
Response Cards Question

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Jan 12, 2008
Not sure if this is a dumb question or not, but...
On our response cards, it will say ''Please respond on or before May 1, 2009"

But, what happens if we have to send out some "B" list invites after May 1 has passed?

Do we not just put a date on the card? (Then I''m afraid we''ll never get them back!)

Just wondering if anyone ran into this problem or not and how you dealt with it.

Good question. We haven''t gotten to the invitations & response cards yet but here''s what I''d consider:

1) Order enough invitations with the original May 1st deadline for all of your A list guests
2) Have a extra invites for a portion of your B list ready to send as responses arrive with a secondary response date (say May 15th)

Since we''re printing the invitations ourselves, we don''t have to worry about ordering two separate invitations from a store, we''ll print off the two separate invitation sets for the two lists of guests accordingly. Hope that helps!
I''m not sure if this is what you were already planning on doing, but here is an option:

Send out the invites for group A early, maybe even 10 weeks ahead of time. Then as soon as you get a declining response send out an invite to the most important of group B. Keep going and hope that people will reply early so you can still comfortably send List B invites out a couple weeks before May 1st.

If this doesn''t sound like it will work you will probably need to send them cards with a different date. Be careful with this, as it might be hurtful for someone to find out they are on the B list (with the later response date). I have no idea if anyone would notice and care, but just thought I would play Martha for a minute.
Good question. I''m not sure what I would/will do, but I would consider not including a response card. It is actually proper etiquette to respond to a wedding invitation with a handwritten note on your own stationery, so it would be perfectly acceptable to forgo the response card.
Thank you. Unless I made my own response cards for the B group, I cannot afford to order another set of response cards with a different date (to order an extra 25 is almost as much as the 100 i already ordered! eek!)
I re-proofed the response cards with a date that is later than the original date, hoping that would help, but im also afraid that giving more time with the A group will make them lazy about sending them back and i''ll be back to this problem closer to the new date...hopefully it will all work out!
have you thought about putting in an insert card for the last group?
Date: 3/24/2009 9:08:21 AM
Author: jcarlylew
have you thought about putting in an insert card for the last group?

I second this. You can buy post card or business card-sized (perforated) stock at staples and print them on your home computer. I just did this for my accommodations/directions cards and they came out very nicely. You can alter the color of the text so it looks nice. No one is going to care that they''re not the same as the invitation/response card. I think the packet of Avery post cards was about $11-$15 at Staples.
DMB, I can''t remember, I''m sorry, but are you doing a DW? May 1, seems awful early for an RSVP for our date?
Date: 3/24/2009 9:13:22 AM
Author: meresal
DMB, I can''t remember, I''m sorry, but are you doing a DW? May 1, seems awful early for an RSVP for our date?

we are in california and most guests are from the east coast, so we wanted to get responses back in plenty of time for B invites who didnt even receive a save the date and would have to book flights possibly. we have a minimum at our place that we have to meet, otherwise i wouldnt be so worried about even having a B group.

i guess im nervous with the economy being the way it is that more of our A people wont be able to make it than we expected. i changed the date to may 15 - still way too early?

also, with the insert you mean to print it so that its a new response card? - something they send back to me?

we are going to have inserts printed ourselves with just hotel info and stuff...that ill be on different paper already than the invite, but that doesnt stress me.

thanks again everyone :)
Wow DMB, that is quite a tizzy.

We are pretty lucky that all of our OOT guests are family, so we had no problem calling and asking, "Hey are you going to be able to make it?" Is there anyone that you could do this with? My worry, as is probably yours, is that if you think some of these OOT guests might not be able to afford to fly over, they might hold onto their RSVP until the last minute waiting to see if they can find a cheap flight. I completely understand why you are using the early date now.

I don't know what to say. Let me see if I can google someone that might have had a similar problem...
Date: 3/24/2009 9:27:05 AM
Author: DMBFiredancer
Date: 3/24/2009 9:13:22 AM

Author: meresal

DMB, I can''t remember, I''m sorry, but are you doing a DW? May 1, seems awful early for an RSVP for our date?

we are in california and most guests are from the east coast, so we wanted to get responses back in plenty of time for B invites who didnt even receive a save the date and would have to book flights possibly. we have a minimum at our place that we have to meet, otherwise i wouldnt be so worried about even having a B group.

i guess im nervous with the economy being the way it is that more of our A people wont be able to make it than we expected. i changed the date to may 15 - still way too early?

also, with the insert you mean to print it so that its a new response card? - something they send back to me?

we are going to have inserts printed ourselves with just hotel info and stuff...that ill be on different paper already than the invite, but that doesnt stress me.

thanks again everyone :)

I didn''t mean for them to be returned to you, just a nice way to note "Please respond by such and such a date". I also have "To take advantage of these discounted rates, please reserve your hotel room by June 1" on our accommodations card.
Everything I''m reading says that if you have a "B list", they are having separate cards printed with new reply dates. It sounds like the A-list No''s are the very last to RSVP, so more than likely, you''ll be sending a B-list invite with an RSVP almost immediatly following the delivery, if it hasn''t already passed.

Can you call your stationery company and see how much it would be to get blank RSVP''s. Then you could just write it in yourself and might save a bit of $$? (in nice handwriting of course)
its still not too late for me to change the response cards. can you do a response card without the date? maybe thats what someone was really trying to explain to me with the insert...just write it on there?

i feel not so smart with this today...sorry! :)
I would not include a date on your printed card, so then you can write it in (depending on whether they''re list A or B) before sending them.
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