
Review of my Chicago Trip....

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May 22, 2002
Hi Guys,

Went to Chicago Apr. 30th to May 4th. I LOVE that city! I kept thinking of all kinds of ways to move there. Only thing, I''m married & hubby didnt find that too amusing. LOL I know for certain I will go back again. Between travel time, there was only 3 full days to tour the city & see the sights. In truth, probably could have used another 2 full days.

Hotel: Raffaelo Hotel on Delaware. Really, really nice place. Rooms are small, but seems to be the nature of the beast in Chicago. Since the hotel had just finished mass renovations in Nov. 2006, everything was clean, & looking spiffy. The 32" big screen was a big hit with the hubby. The mattress & all appointments in the room were very comfortable.
Location: Just a 2 min. walk to the John Hancock tower & another minute to the Water Tower Place. One street over was the Drake. On the upper part of the Mag Mile but it didnt matter, we walked & walked and walked. A super duper comfortable pair of shoes is an absolute must!

Saw the typical touristy things, museums, planatarium, aquarium, trolley tours, arch.boat tours, saw Sears Tower, Millinium Park...that stainless steel Bean is SO cool!, Navy Pier, & Federal Reserve building. At the Federal Reserve building they have bags of shredded money that is no longer good for circulation. They give em away for free. So my nutty husband says he''s going to buy me coffee at one of the 500 Starbucks in the city..haha,,, and pulls out the bag & said to the guy, how big of a sprinke is good for a couple of latte''s. LOL The Starbucks guy laughed but he said he gets asked a ton everyday about that. Not a funny joke for him I guess. haha

Went to Didka''s (is that the spelling?) for breakfast one morning & there he was, the man himself. There were a bunch of suits sitting with him so we didnt disturb him, but my husband really wanted his pic. LOL least he saw him. We ate at Giordano''s & let me tell you, you have to be STARVING to eat that deep dish pizza. It is so thick & very filling. I wanted to go to American Girl Cafe but my husband didnt think it was such a hot idea. I told him he would get his own dolly but her really thought the funny wagon would come to get us if we tried to go in there without any kids. haha Cool concept though & hugely popular. Did do a bit of shopping, hit Filenes Basement. Fun store when you have the time. Sure doesnt help hearing the tap tap tap of a bored husbands shoe. Oh ya, when I said I was going back to Chicago, I''ll be going with a girlfriend. LOL Thank goodness for cheapo flights with Southwest.

Didnt get to see Oprah. Boy, it''s like you have to give up a limb to get tickets to see her show. Besides, I wasnt really desperate to blow 4 hrs just for one of her tapings. Maybe I''ll catch her the next time around. haha Also didnt even venture ONCE to the jewelery section. My husband would have had a stroke so I avoided it. Again, a must do when I go back,,,,with a girlfriend. hahaha

The one peice of advice I can give anyone travelling to a city they have never been to before....*** take the city bus trolley tour BEFORE you do anything or any planning***. We took it the 2nd last day we were there & if we had done so the 1st day, we would have had a better planned trip. Not only do you get the layout of the city, but they tourguide always has suggestions as to where to eat, go shopping, & sights not to miss. Would have been helpful, & will be a lesson learned for anywhere we go in future.

Oh, forgot to mention, the taxi cabs own the road & if you dont have to drive a car, dont! We never rented a car & was easy enough to get around without one, but the few times we took a cab, I literally had to keep my eyes closed at all times. Also, the level of noise from the cars on the road is incredible. They honk for every thing, & I mean everything. Sometimes you look & wonder, why did they honk? There isnt anyone near them! Guess its just the specific nuance of driving in Chicago.

Thank you all for your great advice when I was planning our trip.



Nov 24, 2006
Sounds like you had an awesome time!


Jan 11, 2006
Glad you had a fun trip, Judy! It''s been years since I have been there. It would be fun to go again sometime!


Aug 12, 2005
Glad you had a great time in Chicago! If your hubby ever comes back with you, my advice would be to get him tickets to the Cubs or Sox, or Bulls, maybe even the Bears, that way he can take in a game while you shop, lol!
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