
Rude people!!!!!!

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Mar 29, 2005
As you all know, I just got engaged on Thursday. I had a party planned for Friday for past two months, and the engagment made me even more excited to see all my friends! My good guy buddy (Mark) has this fiancee, he moved hours away from his family, job and friends for her. To be honest, she''s not worth it. However, I love seeing him happy so I keep my mouth shout. They have been engaged since March. And just as a foot note- she had her engagment ring picked out at a little family owned jewelery store for years, this is the exact ring he got her.... just want she always wanted. So anyways, as soon as she gets to my house she walks up to me (already had told Mark the news) picks up my hand, stares at my ring, then looks at Mark and gives him the evilest stare ever, says "It''s a big one" then throws my hand down and walks away!!!!!!!! Infront of a room full of people... Wait!!! It gets better: Later that night she comes back to me, picks up my hand again, stares at it, looks at Mark, then lets out a snotty lil'' "Humph." and tosses my hand down again!!!!!! I was not the only one who could not believe this behavior. The rest of the night she followed me around with her digital camera taking pics of me nonstop- then she''d pass them around the party and make fun of the way I looked! To top the night off I caught her going through our medicine cabinet, Jon and I are both shocked, she''s always rude to me... but the way she acted was outragous!! I just don''t understand how someone can be invited into your home and act this way, I wish I could avoid her, but in order to see Mark - I have no choice but to put up with her. ARGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When she became engaged I acted overjoyed, even though I know Mark can do sooooooo much better, and I told her that her ring was beautiful a million times , even though it wasn''t my taste, just because that was the proper thing to do. One more quick story then I''ll shut up:

The first time I saw her after she got engaged she walked in the door, walked up to me, tapped me on the arm, with her nose stuck in the air, and handed me her ring!
Who does that?!?!?!?!
Some people are unbelievable! I got angry just reading what you wrote! You''ve got my sympathies having to deal with an attitude like that.
I can describe this girl in one word: CLASSLESS!!!
Ummm...classless is right! Who behaves like that!? It''s not a competition.
Hope you were able to enjoy some of your party though.
That''s horrible! As I''m sure you''ve realized, she''s just jealous and wants to put you down to make her feel better. It''s unfortunate that you have to put up with her acting so immature.
wow, completely ridiculous. some people just have absolutely no class at all. don''t even think about it... she''s not worth a second of your time!
Her behavior strikes me as very immature. Rings are not competition. How catty! I am sorry that you are forced to deal with her in order to see your friend Mark. Seriously though who behaves that way?
OH...MY...GAWD! UNbelievable. It''s those kind of people that should make the rest of us feel good about the fact that we are able to act with class and tact. Geez!
oh my!! what a little brat!! shes obviously an idiot.. and doesn''t know how to behave.. I feel super bad for her fiance.. because i''m sure she pulls that ALL the time
Tacky tacky tacky!!!! Your poor friend Mark!!! I sure hope he figures it out before he marries the little snot!!! I hope you managed to have a good time despite the bratty b*tch!!!
...but people like her make for such great gossip

your poor friend!

WOW. She is tacky, irritating, and sounds like she''s mentally ILL!! What an evil little witch!! Mark needs to drop her like a bad habit
I''m so sorry you had to put up with that.
what a freakin dumba$$
, my blood was boiling just reading your post
did mark witness any of this? she should definitely be kicked to the curb, this was a little beyond rude, uncalled for, immature...people like her are miserable their entire life and from what you've said, he should move on or he will be miserable too.

She is so obviously threatened by you, on top of a host of other issues. Her behavior only embarrassed HER but I can understand how angry you must have been--this was YOUR day and YOUR party.

I agree with others that it sound l ike your friend is in for a loooong haul if he doesn''t see what kind of person she is SOON.
Oh no, that is just awful, I am so sorry to hear this. I am thinking major spoiled brat and someone who has no manners or class for that matter. I hope your friend Mark realizes this before it''s too late. I mean when I got engaged and ladies that was a looooong time ago I would''ve been happy with a cigar band. I got my upgrade recently, but we''ve married for 19 years. That said I hope she didn''t ruin any of your fun. What a bit*h.
Date: 5/15/2005 12:14:23 AM
To top the night off I caught her going through our medicine cabinet

Did she find anything in there that helped? I mean, were there any anti-psychotic meds in there left by a visiting relative? This story actually amused me. I feel sorry for Mark, but if he''s happy, he''s happy. You have no reason to be distressed; she only made herself inutterably ridiculous. Who at the party couldn''t have been feeling shame and distress for her?

Deb, that is too funny!

And no, Kaleigh--there was no fun-ruining!!! That''s the thing with most of the LIW (and most of PS, I imagine)....a bread tie or a cigar band would be more than sufficient--and the diamonds are just gravy (very PRETTY gravy...)!!

sweetnghtmr, have you talked to Mark about this? Does he seem aware? What a mess!
I''ve seen this situation time and again with my friends. It''s a hostage situation. You choose to put up with a friend''s (or a relative''s) nasty significant other in order to maintain contact with the friend. In order to keep the peace, everyone ends up tolerating the nasty and never asks the friend to have a chat with the nasty about said nasty''s bad behavior. Everyone ends up suffering to some extent. If this person is given the freedom to continually ruin social occasions and your friend isn''t willing to tell her that he expects her to be polite, then you have two choices: kiss the friend goodbye or continue with a toxic friendship.
I would like to add that asking the friend (or in my case relative) to try to modify the nasty''s behavior can backfire. My stepmom was like this when I was in high school - not rude in social situations, but incredibly controlling and really made my life a lot more difficult than it needed to be, and when I tried to tell my dad I couldn''t handle it, he said that I would have to or lose my relationship with him. I agree with Matata that its a hostage situation, I would just urge you to handle it with care, as you could end up losing your friend into the bargain.

The girl does sound incredibly rude and classless though, and I''m sorry you had to deal with that. Fortunately, you have a wonderful FI and a beautiful ring and she will be unhappy no matter what.
Does anyone else agree with me that this "little girl" is jealous of sweetnghtmr? I am SO SORRY that she ruined your party and that you have to be nice because she is your friend''s fiance. YUCK! Hopefully you won''t have to see her again for a long time! Are you going to have to invite her to your wedding?
Date: 5/16/2005 3:18:25 PM
Author: jorman
Does anyone else agree with me that this 'little girl' is jealous of sweetnghtmr?

Of course she is! But her behavior is so bizarre that no one need feel threatened by it! She does herself in with every faux pas she makes! Each time she does something babyish everyone else sees her childishness and jealousy. That is *not* a smart tactic! Now, if she were a *clever* girl she might find a way actually to do some harm!

Wow! I never thought so many people would sympathize with me! I was worried I was being overly judgmental, but I know if I was you all would set me straight!

Yes, Mark saw her behave this way, you should have seen the look on his face... I felt so embarassed for him. I have not tried to talk to Mark about the way she acts, as some of you have stated in your posts, I''m afraid I''ll push him further away from me and closer to her. My other friend has tried to talk to him about her, he just ignors her comments or laughs about them. As for inviting her to the wedding... well... we don''t plan to get married until 2007, if we havn''t had a falling out by then, then yes, I''d have to invite her... Just think, if she behaves that way over an engagment ring, how is she going to behave over a wedding? Oh well, I''ll just let her act like a snotty little brat, afterall, she''s only hurting herself!!
Kudos to you for being the bigger person. I have found is situations such as this (my best friend is a guy and any girl he dates HATES me) it is best to be gracious and kind, as you are!! Some people, I feel sorry for them!! :)
Awww, that is just such a yucky story! It leaves a bad taste in the mouth!
It sounds like she is very insecure, selfish, and immature. Maybe for their wedding gift, you can give your friend a nice gift, and you can give that girl a gift certificate for a mental health professional.
HaHaHa, good one Buena! Sounds like a great idea to me!! So I gave Mark a call (on HIS cell) the other day ( I was planning to talk to him a lil'' bit about his g/f and tell him how much her actions offend me) BUT as soon as he picked up the phone all I heard was HER in the background screaming: "MARK, WHO''S THAT?!?! WHO IS IT?!?" (Keep in mind this was before he even got a chance to say "Hello?"!!!

Um.. what? Can''t the man have a phone call now??? I just hung up, I suddenly wasn''t in the mood to deal with it.

OMG- forgot to tell u guys this one- when she calls his cell her personalized ringer is her screaming "Mark, where are you? Mark, pick up the phone, MARKKKKK!!!!!!" OH yes... it''s her voice and all!!!!!!!

Is he or what??
Hahahahahha, TOOOOTALLY whipped!
Date: 5/18/2005 11:13:27 PM
Author: sweetnghtmr
OMG- forgot to tell u guys this one- when she calls his cell her personalized ringer is her screaming ''Mark, where are you? Mark, pick up the phone, MARKKKKK!!!!!!'' OH yes... it''s her voice and all!!!!!!!
Are you serious???!?!?
Was it her idea to record her voice? That is so odd!
Of course it was!!! I don''t think Marks like hearing it, he always gets all embarssed when she calls and they recording starts belting out... I just want to shake him and scream "WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!"
OMG!!! I am speechless! I don''t think I have ever met anyone like that in my life (and I know a few doozies
Good Heavens is she ought of her mind....does she think that is cute? What does Mark see in this girl? She sounds like a pain in the bum to me. Perhaps you could try reaching him when he is in the car on his way to or from work?
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