
Round or Princess

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May 4, 2009
I have a choice between a 2.14ct Princess color I and Premium cut or a 2.06ct Round color I Hearts and Arrows Premium cut....which one should I choose?

Hi winkieli, welcome to pricescope.

Round and princess have very different "personalities". One is not better than the other, but it is a rare woman who doesn't have a preference. Is there any way you can find out which she likes better?
Are you the BF or is the stone for you?
two very different shape and personality,,, better to find out what she prefers..
everytime we''ve passed by a jewelry store or came across somebody with a beautiful engagement ring, she makes about comment about how its blinding and it sparkles and what not....

so i guess the fire and sparkle is what she''s looking for. the size is what I what haha

I like the princess because it is slightly bigger, but that''s just me, it''s about what she likes. so in terms of the fire and sparkle, would the round of princess be the better choice?
ETA: here is a RB that will knock her socks off, however, since you haven't mentioned about your budget- i took the liberty to shop vicariously through you

here is a Princess that will also knock her socks off,,,

take a look at the measurement, you say that princess looks bigger. Face up RB actually looks bigger for the same carat weight?

what is your budget, if this isn't an issue,,, then either two would really be a dazzler, just making sure you knew her shape preference
wow...those are nice. they''re about the same price range as the ones I''m looking at. i was quoted around 23,200 to 23,800 but i think i can probably bargain to about 23,000 flat.

if i wrote down everything right then the princess is 7.30X7.03X4.98 and the round is 8.25X8.20X4.92.
From the measurements the round is bigger but i guess i still get caught about the whole 2.06ct vs 2.14ct thing.......
I started as a princess girl, then I ended up a RB for my 5 yr upgrade. I loved both shapes but somehow the sparkly factor really wowed me on RBs, but thats my personal preference, now Princess can perform very well and give the RBs some competition if both are well cut. do you have the specs on both diamonds? the experts hopefully will chime in.
remember you also get a pricescope discount,,, and you can always upgrade these, you get the full value back, not sure if that was important to you or not.

ETA: please not that the diamonds I linked also is different in color. the Princess G and the round is I. I just was giving you a couple of choices although there are a few more super ideal diaomonds out there.
In terms of fire, then the RB is a winner. In terms of size, the round is a winner too - it has bigger spread than a princess at any given carat weight (see attached picture).

I originally wanted a RB because it`s so brilliant and firey but when me and DH went shopping and trying on rings, we realized we both preferred the personality of a princess cut. But that said, I`d love to get myself a nice RB too one day...

Best thing would be to find out what she personally prefers - it''s usually one way or the other.

Also forgot to mention - be careful about getting a princess in I colour as princesses show the low colours much more than RBs - unless of course she prefers to be able to ''see'' the yellowish tinge of lower colours - again personal preference.
Well here is my quick story; I always wanted a Princess, loved the shape, until. . . I tried it on. The shape was not flattering to smaller shorter hands; I ended up with a round.

The round brilliant will sparkle more than the princess.
thanks for your helps guys

now all i have to do is find a way to ask for her preference without being obvious, that''s the hardest part isn''t it
Date: 5/4/2009 9:32:43 PM
Author: winkieli
thanks for your helps guys

now all i have to do is find a way to ask for her preference without being obvious, that''s the hardest part isn''t it
can a friend of her''s find out for you? or siblings?
Date: 5/4/2009 9:26:44 PM
Author: chiquitapet
Also forgot to mention - be careful about getting a princess in I colour as princesses show the low colours much more than RBs - unless of course she prefers to be able to ''see'' the yellowish tinge of lower colours - again personal preference.

I color isn''t much to worry about in a well-cut princess. It may be slightly perceptible in a stone of that large size, but for example my 1ct princess is an I, and I can''t tell. It''s an AGS ideal cut, and the brilliance of the cut quality hides any hint of color. I color is still near colorless to begin with anyway. That said, I probably wouldn''t go much below that though, unless it had strong blue fluorescence (which can also make diamonds appear whiter).

In terms of the sparkle factor, I think princesses get a bad rap because most "common" quality princesses aren''t cut very well, so they don''t sparkle as well as the better-cut round diamonds that are available. However, "superideal" princesses like the WF ACA, Infinity, Jared Peerless, HOF Dream, etc., can hold their own against any RB.

Regarding the size difference, it''s true that the width of a princess will be less than the diameter of a round for a given carat weight, because there''s nothing in the corners of a round, and princesses are cut deeper than RBs. But in the best-cut princesses, there is the factor of "corner-to-corner light return" - basically, if a princess sparkles across its entire diagonal measurement, then it will look larger compared to a poorly cut stone.

Both of the stones D&T posted are excellent!
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