do not want to add stress to her...she nver did like the vet.

So those of you who have been through this, what did you do? I did this with my cat, but I knew that he was sick with cancer...this is hard =(
I''m so sorry. Some people don''t understand that pets are like family. I know that she may not like going to the vets but I think you should take her. Call ahead and see if you can get some kind of light tranquilizer so that it is not as stressful for her. Maybe there is something they can do to help ease her last days of pain or prolong her life. In the event that she is not able to continue without pain the hardest and most humane thing to do is have her put to sleep. I know that you are not ready to say goodbye, but if it truly is the best thing for her you must.
No one can tell you what to do or what is best, but reading this made me tear up. I know one day I will be in your shoes and cannot imagine. In the end I do think I would want to ease my dog''s suffering and I agree with the PP about talking to the vet on the phone first to see what the best options are. I actually read once that a vet was willing to come to the person''s home and that made saying goodbye a lot more peaceful for everyone. I just want to send you huge hugs and tell you how wonderful it is that you rescued your baby and gave her an amazing life. This is my worst nightmare although I know it inevitable, I am just so sorry and wish there were better words to make it easier for you.
It''s so hard, honey. Probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. All I can tell you is that, deep down in your heart, you really do just know when it''s time. I am so very sorry.
I''m sorry you are having to go through this. We have two dogs and they really are our hearts.

FWIW, I wouldn''t have her put down without taking her to a vet for a thorough check up. There are a number of reasons a dog may be losing weight, not all of them fatal or extremely expensive to treat.
Dana, this is a very hard situation and really, none of us can tell you what you should do, but my husband and I have been through this before and we chose to keep our furbaby with us for as long as we could. My pup was nearly fifteen years old when she finally did pass away. She had been chronically sick for almost a year and a half. Once they get that old, one day is not necessarily representative of the next, and a few times that I thought she she would pass away any day, she rebounded. But we knew what disease process we were dealing with.
The only thing I can suggest is to take your dog to your Vet to get a professional assessment of what may be going on. Then you and your husband make your personal decision from that point. Right now, you really don''t know what you''re dealing with.

Try to stay calm. Don''t let your pup see you upset. She will sense your upset right away and it will make her uneasy and scared. Let us know how you''re doing, OK?
Diamond Dana - I am so sorry to hear this. My husband and I went through this a few months ago and I can tell you it was extremely difficult. Our kitty was diagnosed with diabetes and some kidney issues at 15. We were able to manage the diabetes and a year later he went into a diabetic coma. We were able to save him, but he slowly went downhill and the kidney problems got worse over the next few months. But he still seemed to enjoy doing his favorite things (although he had arthritis and he got around albeit slowly) and he was always near us and purring.

Then he just wouldn''t eat - really not good for a diabetic kitty! We tried everything and within a couple of days it became very clear he was in pain and we knew it was time. (I''m starting to cry typing this.)

I would also second that it might be a good idea to see if anything can be done, but like your dog, our kitty did not like to leave the house to go to the vet. For the past few years, we actually found a vet that came to the house and that worked out really well.

I mention that because I wanted to let you know that we did what sba771 suggested and had him put down at our home. It was a very difficult decision, but we felt it was better for him to be at home and not be scared and upset at having to leave (and he was obviously in pain). My husband held him while he was euthanized and we were able to see that it was much better for our kitty having it done like this. He actually just looked like he was sleeping and we laid him in his "kitty donut" that he liked to sleep in. The pet cemetery actually came to our home to remove his body and we had him cremated.

Very difficult for us, but we felt so much better knowing that his last few moments were with us here in our home. We were a mess though! My husband actually cried harder over our kitty than when he found out I had cancer - not kidding!
This was the hardest decision I ever made. And I agree with Gwen that deep down, when it is time, you just know. That being said if it were me, I would give her a chance by seeing the vet. Most vets will give you an anti anxiety pill to give the dog so that it can be as stressless as possible for her. It could be something like an infection that has her not eating and appearing very lifeless. At least if you go to the vet they can tell you if it is something serious or something easily curable. I will keep you in my prayers no matter what you decide to do. I can''t have children and my dogs are my very heart and soul.
As you probably know, Lissey (avatar) is very sick and our vet told us at the start of the year to say goodbye to her. I never gave up on her and insisted on steroid injections and somehow she got through it and thank God, is alive and well.

When her time does come, see if your Vet will do a house call. Ours will and it was a huge relief to know that everything would be taken care of in familiar surroundings.

So my advice is to get tests done, but keep an eye on the costs. Keep loving Friday, she is not gone yet. For all you know she might still outlive you both...
I agree with Lysser, take her to the vet and find out what is wrong. It may be treatable, or not as bad as you think. But if it is at least you know. Not knowing would kill me actually...and watching her lose weight would be heartbreaking, I could not stand not checking it out.

I can''t imagine, and I know the time will come for us too, but I truly believe in quality of life for the pups and when they are reduced to a shell of what they once were, for me it would be time to say goodbye. Good luck... hang in there.
Thank you all, I appreciate your comments and good thoughts.
She has an appt this afternoon, to go to sleep, but I will ask the vet his thoughts prior. Unfortunately, I know in my heart that it is time to say goodbye and that this is something that I have to do for her. As hard as it is, I will be there with her and will not leave her when she will need us more than ever. In a few hours she will be at peace, and we will begin the healing.
Thank you again.
Dana I`m really sorry you and DH and Friday have to go through this. I can`t tell you what to do you`ll do what is best for Friday, you`ll find the the heart and the courage. I can tell you my story and hope it helps some...
I had my baby girl until she was 14, 2 years before she went to heaven she had cancer, money was tight but they said she could have a good recovery and life if we did the surgery my brother, myself and FI boyfriend at the time scrapped together the $1300 and got her the surgery. She came through it like the trooper she always was and recovered well enough to have a great 2 years that I am so, so thankful for. I spoiled her during those 2 years because I knew she was getting older and that I did not have that much time left with her.
The last six months before she passed she started to get seizures, the vet said probably from something toxic she was exposed to as a baby (she was also a rescue dog who had been left to live on the roof of an old building)
We tried medication but the dose was pretty high and it started to wreak havoc with her insides. She was having trouble holding her urine and was falling from being dizzy on the stuff and I just could not bear to see her like that and she started to look sad and she stopped smiling and then one morning I woke up and there was pee and poo all over my house and she looked devastated like I`m sorry mom I would never do this in the house I just can`t stop it I don`t know what is happening to me and right then I knew that even though my heart would break and it did and is still somewhat broken. I`m bawling as I type this, I had to act on her behalf and not think of my pain.
I called the vet one last time to confirm that there was not much else we could do and the vet confirmed my worst fear we had run out of options and time. She was just too old her body was giving out either the meds would kill her or she would have a seizure and die without knowing I was there.
SO I made the appointment and when I called her she came like an angel (she could barely walk at this point) and I took her to our van and placed her on her favorite blanket and we drove and I let her go but I stayed with her until she went to heaven and I held her paw and I kissed her and I told her I would see her again and I will and if you make this hard decision, Friday will understand and you will see Friday again and then you`ll never have to apart after that...

I am so sorry BIG HUGS. Thank you for letting me share and I hope for Friday to recover but if not I know she will go straight to heaven..
We took Friday yesterday afternoon, and the vet confirmed what we already knew. I pray that she is in a better place in is feeling like her old self again.

Thank you to all that commented and shared their stories...I appreciate it.
Date: 8/18/2009 9:22:20 AM
Author: Diamond*Dana
We took Friday yesterday afternoon, and the vet confirmed what we already knew. I pray that she is in a better place in is feeling like her old self again.

Thank you to all that commented and shared their stories...I appreciate it.
hugs to you darling....
I''m so sorry to hear about your loss, it truly is losing a family member. You, DH, and Friday are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how difficult losing a pet is, but know you have made the right choice, and made a selfless decision.
Date: 8/18/2009 9:22:20 AM
Author: Diamond*Dana
We took Friday yesterday afternoon, and the vet confirmed what we already knew. I pray that she is in a better place in is feeling like her old self again.

Thank you to all that commented and shared their stories...I appreciate it.
aw, huge hugs.
I am so sorry about your sweet dear dog.
Sounds like you were a great momma.
I am so sorry about that.
Pets are never just pets they are always beloved members of the family!!!

I think the best thing to do is to think about what is best for her. No matter how hard the decision is that''s the real question that needs to be answered. Once you know that you will know what you have to do.

Good luck!
I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending a hug.
I''m so sorry for your loss.
I''m so sorry Dana.
I''m so sorry for your loss, Dana.
I am so sorry. It''s always heartbreaking to lose a treasured friend. One consolation is that you have her the best life that she could have had.
I am sorry for your loss Dana. It brought tear to my eyes to read your post.

Friday is in a better place now.
Diamond Dana,

I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling right now. I know how hard it is to know that you are losing your beloved furry family member. It has to be one of the hardest things to deal with. My only advice is to trust your instincts. No one knows your Friday better than you, and you know what is best. Please know that my heart goes out to you, and I will keep Friday in my thoughts and prayers.
I''m soooo sorry for your loss Dana (I just read through this entire post). Please know I am here for you if you need to talk.
I am very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be keeping you in my prayers. I know how hard this is...
I'm sorry about the outcome Dana. It is so hard thinking about them being ready to go when we are not. But you did the right thing it sounds like, and Friday is probably up in Rainbow Bridge playing with all the other loved pets who went on their way as well. Thoughts for you and your family in a very hard time.
Thank you all for your comforting comments, I appreciate each and every one of them.
I''m so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending hugs.
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