
San Francisco proposal locations?

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Nov 1, 2005
Any help on some proposal locations in SF would be really helpful. I am from the general area but don''t get out to the city too often so my knowledge of restaurants and romantic sites are slim to none. Does anyone have a reccomendation of a place to pop the question? Restaurant or site with a view, I am open to anything right now. I do want to go to a NICE dinner with a quiet atmosphere, possibly with a private booth. All suggestions welcome. Thanks!


Jun 1, 2003
La Folie is a nice restaurant on Polk St- newly refurbished with a $60, $75 or $85 fixed price menu. Alas no private booths but you can have a look on their website to see if it is suitable.
The food won't disappoint and the service is fabulous. Truly it makes for a memorable experience. I am sure others will chime in with more suggestions.
good luck!

it says it rates 2 bells for noise level but I didn't find it difficult to converse with my husband


Nov 8, 2005
We got engaged at the Coit Tower while on vacation. Couldn''t imagine a better location with amazing view. We later ate at very good restaurant Greens with great view.


Oct 30, 2005
Some restaurants with a great view that comes to mind are Julius'' castle in telegraph hill and Palomino in the Embarcadero. Theyre both pretty quiet too.


Nov 1, 2005
Thank you all for your suggestions. Has anyone heard anything about or experienced the Fifth Floor, Fleur De Lys, The Carnelian Room, or Restaurant Gary Danko? I have heard great things about these 4 places but am torn now. I figured the Ritz Carlton Dining Room would be to cliche and wanted to go with a more original choice.

The Carnelian Room has been around for awhile from what I have heard, has just been renovated. They also have a private room for two overlooking the city on the 52nd floor. I have read mixed reviews on the food though I really like the private room idea. Check it out and click the dining room choices, then go to the Tamalpais Room. That is the room for 2.

Fleur De Lys looks beautiful from their website. Dining room holds 65 and is quite intimate. A marvelous chandellier with a tent is on the ceiling. I probably wouldn''t propose in a restaurant like this, I would want to be alone, yet they do not have any private rooms for two. But the restaurant itself seems gorgeous (expensive too!). Let me know what you think.

I don''t know anything about the other two, Gary Danko''s, and the Fifth Floor. But they are listed as the top restaurants in San Francisco. Any help on these choices?

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Kojack, I haven''t been to too many restaurants in the city, but this one has nice seating and a good, romantic atmosphere.

Absinthe Restaurant & Bar
398 Hayes St
(415) 551-1590


Aug 10, 2005
When I was in San Francisco earlier this year I really enjoyed the town of Sausalito which is just north of the city along the bay. I think that an amazing private view of the bay and the bridge could be had in the marin headlands area which is a national park.
thats a map. There are some really nice areas up there which give a great view of the bridge. You would have to check it out before hand to see what is best. Plus you''d want to take a map because it''s easy to get lost on the windy roads.
Good luck!@


Nov 14, 2004
The food at the Carnelian Room is hit and missed since they have a set 4-courses meal, but the view is great. Are you planning to pop the question at the restaurant? are you trying to surprise her? Just wondering because if you are trying to surprise her and you don''t usually dine in the city, then going to a fancy restaurant might ruin the surprise. Coit tower is a beautiful location for the proposal. Maybe you can propose there before going to dinner afterward.


Oct 30, 2005
Carnelian room and fifth floor are good. You can have some privacy too. Gary Danko has really good food but a bit noisy and crowded. You could go to the ritz carlton in half moon bay, I forgot the name of the restaurant there but its pretty private with great views as well.


Oct 5, 2005
Hi Kojack.

I lived in SF for a few years, so I have some knowledge but I''m not totally up to date on all of those restaurants.

Palomino is a wonderful restaurant, excellent food, good location right near the water....but it''s bigger and not that intimate. I wouldn''t pick it for a proposal place.

Fleur de Lys is a gorgeous french restaurant right off of Nob Hill, a couple blocks from Union Square. If you are going to propose soon, you could go to Union Square before dinner and spend time window shopping (Union Square is always dressed up for the holidays, has great window displays, beautiful lights etc) and then go to dinner....or go to dinner at Fluer de Lys first and then walk around Union Square afterwards. The restaurant is very intimate. But there isn''t any views.

The 5th Floor.....the problem withe the 5th floor is you either get an "on" night or an "off" night. Excellent food, swanky atmosphere, but personally I would prefer a place that is older, has more character, etc. A place less trendy and more romantic you know?

I think Sausalito is an EXCELLENT idea. Of course I would suggest going there for a day''s a great town with tons of shops, parks, beautiful views of the bay and SF, restaurants and cafes....maybe go there for the day, do lunch, walk on the beach, shop a bit....and find a great romantic place to propose there. Then you can do dinner at a number of small, intimate, excellent restaurants there, or go across the bridge for a nice fancy dinner in SF. I think a nice afternoon proposal there would be great, then you can go to the city for dinner.

Or here''s another idea....make some reason to go to Sausalito for the day that won''t tip her off to the proposal. Make some sort of fake plan for the evening for the two of you (like you guys have to go back to wherever you live for a dinner party etc). so she thinks its just a short day trip and then to some ordinary event. That way you guys will be in regular weekend daytime clothes, not expecting to do anything requiring nice nighttime clothes.

Then after spending a few hours there, you can tell her there''s a change of plans. You can either propose there, and then pull the surprise, or just tell her there''s a change of plans and propose later that night. Go from Sausalito to San Francisco.....where you have rented a romantic hotel room for the night! Maybe instead of telling her there is a change of plans, you just tell her that you want to have a couple drinks in SF and see the view. Then go to a hotel with a nice hotel bar at the top of the hotel....but instead of going to the bar you have rented a room.

Try a nice hotel on Nob Hill or Russian Hill, or someplace in Union Square....someplace with a view of the city or the bay would be perfect. Then you go to your room and surprise --- you''ve secretly packed a small bag for her with one of her dresses (or hey, buy her a new dress!) and shoes, makeup bag, etc. You guys relax and get ready for a nice dinner somehwere.....and you go to one of those great restaurants you are considering, either to celebrate the proposal (you''ve already proposed in Sausalito) or to propose there (or afterwards).

I also love the idea of proposing in Coit Tower. Very romantic, great views, very memorable and unique. Of course I love romantic restaurants but I would rather be proposed to in a beautiful unique spot, and then be taken to a romantic fancy dinner.

Maybe in my original plan you can go to Sausalito...and then continue on to SF in the afternoon and go to some famous gorgeous spots....then do the hotel and fancy dinner thing.

Anyway, I would suggest proposing in a romantic spot and then celebrating at a fancy dinner. I have not been to Gary Danko yet, and I would love love lvoe love love love to go there.....I think something as special as an engagement deserves that kind of grandeur.


Nov 1, 2005
Wow Ellewoods! Thank you so much for your informative responce. You are pretty smart for a blonde :) I agree with you on all ideas. I even thought about purchasing her a dress and shoes on that day. So how does this sound?

Sausalito on Friday morning and afternoon. Window shop/ dress shop/ catch the views. (weather permitting of course) Actually the more I think about it, the more the weather has a huge impact on this. Anyways, if the moment is their, I will do it. If not, I will wait until the city that night. I plan on getting a room for Friday and Saturday (Saturday night is the Nutcracker), I originaly was going to do it Saturday before the ballet but felt that she might not even care about going to the ballet due to the excitement. Anyone have an opinion on that? I wanted her to pick out a dress for that night so she can wear it to the performance and it can have meaning if I pop the question while shes wearing it. But if I do it Friday afternoon/ night, this will give her time to take it in a little, call whomever she wants, and have a night to sleep on it. I have much to ponder and will keep you informed. I''m sure I will start to get extremely repetative in my responces and for that I apologize, the nerves are already creeping in!


Jul 9, 2005
I would suggest TWIN PEAKS in SF or COIT TOWER or PALACE OF FINE ARTS or LEGION OF HONOR to propose. They all have spectacular settings.

As for restaurants, I would highly suggest GARY DANKO. It was rated #1 on for restaurants in SF. But be forewarned that you need 1 month ahead for RSVP.


Nov 15, 2004
I really can''t add much more to the suggestions already given, except to also add my vote for gary danko, coit tower, legion of honor, and palace of fine arts. all gorgeous places. Also, if you''re into art, the new deYoung museum in Golden Gate Park just opened up. It has a tower you can visit for free, take an elevator up to the top and get a fantastic 360 view of SF... gorgeous!!! Only drawback is it''s often relatively crowded.. .depending on the time of day, and I''m not sure if it''s open at night. I think the CLiff House has recently reopened after extensive remodeling, that might be a nice place to go also.

So many options! Let us know what you decide!!
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