
Sapphires from AfricaGems (Marc Sarosi)


Nov 4, 2013
Hi color enthusiasts!

I'm a longtime lurker (only recently joined). Thank you all for your super educational posts.

I have been looking at yellow and pink sapphires for a center stone. I tend to prefer stones with lighter tones and don't mind heat-only. Anyhow, my SO recently purchased the following three sapphires from AfricaGems for me to inspect:

treatment: none




I know the paper and the gembox look blue, however, the color of the stone is pretty accurate. When I changed the color balance on my camera to reflect the "correct" whiteness of the paper & cotton, the yellow of the stone was totally off. After trying for a long time to capture the "essence" of the stone, I realized how frustrating it must be for the sellers!

I will post the oval sapphire pics and pink sapphire pics next.
Not having seen the pinks, that yellow sapphire is an absolute dream stone!!! Gorgeous cut, gorgeous honey-gold color, and a great size to boot!
Oval Sapphire

Portuguese cut, heat only, 4.64ct, 10.4x8.38x6.56 mm.

This was a nice stone, but not my favorite. I'm not an oval-girl to begin with and the portuguese cut did not sing to me. The color was just a wee bit too light as well. I did not take a lot of pictures because... well... it wasn't my favorite. Pictures were taken with indoor light. The comparison with the asscher was striking to me.


(wasn't able to load another picture...)

Sorry, I must have been trying to post at the same time as you. The asscher really is dreamy (so unusual to see that cut in a sapphire!)
I am curious to see the third but it is going to be hard to be that asscher!
Pricescope is not liking my pictures... :cheeky: The connection to the server seems to disappear.

Here's another picture of the oval w/ the asscher:

Anyhow, here's the pink. I know it's likely going to be too light for many people, but I really like the cut, color and brilliance.

3.05 ct
8.5 x 6.7 mm (no depth measurement was provided, for whatever reason)

PS: sorry about the fingerprints on the stones. I have a ring holder but didn't want to risk scratching the stones.

One more of the pink:

Asscher, pink and oval yellow in that order. :wavey:

AfricaGems has some seriously nice stones.
swissmiss|1391015423|3603394 said:

Sorry, I must have been trying to post at the same time as you. The asscher really is dreamy (so unusual to see that cut in a sapphire!)

Agreed! I can tell you now that shade of honey-gold yellow without greenish or orange-ish tint combined with that cut minus a cut-out window and, particularly in that size, is extraordinarily hard to find - I had a pear re-cut to hold onto that color because I couldn't re-find it after pouring through pics upon pics upon pics of stones, and after trying and trying to find that cut in a light violetish-blue, I came to the conclusion that it would be an impossibility without commissioning a custom stone to achieve that lofty dream…so, if you love that stone, hold onto it. I like the square (I can't see the faceting perfectly well, but since the diagonals that come in from the corners don't meet in the middle, I think you've got a gorgeous square emerald cut - love them!) more than the oval - the square's color jumps out at me more, while the oval looks a bit paler.

And, cripes, you've got my dream shade of pink too with an equally beautiful and impressive cut!!!

Very lucky girl to have all these choices!
GregS|1391016491|3603416 said:
Asscher, pink and oval yellow in that order. :wavey:

AfricaGems has some seriously nice stones.

I absolutely love the asscher and the pink... unfortunately I can't have both!

Marc was WONDERFUL to deal with. He made a video of the stones I was interested in (I eliminated 1), shipped super quickly and was very responsive. I would not hesitate to purchase from him again. I was a little doubtful based on the pictures on the website, but the descriptions were very accurate.
endless_summer|1391016505|3603418 said:
Agreed! I can tell you now that shade of honey-gold yellow without greenish or orange-ish tint combined with that cut minus a cut-out window and, particularly in that size, is extraordinarily hard to find - I had a pear re-cut to hold onto that color because I couldn't re-find it after pouring through pics upon pics upon pics of stones, and after trying and trying to find that cut in a light violetish-blue, I came to the conclusion that it would be an impossibility without commissioning a custom stone to achieve that lofty dream…so, if you love that stone, hold onto it. I like the square (I can't see the faceting perfectly well, but since the diagonals that come in from the corners don't meet in the middle, I think you've got a gorgeous square emerald cut - love them!) more than the oval - the square's color jumps out at me more, while the oval looks a bit paler.

And, cripes, you've got my dream shade of pink too with an equally beautiful and impressive cut!!!

Very lucky girl to have all these choices!

Thanks for sharing. Pears are also difficult to come by (love those too!!!)

I wish the pictures displayed the faceting better. I'm going to try to capture it better later on.

It was truly beginner's luck. I don't know how competitively priced the stones are, though. Thoughts?

Asscher: $7,068.60
Pink Radiant: $4,309.50
Oval: $3,194.30
GregS|1391016491|3603416 said:
Asscher, pink and oval yellow in that order. :wavey:

Agreed. That Asscher is amazing, and I'm not even a huge fan of yellow. I think you couldn't go wrong with the pink one, too, but I'd definitely choose the first one if it fit the budget. Just gorgeous.
I would go for the asscher. I have also noticed that it's very difficult to find a nice yellow that is not too green, orange or brown.
swissmiss|1391017082|3603425 said:
endless_summer|1391016505|3603418 said:
Agreed! I can tell you now that shade of honey-gold yellow without greenish or orange-ish tint combined with that cut minus a cut-out window and, particularly in that size, is extraordinarily hard to find - I had a pear re-cut to hold onto that color because I couldn't re-find it after pouring through pics upon pics upon pics of stones, and after trying and trying to find that cut in a light violetish-blue, I came to the conclusion that it would be an impossibility without commissioning a custom stone to achieve that lofty dream…so, if you love that stone, hold onto it. I like the square (I can't see the faceting perfectly well, but since the diagonals that come in from the corners don't meet in the middle, I think you've got a gorgeous square emerald cut - love them!) more than the oval - the square's color jumps out at me more, while the oval looks a bit paler.

And, cripes, you've got my dream shade of pink too with an equally beautiful and impressive cut!!!

Very lucky girl to have all these choices!

Thanks for sharing. Pears are also difficult to come by (love those too!!!)

I wish the pictures displayed the faceting better. I'm going to try to capture it better later on.

It was truly beginner's luck. I don't know how competitively priced the stones are, though. Thoughts?

Asscher: $7,068.60
Pink Radiant: $4,309.50
Oval: $3,194.30

I haven't looked into pricing on pink sapphires, but I was once quoted on that particular shade of yellow that I should expect somewhere between $1,000 and $1,500 per carat, so considering the beautiful cut, I don't think the yellow square is out of line - probably fair. That said, I'm not in the trade, nor am I pouring over yellow sapphires and their pricing anymore. I just know that the stone you stumbled upon likely would be very hard to re-create down the road if you wanted something similar :-)

What was your gut reaction when you opened all of the boxes? I tend to find my first reaction to a piece is my most honest one.

Ohhhh, and yes please post more pics of the square, especially any that show off its faceting!
endless_summer|1391017736|3603443 said:
swissmiss|1391017082|3603425 said:
I don't know how competitively priced the stones are, though. Thoughts?

Asscher: $7,068.60
Pink Radiant: $4,309.50
Oval: $3,194.30

I haven't looked into pricing on pink sapphires, but I was once quoted on that particular shade of yellow that I should expect somewhere between $1,000 and $1,500 per carat, so considering the beautiful cut, I don't think the yellow square is out of line - probably fair. That said, I'm not in the trade, nor am I pouring over yellow sapphires and their pricing anymore. I just know that the stone you stumbled upon likely would be very hard to re-create down the road if you wanted something similar :-)

What was your gut reaction when you opened all of the boxes? I tend to find my first reaction to a piece is my most honest one.

Ohhhh, and yes please post more pics of the square, especially any that show off its faceting!

When I opened the boxes, I thought:
(1) Holy smokes, that asscher is spectacular! But... What type of ring would I set it in?
(2) The pink is the PERFECT pink I have been searching for! I would plunk it right into a halo.
(3) Oh crap. My SO's directives were for one stone (and therefore, one ring).
I think that asscher is absolutes spectacular.

I'd the only concern is how to set it, I'd go that one. I can think I a million ways to set that haha.
The asscher definitely! The pink is lovely too though.
I really love the pink, and I'd snap that up in a heartbeat if it was in my budget. But the yellow asscher is SPECTACULAR. You could hunt for years and not find anything like it again. The combination of rarity and beauty would make that my pick.

I don't know if I'd say that the prices are particularly competitive, but they do look fair to me. From what I've seen, once you get up to stones of that size, color, and caliber, there isn't as much competition!
Thank you everyone for your feedback! Here are some more pics of the asscher. Hopefully the faceting comes through better. (sorry about the fingerprints). I am wearing a dark blue sweater, so the color seems to be a little off. There is no green tinge in the stone.






swissmiss|1391020616|3603501 said:
Thank you everyone for your feedback! Here are some more pics of the asscher. Hopefully the faceting comes through better. (sorry about the fingerprints). I am wearing a dark blue sweater, so the color seems to be a little off. There is no green tinge in the stone.







I would make it the winner!!! Here's a beautiful setting for it (It's another PSer's Steven K ring)

Another one who thinks the asscher is the keeper. The oval is nothing to write home about. But as for the pink, if you are going to send it back, know that there are many folks who, from time to time, have been looking for a pink/peach sapphire like that so you might want to add it to the "Someone's Gotta Buy This Stone" thread with some details including the price. That way, you might be helping the next person along... :))

Also, if I bat my eyes nicely and smile really, really sweetly, would you post the vendor photos so we can compare? 8) :bigsmile: :praise: That's always super helpful for others to get an idea of the accuracy of the vendor photos agains the stone in hand. TIA
That's one of my choices for setting of you want pave Or if you want more steps i would do a classic 5 stone


Ugh stupid tapatalk I meant

My SO currently has in his possession (we live in different locations) the following Jeff Davies sapphire. He has reported that it is a fabulous stone.

heat only



We will be "joining forces" tomorrow and comparing the two yellows (and the one pink) in person, so it will be VERY interesting to see the differences!
Niel & Endless_Summer,

The two settings you posted were the ones I initially had in mind (SK & the one w/ additional stones)... then I thought a split shank halo would look nice too. Or just a super simple double-claw prong solitaire. Or... french cuts on the side... or...!!!!
You guys are on FIRE - That's a gorgeous one too!

Can't wait to hear what you decide!
swissmiss|1391026353|3603592 said:
Niel & Endless_Summer,

The two settings you posted were the ones I initially had in mind (SK & the one w/ additional stones)... then I thought a split shank halo would look nice too. Or just a super simple double-claw prong solitaire. Or... french cuts on the side... or...!!!!

You have excellent taste :-)
minousbijoux|1391024076|3603553 said:
Also, if I bat my eyes nicely and smile really, really sweetly, would you post the vendor photos so we can compare? 8) :bigsmile: :praise: That's always super helpful for others to get an idea of the accuracy of the vendor photos agains the stone in hand. TIA

Doing that as we speak !! :) Hope it helps someone.
LOVE the asscher! It's spectacular! The boards are making me want a nice yellow sapphire!

I'd set it like this, even though it's not the exact same:
