
Ring envy?

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Jun 28, 2006
So I have been having a great time looking at rings/diamonds, any trying to figure out exactly what I like/want. So I was wondering if after I become engaged will I still look at rings and compare them to mine? What if I find something I like better because I look at this site (and other''s on-line) a lot lately? Or maybe i''ll love it so much and I will never compare it to anything else?? So I guess my question is what are your expericences, or how do you think you will be. I''m not super worried about it, I''ve just been wondering about it.
My experience was as follows...

- I never used to look at rings/diamonds prior to my engagement. I searched for the best deals, best companies but I already know what type of setting, style etc.

- I continually look at postings (pics etc) because I love how creative people can get. I love looking at different styles, preferences and such.

---- I never felt envious though. I love my ring and will never feel jealous nor would I ever change my mind about it.
I''ve had my engagement ring for 2 years and 3 months. I''ve been married for 9 months.

Yes, I still look at rings and compare them to mine. I often find others that I like better than mine.

When we got engaged we both prided spending extra money other having a nicer ring. Therefore, we got what was easily within budget. This is good because we have never been in debt and I''ve never looked at my ring wondering if we could afford it.

However, my ring is small compared to the average. I would love something bigger and better quality.

I personally feel that while I don''t plan to "upgrade" my engagement ring, I do plan to add to my collection. I agreed to marry one person, not pick one dress, one engagement ring, one wedding band, and one perfectly compartmentaised lifestyle. Therefore, like marry women on these boards, I hope to have a nice collection of rings...maybe styled similarly to an engagement ring. But I''m not worried about that and don''t mind that I compare.

I can cheat on the hunk of metal with a clear piece of carbon that I didn''t make any vows to. I can''t cheat on the man who gave it to me who I did make vows to.
I have a dream ring in mind, but I''ve never seen EXACTLY what I want yet, so no ring envy YET. I envy certain PS members beautiful diamonds. As for my current ring, I still love it, haven''t found one on PS that I would say "I''ll trade" but for the dream ring, the present one is a goner.

It''s never happened in real life either, but mostly because here I live, settings are very simple. I think ring envy would be easier if I had a classic solitaire setting.I see those alot. I guess all it would take was with that setting that had a bigger stone then mine and VOILA instant ring envy.
Date: 1/18/2007 5:16:37 PM
Author: allycat0303
I have a dream ring in mind, but I''ve never seen EXACTLY what I want yet, so no ring envy YET. I envy certain PS members beautiful diamonds.
I''m with allycat. I get "diamond envy" a lot more than I get "ring envy"--BUT, I still don''t have my ring on my finger, so maybe that will change (but probably not!)
My center stone is small in comparison to the women in my neighborhood. It is middle of the road compared to that of my friends, meaning some have larger stones others have smaller. But my darn ring sparkles like mad and no one I know has sparkle that matches mine, which was/is really important to me. And I adore my setting as much now as a year ago when I picked it. One day in the far off future I''ll probably get a larger center stone. There are some stones on PS that I drool over, but I am not envious. Maybe because I know if I really wanted to I could convince hubby of an upgrade (he''s already agreed to one somewhere down the line), or maybe because I''ve just learned to be content with what I have. I think it''s probably a combination of the two.
Well I dont really think there is anything wrong with looking around and appreaciating others rings, I think its important to remember that your ring is uniquely yours and that its giving to you was also a showing of love from your partner to you so if you ever feel envious just remember how much it meant to him to give it to you :)
I wonder about this too, as I have changed what i want many times. my poor boyfriend will go nuts sorting through all the emails I sent him trying to figure out what was the latest thing I fell in love with. I hope that when I finally get the ring, I will be so absolutely in love that i will never want anything else!
I feel the same way. My boyfriend and I went ring shopping back in August. We knew we wanted to get married but really had no idea when an engagement would happen. He has now given me a time frame and told me that I will have my ring by the end of the summer. He is a student and is working hard at saving up money. The problem I have is that I really liked 2 settings when we went shopping but I wish I would have taken pictures. One setting is a 1/2 eternity band setting with a round center stone....pretty simple. However there was a more intricate setting. It was a 3 stone setting with pave on the band and milgrain. It also had a round center stone with 2 round stones on each side. I liked that one because it had an antique look to it and it really was beautiful. But now I keep going back and forth in my head about which one I liked best. It''s really hard to decide because they were both beautiful but both have different looks. I want to go shopping with him again but he''s insisting on doing this himself and is trying to kick me out of the process from this point I hope he changes his mind and decides to let me in once more before the final purchase. I''m trying not to confuse him because then he''ll think I don''t know what I want and then he''ll pick something completely different. While trying to decide I keep thinking about they fact that I may see something else after we''re engaged or even after we''re married that I will like more than my own ring. But I guess that''s life. So I guess I will just have to wait and be surprised to see which one he chooses!
I already want to change my ring and I''ve only had it for like a year, haha. And Pricescope didn''t help in that respect because if it weren''t for this site I wouldn''t have seen those amazing OECs and wouldn''t NEED to have one... like I feel that I do now. Jewelry tastes change over time, so I think it''s normal to look at jewelry and say ooh! in passing. I know I do this alot. But the problem with my e-ring is that I didn''t know exactly what I wanted. DH asked me at the time, so I told him... and he got pretty much the EXACT thing I asked for. It''s just unfortunate that now I want something different. There are always going to be other rings that you like, but that doesn''t necessarily diminish the ring you already have, and it doesn''t mean you will be envying everyone else''s pretty baubles! Although many times I see pictures on here and think, goodness, that would look GREAT on my finger! But like I said, it''s all in passing...

I think it is human nature to look at rings while you are in the process of getting yours, and also afterwards. I think sometimes you come away with the feeling that you still just love your ring, and other times, you might get resetting or upgrading, I never used to like X shape but boy is that ring stunning and I really love it now...I think it is fine as long as you don''t make yourself upset or nuts about it...enjoy what you have and try not to obsess too much, it is so easy to second guess yourself!
I think comparing is normal.... sometimes you''ll see a ring that wows you and sometimes you''ll see a ring that makes you even more ad you have the one you do - but since it is about meaning more than glory you''ll probably always love yours more than anyone else''s because it''s YOURS kinda like there are cuter guys out there than our SOs but we love ours ust the same :)
Thanks for your thoughts girls! I just have no idea what it''s going to be like once I actually have the ring so it''s fun to know what everyone thinks or has been through!
Now that I have my own, I don''t have ring envy much anymore. There are some gorgeous rings out there, but when I loom at my own to me it the most beautiful there is!

Since, my boyfriend and I have been looking, I so completely scared that I am going to be dissatisfied when I finally get the ring. I also change my mind alot about engagement rings, but I think when it comes down to it, I am going to be satisfied with what I have. Not because it is better than everyone else's, but because my boyfriend worked his butt off and paid it off to give it to me.

The other issue about this is that I know my ring is going to be bigger than my best friend's. She has a three stone engagement ring with a total carat of only 0.5 and I know my center stone will be equal to around there. I don't want her to feel bad because I have a bigger engagement ring than her, yet my boyfriend's roommates girlfriend is going to get a 0.76 solitaire engagement ring with great specs and I know my boyfriend can't afford that. So I am scared not only that I will hurt someone else's feelings, but that I might be envious over this roommate's gf about her ring. Call me childish, but sometimes this is how I feel. I'm not materialistic when it comes to alot of things, but I guess I am sorta materialist when it comes to this subject.

However, Larissa you made a completely good point and it is great advice!!!
i only have ring envy over 1 ring--see kaliegh''s most recent acquisition (2+ct oval w/ halfmoon sidestones). this is what i decided i wanted over a year ago after my bf first uttered the words "diamond" and "ring" in the same sentence, and it''s still what i want. BUT, a smaller version was not appealing to me, so we went w/ a 1.5ct round in a halo setting. i have pretty big hands, so i need the finger-coverage. i love my ring and i really haven''t seen anything i like better for myself at this point in my life. and i''m sure i''ll have my oval someday. then i''ll have 2 beautiful rings!
I can honestly say that though I see some BEAUTIES on this site, my ring is my absolute favorite. If I change anything, I might go up a color grade or two. But the size, shape and setting are perfect for me.
I agree with EBree. I see tons of rings that have such wow factor on this site. My ring is more in line with what I think is "me". While there is no wow factor up front, it''s no frills, strong, solid, scratch and ding resistant (for platinum), and just sorta grows on you. The longer I have it, the less it bores me.
Date: 1/18/2007 7:39:17 PM
Author: DMBsGirl
I wonder about this too, as I have changed what i want many times. my poor boyfriend will go nuts sorting through all the emails I sent him trying to figure out what was the latest thing I fell in love with. I hope that when I finally get the ring, I will be so absolutely in love that i will never want anything else!
Darlin, rings are not men. I only have to love him and never want anyone else.

My ring has a pretty average size center stone at just under a carat. I feel like it is a good size for me though. I say it''s average in size, but my fiance think''s it''s big compared to the average diamond. He says,"wow that thing''s huge!" when he stops to look at it. He''s def. pleased with it. I adore some of the glamourous, 2 and 3 carat + stones here on PS, and I would certainly NEVER say no if someone offered me one, but I am really happy with my lil ring. At FIRST I really worried that seeing larger stones would make me envious and make me wish I had a larger center stone. And at first I experiences a lil of that "shrinkage" people have mentioned. I was a lil size concious, but that passed quickly.

I''m like you KimberlyH, I think the best part of my diamond is the sparkle. I get comments on how much it shines and sparkles all the time. I am so glad we went with an Ideal cut stone. It really makes a huge difference. Plus I love the setting.

I think the thing that solidifies my lack of ring envy is that this ring is very special to me because it is our engagement ring AND because my fiance and I worked so hard and well together to get it. We picked the design (and tweaked it until it was just right). We researched it carefully (in fact, he was more dead set on getting the best cut possible than I was), we shopped and shopped for a jewler and stones. And we had an overall great experience with it. It came out exactly as we wanted. A lot of people want the whole surprise element, but I love the fact that it was a collaborative effort.
Of all of the engagement rings that I have ever seen, mine is my favorite. Am I wow''ed by other rings? Absolutely, and I think it is a lot of fun. I loooove drooling over some PS''ers huge 3 carat rocks -- but I''m 23 and can''t afford that!
Well I might be close to affording it, but then I would have depleted my entire savings, which doesn''t really entice me! So while I ADORE browsing rings here on pricescope, I really feel like my husband and I picked the perfect ring for me, and I haven''t seen one as beautiful!
I really love my ring, the shape and setting, but I do admire some of the split shank and pave''d halo rings I see, I really do love them...but I wouldn''t likely change my setting at is fun to look, though!
Date: 1/25/2007 8:25:57 PM
Author: Fancy605
My ring has a pretty average size center stone at just under a carat. I feel like it is a good size for me though. I say it''s average in size, but my fiance think''s it''s big compared to the average diamond. He says,''wow that thing''s huge!'' when he stops to look at it. He''s def. pleased with it. I adore some of the glamourous, 2 and 3 carat + stones here on PS, and I would certainly NEVER say no if someone offered me one, but I am really happy with my lil ring. At FIRST I really worried that seeing larger stones would make me envious and make me wish I had a larger center stone. And at first I experiences a lil of that ''shrinkage'' people have mentioned. I was a lil size concious, but that passed quickly.
its funny cause here posting an under carat stone might seem like it is small, but wearing it around town I''m sure you realize that in the *real* world out there it isn''t LOL I know a woman who for her 15th anniversary upgraded from about 1/4 carat to a full carat and I think that''s pretty typical. Most of the women I know are upgrading TO a carat. Of course it all depends on where you live, but no matter where you live there are people who aren''t diamond obsessed spending wads on rocks LOL
Before getting engaged, I drolled over sooooo many of the rings on PS. However, after seeing my engagement ring for the first time, the only person I am envious of is me.
Date: 1/18/2007 4:52:04 PM
So I have been having a great time looking at rings/diamonds, any trying to figure out exactly what I like/want. So I was wondering if after I become engaged will I still look at rings and compare them to mine? What if I find something I like better because I look at this site (and other''s on-line) a lot lately? Or maybe i''ll love it so much and I will never compare it to anything else?? So I guess my question is what are your expericences, or how do you think you will be. I''m not super worried about it, I''ve just been wondering about it.
psst - let you in on a secret--- you can have more than one!
Date: 1/28/2007 8:44:03 PM
Author: ladykemma

Date: 1/18/2007 4:52:04 PM
So I have been having a great time looking at rings/diamonds, any trying to figure out exactly what I like/want. So I was wondering if after I become engaged will I still look at rings and compare them to mine? What if I find something I like better because I look at this site (and other''s on-line) a lot lately? Or maybe i''ll love it so much and I will never compare it to anything else?? So I guess my question is what are your expericences, or how do you think you will be. I''m not super worried about it, I''ve just been wondering about it.
psst - let you in on a secret--- you can have more than one!
ladykemma, you''re so right!!!
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