
Ring woes -- advice needed


Jan 31, 2013
I'm unsure where to post this, since I am engaged but not yet married. I didn't think it would be appropriate in the newlywed section or family section.

Anyhow, I'll begin by giving a bit of history.

My fiance proposed on Christmas Eve 2012. He gave me a lovely and beautiful ring, although the style really wasn't "me" and looked nothing like bands I showed him as hints several months before the proposal. He bought the ring at a store in the mall (Peoples Jewellers, the Canadian equivalent of Kay in USA), which I wasn't overly thrilled about but still, the ring was beautiful so I tried not to be picky. Nevertheless, I wore it with pride after the engagement.

I was so happy to receive such a lovely gift and so excited to be engaged that I found myself looking at the ring many times everyday. It didn't take long for me to notice a huge inclusion in the upper middle part of the diamond. The ring included a tiny card with some information on the diamond, mainly only the "important" stats, but nothing about specifics of the cut or angles. The diamond was 1.0 carat G colour I2 clarity 'good' cut diamond. I forget the name of the lab but was concerned when I couldn't find much information about them via Google. Needless to say, I was upset and a bit disappointed.

I tried to forget about the inclusion for about a month but finally, I took a picture clearly showing the huge line through the upper middle part and sent it to him. He was angry and accused me of hunting for flaws since it was graded I2. I had already begun some research on stats of diamonds, what's important, etc and I said I was concerned over the structural integrity of the diamond having such a large line/crack through the middle. Still, he was very angry and upset. He blamed me for ruining the romance and surprise of a ring he picked out himself. He blamed me for finding the flaw and being concerned about it. He said I ruined the proposal.

I took the ring back to the store he bought it from just for another opinion and analysis. I was told by the 20-something sales rep that "all diamonds have freckles", and not to be concerned, with no further explanation or information. I was very aggravated to have my concerns dismissed. I asked to view the ring under a microscope and was told it wasn't possible. Frustrated, I simply left the ring at the store for resizing and left.

While the ring was gone for resizing, I brought up my concerns about the customer service, again about the integrity of the diamond, and how I was nervous the ring wouldn't last my lifetime as it should. He was angry, accused me of hating the ring, and suggested we return it. Long story short, we returned the ring (the sales rep took 20 minutes to find it, apparently it had been placed in the wrong spot and not in the security box. Certainly didn't help my opinion of their professionalism) and I found out he paid $6000 for a 1 carat i2 diamond in a plain 14k white gold band.

With the $6000 budget in mind, I began research on diamonds, ring companies, metals, you name it. Eventually I found a 1.00 carat SI1 eye-clean I colour with fluorescence (making it appear G), ex ex vg cut 1.0 hca diamond. It will be set in a platinum Gabriel band with a flower design and .3 ctw diamonds in the band. I stayed within budget with the same size stone in a superior cut with GIA cert and a platinum band with diamonds.

I guess where I'm mainly sad and concerned is that after we returned the ring he had very little interest in helping me pick the new one, "the one", the perfect ring I've always had in mind. In his eyes I think the entire proposal has been ruined forever. He's embarrassed about the ring being returned, so I have to contain my excitement and pride over the ring I picked and love. He gets defensive when I share pictures of the new diamond and band with my family and friends. I want to share my enthusiasm in the near perfect angles of the diamond's cut, in how I think the fluorescence is the coolest thing ever, in how I love how the band reminds me of a family heirloom ring my grandmother wears.

The whole situation is sad and though I'm very happy with the ring, I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy it as much as I wanted. I feel all of this is my fault since I couldn't be satisfied with the ring he picked. I'm also a bit disappointed that he didn't put more effort into the ring. I wish he would've found Pricescope and HCA and done all the research that a purchase of this magnitude should require. He says all of his friends' wives were happy with their rings, no questions asked. They didn't "nitpick" the stats. I'm a very thorough person, though. I enjoy the stats and charts and research. I'm sad this had to be so difficult. This isn't the way I wanted to start my engagement. :(

Sorry for the long post. Thank you for reading and hope to get a bit of advice on what to do.


May 15, 2012
This is really really tough. It sounds like at the moment, he is no mood to discuss this but I think it’s definitely important that you two talk about it. When things are not so fresh (maybe wait a couple weeks?) I would sit him down and tell him exactly where you are coming from. I would tell him you spent a great deal of time researching diamonds for fun to see what you liked and in the mean time you learned a lot too. When you saw the line in the diamond, it made you nervous that it wouldn’t last forever and that in 20 years you might be looking for a new diamond (you might be… but that’s not the point :naughty: ). Let him know that you view this as a huge purchase that you take seriously and you felt he should be getting the best possible diamond for his money. I would approach it as though you liked the first ring but were very concerned about the stability of the diamond.

I realize it’s important to be honest especially in relationships but I think there is something to be said about protecting one’s feelings and this seems to be a very sore subject for him.

Good luck, Reisz! Hugs!
Let us know how it goes.


May 15, 2012
And as a sidenote:
I understand that the engagement ring can be a big deal to guys but we are the ones that have to wear it forever. I feel like we should have a right to want the best quality for the money.
The other thing you may want to point out is that no one really has to know you swapped rings. Your close family and friends might notice but the majority of people would never know the difference.


Dec 1, 2011
Does he not understand what I2 clarity means??? I2 is awful. It means that the flaws are visible, probably very visible.

Included (three grades). Inclusions visible under 10x magnification AS WELL AS to the human eye. We do not recommend buying diamonds in any of these grades. "

"In fact, until you drop to the "I" grade, a diamond's clarity grade has an impact on the diamond's value, not on the unmagnified diamond's appearance. "

" As to I1-I3? Maybe when there's a diamond grade that's defined as "you can see the flaws just by looking at the diamond," nothing more needs to be said.

Okay, to be "fair" to I1-I3 -- not everyone notices visible flaws in a diamond. And not all "visible" flaws are "equally" visible -- think about the difference between dripping mustard on a starched white dress shirt and dripping mustard on a brightly-colored Hawaiian shirt (not that we think you have a lot of mustard dripping experience). Obviously, one shows up a lot more than the other -- visible diamond flaws are like that.

But if you choose to buy an I1-I3 diamond (which we don't really recommend), know that some people will look at it and immediately see the flaws -- and not just experienced jewelers. "

So he really wants you to be happy with a diamond like this????? And the price he paid was a ripoff.

I have seen this analogy on the board before and think that it applies here. I don't know what he's "into" but what if you bought something for him that he's "into" but you didn't know enough about it to get the one he wanted. Would he want to live with something that wasn't his preference or would he want what he wants.

For example, my SO is really into things like vehicles, construction equipment, and firearms. I would no more try to choose something like that for him because there is no way that I could pick a good one that would meet his needs or wants.

Good luck. I don't think you've done anything wrong (but then I bought my own ering because I thought that what I wanted was a bit on the unreasonable side...)



Dec 1, 2011
I just did a search here for 1-1.05 carats, G-H color I1-I2 clarity and "other" lab (not GIA or AGS). Price ranged from $1438-2790. So he's happy about paying two to four times what that quality diamond is worth??? REALLY?

I think your doing the legwork and getting the ring you love and will be proud to wear within budget is a wonderful thing.


Feb 8, 2013
I believe his ego is hurt. He tried and feels like he failed you. Felt like he didn't get it right.

It sounds like he put forth a lot of effort to get you what he thought was a nice ring. $6,000 is a lot of money and a 1 ct is a very nice size. What a great guy!!! Let it rest for a few days/week and when the time is right, let him know that you appreciate the time, effort, surprise, and that big chunk of change he dropped on you. Let him know that it sure made you feel loved and appreciated and that he is the best guy ever and you wouldn't even trade him in for Matt Damon... okay leave the Matt Damon part out. :lol: Tell him that you appreciate the patience he has shown for you during all this and give him a little something... baked brownies, something for his car, a beer in a frosted mug etc.

Then let it be. He will be fine and will forget about it soon but be sure to never mention this "mistake" in front of him again.


Sep 9, 2012
I can understand where he's coming from - his pride is probably a bit hurt but hey, I'm sure he wants the best for you and for you to be happy at the end of the day. That jeweler does not sound very professional at all though and I'm glad you returned it.

I think you should sit him down and have a talk - that the proposal will always be special because it was between you and him. The ring is simply a token of his love and that you want the best possible for the money he's putting in. I'd also tell him it would mean a lot if he can be part of this process with you and be fascinated by the science being a diamond.


Sep 23, 2011
Oh god. So much resentment in his words. Nip that sh*t in the bud, ASAP, please. He shouldn't be so acidic in saying YOU ruined the engagement, when HE couldn't do the decent thing and at least LISTEN TO YOU in what you want!


Dec 8, 2011
First off, I'm sorry you're struggling through this! If this is the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, then you really do need to sit down and talk with him about it. Like Madelise said, 'Nip that sh*t in the bud, ASAP'! Seriously, I do understand his hurt feelings, but you did NOT ruin the proposal. The proposal is over and it was amazing for you. The ring just wasn't. make sure to tell him that you want him to get the most for his money and while you loved the proposal and cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with him, you also want to make sure that the ring you're wearing is one that you'll love forever. If he bulks and still gives you a hard time, do you really want to deal with his resentment?! The spiteful person in me wants to tell you to buy him some really terrible wedding band and see what he says about wearing that for the rest of his life, despite it being a mess!

Good Luck! If he's you're 'one', you'll figure it out!


Jan 31, 2013
Thank you everyone!

I had a long talk with him last night. I assured him that the proposal was special and perfect and that I'll remember it forever. I said I thought the ring he picked was lovely and most certainly did not hate it, but that I had something a bit different in mind. I took out a few pieces of my cheaper silver and gold jewellery and almost all of them are antique styles with intricate details or carving. That's the style I like and wanted for my engagement ring. I told him again how much I appreciate everything, that he saved up so much for a ring, that he planned a nice proposal, and that I appreciate just him.

He asked if I'm happy with the new ring I picked. I said yes, the style is perfect, I'll never see anyone else walking around with this unique ring, and I believe I got a good value for the money. He seemed a bit sad still but said he's glad I'm happy with it and that's all that matters in the end.

I think I'll just let it rest for a while now, like ya'll suggested. The old ring was returned in the proper time frame for a full refund, I have a new ring picked out, and he seems to be working towards accepting it calmly now. I hope in time, especially when he sees how much I love it on my finger, he'll grow to love it instead of resenting it.

Thanks everyone for listening to my story. :) It gave me the courage to approach the sore topic again and hopefully get it completely worked out to where we are both happy in the long run!


Dec 8, 2011
Riesz|1367503708|3438711 said:
Thank you everyone!

I had a long talk with him last night. I assured him that the proposal was special and perfect and that I'll remember it forever. I said I thought the ring he picked was lovely and most certainly did not hate it, but that I had something a bit different in mind. I took out a few pieces of my cheaper silver and gold jewellery and almost all of them are antique styles with intricate details or carving. That's the style I like and wanted for my engagement ring. I told him again how much I appreciate everything, that he saved up so much for a ring, that he planned a nice proposal, and that I appreciate just him.

He asked if I'm happy with the new ring I picked. I said yes, the style is perfect, I'll never see anyone else walking around with this unique ring, and I believe I got a good value for the money. He seemed a bit sad still but said he's glad I'm happy with it and that's all that matters in the end.

I think I'll just let it rest for a while now, like ya'll suggested. The old ring was returned in the proper time frame for a full refund, I have a new ring picked out, and he seems to be working towards accepting it calmly now. I hope in time, especially when he sees how much I love it on my finger, he'll grow to love it instead of resenting it.

Thanks everyone for listening to my story. :) It gave me the courage to approach the sore topic again and hopefully get it completely worked out to where we are both happy in the long run!

I'm so glad to hear things are on the up and up! :)


Sep 27, 2012
Don't hide your excitement with your new ring, enjoy it and let him know how much you love it!! He might not have picked it out but it's still from him and you stayed in the same budget and diamond size, so that is something he could be happy about.
Maybe he is a little embarrassed that his pick was returned, which is just a guy thing I think.
I have a different diamond than what I was proposed to with, and he went through the same thing but is fine now and just happy that I'm happy.
Keep us updated!!


Jul 11, 2007
Have you gotten the new ring yet? I ask because maybe he will change his mind once he sees the new ring and how it will blow all his "friend's wive's" rings out of the water! :love: (since he mentioned that none of them "nit picked")

The other thing I thought of is that when people see the ring, most of them will probably assume that he picked it out, no one has to know the story so he shouldn't feel bad! My FI and I picked my ring out together, but when people compliment it they usually look at him and say "GREAT job!" and I smile and agree!

It sounds like your new ring will be totally fab and once he sees how sparkly and awesome it is hopefully any past hurt feelings will go away, good luck!


Sep 30, 2012
OP, I'm glad it is working out for you! You're going to be wearing this ring for a very long time, so it's important that both of you like the ring. My boyfriend enjoys taking credit for the ring even though I did all the work (picking the stone, setting, etc). I just let him because we're both happy with the finished product. You can always tell your friends and family that he picked the new ring, if you want.


Nov 19, 2011
madelise|1367463671|3438554 said:
Oh god. So much resentment in his words. Nip that sh*t in the bud, ASAP, please. He shouldn't be so acidic in saying YOU ruined the engagement, when HE couldn't do the decent thing and at least LISTEN TO YOU in what you want!

What I see: Man didn't do his homework, didn't make a wise purchase, and he got taken on that I2 diamond. So, instead of owning up that and saying the obvious ("Gee, Honey, I'm certainly embarrassed but I'm glad you got us out of that"), he is being ABUSIVE and resentful and mean. Those are hallmarks of a weak and/or insecure and petty man.

OP, are you sure that this man isn't just too stupid for you? My mother had that problem with my father, and she said all her life she had to prop up his ego and her marriage was never a pairing of equals. And I got into the same situation with my now-ex, but I rectified it by getting a divorce. Looking back on it, I never should have married that guy. My mind was always a mile out in front of his. Eventually both he and I resented that he could just not keep up. And so we got a divorce.
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