
Roe v. Wade.


Aug 14, 2009

This isn't a question of politics. This is playing political games with women's health and welfare. There's no question.

I don't know what to say besides that I'm eternally grateful to live in the northeast. And that I'll be sending Planned Parenthood a donation pronto, and that I don't have words to express how sorry I feel for women who live in states where they're viewed as breeding tools and nothing more.
Oh Goddie Gum Drops! :dance:

Millions of unwanted kids will surely Make America Great Again! :doh::doh::doh::nono::nono::nono:

Life is sacred :pray::pray::pray: ya know, well, sacred while it is unborn.
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... I don't have words to express how sorry I feel for women who live in states where they're viewed as breeding tools and nothing more.

That's not true.
They used as cooking and cleaning tools too.
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And everyone (around me) said it couldn't happen. I knew it could.
This is beyond the pale.
There are no words.
We cannot just sit back and watch this happen.
This is a war on women's rights.
Horrified and disgusted. I feel like I'm in a 3rd world country run by zealots.

Another example of government overstepping. My (minor) daughter recently came home from a mental health residential treatment center. When her doctors called in her prescriptions to Texas from another state, there was no problem with the 3 psychotropic drugs she takes. Powerful drugs that she definitely needs but alter her mind state - i.e., not anything to be taken lightly. The pharmacist called me though when the doctor called in her bc prescription that she needs to regulate her wildly irregular cycles. They wouldn't fill it without a prescription from a doctor in Texas! It is unbelievable to me that psychotropic drugs are just fine for an out of state doctor to prescribe but bc isn't! I am SICK of our government having any say over health decisions that should be between doctors and patients (and parents in this case).
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Shaking with rage. My only hope is that it galvanizes the public into action and maybe just maybe there will be a change…I’m just broken. Also the privileged will still have access bc they can cross state lines - it will affect the poor the most.
I have no words. Actually that's not true; I have A LOT of words. None of them I can put here.

More importantly: WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THIS?
Vote in every election. Donate to candidates and organizations that support reproductive privacy. Volunteer for candidates. Don't give up hope. The party that nominated these justices has taken the long view.
I'm not going to be silent about this. If this topic is considered political than that is a corruption of the issue. This is basic human rights. I will no be silenced and have yet another right taken for the sake of polite discourse. Here, or anywhere.

I'm beyond disgusted, I am afraid for women everywhere.
The hypocrisy of the supposed 'sanctity of life' while stripping basic autonomy from half the population isn't freedom. It's actual tyranny. All of this is going on while rape is being rationalized and the fruits of that crime being called an 'opportunity' for the woman raped by some judge. Endlessly vile statements imposed by people who will not have to deal with the reality of it. Wanting to implement criminal punishment on women, not the men who impregnate them, women.

The hypocrisy of the statistical fact that more Christian women receive abortions than any other group, some while picketing the front of the clinic in the morning and coming in the side door that afternoon for a procedure.
The hypocrisy of forcing birth and care onto poor women while simultaneously whittling away any safety net that might have made for healthy supported outcomes for families. To use this supposed sacred life as a punishment to the woman. The pat refusal to take on responsibility for a decision that was forced by them onto another.

This is hypocrisy grown monstrous. The evil that grows from it is exponential.
I'm not going to be silent about this. If this topic is considered political than that is a corruption of the issue. This is basic human rights. I will no be silenced and have yet another right taken for the sake of polite discourse. Here, or anywhere.

I'm beyond disgusted, I am afraid for women everywhere.
The hypocrisy of the supposed 'sanctity of life' while stripping basic autonomy from half the population isn't freedom. It's actual tyranny. All of this is going on while rape is being rationalized and the fruits of that crime being called an 'opportunity' for the woman raped by some judge. Endlessly vile statements imposed by people who will not have to deal with the reality of it. Wanting to implement criminal punishment on women, not the men who impregnate them, women.

The hypocrisy of the statistical fact that more Christian women receive abortions than any other group, some while picketing the front of the clinic in the morning and coming in the side door that afternoon for a procedure.
The hypocrisy of forcing birth and care onto poor women while simultaneously whittling away any safety net that might have made for healthy supported outcomes for families. To use this supposed sacred life as a punishment to the woman. The pat refusal to take on responsibility for a decision that was forced by them onto another.

This is hypocrisy grown monstrous. The evil that grows from it is exponential.
I'm not going to be silent about this. If this topic is considered political than that is a corruption of the issue. This is basic human rights. I will no be silenced and have yet another right taken for the sake of polite discourse. Here, or anywhere.

I'm beyond disgusted, I am afraid for women everywhere.
The hypocrisy of the supposed 'sanctity of life' while stripping basic autonomy from half the population isn't freedom. It's actual tyranny. All of this is going on while rape is being rationalized and the fruits of that crime being called an 'opportunity' for the woman raped by some judge. Endlessly vile statements imposed by people who will not have to deal with the reality of it. Wanting to implement criminal punishment on women, not the men who impregnate them, women.

The hypocrisy of the statistical fact that more Christian women receive abortions than any other group, some while picketing the front of the clinic in the morning and coming in the side door that afternoon for a procedure.
The hypocrisy of forcing birth and care onto poor women while simultaneously whittling away any safety net that might have made for healthy supported outcomes for families. To use this supposed sacred life as a punishment to the woman. The pat refusal to take on responsibility for a decision that was forced by them onto another.

This is hypocrisy grown monstrous. The evil that grows from it is exponential.

So well said.
I wonder how many times this thread has been reported.
I’m horrified, disgusted and feel sick.

Women truly are second class citizens in this country. This is ALL about controlling women. If men got pregnant there would be an abortion clinic located in every Walgreens.… no appointment necessary.
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It’s unconscionable. How can we be going backwards in time and taking rights away? If you don’t believe in abortion then don’t get one but don’t force your religious beliefs on others.

Majority of US is supportive of women having abortion rights. It makes me so angry that because I, as a woman, am treated as a second class citizen and have to constantly worry and fight for/“be given” the right to make decisions about my own body. F*!# that!

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I understand that some legal minds may question the process/arguments upon which the Roe v. Wade decision were made. RBG herself questioned it. But this has been the law of our land for 50 YEARS. I am dumbfounded, but again not really given the state of politics in our country, that this is where we are.

While I can appreciate the point of view of someone who believes that life begins at conception, I don't share that view but I can appreciate it, these people must know that outlawing abortion is not going to stop abortions - it's only going to stop safe abortions. Our history on this point is very clear. So if they aren't going to stop abortions, they must relish the idea of controlling woman and imposing their moral values onto everyone.

I feel for the already limited # of abortion providers who will be asked to support women who have the means to come to them from other states. But I feel even more for the women who do not have the means to get to those providers.
Remember Michelle's Obama's mantra "When they go low, we go high." Screw that. I propose a federal law (which I know would never be considered but I can fantasize for free) that requires states that ban abortions to require their residents to adopt 2 children each year up to a maximum of 8 children that are born in that state and given up for adoption.
I understand that some legal minds may question the process/arguments upon which the Roe v. Wade decision were made. RBG herself questioned it. But this has been the law of our land for 50 YEARS. I am dumbfounded, but again not really given the state of politics in our country, that this is where we are.

While I can appreciate the point of view of someone who believes that life begins at conception, I don't share that view but I can appreciate it, these people must know that outlawing abortion is not going to stop abortions - it's only going to stop safe abortions. Our history on this point is very clear. So if they aren't going to stop abortions, they must relish the idea of controlling woman and imposing their moral values onto everyone.

I feel for the already limited # of abortion providers who will be asked to support women who have the means to come to them from other states. But I feel even more for the women who do not have the means to get to those providers.

Here's the thing. I do not believe that most of those who are pushing this agenda from the top actually care about reducing the number of abortions. This is a culture war issues designed to rile up the base and keep them in power. That's it.
Vote as if your life depends upon it, because it does.
Wouldn't be surprised if Griswold v Connecticut is soon in the crosshairs.